Growing Stranger
Eleventh Day of the First Month 294 AC
Gilly was running so fast through the underbrush it was as though she was flying, roots and branches swiping at her legs hard enough to draw blood. If it had been any common beast on her trail, that would have worried her, but the girl knew that the thing which hunted her now was following the scent of her soul. If she lived to see two score winters, she would never forget that sight.
...Craster's head turned towards her with a crack of shattering bone, blood still spurting from the gash in his belly, his eyes not dark and bloodshot from the mead Nella had plied him with the night before, but blue as cornflowers, cold as death. "I own every part of you, girl, born of my loins as your mother was...." The voice twisting as though the sound itself were tearing holes in the world.
"We Own You, nOw AND FOREVER."
She had not needed to be told to run, that something would be coming for her, though she hoped the voice in her dreams had spoken the truth about about leading the danger away from the others. Gilly had already killed one man who said he spoke for gods. It would be easier, she thought, to kill another if that one proved to be as much of a liar as Craster had.
Although she had never been taught how to survive the wilds on her own, as Craster hadn't wanted to chance his wives running, Ferny the leaf-whisperer had taught her more than magic to bind and to kill. The girl knew she wasn't heading straight south any more, but southwest instead. That was the way her magic pulled at her, so that was the way she was going to go...
Changed one master for another, have you girl? Think this one's better just because he isn't planning to bed you? came the voice braided with the howls of the wolves behind her, or was it inside her own head? Was she really free, or was this just a fevered dream while the wind howled and her dead brothers cried in the dark and the cold.
The wolves were getting closer. They didn't care if they ran over sharp rocks or through thorny thickets. Icy streams didn't chill them nor gnarled roots trip them.
Gilly never saw the wight, she just felt the cold dead hand around her neck, tightening, crushing....
There was blinding light and the smell of burning pitch, and then impossibly, the hand around her neck went slack, which only made sense when she saw that it was no longer connected to the rest of the wight, nothing to show for it but a small pile of ashes beside the old sentinel pine. In one long breath she called to the tree, to the beasts beneath its branches, and the birds of the air, reminding them of rain and wind, a blinding gust in the face of the other wight.
Before Gilly could no more than start to look around for her sudden strange deliverance, some kind of
bird-woman showed up next to her, with a voice like wind-chines: "Come on, let's get you out of here. We'll handle the corpses!"
"You can't, the Cold Ones rule the wind!" she shouted, recalling all the times Craster had said it, mostly after using his magic to figure out what his wives were whispering behind his back.
"Not here they don't," the strange women insisted as two of the wights struck her with a sound like thunder, bending the metal strapped to her chest. Before Gilly could reach out to try to heal her, or decide if it was a good idea to let strange bird women carry her off into the sky, four bolts of magic fell from the sky, two the color of amber that trapped wights like bugs in tree sap and a pair that were no color Gilly could name that seemed to just crush another one like a bug.
There was a big eye with a bunch of other little eyes growing out of it hanging there in the sky.
Gilly desperately wanted to ask more questions than she had words for, maybe more than there were words in the whole world, but life in Craster's keep had taught her a certain practicality. She threw her arms around the woman's neck and let her carry her away from the earth and the wights that swarmed upon it.
Nothing but ash and amber survived of that whole patch of forest as the strange woman who had finally introduced herself, not that the name meant much to Gilly, carried her away.
What do you ask Gilly?
[] Write in
OOC: Doing the discussion from Gilly's perspective just did not feel right, so I'm putting a break point in here and doing the next one from Viserys' PoV. One thing I can confirm here is that Gilly is a 4th level Shaman of Nature (The Old Gods). They have never had any such thing before, but they do now since Craster was a (much higher level) Shaman of Frost blessed of the Others, and with Bloodraven at the helm the Old Gods are very much on board with stealing as much as they can from their enemies. Not yet edited.