Oh, this innocence...I have questions... so many questions. The two most pressing are:
- Who made that?
- Why?
That and getting her next mythic rank. One more step and she earns Artifact Creation.We just need to get Lya enough XP so she can cast 9th level spells first.
Seems like learning even a single syllable of the Final Incantation would be worth a bit of progress towards that.That and getting her next mythic rank. One more step and she earns Artifact Creation.
The Final Incantation is known to the demon lord Abraxas. Abraxas has many secrets that have power but the Final Incantation is the most puissant, his greatest weapon: it is one word that can destroy magic. It is so powerful and feared that Abraxas has become known as the 'Master of the Final Incantation'.
I have questions... so many questions. The two most pressing are:
- Who made that?
- Why?
Lya upgraded it after becoming Mythic.
One the one hand, every dungeon needs a roomba.If we are going to be using cute D&D art, then i have something to show you
Of course, we can have one of those which doesn't actually eat the corpses, and then we are set.One the one hand, every dungeon needs a roomba.
On the other hand, what a criminal waste of perfectly good corpses.
Did you mean "harvester devil"?
Lannisters:X] Operation Salted Earth: The situation in the Ghiscari lands continues to be tense, but for now it seems viable to scale back operations and merely observe Baators movements. Recent attacks should have disrupted the enemies plans enough to move your assets to more pressing fronts while keeping a decently sized contingent to look for further developments.
-[X] New Ghis: The main goal here is to look into the political situation of the polity and to see how deep ties to the other cities have remained in face of the sea blockade cutting them off from each other. Also look into their current trade relations and the economic stability of the island while cataloging relevant information for a future invasion.
----[X] Alysande Redsail, Kira Windgraced, 2x Vigilant Hunters (CR 10), 20x Vigilant Briars (CR 4), 4x Vigilant Kelps (CR 4), 5x Watchmoles (CR 6), 1x Umbral Spies, 1x Umbral Stalkers, 1x Adult Mind Dragons (CR 15), 5x Glass Golems
-[X] Mereen: Look into Devil activities, disrupt them if possible and keep an eye on the land trade coming through the city. Also keep an eye out for the Sons of the Harpy and the Unsullied of the city.
----[X] Shara Rogare, Teana, 2x Umbral Spies, 1x Umbral Stalkers, 2x Vigilant Hunters (CR 10), 20x Vigilant Briars (CR 4), 2x Vigilant Kelps (CR 4), 5x Watchmoles (CR 6), 1x Adult Mind Dragons (CR 15), 5x Glass Golems
-[X] Yunkai: Look into Devil activities and disrupt them if possible. Also keep an eye out for the Sons of the Harpy and the Unsullied of the city.
----[X] Mia the Inquisitor, Shadow!Tor, 2x Umbral Spies, 1x Umbral Stalkers, 2x Vigilant Hunters (CR 10), 20x Vigilant Briars (CR 4), 2x Vigilant Kelps (CR 4), 5x Watchmoles (CR 6), 1x Adult Mind Dragons (CR 15), 5x Glass Golems
-[X] Astapor: Look into Devil activities, disrupt them if possible and keep an eye on the (former) training facilities of the Unsullied for any activity. Also keep an eye out for the Sons of the Harpy and the Unsullied of the city.
----[X] Anya the Inquisitor, Wyla, 2x Umbral Spies, 1x Umbral Stalkers, 2x Vigilant Hunters (CR 10), 20x Vigilant Briars (CR 4), 2x Vigilant Kelps (CR 4), 5x Watchmoles (CR 6), 1x Adult Mind Dragons (CR 15), 5x Glass Golems
-[X] Assassin reserve: To be called in when there are opportunities to kill important figures who have been subverted by Baator, or to kill high-value assets of Baator.
----[X] Morwyn and Tuin, Aradia the Huntress. 1x Orphne Fey Lord, 2x Very Old Myrkdreki Dragons, (CR 15) (twins), 2x Adult Mind Dragons (CR 15), 1x Umbral Spies
-[X] Combat reserve: To be called in if there is heavy combat expected or to assault Devil strongholds.
----[X] 2x Heralds, 3x Glass Golems, 10x Blood Clot Molds, 10x Black Brutes, 2x Greater Blood Clot Molds, 15x Black Champions, 2x Vigilant Hunters (CR 10)
Ymeri:[X] Operation Woodlouse: Given the information provided by Archmaester Marwyn, you have enough information to begin the preparations for the assault on Casterly Rock, to dig out any dug in Golden Shiels, Lana Lannister and Tywin Lannister, while preferably taking Casterly Rock intact. To this end, a team will begin to locate the portals leading the the caverns beneath Casterly Rock on the Plane of Earth and use these routes to infiltrate them. To do this, they will use Divinations to narrow down the possible locations, then scout on foot in the Plane of Earth. Once the caverns are infiltrated, they will observe the wards and, assuming they can remain undetected, plant minor, burrowing undead with the Lead-Clad template and Necrotic Molds controlling them. These undead will then begin to map the caverns and resume spying on all activities until the day of the attack.
----[X] Garin, Marwyn (Wizard 6/Loremaster 10), Vargo (Counterfeit Mage 15), Nuri, Vee, Waymar, Tyene, 5 Hunter Bioconstructs, 10 Greater Bloodclot Molds (to be crafted); 10x Lindworms (to be crafted);
Assorted reports (~4-6 interludes total?):[X] To Extinguish the FeyFire: The battle between R'hlor and Ymeri is beyond even you and your closest Companions to help directly... yet, as shown by the forces he gathers to break into Ymeri's domain, much can still be done to smoothen that out.
-[X] Goal: Support R'hlor's forces in killing Ymeri.
----[Airforce] 1st to 4th Battlegroups, 1st and 2nd Fighter Squadron, 1st Bomber Squadron (3x Moonchaser Type A, 1x Dauntless, 12x Wyvern Type-B, 31x Wyvern Type-A, 8x Manticore)
----[Other Forces] Yrael; Moonsong; Amrealth; the Hadhayosh (CR 20); Bloom the Brijidine; The Harbringer (CR 17); 15x Heralds
And also reports on strategic and economy stuff.[X] The Swamps Dried
(Progress 29/40) (Each PC granted 1d6 Progress; the Heralds (4x) Granted 2d6 together due to flight and combat power; the Nagas (5x) another 2d6)
----[X] Relath; Mercy of the Soul; Kennos of Kayce; Argo the Cunning Bull; 3x Heralds; 10x Guardian Nagas;
[X] Scouting the Neck - Send some people to investigate the situation in the Neck, which Fey there are and how they are aligned in the wider Fey politics. Take special note of any information relevant to the movement of large armies, such as a potential host from the North trying to march through the Neck to the Riverlands.
----[X] Valeana Velarion; Jeyne Weaver; Roger Reyne
[X] Praetori Conversion - Undergo the process to become a Praetori.
----[X] Sandor Clegane
[X] Pointsmen Recruitment - To alleviate the eagerness of the Pointsmen for a little while longer, send a few people to start some recruitment efforts among them for the Imperial Military. Also distribute the Imperial law code among the nobility so that they can begin preparations to transition the area smoothly into the Imperial bureaucracy.
----[X] 1x Heralds; Mors 'Crowfood'
X] Three Points, Three Kindred, One People, Part 3
----[X] Blight's Bane; Also any of the following "Free Forces - Aquatic Forces" see A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover)
[X] Improving Orange Shore
----[X] 4x Verdant Phoenixes, 8x Advanced Druid Creature Lotus Leshy (drawn from the Flesh Forge guard force)
[X] The Mysteries of East: With them now open to you, have the libraries of Vahar accessed, and scoured through for lore of illusion, divination, and other low-energy magics.
(Progress: 0/12)
----[X] Rhaella (2d6 Progress); Naath Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress); Tolos Scholarum Branch (2d6 Progress); The Seeker (CR 15), 1x Black Knight, 1x Greater Blood Clot Mold, 1x Erynies
[X] Have the Inquisition throughout Westeros scour for information on Lucan, his motivation and character (Viserys needs IC knowledge)
[X] Fully background: have all of Marwyn's (and his party's) lore transcribed and added to our pile.
Our enemies crushed and driven before us. Hearing the lamentations of their women would also be nice.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.Mortal Affairs
Twenty Second Day of the Third Month 294 AC
It should perhaps not be unexpected that if you send a devil out into the world with orders to subvert mortals, they would do an excellent job of it. The harbinger devil Enlul was keen to prove his worth in his new position and choose his target wisely, not so ambitious as to risk a dangerous confrontation but meaningful enough that the report ended up on your desk.
Titus Peake, Lord of Starpike, has come to the table, though he is not yet quite on bended knee. Between Xor's reasoned arguments and genuinely kind manner and the baatezu's skill in purchasing things far more precious than earthly fealty, the lord has agreed that holding fealty to the Usurper, or in truth to his wife's distant cousin Tywin Lannister, is folly. And all for the promise of a Dragonsteel sword, a fostering for his daughter, and a place in the griffon knights for his secondborn son. You almost feel like you are paying copper for gold, but you are not going to complain over a good deal.
In less pleasant news, one of your mind dragons confirms that Lord Serry did not even make it as far as Highgarden. He has thrown his lot in the the Court of Stars in exchange for protections from the Deep Ones. Also in the Shield Islands, Glyra has taken a unique hand in 'spying' on the lord of Grassfield Keep, which is to say she set her entire troupe to doing unsolicited acts of kindness through blatantly magical means in the hopes of breaking through to young Lord Elwood. So far she has gotten cautious acceptance by the smallfolk, but if anything it seems to have driven the lord, or more likely his mother, into even stronger condemnations of magic. Velen's attempts to broker an understanding through a carefully worded letter has also unfortunately remained without reply
For his part, Aubert Flowers had not done much spying or subverting, arguing that others with the same task are more suited to it and instead availed himself to the hospitality of Horn Hill to solidify Lord Tarly's allegiance. Talk of military tactics, the considerations of battle magics, new weapons and other realities of a changing battlefield occupied the men. According to Flowers' closing remark, 'it's a pity he'll never abdicate to join the legion'.
Lastly, though certainly not least, thanks to the 'spying' of a carefully placed shadow cat, the Misfits were instrumental in foiling a kidnapping plot against Lady Eloise Shermerwoven by a distant cousin of House Mullendore who thought to secure a very advantageous marriage by setting his henchmen to capture her in the guise of bandits that he might gallantly free her.
Although this is the sort of convoluted tale that has more of a place on singer's lips than under blue skies, the aid of an unscrupulous enchanter of some kill made it a true threat, at least until Ser Criston Storm separated the mage's head from his body and Wisdom Denys' concoctions boiled the knight in his armor. It was, however, Ceria Storm who smoothed over the whole affair and kept unwelcome rumors from spreading in the aftermath about your involvement. You are quite satisfied to read Garin's note on the margins of the report: "She's applied to join. We're keeping this one."
What next?
[] Write in
OOC: Hopefully this does not feel too summarized, there were a lot of rolls in the background but only so much detail made it onto Viserys' desk. Not yet edited.
Atta boi.Our enemies crushed and driven before us. Hearing the lamentations of their women would also be nice.