The Prince is a good enough compromise. It's mostly an issue of legitimacy. The Lord Protector can basically stay if you keep the citizens there locked in a lotus eater machine, but if you wake them all up and he's still in charge, they will probably riot immediately, damn the consequences. And they would not be wrong to do so.

He doesn't want to leave the city in hands which will not ensure the Mardoshi traditions will basically die.

At the end of the day we're making a deal with the army parked over the place, or we probably could have just killed them all, and then freed the civilians from the illusion.
The Lord Protector obviously can't stay in charge if we expect the populace not to riot, but if we're really getting stuck with the prince in charge then we need to take extra steps to ensure that he's properly watched, and not just by legionnaires. Not only would our NPC legionnaires be woefully inadequate to spot or do anything against the daemon, the fact that he's going to be surrounded by a bunch of citizens just as angry and betrayed as he is if not more won't be great for a mindset that keeps the daemon away.

Unlike Queen Namaaru, the prince can't exert order and stability be sheer force of legend, so if we're seriously going with him we need to take extra steps to ensure the city doesn't implode on our watch. Maybe a Myrkdreki or Mind Dragon stationed in the city to keep an eye out, something the Daemon would find hard to notice.
[] The split doesn't need to be so neat and neither does it need to be eternal. When the citizenry wakes, they will likely resent what the warriors did, but in a decade from now? If the city lives again, time will not diminish it, but begin to heal those wounds.
[] Beside that though, Mardosh is not a pile of stones, but it is people and no matter where they are, the soldiers of Mardosh will still bear their history and culture.
[] It is this very culture that you wish to preserve. The skills and knowledge of a city that has brought forth the finest warriors of the Sarnori. There is much that the Legion could learn from them and vice versa.
[X] Keep Arguing, As Usual
-[X] The split doesn't need to be so neat and neither does it need to be eternal. When the citizenry wakes, they will likely resent what the warriors did, but in a decade from now? If the city lives again, time will not diminish it, but begin to heal those wounds.
-[X] Beside that though, Mardosh is not a pile of stones, but it is people and no matter where they are, the soldiers of Mardosh will still bear their history and culture.
-[X] It is this very culture that you wish to preserve. The skills and knowledge of a city that has brought forth the finest warriors of the Sarnori. There is much that the Legion could learn from them and vice versa.
--[X] The most important thing, though you will not even hint at it, is that the Mardoshi learn that the purpose of war is not to die for your side, but to make the other bastards die for theirs.
[X] Keep Arguing, As Usual
-[X] The split doesn't need to be so neat and neither does it need to be eternal. When the citizenry wakes, they will likely resent what the warriors did, but in a decade from now? If the city lives again, time will not diminish it, but begin to heal those wounds.
-[X] Beside that though, Mardosh is not a pile of stones, but it is people and no matter where they are, the soldiers of Mardosh will still bear their history and culture.
-[X] It is this very culture that you wish to preserve. The skills and knowledge of a city that has brought forth the finest warriors of the Sarnori. There is much that the Legion could learn from them and vice versa.
--[X] The most important thing, though you will not even hint at it, is that the Mardoshi learn that the purpose of war is not to die for your side, but to make the other bastards die for theirs.
The soldiers of Mardosh are going to make some very powerful Warforged. Imagine them decked out with Imperial Steel at the Wall, or facing down Deep Ones. :D
Maybe the citizens of Mardosh would be interested in Legion training after being Warforged? In response to the previous and ongoing betrayal by their normal military forces, there could be a large portion of the civilians who want to be able to protect themselves.
Maybe the citizens of Mardosh would be interested in Legion training after being Warforged? In response to the previous and ongoing betrayal by their normal military forces, there could be a large portion of the civilians who want to be able to protect themselves.
Considering they no longer need to eat or sleep... A few months of legion training for all of them might do some good.
[X] Azel

Would giving the prince a warforged body help with his current position in Mardosh's society?
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Duesal on Aug 10, 2020 at 5:18 PM, finished with 29 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Keep Arguing, As Usual
    -[X] The split doesn't need to be so neat and neither does it need to be eternal. When the citizenry wakes, they will likely resent what the warriors did, but in a decade from now? If the city lives again, time will not diminish it, but begin to heal those wounds.
    -[X] Beside that though, Mardosh is not a pile of stones, but it is people and no matter where they are, the soldiers of Mardosh will still bear their history and culture.
    -[X] It is this very culture that you wish to preserve. The skills and knowledge of a city that has brought forth the finest warriors of the Sarnori. There is much that the Legion could learn from them and vice versa.
    --[X] The most important thing, though you will not even hint at it, is that the Mardoshi learn that the purpose of war is not to die for your side, but to make the other bastards die for theirs.
Yrael - Level Up (Needs Rebuilding)
Zherys - Level Up

Ser Gerold - Level Up
Moonsong - Level Up

Soft Strider - Level Up
Liomond Lashare - Level Up
Chun Ting Lo - Level Up
Ser Criston Storm - Level Up
Ceria "Storm" - Level Up
Morwyn - Level Up
Tuin - Level Up
Hey @Goldfish, have these been handled?
Here are my suggestions :
  • Yrael is a Cleric Creature / Cleric 3. Not sure what sort of rebuilding needs to be done here : can't he just get another Cleric level ?
  • Zherys should take another Incantifier level, because the capstone is amazing. No feat, nothing weird with skills. He learns one level 7 spell, and one level 8 spell. I suggest Synostodweomer (converts spell slots to healing, which goes amazingly well with the Incantifier's ability to regenerate spell slots from cheap wands. It's also an unusual ability, and fits the Incantifier "feeds of magic" fluff extremely well) or Blood Wish for the level 7 slot, and either Shadow of the Doom or Chain Dispel for the level 8 spell.
  • Moonsong hits her 14th HD with another Bard level. Nothing special here apart from the spell progression, which I have no opinions on.
  • Soft Strider just goes from Ranger 7 to Ranger 8. Nothing special here, just more BaB, skill points and a single level 2 spell. Swift Tracker is nice, I suppose.
  • Morwyn gets another Chameleon level. No new feat, no ability increases. He doesn't have enough Wis to cast a level 4 spell (can an item fix that?), but he gets an increase to his Will and skills as his Aptitude Focus improves, and he gets new spells prepared. I suggest Lightning Bolt (from the Adept list) as he's CL 10 now, or Black Tentacles (on his list thanks to the Blackwater Domain).
  • Tuin gets another level of Spellguard. He gets a free metamagic feat (Extend Spell?) and acces to 5th level spells. I suggest preparing Teleport to run away (seems in character), or a buff spell to give to multiple people (I'd suggest Xorn Movement, or perhaps Draconic Might).
Yrael is no longer an Archon though, so might as do some slight redesign of his general chassis. Merge the Cleric Creature into his base abilities, refluff and adjust a few of his abilities...
Hey @Goldfish, have these been handled?
Here are my suggestions :
  • Yrael is a Cleric Creature / Cleric 3. Not sure what sort of rebuilding needs to be done here : can't he just get another Cleric level ?
  • Zherys should take another Incantifier level, because the capstone is amazing. No feat, nothing weird with skills. He learns one level 7 spell, and one level 8 spell. I suggest Synostodweomer (converts spell slots to healing, which goes amazingly well with the Incantifier's ability to regenerate spell slots from cheap wands. It's also an unusual ability, and fits the Incantifier "feeds of magic" fluff extremely well) or Blood Wish for the level 7 slot, and either Shadow of the Doom or Chain Dispel for the level 8 spell.
  • Moonsong hits her 14th HD with another Bard level. Nothing special here apart from the spell progression, which I have no opinions on.
  • Soft Strider just goes from Ranger 7 to Ranger 8. Nothing special here, just more BaB, skill points and a single level 2 spell. Swift Tracker is nice, I suppose.
  • Morwyn gets another Chameleon level. No new feat, no ability increases. He doesn't have enough Wis to cast a level 4 spell (can an item fix that?), but he gets an increase to his Will and skills as his Aptitude Focus improves, and he gets new spells prepared. I suggest Lightning Bolt (from the Adept list) as he's CL 10 now, or Black Tentacles (on his list thanks to the Blackwater Domain).
  • Tuin gets another level of Spellguard. He gets a free metamagic feat (Extend Spell?) and acces to 5th level spells. I suggest preparing Teleport to run away (seems in character), or a buff spell to give to multiple people (I'd suggest Xorn Movement, or perhaps Draconic Might).
I think Yrael is getting more than just a level up. @DragonParadox, how much has Yrael grown recently? He hasn't had a level up in what feels like years.

Zherys already knows Undying Vigor of the Dragonlords so Synostodweomer isn't good for him. I was thinking about Maze or Greater Arcane Fusion for his 8th level spell and Limited Wish (or Blood Wish if he qualifies) for his 7th level spell. Amber Sarcophagus would be another good one if he doesn't qualify for Blood Wish.

Any chance that Soft Strider can retrain to Mystic Ranger with this level up, DP?
I think Yrael is getting more than just a level up. @DragonParadox, how much has Yrael grown recently? He hasn't had a level up in what feels like years.

Zherys already knows Undying Vigor of the Dragonlords so Synostodweomer isn't good for him. I was thinking about Maze or Greater Arcane Fusion for his 8th level spell and Limited Wish (or Blood Wish if he qualifies) for his 7th level spell. Amber Sarcophagus would be another good one if he doesn't qualify for Blood Wish.

Any chance that Soft Strider can retrain to Mystic Ranger with this level up, DP?
I'm not 100% sure, but I think he's actually earned multiple levelups, and we just never got around to voting on them and updating his sheet.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Duesal on Aug 10, 2020 at 5:18 PM, finished with 29 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Keep Arguing, As Usual
    -[X] The split doesn't need to be so neat and neither does it need to be eternal. When the citizenry wakes, they will likely resent what the warriors did, but in a decade from now? If the city lives again, time will not diminish it, but begin to heal those wounds.
    -[X] Beside that though, Mardosh is not a pile of stones, but it is people and no matter where they are, the soldiers of Mardosh will still bear their history and culture.
    -[X] It is this very culture that you wish to preserve. The skills and knowledge of a city that has brought forth the finest warriors of the Sarnori. There is much that the Legion could learn from them and vice versa.
    --[X] The most important thing, though you will not even hint at it, is that the Mardoshi learn that the purpose of war is not to die for your side, but to make the other bastards die for theirs.
Part MMMDLXXXIX: Of Oaths Enduring
Of Oaths Enduring

Twenty-Fourth of the Second Month 294 AC

"The separation need not be so stark and neither would it have to endure forever," you argue after a moment's thought, mingling truth with pleasing hopes freely as one might stir honey into bitter remedies. "There will no doubt be rage and accusation for a beginning, but so long as Mardosh is allowed to grow and to change so too might those wounds begin to heal."

"What balm do you imagine finding for souls already passed through the doors of death?" one of the generals asks sharply while his lords was still deep in thought. "The more I hear of your plans the less pleasing they are to the ear."

"I must confess I too was stuck by such misfortune just now," Dany quips. She draws not laughter and it would be impossible to tell a smile among all the death grins, but still she presses on. "Mardosh is not a pile of stones but it is a people, and no matter where they are the soldiers of Mardosh will still bear their history and culture. Is it not that very culture you wish to preserve, the skills and knowledge of a city that has brought forth the finest warriors of the Sarnori?"

At this the Lord Protector nods thoughtfully so, sensing your chance you pick up the thread. "There is much that the Legion's victories against Sarnath, Kasath and Gornath and he who drove them could learn from the soldiers of Mardosh and the reverse I would also judge true."

Perhaps they will learn that the purpose of war is not to die for your cause and country, but to make the other bastards die for theirs, you think but do not say for the notion would be as alien as it would be insulting to even hint at now. "Diplomacy is a great deal like alchemy, you have to get the timing right for the best result," you send to Waymar clearly, still the least satisfied with the notion of Gurtukul and his fellows walking free after the death they inflicted on their own people and then sought to hide under veil and compulsion.

"You haven't ever practiced alchemy in your life," your friend sends back, amused and distracted as you had hoped.

"So then you wish for more than allies then, clients?" The Lord Protector mused. "It is not unknown for Mardosh to bow to a High King or Queen, should they prove strong and wise in the ways of battle. You are not Sarnori, but then Sarnor of the tall helms and swift horses is gone, only tainted earth and crumbling stone remain. So let this be written and thus recalled. When Mardosh is again a city of the living and not the dead you shall have my oath that the city shall follow you in peace and war. In the interim we would be of course willing to speak with the officers of your Legion and judge how it was made different from the work of the Ghiscari of old."

Thus you depart the City of Soldiers once more with as fine an answer as you might have hoped for and now your eye turns north to Saath, alone of all the cities of the Tall Men to have endured whole and living into this age. Though you are reasonably certain you would be able to claim the city outright on the strength of your recent victory, how you present it and the nature of your visit will likely be key in preventing resentment.

How do you travel to Saath and with what message?

[] Sarnori reunification under the banner of the Imperium

[] Safety from the restless dead

[] Wealth and prosperity through trade

[] Write in

OOC: I thought about giving your guys a vote on where to go next, but those are kind of uninteresting to have overnight so I pushed through on a more relevant vote.
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