Thank you! Given that they do not need to breathe or move or eat how many Black Knight's do you think we could load into a Moonchaser, if we just crammed as many in there as economically possible?

Why not just turn them into a Transformer-like Construct? That would've saved space and making their deployment to be much easier.

A semi Drop-pod if you will...
We never talked about it, though it will probably not work that easily, what with ghosts having no flesh.

Though fleshforged jellyfish sounds like me. Though... we don't have any... why do we have no jellyfish monsters?
iirc we started toying with the idea about the time of the Euron Interlude couse we wanted more sea monsters readdy to fight in the seas there. i think we might have posted a picture then to but i don't really remember

Hunter Jellyfish; CR 7
N Huge Magical Beast (aquatic)
Init +7;
Senses blindsight 120 ft.; darkvision 60 ft.; watersense 60 ft.; low-light vision

AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +7 natural, –2 size)
hp 94(9d10 + 45)
Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +4

Speed swim 80 ft.
Melee 2x Claw+13 (2d6+19; 19-20/x2)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.

Str 24, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 4
Base Atk +9
Feats Power Attack, Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Greater Overrun, Improved Critical (Claw), Improved Natural Attack (Claw)
Skills Escape Artist +11, Perception +11, Stealth +3, Swim +19; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +10 Escape Artist, +10 Stealth
SQ Jet

Poison (Ex)

The skin of the Hunter Jellyfish and it's claws are coated in nettle cells, making it dangerous to touch it. Any creature attacking a Hunter Jellyfish with natural attacks, grappling it or otherwise touching it with bare skin is affected by it's poison. Likewise, the claws of the jellyfish carry the poison too.
Contact; save Fort DC 19; frequency 1/round for 1d6 rounds; effect 1d6 Con damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The DC of the save is Constitution-based.

Jet (Ex)
A Hunter Jellyfish can press water through it's body to propel itself forward once per round as a full-round action at a speed equal to four times its swim speed. It must move in a straight line, but does not provoke attacks of opportunity while jetting.

Watersense (Ex)
Hunter Jellyfish can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with water.

This is the baseline version. The usual modifications would be making it Mighty, or stacking Advanced an Druid Creature so that it can get the spell Venomfire.
Nevermind. I already made a jellyfish monster.
Thank you! Given that they do not need to breathe or move or eat how many Black Knight's do you think we could load into a Moonchaser, if we just crammed as many in there as economically possible?
Hm... we should be able to cram 25 in a cargo hold and I'd say 20 holds from a Type-A Moonchaser could be devoted to them for a medium length mission.

So about 500.
Since @Goldfish seems not to be around to adjust the vote:

[X] In exchange for 15 Lillends agreeing to enter our service as instructors, we will assign a powerful force of guardian Plant servitors to aid their fellows in the embattled Celestial realms.
-[X] 3 Aquatic Cleric Creature Jesulan (CR 10, 12 HD)
-[X] 3 Advanced Plant-Imbued Sea Drake (CR 10, 7 HD)
-[X] 3 Advanced Sorcerer Creature Snapdragon Leshy (w/+8 Racial HD) (CR 10, 14 HD)
-[X] Each of our servitors will be equipped with a Ring of Protection from Evil and a Healing Belt, and the Jesulans will each be given a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

-[X] Also send 10 Lead-Clad Black Knights with Mobility Upgrade (CR 9, 7 HD), costing 7,300 IM in total.
Hm... we should be able to cram 25 in a cargo hold and I'd say 20 holds from a Type-A Moonchaser could be devoted to them for a medium length mission.

So about 500.
Hmm, fewer than I was expecting. So then that means with the three Moonchasers we will have starting next month we can have 1,500 airdropable black knights. That is better than nothing, but not quite good enough for what I am contemplating.

Would I be correct in assuming that Black Brutes and Black Champions take up roughly the same amount of space/weight as Black Knights?

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Hmm, fewer than I was expecting. So then that means with the three Moonchasers we will have starting next month we can have 1,500 airdropable black knights. That is better than nothing, but not quite good enough for what I am contemplating.

Would I be correct in assuming that Black Brutes and Black Champions take up roughly the same amount of space/weight as Black Knights?

Champions yes, but Brutes are larger.

What are you contemplating? The Moonchasers aren't exactly designed as troop carriers in the first place.
I am working on a plan to try and deal with Slaver's Bay, but it is still in its infancy. So I will hold off on saying more till I have something more fully formed to discuss with the thread.
Keep in mind that Black Knights are the size of minotaurs and much stronger and more durable to boot. Having 500 of them swoop down from the sky is plenty against mortal armies.
Since @Goldfish seems not to be around to adjust the vote:

[X] In exchange for 15 Lillends agreeing to enter our service as instructors, we will assign a powerful force of guardian Plant servitors to aid their fellows in the embattled Celestial realms.
-[X] 3 Aquatic Cleric Creature Jesulan (CR 10, 12 HD)
-[X] 3 Advanced Plant-Imbued Sea Drake (CR 10, 7 HD)
-[X] 3 Advanced Sorcerer Creature Snapdragon Leshy (w/+8 Racial HD) (CR 10, 14 HD)
-[X] Each of our servitors will be equipped with a Ring of Protection from Evil and a Healing Belt, and the Jesulans will each be given a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.
-[X] Also send 10 Lead-Clad Black Knights with Mobility Upgrade (CR 9, 7 HD), costing 7,300 IM in total.
Just woke up. Curse my need for sleep! This was never an issue in the Far Realm.

I'm not sure these are the beings we should be trying to convince to use Undead. At least not without a bit of research before making an offer. We could send the Plant servitors to learn the lay of the land and gain an understanding of just how desperate the defenders of the Celestial realms are and how likely they would be to accept non-traditional assistance.

@DragonParadox, it's one thing to convince Westerosi lords to use some of our Lead-Clad Soulforged Undead, but it's another entirely to convince Outsiders from the Celestial Planes to do so. Is that something we can reasonably do without causing them to immediately balk and tell us to piss off? On the one hand, Undead aren't exactly popular among the Good-aligned Outsiders, but on the other, they're in a "beggars can't be choosers" situation and likely desperate for whatever aid they can get.
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Just woke up. Curse my need for sleep! This was never an issue in the Far Realm.

I'm not sure these are the beings we should be trying to convince to use Undead. At least not without a bit of research before making an offer. We could send the Plant servitors to learn the lay of the land and gain an understanding of just how desperate the defenders of the Celestial realms are and how likely they would be to accept non-traditional assistance.

@DragonParadox, it's one thing to convince Westerosi lords to use some of our Lead-Clad Soulforged Undead, but it's another entirely to convince Outsiders from the Celestial Planes to do so. Is that something we can reasonably do without causing them to immediately balk and tell us to piss off? On the one hand, Undead aren't exactly popular among the Good-aligned Outsiders, but on the other, they're in a "beggars can't be choosers" situation and likely desperate for whatever aid they can get.
Reminder here that Euron Greyjoy is working as a mercenary for Good Outsiders in Elysium. Undead are a giant step up in comparison to him.
Reminder here that Euron Greyjoy is working as a mercenary for Good Outsiders in Elysium. Undead are a giant step up in comparison to him.
Last thing we heard he was working for Illithids in Nirvana, not Azata in Elysium.

The creatures that are inherently made from CG would likely not tolerate his slave-keeping, no matter the price.
Last thing we heard he was working for Illithids in Nirvana, not Azata in Elysium.

The creatures that are inherently made from CG would likely not tolerate his slave-keeping, no matter the price.
My bad. I keep mixing up Elysium and Nirvana.

My point still stands though. Less Daemons, but more Demons and the Illithid are replaced by whatever else is leaking in from the Far Realm. Not a nice place and neither one where you should be picky about allies.
[X] In exchange for 15 Lillends agreeing to enter our service as instructors, we will assign a powerful force of guardian Plant servitors to aid their fellows in the embattled Celestial realms.
-[X] 3 Aquatic Cleric Creature Jesulan (CR 10, 12 HD)
-[X] 3 Advanced Plant-Imbued Sea Drake (CR 10, 7 HD)
-[X] 3 Advanced Sorcerer Creature Snapdragon Leshy (w/+8 Racial HD) (CR 10, 14 HD)
-[X] Each of our servitors will be equipped with a Ring of Protection from Evil and a Healing Belt, and the Jesulans will each be given a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.
Since this mean we will be interacting with at least their fortress city, could we also add that we will grant that fortress city the right to order further defenders from the Flesh Forges, paid in either corpses or money, depending on what's most convenient for them(although of course corpses only get them lower CR creatures)

When we are sending them Flesh Forged protectors anyway, we might as well give them the opportunity to buy/rent more(rent for the sapient ones.)
Last thing we heard he was working for Illithids in Nirvana, not Azata in Elysium.

The creatures that are inherently made from CG would likely not tolerate his slave-keeping, no matter the price.
He was working for both sides, he just completed a contract for the Illithid, and was on his way to a Celestial city, to negotiate his next contract.
What we need to do is blood our legions. So they can get some levels under their belt. You know, since they need to hold against ithilids.