What usually happened would be that I'd come across a word I don't know somewhere in one of your posts, I'd look for a definition, and end up in a ten minute economics Wikipedia dive each time. It's surprisingly good for translating actually - just shift a page from French to English as needed!
Repeat this once or twice a month for a few years, and now I can translate everything back to French!
French has this habit of using English words for econ, but it often misuses them so that everything is false friends all the time. And to top that off I'm not an actual economist - my degree says I'm an urban planner, so I only had two actual years of econ classes in my tertiary education (unless we suddenly start debating land management, which is 100% my thing).
@DragonParadox, some thoughts :
- Thread focus is important. We've been trying to refocus the narrative around certain arcs, and IMO those are the ones that need to be the most developed. Other locations need a little information and some plots going on, but if we start taking everything over the narrative will just explode all over the place like it did with the old turn system. Sometimes we can be involved in plots with lower absolute stakes!
- When we get our first ambassadors/Inquisition base, please share the very basic public information about the factions you've been designing. Showing is great and you're good at it, but the votecrafting part of this narrative does require a little OOC information even if you don't have the time to explicitly say it "on screen" IC yet.