What usually happened would be that I'd come across a word I don't know somewhere in one of your posts, I'd look for a definition, and end up in a ten minute economics Wikipedia dive each time. It's surprisingly good for translating actually - just shift a page from French to English as needed!
Repeat this once or twice a month for a few years, and now I can translate everything back to French!

French has this habit of using English words for econ, but it often misuses them so that everything is false friends all the time. And to top that off I'm not an actual economist - my degree says I'm an urban planner, so I only had two actual years of econ classes in my tertiary education (unless we suddenly start debating land management, which is 100% my thing).

@DragonParadox, some thoughts :
  • Thread focus is important. We've been trying to refocus the narrative around certain arcs, and IMO those are the ones that need to be the most developed. Other locations need a little information and some plots going on, but if we start taking everything over the narrative will just explode all over the place like it did with the old turn system. Sometimes we can be involved in plots with lower absolute stakes!
  • When we get our first ambassadors/Inquisition base, please share the very basic public information about the factions you've been designing. Showing is great and you're good at it, but the votecrafting part of this narrative does require a little OOC information even if you don't have the time to explicitly say it "on screen" IC yet.
Would it be beneficial to include some sort of "ranking", if you will, on each turn action in the turn plan, indicating how much screen time the thread wants to see dedicated to each action? I think egoo pitched something like this not too long ago, but I can't seem to find the relevant quote. It wouldn't be completely set in stone, I suppose, since you'd have to allow for random events, etc, but it would certainly help DP in managing expectations when he's plotting out the month. He just described creating a twenty sub-faction political arena for an area that, mostly, nobody was clamoring for being nearly that complex. I dunno, just spitballing here.
...Nobody's against me potentially taking Maelor off his workshop starting 4th month (and probably no one of reliable/Companion-level manning the workshop in even longer run), right?
[] Infiltration into the City of Brass:
-[] Goals:
Slowly slow down the activities, unless that makes the shop suspect. It is possible Maelor will be absent in the coming months, with no one replacing him. Make reasonable and believable excuses, that will also allow for high-grade Intrigue specialists possibly coming in into the City of Brass from our side without blowing the shop's cover.
----[] Maelor (continued), 1x Mind Dragon (continued), Bronn (continued), Sarell (continued).
I'm pretty sure no one wants to keep him in the obscurity of CoB, but until recently we just assumed sacking it'd be coming "rel soon™" and had no better alternative readily available.
...Nobody's against me potentially taking Maelor off his workshop starting 4th month (and probably no one of reliable/Companion-level manning the workshop in even longer run), right?

I'm pretty sure no one wants to keep him in the obscurity of CoB, but until recently we just assumed sacking it'd be coming "rel soon™" and had no better alternative readily available.
So long as we find a suitable replacement, yes. Same with Bronn and Sarell.

Maybe a Myrkdreki/Mind Dragon combo to start with as a replacement.
You know, this thread has actually helped me professionally. When I started playing this, I was completely incapable of using the proper vocabulary to discuss economics in English (all my econ studies were done in french prépa).This obviously made understanding what was going on, formulating plans and even thinking through stuff rather difficult. I still remember being really impressed that Azel could, and I think I might have asked him if he was an economist or something ;)
After several years of reading this quest's votes and debates + associated googling and translations, I somehow found myself able to handle the increasingly common economics-speak in my IRL work now that I'm working in English.
/sees all the bilingual people who participate in this thread

/can only speak English

/rages against US education system
Nice try, but I know very well that speaking about these things in the open is against forum rules. For good reason. You sick, sick man.
I will use discretion when transferring my next payment, so long as you continue exercising... discretion... in turn.
So long as we find a suitable replacement, yes. Same with Bronn and Sarell.

Maybe a Myrkdreki/Mind Dragon combo to start with as a replacement.
We've had a Mind Dragon there since the 1st month of 294, so they've had a good opportunity to learn the ins and outs of working in the shop and operating in the City of Brass. A Mind Dragon would also be a good replacement for Maelor, since it could use the specialized Pages of Spell Knowledge we gave to Maelor to help him in his duties there. We could also rotate the Erinyes guards out for a few of their sisters. Right now it's Sarell and two Erinyes whose names we haven't seen on screen.

I wonder if Liomond Lashare would like to fill in for Bronn for a few months?

Hmm, the Mind Dragon already on stations, a Myrkdreki, Liomond Lashare, and three new Erinyes sounds like a good spread. We've got an Iron Golem there, too, but we could also tuck a few Glass Golems out of sight for an emergency or assign them a Portable Hole full of Soulforged Undead to turn loose if the shit really hits the fan.
We've had a Mind Dragon there since the 1st month of 294, so they've had a good opportunity to learn the ins and outs of working in the shop and operating in the City of Brass. A Mind Dragon would also be a good replacement for Maelor, since it could use the specialized Pages of Spell Knowledge we gave to Maelor to help him in his duties there. We could also rotate the Erinyes guards out for a few of their sisters. Right now it's Sarell and two Erinyes whose names we haven't seen on screen.

I wonder if Liomond Lashare would like to fill in for Bronn for a few months?

Hmm, the Mind Dragon already on stations, a Myrkdreki, Liomond Lashare, and three new Erinyes sounds like a good spread. We've got an Iron Golem there, too, but we could also tuck a few Glass Golems out of sight for an emergency or assign them a Portable Hole full of Soulforged Undead to turn loose if the shit really hits the fan.
That seems good to me. Mind Dragon, Myrkdreki, and Liomond should hold down the fort well enough considering our purpose there is mostly to ferry information back to the Imperium.
...Nobody's against me potentially taking Maelor off his workshop starting 4th month (and probably no one of reliable/Companion-level manning the workshop in even longer run), right?

I'm pretty sure no one wants to keep him in the obscurity of CoB, but until recently we just assumed sacking it'd be coming "rel soon™" and had no better alternative readily available.
Give it over to a Myrkdreki. They've got the socials and spellcasting to back it up. @Goldfish Maybe give it a couple of skill boosters/PoSK for Voice of the Dragon/Air of Nobility.
/sees all the bilingual people who participate in this thread

/can only speak English

/rages against US education system
Hey, the French education system is also terrible! The whole "french people are bad at english and hate learning languages" stereotype has a large element of truth to it, especially in the public education system. It's not like I learned a language there either. I only know English because I'm a complete mongrel with a lot of immigrants in the family. Actually, if I spoke the languages my own parents spoke as young children I'd speak 5 languages, not 2.

@enigma1995 (I couldn't quote your post for some reason), don't devalue good cursing! Especially in Arabic! That's a great language to angrily insult someone in! And it terrifies some Europeans and Americans who instantly associate it with dangerous killers, so you get bonus intimidation factored in for free!
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Hey, the French education system is also terrible! The whole "french people are bad at english and hate learning languages" stereotype has a large element of truth to it, especially in the public education system. It's not like I learned a language there either. I only know English because I'm a complete mongrel with a lot of immigrants in the family. Actually, if I spoke the languages my own parents spoke as young children I'd speak 5 languages, not 2.

@enigma1995 (I couldn't quote your post for some reason), don't devalue good cursing! Especially in Arabic! That's a great language to angrily insult someone in! And it terrifies some Europeans and Americans who instantly associate it with dangerous killerrs, so you get bonus intimidation factored in for free!
The only language I seriously got an opportunity to learn in a school environment was French, but being as it was that trying to learn a language without the ongoing assistance/interaction with native speakers is a crash course in futility, I dropped the class when I switched schools.

French is probably a good choice for a secondary language, actually. I think anticipating which language you should be learning is a bit silly, since for awhile there it was English, but French is prominent language across the world IIRC.
The only language I seriously got an opportunity to learn in a school environment was French, but being as it was that trying to learn a language without the ongoing assistance/interaction with native speakers is a crash course in futility, I dropped the class when I switched schools.

French is probably a good choice for a secondary language, actually. I think anticipating which language you should be learning is a bit silly, since for awhile there it was English, but French is prominent language across the world IIRC.
While it pains me to pass on an opportunity for outrageous nationalism (hon hon french good!), I'd probably go for Mandarin, Russian or Spanish first if I were you. It really depends on where you intend to live and work, actually.
France is spoken in a lot of places, but they're mostly African countries that most Europeans and Americans don't care about unless they plan to move there. And while France is great, it can't compete alone with the huge areas where Mandarin or Spanish helps. Knowing Mandarin + English is apparently a really good combo for South-East Asia, because every business partner you'll get from there will have learned one or both of those languages. I'm told by some Texan friends that Spanish is apparently great if you live/work with/near people from central and South America.

Is it ridiculous to ask a child to make that sort of decision at age 11? Of course! Welcome to school!
While it pains me to pass on an opportunity for outrageous nationalism (hon hon french good!), I'd probably go for Mandarin, Russian or Spanish first if I were you. It really depends on where you intend to live and work, actually.
France is spoken in a lot of places, but they're mostly African countries that most Europeans and Americans don't care about unless they plan to move there. And while France is great, it can't compete alone with the huge areas where Mandarin or Spanish helps. Knowing Mandarin + English is apparently a really good combo for South-East Asia, because every business partner you'll get from there will have learned one or both of those languages. I'm told by some Texan friends that Spanish is apparently great if you live/work with/near people from central and South America.

Is it ridiculous to ask a child to make that sort of decision at age 11? Of course! Welcome to school!

French is the most commonly taught second language in Romania for what that is worth. It used to be the first modern language back before 1989 when English was the language of imperialism and they still taught Russian in schools. I think French is still a relatively common language throughout eastern Europe.
Y'all know, thinking about it, maybe we should let Maelor have a free month in the 4th month.
Reconquest only starts by it's end, and all.
Sending him to Slavers' Bay or to fight CoS right after several (what, 4? 5?) Months in City of Brass feels like bad parenting mentoring.
Y'all know, thinking about it, maybe we should let Maelor have a free month in the 4th month.
Reconquest only starts by it's end, and all.
Sending him to Slavers' Bay or to fight CoS right after several (what, 4? 5?) Months in City of Brass feels like bad parenting mentoring.
I was thinking about that earlier. He and Bronn should definitely get a month off, if at all possible. The Erinyes would probably appreciate lighter duties for the month, too.

I'm not sure what Maelor will want to do with his time, he may just want to go adventuring again, but Bronn would probably be happy with a bag of money and a high end brothel.
I was thinking about that earlier. He and Bronn should definitely get a month off, if at all possible. The Erinyes would probably appreciate lighter duties for the month, too.

I'm not sure what Maelor will want to do with his time, he may just want to go adventuring again, but Bronn would probably be happy with a bag of money and a high end brothel.
Probably going for a swim on Skagos after spending a few months on the PoF.
Probably going for a swim on Skagos after spending a few months on the PoF.
I wonder if anyone has invented ice cream yet? It doesn't really take much in the way of technology to make the stuff, though it certainly helps a lot.

I can see Bronn heading for the brothel while Maelor hunts down an ice cream cone.
I wonder if anyone has invented ice cream yet? It doesn't really take much in the way of technology to make the stuff, though it certainly helps a lot.

I can see Bronn heading for the brothel while Maelor hunts down an ice cream cone.
Ice Cream. Elementals.

...Bonus points for Oberyn finding one. The fun has been doubled? : V
Found an item that might be useful fir

Price (Item Level): 2,000 gp (6th) Body Slot: Shoulders
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint; (DC 16) transmutation Activation: Swift (command) Weight: 3 lb.
Emblazoned upon the white cloth of this cloak is an azure shield with two crossed black swords in front of it.
If you are a marshal (MH 11), a rearguard's cape provides you with a potent ability whenever you and your allies are out- numbered. If the number of visible, active enemies within 60 feet of you exceeds
the number of your visible, active allies (including yourself) within 60 feet, you can activate this cape. While it is active, the bonus granted by your minor and major auras improves by 2.
This benefit lasts for 10 rounds or until you and your allies are no longer outnumbered. This ability functions once per day.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, eagle's splendor.
Cost to Create: 1,000 gp, 160 XP, 2 days.

Magic Item Compendium pg 120
Found an item that might be useful fir

Price (Item Level): 2,000 gp (6th) Body Slot: Shoulders
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint; (DC 16) transmutation Activation: Swift (command) Weight: 3 lb.
Emblazoned upon the white cloth of this cloak is an azure shield with two crossed black swords in front of it.
If you are a marshal (MH 11), a rearguard's cape provides you with a potent ability whenever you and your allies are out- numbered. If the number of visible, active enemies within 60 feet of you exceeds
the number of your visible, active allies (including yourself) within 60 feet, you can activate this cape. While it is active, the bonus granted by your minor and major auras improves by 2.
This benefit lasts for 10 rounds or until you and your allies are no longer outnumbered. This ability functions once per day.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, eagle's splendor.
Cost to Create: 1,000 gp, 160 XP, 2 days.

Magic Item Compendium pg 120
While he shouldn't ever be in a position where the cape would be able to activate, this would be a neat bit of kit for Ser Gerold. Gonna add it to next month's crafting schedule for him.