@DragonParadox, I insist on you taking a whole day, or several, off to write up decent background, motivations and plans for anyplace we decide to "surprise visit" like this look at Vialesk had been.
We can live with the delay, and you seem to desperately need that time to write without endless "patching" and self-contradiction here and there.

We had gone to places you haven't had good background for in person before.
We will again.

I had notes this time, Azel is just better at economics than me.
Eh, that. Keep in mind who was telling you that (and what you found about him later) and the reason he might have to keep you guys dependent on his faction.
Given that you did not contradict that in any way form Hermetias inner monologue, I assumed that this was public information. The paragraph reads as "as you know" and unless Hermetia has been slacking off, she should very much know something about the personality of the highest military commander of the city.

Which makes me wonder if this is another patch.

Edit: Faceless'd.

In a nutshell, you are using Hermetia too much as a wig on a camera that shows us the world. We are also starved for detailed information. For example, part of my plan was "uncover divisions in the Golds" and we got nothing so far except that the silk-weavers want to do business on Planetos, despite the narrative implying that there are in fact sub-factions with different motivations. Also, the meeting with the Blues was meant as a source of intel on who they are and what they want, but that got flatlined to a single line that told us nothing more then the vague "they are populists".
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Given that you did not contradict that in any way form Hermetias inner monologue, I assumed that this was public information. The paragraph reads as "as you know" and unless Hermetia has been slacking off, she should very much know something about the personality of the highest military commander of the city.

Which makes me wonder if this is another patch.

The Star Admiral obviously wants to be seen as incorruptible and a champion of the people, so it's not like the information contradicts his public image. That said @Crake made a good call on me not circling back and pointing to that as bullshit, not just the stuff about the monstrous coalition.
I'm finding it a little hard to judge what is and is not desirable complexity here, but I get the point
It's a fine line, but generally if we're already on good terms with a polity and are mostly only interested in furthering economic ties, that's not really the best place to throw in intrigue problems. If it's closer to home like Yi Ti then sure, that makes sense, they're quite literally in our backyard, or if it's part of a war effort like we've occasionally got going against the Efreeti then fine, but for a place like Vialesk that's quite a bit more removed and doesn't make the stakes all that high for us. It's the extraplanar equivalent of running into intrigue in Braavos when all we care about is expanding business options, if that makes any sense.

I guess it'd be best to judge the thread goals over the immediate few months IC and try to assign narrative weight accordingly, and then go from there.
Given that you did not contradict that in any way form Hermetias inner monologue, I assumed that this was public information. The paragraph reads as "as you know" and unless Hermetia has been slacking off, she should very much know something about the personality of the highest military commander of the city.

Which makes me wonder if this is another patch.

@DragonParadox Taking a step back, maybe one point to go toward is that Hermetia should always be considering 1) what is public, known information, stuff she should have access to, etc. 2) What is information our intelligence apparatus has given to her through their spycraft and 3) what is information that she has no other means of verifying except what the person in front of her is claiming.

If you keep those three things in mind, narrative remains consistent because Hermetia (and other characters in her position in general) will not think that something has been closed off "because reasons (DM fiat)" but instead that they have determined the level of "reasons" actually poses an obstacle to their original plan, either being "not very much change, proceed" or "that may not be possible without changes".
The Star Admiral obviously wants to be seen as incorruptible and a champion of the people, so it's not like the information contradicts his public image. That said @Crake made a good call on me not circling back and pointing to that as bullshit, not just the stuff about the monstrous coalition.
See my edit for further maneuver critique.
In a nutshell, you are using Hermetia too much as a wig on a camera that shows us the world. We are also starved for detailed information. For example, part of my plan was "uncover divisions in the Golds" and we got nothing so far except that the silk-weavers want to do business on Planetos, despite the narrative implying that there are in fact sub-factions with different motivations. Also, the meeting with the Blues was meant as a source of intel on who they are and what they want, but that got flatlined to a single line that told us nothing more then the vague "they are populists".
The problem is that the kind of intrigue here would require knowing the big actors, their public images and some details on the factions. That is, a page worth per faction and at least 200 words per major player. Right now we are mostly poking around in the dark.
'requires academic dissertation to begin satisfying that particular itch of mine'
You know, this thread has actually helped me professionally. When I started playing this, I was completely incapable of using the proper vocabulary to discuss economics in English (all my econ studies were done in french prépa).This obviously made understanding what was going on, formulating plans and even thinking through stuff rather difficult. I still remember being really impressed that Azel could, and I think I might have asked him if he was an economist or something ;)
After several years of reading this quest's votes and debates + associated googling and translations, I somehow found myself able to handle the increasingly common economics-speak in my IRL work now that I'm working in English.
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In a nutshell, you are using Hermetia too much as a wig on a camera that shows us the world. We are also starved for detailed information. For example, part of my plan was "uncover divisions in the Golds" and we got nothing so far except that the silk-weavers want to do business on Planetos, despite the narrative implying that there are in fact sub-factions with different motivations. Also, the meeting with the Blues was meant as a source of intel on who they are and what they want, but that got flatlined to a single line that told us nothing more then the vague "they are populists".

The thing is I have five distinct sub-factions/personages of interest, if I dropped all five on you guys that would be thousands of words and, multiple parts and even more complexity in Vialesk. I wanted to put a break point to gouge how deep you guys wanted to go before moving on to the blues and eventually the other factions/
The thing is I have five distinct sub-factions/personages of interest, if I dropped all five on you guys that would be thousands of words and, multiple parts and even more complexity in Vialesk. I wanted to put a break point to gouge how deep you guys wanted to go before moving on to the blues and eventually the other factions/
Hermetia could give us a basic report with associated spoiler boxes. Just the obvious public information would be a start, and then from then on getting more could be the usual intrigue stuff.
You know, this thread has actually helped me professionally. When I started playing this, I was completely incapable of using the proper vocabulary to discuss economics in English (all my econ studies were done in french prépa).This obviously made understanding what was going on, formulating plans and even thinking through stuff rather difficult. I still remember being really impressed that Azel could, and I think I might have asked him if he was an economist or something ;)
After several years of reading this quest's votes and debates + associated googling and translations, I somehow found myself able to handle the increasingly common economics-speak in my IRL work now that I'm working in English.
Glad that my obnoxious waffling about supply, demand and knifing the competition in a dark alley and stealing their kidneys was helpful to you. :)
The thing is I have five distinct sub-factions/personages of interest, if I dropped all five on you guys that would be thousands of words and, multiple parts and even more complexity in Vialesk. I wanted to put a break point to gouge how deep you guys wanted to go before moving on to the blues and eventually the other factions/
Well as Duesal said, when you made this a whole ordeal of "getting caught up in various political maneuvering" despite the fact that we have not seen any "loot" as he would call it, or shiny as I would, no tangible benefits to us, no one trying to approach us to ask for something, no one trying to push through policy to give us one of the things we wanted--basically all you have communicated thus far is that everyone is dragging their feet and no one is certain what the want our relationship to look like yet.

That means you are wasting time trying to show how motivated these people are when they aren't doing jackshit, rather than focusing on how we are ordering our people to enthusiastically make connections and spur others into action.

It leaves us feeling kinda blueballed because if no one is going to do our work for us, we should at least see tangible proof our own actions are paying off, or you just leave us feeling listless.
@Azel, I've included your plan for handling the Silk-Weavers here along with my 2nd month commission orders, if you would consider voting for me? That'll let me make updates to the order list if anyone has anything suggestions for additional items without affecting the relevant chapter vote.

[X] Tell them that there have been plans made to develop the under-sea industry of the Imperium by attracting workers from the PoW and that you will contact them with the details for a joint venture to expand their production to Planetos once the details have been set up. (ACSEC subsidiary controlling the large-scale underwater industry of which you will sell no more then 40% of the stock to outside investors.)

[X] Vialesk Enchanted Item Commission (8th day of the 2nd month, 294 AC]

-[X] x100 Saccadic Prism Spectacles: 480 IM each (Total: 48,000 IM)
-[X] x8 Mind Blank Rings: 24,000 IM each (Total: 192,000 IM)
-[X] x30 +1 Soulfire Mithral Bracers - 5,000 IM each (Total: 150,000 IM)
-[X] x50 Restorative Ointment: Cost: 800 IM each (Total: 40,000 IM)
-[X] x10 Whisper Safe
: 1,600 IM each (Total: 16,000)
-[X] x40 Foxfire Lantern: 600 IM each (Total: 24,000 IM)
-[X] x10 Eldritch Egress: 2,000 IM each (Total: 20,000 IM)
-[X] x20 Spectacles of Lip Reading: 600 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM)
-[X] x40 Cloak of Secrets Cloaks: 600 IM each (Total: 24,000 IM)
-[X] Single-Use Charms:
--[X] x30 Discretion Charm: 700 IM each (Total: 21,000 IM)
--[X] x30 Mask of Mask from Divination: 490 IM each (Total: 14,700 IM)
--[X] x20 Fortunate Fate Charms: 910 IM each (Total: 18,200 IM)
-[X] Scrolls:

--[X] Permanency Scroll (3rd Level): x10 - 15,000 IM each (Total: 150,000 IM)
--[X] x20 Fortunate Fate Scrolls: 455 IM each (Total: 9,100 IM)

-[X] TOTAL: 739,700
[X] Opaline Vault/Armun Kelisk Enchanted Item Commission (19th day of the 2nd month, 294 AC]

-[X] x5 Titan's Tool: Cost: 40,000 per set (Total: 200,000 IM)
-[X] x20 Lyre of Building: 2,600 each (Total: 52,000)
-[X] x20 Banner of Restful Nights: Cost: 1008 IM each (Total: 20,160 IM)
-[X] x4 Gemcarver's Tools: Cost: 1,800 IM each (Total: 7,200 IM)
-[X] x4 Jeweler's Loupe (+10 Competence bonus to Craft [Jewelry]): 2,000 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
-[X] x400 Pyre Salt: 140 IM each (Total: 56,000)
-[X] x8 Astralabe: 3,200 IM each (Total: 25,600 IM)
-[X] x25 Heirloom Seal: Cost: 1,000 IM each (Total: 25,000 IM)
-[X] x100 Handy Haversack: Cost: 400 IM each (Total: 40,000 IM)
-[X] x100 Amulet of Tears: 430 IM each (Total: 43,000 IM)
-[X] x100 Healing Belts: Cost: 150 IM each (Total: 15,000 IM)
-[X] x100 Earrings of Arcane Acuity: Cost 680 IM each (Total: 68,000 IM)
-[X] x100 Rings of Protection from Evil: Cost: 800 IM each (Total: 80,000 IM)
-[X] x100 Rings of Sustenance: Cost: 500 IM each (Total: 50,000 IM)
-[X] x100 Boots of Speed: Cost: 600 IM each (Total: 60,000 IM)
-[X] Single-Use Charms
--[X] x50 Brilliant Barrier Charms: 280 IM each (Total: 14,000 IM)
--[X] x50 Sending Stones: 280 IM each (Total: 14,000 IM)
--[X] x50 Teleport Charms: 450 IM each (Total: 22,500 IM)
--[X] x50 Plane Shift Charms: 450 IM each (Total: 22,500 IM).
-[X] Metamagic Gems:
--[X] x40 Enlarging Amethyst: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
--[X] x40 Extending Garnet: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
--[X] x40 Silent Spinel: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
--[X] x40 Still Amber: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
--[X] x15 Maximizing Sapphire: 800 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM)
--[X] x15 Widening Emerald: 800 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM)

--[X] x15 Quickening Diamond: 1,000 IM each (Total: 15,000 IM)
-[X] TOTAL: 893,960
[X] Githzerai Monastery Psionic Item Commission (19th day of the 2nd month, 294 AC]
-[X] x20 Crystal Rod of Share Pain (1/Day): 864 IM each (Total: 17,280 IM + 25% markup = 21,600 IM)

-[X] x20 Gloves of Object Reading (1st Manifester Level): 600 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM + 25% markup = 15,000 IM)
-[X] x3 Slotless Third Eye: Conceal [equivalent to Mind Blank] (15th Manifester Level): 48,000 IM + 70% markup = 81,600 IM each (Total: 244,800 IM)
-[X] Psionic Tattoos:
--[X] 2nd Level (Cost: 60 IM + 25% markup = 75 IM each): Detect Hostile Intent (x100), Detect Teleportation (augmented to 2nd level for 130ft range) (x100) - TOTAL COST: 15,000 IM
--[X] 3rd Level (Cost: 150 IM + 25% markup = 187.5 IM): Eradicate Invisibility (x40), Time Hop (x40), Touchsight (x40), Ubiquitous Vision (x40) - TOTAL COST: 30,000 IM
-[X] Single-Use Crystals:
--[X] x10 Single-Use Crystal Fate of One Charms (13th Manifester Level): 910 IM each (Total: 9,100 IM + 70% markup = 15,470 IM)
--[X] x10 Single-Use Crystal Temporal Acceleration Charms (Augmented to 15th Manifester level, 2 round duration): 1,200 IM each (Total: 20,400 IM + 70% markup = 34,680 IM)
--[X] x10 Singe-Use Crystal Reddopsi Charms (13th Manifester Level): 910 IM each (Total: 9,100 IM + 70% markup = 15,470 IM)

--[X] x10 Singe-Use Crystal Null Psionic Field Charms (11th Manifester Level): 660 IM (Total: 6,600 IM + 70% markup = 11,220 IM)
-[X] TOTAL: 403,240
[X] GRANT TOTAL: 2,036,200

[] Vialesk Enchanted Item Commission (8th day of the 3rd month, 294 AC]
-[] x100 Saccadic Prism Spectacles: 480 IM each (Total: 48,000 IM)
-[] x8 Mind Blank Rings: 24,000 IM each (Total: 192,000 IM)
-[] x30 +1 Soulfire Mithral Bracers - 5,000 IM each (Total: 150,000 IM)
-[] x50 Restorative Ointment: Cost: 800 IM each (Total: 40,000 IM)
-[] Single-Use Charms:
--[] x20 Fortunate Fate Charms: 910 IM each (Total: 18,200 IM)
--[] x50 Brilliant Barrier Charms: 280 IM each (Total: 14,000 IM)
--[] x50 Sending Stones: 280 IM each (Total: 14,000 IM)
--[] x50 Teleport Charms: 450 IM each (Total: 22,500 IM)
--[] x50 Plane Shift Charms: 450 IM each (Total: 22,500 IM)
-[] Scrolls:
--[] Permanency Scroll (3rd Level): x5 - 15,000 IM each (Total: 75,000 IM)
-[] TOTAL: 596,000

[] Opaline Vault/Armun Kelisk Enchanted Item Commission (19th day of the 3rd month, 294 AC]
-[] x5 Titan's Tool: Cost: 40,000 per set (Total: 200,000 IM)
-[] x4 Gemcarver's Tools: Cost: 1,800 IM each (Total: 7,200 IM)
-[] x4 Jeweler's Loupe (+10 Competence bonus to Craft [Jewelry]): 2,000 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
-[] x400 Pyre Salt: 140 IM each (Total: 56,000)
-[] x100 Handy Haversack: Cost: 400 IM each (Total: 40,000 IM)
-[] x100 Amulet of Tears: 430 IM each (Total: 43,000 IM)
-[] x100 Healing Belts: Cost: 150 IM each (Total: 15,000 IM)
-[] x100 Earrings of Arcane Acuity: Cost 680 IM each (Total: 68,000 IM)
-[] x100 Rings of Protection from Evil: Cost: 800 IM each (Total: 80,000 IM)
-[] x100 Rings of Sustenance: Cost: 500 IM each (Total: 50,000 IM)
-[] x100 Boots of Speed: Cost: 600 IM each (Total: 60,000 IM)
-[] Metamagic Gems:
--[] x40 Enlarging Amethyst: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
--[] x40 Extending Garnet: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
--[] x40 Silent Spinel: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
--[] x40 Still Amber: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM)
--[] x15 Maximizing Sapphire: 800 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM)
--[] x15 Widening Emerald: 800 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM)
--[] x15 Quickening Diamond: 1,000 IM each (Total: 15,000 IM)
-[] TOTAL: 698,000

[] Githzerai Monastery Psionic Item Commission (19th day of the 3rd month, 294 AC]
-[] x10 Gloves of Object Reading (1st Manifester Level): 600 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM + 25% markup = 15,000 IM)
-[] x2 Slotless Third Eye: Conceal [equivalent to Mind Blank] (15th Manifester Level): 48,000 IM + 70% markup = 81,600 IM each (Total: 163,200 IM)
-[] x1 Ring of Psionics (II) (14th Manifester Level) - 8,000 IM + 70% markup = 13,600 IM
-[] x1 Ring of Power Preservation (15th Manifester Level) - 7,200 IM + 70% markup = 12,240 IM
-[] x3 Mind Stone (I) (5th Manifester Level): 400 IM + 25% markup = 500 IM each (Total: 1,500 IM)
-[] x2 Mind Stone (II) (5th Manifester Level): 1,600 IM + 25% markup = 2,000 IM each (Total: 4,000 IM)
-[] x1 Mind Stone (III) (6th Manifester Level): 3,600 IM + 40% markup = 5,040 IM
-[] x1 Green & White Ioun Stone (12th Manifester Level): 2,400 IM + 70% markup = 4,080 IM
-[] Psionic Tattoos:
--[] 2nd Level (Cost: 60 IM + 25% markup = 75 IM each): Detect Hostile Intent (x200), Detect Teleportation (augmented to 2nd level for 130ft range) (x200) - TOTAL COST: 30,000 IM
--[] 3rd Level (Cost: 150 IM + 25% markup = 187.5 IM): Eradicate Invisibility (x80), Time Hop (x80), Touchsight (x80), Ubiquitous Vision (x80) - TOTAL COST: 60,000 IM
-[] Single-Use Crystals:
--[] x10 Single-Use Crystal Fate of One Charms (13th Manifester Level): 910 IM each (Total: 9,100 IM + 70% markup = 15,470 IM)
--[] x10 Single-Use Crystal Temporal Acceleration Charms (Augmented to 15th Manifester level, 2 round duration): 1,200 IM each (Total: 20,400 IM + 70% markup = 34,680 IM)
--[] x10 Singe-Use Crystal Reddopsi Charms (13th Manifester Level): 910 IM each (Total: 9,100 IM + 70% markup = 15,470 IM)
--[] x10 Singe-Use Crystal Null Psionic Field Charms (11th Manifester Level): 660 IM (Total: 6,600 IM + 70% markup = 11,220 IM)
-[] TOTAL: 385,500
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The thing is I have five distinct sub-factions/personages of interest, if I dropped all five on you guys that would be thousands of words and, multiple parts and even more complexity in Vialesk. I wanted to put a break point to gouge how deep you guys wanted to go before moving on to the blues and eventually the other factions/
Yeah, but that's the thing. We have so far nothing on the leader of the Greens, so when someone says something about him and the viewpoint character acts as if this information was factual, we have to assume it is factual. Had we known before that the Staradmiral is know for "cultivating an image of patriotism and loyalty", then the line would have had some context and could have been interpreted. But we had no context and thus we have to trust that the viewpoint character has it, so when Hermetia did no react as if there was any chance that this assessment was wrong, we had to assume that it was entirely correct.

Generally though, what Duesal said. I'm not all that interested in Vialesk intrigue. At all. I want to conquer Westeros.
But when you give me a political playing field full of people of questionable competence, I will start trying to overthrow hat government. That's just what I do. I can't help myself there.
Well as Duesal said, when you made this a whole ordeal of "getting caught up in various political maneuvering" despite the fact that we have not seen any "loot" as he would call it, or shiny as I would, no tangible benefits to us, no one trying to approach us to ask for something, no one trying to push through policy to give us one of the things we wanted--basically all you have communicated thus far is that everyone is dragging their feet and no one is certain what the want our relationship to look like yet.

That means you are wasting time trying to show how motivated these people are when they aren't doing jackshit, rather than focusing on how we are ordering our people to enthusiastically make connections and spur others into action.

It leaves us feeling kinda blueballed because if no one is going to do our work for us, we should at least see tangible proof our own actions are paying off, or you just leave us feeling listless.

Fair point. I think I may be doing too much showing rather than telling when some things really need to be told. So here is what I am going to do. I will spend all day tomorrow expending the Vialesk report with all twenty sub-factions/personages of interest,, layered information on all of them and then you guys can decide on strategy. Sound good?
But when you give me a political playing field full of people of questionable competence, I will start trying to overthrow hat government. That's just what I do. I can't help myself there.
So he admits it!

The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem... or the first step to acquittal is establishing you have justification.
Fair point. I think I may be doing too much showing rather than telling when some things really need to be told. So here is what I am going to do. I will spend all day tomorrow expending the Vialesk report with all twenty sub-factions/personages of interest,, layered information on all of them and then you guys can decide on strategy. Sound good?
Sounds good.

It's at least better than stumbling around in the dark.
Fair point. I think I may be doing too much showing rather than telling when some things really need to be told. So here is what I am going to do. I will spend all day tomorrow expending the Vialesk report with all twenty sub-factions/personages of interest,, layered information on all of them and then you guys can decide on strategy. Sound good?
Sounds good.

Keep in mind that this is a game, not a book. Showing is good for the narrative, but telling is good for the playing part. If I run combat then my players are not interested in a detailed description of the goblin, but if he is within bow range. The description are for before and after.
So he admits it!

The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem... or the first step to acquittal is establishing you have justification.
Hey, I'm not complaining about your hobbies, so don't kink-shame me for mine.
Well as Duesal said, when you made this a whole ordeal of "getting caught up in various political maneuvering" despite the fact that we have not seen any "loot" as he would call it, or shiny as I would, no tangible benefits to us, no one trying to approach us to ask for something, no one trying to push through policy to give us one of the things we wanted--basically all you have communicated thus far is that everyone is dragging their feet and no one is certain what the want our relationship to look like yet.

That means you are wasting time trying to show how motivated these people are when they aren't doing jackshit, rather than focusing on how we are ordering our people to enthusiastically make connections and spur others into action.

It leaves us feeling kinda blueballed because if no one is going to do our work for us, we should at least see tangible proof our own actions are paying off, or you just leave us feeling listless.
Generally though, what Duesal said. I'm not all that interested in Vialesk intrigue. At all. I want to conquer Westeros.
@DragonParadox, the tldr is that you need to figure out where the thread focus lies. (For now it's like I already said, we want to focus on Prime Material with a brief campaign against Ymeri) Aside from a select few we're not uninterested in intrigue. We like intrigue. It's just that it needs to be placed a bit better. For Vialesk yes, they absolutely have their own factions with different motivations... but at the same time I feel like it would have been reasonable to expect the levelheaded and greedy parts of the government to strangle the anti-Imperium factions before they could sabotage their chances at a Terminus.

Again, I'm really happy that you're taking notes now and that you're wrangling the different villain motivations, but that also needs to be weighed against narrative relevance.
Fair point. I think I may be doing too much showing rather than telling when some things really need to be told. So here is what I am going to do. I will spend all day tomorrow expending the Vialesk report with all twenty sub-factions/personages of interest,, layered information on all of them and then you guys can decide on strategy. Sound good?
I'm down for this.
Glad that my obnoxious waffling about supply, demand and knifing the competition in a dark alley and stealing their kidneys was helpful to you. :)
What usually happened would be that I'd come across a word I don't know somewhere in one of your posts, I'd look for a definition, and end up in a ten minute economics Wikipedia dive each time. It's surprisingly good for translating actually - just shift a page from French to English as needed!
Repeat this once or twice a month for a few years, and now I can translate everything back to French!

French has this habit of using English words for econ, but it often misuses them so that everything is false friends all the time. And to top that off I'm not an actual economist - my degree says I'm an urban planner, so I only had two actual years of econ classes in my tertiary education (unless we suddenly start debating land management, which is 100% my thing).

@DragonParadox, some thoughts :
  • Thread focus is important. We've been trying to refocus the narrative around certain arcs, and IMO those are the ones that need to be the most developed. Other locations need a little information and some plots going on, but if we start taking everything over the narrative will just explode all over the place like it did with the old turn system. Sometimes we can be involved in plots with lower absolute stakes!
  • When we get our first ambassadors/Inquisition base, please share the very basic public information about the factions you've been designing. Showing is great and you're good at it, but the votecrafting part of this narrative does require a little OOC information even if you don't have the time to explicitly say it "on screen" IC yet.
...I'm just gonna tag our diplomancing-people before the turnvote to phrase Hermetia's next month's action.
The coming write-up sounds like something I'd absolutely enjoy reading... and absolutely hate trying to think through.