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Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on May 15, 2020 at 4:41 PM, finished with 22 posts and 16 votes.
Part MMMD: Of Pledges and Peace
Of Pledges and Peace

Fifteenth Day of the First Month 294 AC

"Full command in the event of a surprise attack. Under other circumstances a planned defense would have to be enacted taking into account any reinforcements that are set," you reply carefully. Lord Hightower certainly is not smiling now, at the implication that he would not have full control of defending his fief, but to your relief there is no trace of anger in his expression. "In the long term the troops will be under legion command, thugh of course coordinating closely with you, my lord," you finish.

"That seems... wise," he sighs. Baelor Hightower may dislike that the protection of Oldtown is no longer in his hands, but he clearly prefers it to risking the lives and minds of his subjects before the terror from the depths. His tone deliberately level he adds. "Your commanders would know how to make use of such allies and servitors."

With that the discussion shifted to a matter far less fraught with pitfalls though in its own way no less troubling, the politics of the Reach, the offers of the fey and Lord Hightower's own moves upon that board.

The news is mostly encouraging. Ser Henry Graceford has shown himself outright enthusiastic to your cause following a series of increasingly less veiled hints from lords Redwine and Hightower as to where their loyalty lies, an agreement that was sealed with the betrothal of Lord Graceford's middle daughter to one of Ser Baelor's cousins. It seems that passing through Holyhall would be little more than a formality. "Over the last week we've been trying to persuade Lord Osgrey to a similar path, but so far it seems less promising."

"Too wedded to his vows?" you guess. The man did have a reputation for piety. The fact that he had never persecuted mages spoke well of him, but you could well imagine that same integrity barring him from perceived treason even in the face of all the Usurper's failings.

"The man would have likely done much better as a brother in a septry than dealing with earthly concerns of lordship," Lord Baelor confirms. "Or he could just be unobservant and failed to bite any of the hints set out in the letters."

"Thankfully I have no need to deal in hints in person," you reply. "We shall soon know if he is with us, against us or even stepping aside. To be honest neutrality suites me perfectly well. I would not reward it as I do those who chose to raise their banners for my House and cause, but neither would I punish it." And to be even more honest there are some Houses whose very enmity suites your purposes, but that is not something to discuss here and now.

"Beyond the Reach," Lord Hightower continues, "I have been considering greater trade with the Iron Islands. From what the Lantern Bearers say the regent is quite sincere in his rejection of the Drowned God and all the evils that hide under that name. He also seems like he might survive the attempt. A pity there is so little worth trading for there, but in the end getting the Ironmen accustomed to paying 'the gold price' is profitable in and of itself in the lack of reavers and pirates. Tell me, Your Grace, have you found anything worth trading for in the Iron Islands or should I content myself with little better than breaking even on trade voyages there?"

What do you reply?

[] Write in

OOC: Citadel and Faith news will be in the next update.
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Of Pledges and Peace

Fifteenth Day of the First Month 294 AC

"Full command in the event of a surprise attack. Under other circumstances, a planned defense would have to be enacted taking into account any reinforcements that are set," you reply carefully. Lord Hightower certainly is not smiling now, at the implication that he would not have full control of defending his fief, but to your relief there is no trace of anger in his expression. "In the long term, the troops will be under Legion command, though of course coordinating closely with you, my lord," you finish.

"That seems... wise," he sighs. Baelor Hightower may dislike that the protection of Oldtown is no longer in his hands, but he clearly prefers it to risking the lives and minds of his subjects before the terror from the depths. His tone deliberately level, he adds. "Your commanders would know how to make use of such allies and servitors."

With that, the discussion shifted to a matter far less fraught with pitfalls, though in its own way no less troubling; the politics of the Reach, the offers of the fey, and Lord Hightower's own moves upon that board.

The news is mostly encouraging. Ser Henry Graceford has shown himself outright enthusiastic to your cause following a series of increasingly less veiled hints from lords Redwine and Hightower as to where their loyalty lies, an agreement that was sealed with the betrothal of Lord Graceford's middle daughter to one of Ser Baelor's cousins. It seems that passing through Holyhall would be little more than a formality. "Over the last week we've been trying to persuade Lord Osgrey to a similar path, but so far it seems less promising."

"Too wedded to his vows?" you guess. The man did have a reputation for piety. The fact that he had never persecuted mages spoke well of him, but you could well imagine that same integrity barring him from perceived treason even in the face of all the Usurper's failings.

"The man would have likely done much better as a brother in a septry than dealing with earthly concerns of lordship," Lord Baelor confirms. "Or he could just be unobservant and failed to bite any of the hints set out in the letters."

"Thankfully, I have no need to deal in hints in person," you reply. "We shall soon know if he is with us, against us, or even stepping aside. To be honest, neutrality suites me perfectly well. I would not reward it as I do those who chose to raise their banners for my House and cause, but neither would I punish it." And to be even more honest there are some Houses whose very enmity suites your purposes, but that is not something to discuss here and now.

"Beyond the Reach," Lord Hightower continues, "I have been considering greater trade with the Iron Islands. From what the Lantern Bearers say, the regent is quite sincere in his rejection of the Drowned God and all the evils that hide under that name. He also seems like he might survive the attempt. A pity there is so little worth trading for there, but in the end getting the Ironmen accustomed to paying 'the gold price' is profitable in and of itself in the lack of reavers and pirates. Tell me, Your Grace, have you found anything worth trading for in the Iron Isles or should I content myself with little better than breaking even on trade voyages there?"

What do you reply?

[] Write in

OOC: Citadel and Faith news will be in the next update. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.
On that note, @Goldfish, Elaheh might benefit from a bit of equipment. Qyburn too, but he can wait until [REDACTED] is done.
Can you link me their sheets again, please? I can put some gear for them on the schedule this month and see what we might already have in the Armory that would be appropriate. With Qyburn currently in mad scientist flux, I'll focus more on Elaheh for now.
@Goldfish, apparently Elahehs was never finished. Could only find this draft.
Here is the nearly finished build of your newest fleshcrafter. I would leave her spells known and load-out up to you guys, since I doubt I will have the time to finish that fiddly bit today.

Name: Elaheh Marita
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Race: Kyton (Outsider, Native, Augmented)
Senses: Darkvision 60ft.
Level: 9
Class: Witch (Variant: Charisma based) 5 / Fleshwarper 4
Feats: 2x Extra Hex, Accursed Hex, Evolved Familiar (Reach), Graft Flesh, Inscribe Magical Tattoo, Improved Familiar (Augur Kyton)
Flaws: Fussy, Vulnerable
Class Features: Patron Spells (Shadow); Witch's Familiar; Aberrant Familiar: Scales, Size Increase; Elder Secret: Secret of the Choker; Graft Cost Reduction 10%

Hit Dice: 6 (d6 First HD) + 28 (8d6 HD) + 45 (+5 CON) = 79 HP
Armor Class: 10 + 2 (DEX) + 4 (Natural Armor) = 16 (Flat-Footed: 14, Touch: 12)
Movement: Ground (30ft)
Initiative: 2 (DEX) + 4 (Racial) = 6
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Melee: Fists +6; 20/x2; 1d3 + 2 + 1 (Bleed)
Spell Save: DC: 10 + 6 (CHA) + Spell Level
Proficiency: Simple Weapons
Immunities: Cold
Spell Resistance: 11 + 1/2 CR = 16
Defensive Abilities: Regeneration 4 (1/2 HD; negated by Good or Silver)

14 (+2) Strength
14 (+2) Dexterity
20 (+5) Constitution
16 (+3) Intelligence
18 (+4) Wisdom
22 (+6) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 3 + 5 (CON) = 8
REFLEX: 3 + 2 (DEX) + 1 (Racial) = 6
WILL: 5 + 4 (WIS) = 9

0 + 6 (CHA) + 4 (Racial) = 10
Concentration: 12 + 4 (WIS) = 16
Craft (Leather): 5 + 3 (INT) = 8
Craft (Tattoo): 5 + 3 (INT) = 8
Heal: 12 + 4 (WIS) + 4 (Racial) = 20
Intimidate: 5 + 6 (CHA) + 4 (Racial) + 2 (Competence) = 17
Knowledge (Arcana): 6 + 3 (INT) = 9
Knowledge (Planes): 6 + 3 (INT) = 9
Profession (Surgeon / Fleshcrafter): 12 + 4 (WIS) = 16
Spellcraft: 7 + 3 (INT) = 10
Use Magic Device: 10 + 6 (CHA) = 16

Hex DC: 20
Hexes Known:
Evil Eye
Poison Touch
Cackle (from tattoo)

Arcane Spells Known (Caster level 8):
--Level 0
: 6
--Level 1: Silent Image (PS), 6
--Level 2: Darkness (PS), Haunting Mist, 4
--Level 3: Barrow Haze, 3
--Level 4: 3

Spells Prepared:
--Level 0
: 4/day
--Level 1: 6/day
--Level 2: 5/day
--Level 3: 4/day
--Level 4: 3/day

Special Abilities:
Agonizing Prayer (Su)

As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, an apostle kyton can orate a prayer so profane that it causes any non-kyton listening to erupt in bleeding wounds. Any non-kyton listener must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the apostle kyton's Hit Dice + its Charisma modifier) or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per Hit Die of the apostle kyton, take bleed damage as if struck by the apostle kyton's bleeding touch, and become staggered for 1 round. Creatures that succeed on this save halve the nonlethal damage and negate the staggered effect, but they still take the bleed damage. A creature that has taken nonlethal damage greater than or equal to its current hit points is not normally rendered unconscious by this ability, but such a creature is still helpless, rendering it susceptible to the apostle kyton's seductive oration ability.

This is a sonic pain effect.

Bleeding Touch (Su)
An apostle kyton that touches a creature deals 1 point of damage plus 1d6 points of bleed damage for every 10 Hit Dice of the kyton. If an apostle kyton attacks with natural or manufactured weapons, its weapons also deal this bleed damage.

Seductive Oration (Su)
An apostle kyton has a unique perspective due to her transition into her current form. As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, an apostle kyton can speak to the pleasures and wonders it experienced during its transformation. Any creature that listens to this speech for 1 continuous minute must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the apostle kyton's Hit Dice + the apostle kyton's Charisma modifier) or take 1d6 points of Wisdom damage. This Wisdom damage increases by 1d6 for every 8 Hit Dice of the apostle kyton. A creature that succeeds at its save can't be affected by that apostle kyton's seductive oration ability for 24 hours.

After failing the save to resist the apostle kyton's seductive oration, the target begins to question the definitions of morality, physicality, and life. Once per week, as long as the affected creature remains in communication with the apostle kyton, it must attempt a saving throw against seductive oration again or take 1d6 additional points of Wisdom damage. The save DC increases by 1 per consecutive week of contact with the apostle kyton. A successful save halves the Wisdom damage. A creature can't take Wisdom damage from seductive oration more than once per week, even if it encounters multiple apostle kytons.

When the target's alignment shifts to lawful evil (or if the target is lawful evil when first seduced), the target must immediately succeed at a Will save (with the same DC as seductive oration, including any increases from extended contact) or gain a greater madness.

Creatures that are driven insane by an apostle kyton often eventually become broken souls, but some rare individuals gain the shadowbound corruption or even transform into apostle kytons themselves.

Unnerving Gaze (Su)
An apostle kyton's unnerving gaze (see the kyton subtype) causes those who fail their saving throws to be fascinated by the apostle kyton. The apostle kyton's seductive oration doesn't break this fascination effect, but other attacks break the effect as normal.

Swirling Smoke (Arms)
Cackling Hag (Throat)

They're called the Iron Islands for a reason, right? There is plentiful iron to be mined, at least, but with some effort, they could also perhaps begin growing cash crops. If we use SotD to create a bunch of volcanic soil on each island and assigned a couple teams of engineers with Titan Tools to help set up a terraced farming project like in SD, the Iron Islands could be a net exporter in the near future.
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[X] "The Iron Islands may not be a lucrative trading partner in the present, but it has the potential to become one in the near future. This is especially true if a few forward thinking individuals are willing to invest in it now, when the islands are poor and their allies few in number."
-[X] "Iron can of course be extracted from the islands' plentiful ore deposits. More organized and sophisticated mining operations, ones overseen by professional engineers and properly equipped workers, will yield far greater results than haphazard scrabbling currently undertaken by thralls or serfs."

--[X] "The same techniques and magic which allow the lands surrounding Sorcerer's Deep to grow bountiful crops can also be applied to the Iron Islands, even those which do not at first glance appear conducive to agriculture."
---[X] "And lastly there are sea-based goods that could be exploited, with the right tools and techniques. Pearls, for one thing, perhaps sea slugs, fish farms most certainly, and whaling would be something the hearty peoples of the islands could partake in, if they were funded. The Lords have never exploited such things as they were all ways one might become too profitable."
-[X] With a serious expression you explain that you suspect that people on these isles were manipulated, directly with powers of the mind, outright corrupting effects from bilestone, as well as indirectly through the jealousy or spite of their neighbors. While reavers grumbled and harrumphed in the Isles for years about Lord Harlaws more peaceful tendencies, he was still an Ironman who commanded respect through the weight of his lineage, and had only thrown himself full force into trade when he decided the reaving culture was madness perpetrated by monsters.
--[X] "I don't suspect they want our sympathy much less pity, but our business they would sooner take, and better for it." Mention that Lord Harlaw might be interested in the art of wine-making and have Lord Baelor point Lord Paxter his way, another betrothal in that direction might not go amiss.
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[X] Goldfish

-[] "And lastly there are sea-based goods that could be exploited, with the right tools and techniques. Pearls, for one thing, perhaps sea slugs, fish farms most certainly, and whaling would be something the hearty peoples of the islands could partake in, if they were funded. The Lords have never exploited such things as they were all ways one might become too profitable."
-[ ] With a serious expression you explain that you suspect that people on these isles were manipulated, directly with powers of the mind, outright corrupting effects from bilestone, as well as indirectly through the jealousy or spite of their neighbors. While reavers grumbled and harrumphed in the Isles for years about Lord Harlaws more peaceful tendencies, he was still an Ironman who commanded respect through the weight of his lineage, and had only thrown himself full force into trade when he decided the reaving culture was madness perpetrated by monsters.
-[ ] "I don't suspect they want our sympathy much less pity, but our business they would sooner take, and better for it." Mention that Lord Harlaw might be interested in the art of wine-making and have Lord Baelor point Lord Paxter his way, another betrothal in that direction might not go amiss.

@Goldfish So that's a bunch of things they could end up exporters of. No one ever tried to look into what sea goods could be pulled out of the ocean, because no lord there ever focused on such things or else had the gold to do it in a smart way, but there might be a ton of stuff they could sell. Cash crops are a nice idea though. IIRC, the Riverlands doesn't really sell wine, or no one makes an art out of it like they do in Dorne and the Reach.
[X] Goldfish

-[] "And lastly there are sea-based goods that could be exploited, with the right tools and techniques. Pearls, for one thing, perhaps sea slugs, fish farms most certainly, and whaling would be something the hearty peoples of the islands could partake in, if they were funded. The Lords have never exploited such things as they were all ways one might become too profitable."
-[ ] With a serious expression you explain that you suspect that people on these isles were manipulated, directly with powers of the mind, outright corrupting effects from bilestone, as well as indirectly through the jealousy or spite of their neighbors. While reavers grumbled and harrumphed in the Isles for years about Lord Harlaws more peaceful tendencies, he was still an Ironman who commanded respect through the weight of his lineage, and had only thrown himself full force into trade when he decided the reaving culture was madness perpetrated by monsters.
-[ ] "I don't suspect they want our sympathy much less pity, but our business they would sooner take, and better for it." Mention that Lord Harlaw might be interested in the art of wine-making and have Lord Baelor point Lord Paxter his way, another betrothal in that direction might not go amiss.

@Goldfish So that's a bunch of things they could end up exporters of. No one ever tried to look into what sea goods could be pulled out of the ocean, because no lord there ever focused on such things or else had the gold to do it in a smart way, but there might be a ton of stuff they could sell. Cash crops are a nice idea though. IIRC, the Riverlands doesn't really sell wine, or no one makes an art out of it like they do in Dorne and the Reach.
Thanks for the help. I've added it to my plan.

I would be surprised if we couldn't eventually establish a Triton colony near the Iron Islands to help exploit the aquatic resources that are likely quite abundant in that area.

@Annatar, I like your new avatar. It's much less scary than the previous one.
Thanks for the help. I've added it to my plan.

I would be surprised if we couldn't eventually establish a Triton colony near the Iron Islands to help exploit the aquatic resources that are likely quite abundant in that area.

@Annatar, I like your new avatar. It's much less scary.
Thanks! Although now I may go look for scary avatars, just for you!