It's perfectly fine. He's barely a character at all, so I doubt anyone has strong feelings about him.
I have strong feelings about that plan though. I felt clever for coming up with it, and was happy when it won the vote: seeing it all vanish into the ether would be a shame.
This is selfish reasoning though, so I'd be fine with it if you're sick of writing him.
You know, when the last Chosen of the Maiden died, the goddess had the perfect cover to do what the Warrior did, choose a nice and harmless child and wait out the conflict.

She was actually more invested into fighting than the Warrior himself, as shown by her chosing Danelle.:D
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You know, when the last Chosen of the Maiden died, the goddess had the perfect cover to do what the Warrior did, chose a nice and harmless child and wait out the conflict.

She was actually more invested into fighting than the Warrior himself, as shown by her chosing Danelle.:D

The way said Former Chosen Maiden died was bad enough that the Maiden probably has her heart set on conflict. Bloodraven is a nasty son of a bitch to have as an enemy. Though Jon Arrryn could attest to that.
Well there's legitimately no IC alternative presented. The Chosen have various things hamstringing them from becoming big players politically, without just instituting a theocracy and casting down all the Lords who oppose them, the Lannisters are unpopular, Robert is incompetent as a King. The Fey are in a three way grudge-match with us and the Deep Ones, and only popular in the Reach because they had no competition. And we've scooped up every other easy area already barring parts of the Vale.

Bulldozing is just a prelude to construction.
You know, when the last Chosen of the Maiden died, the goddess had the perfect cover to do what the Warrior did, choose a nice and harmless child and wait out the conflict.

She was actually more invested into fighting than the Warrior himself, as shown by her chosing Danelle.:D
Actually, isn't she one of the original Chosen? I certainly remember seeing her interludes for a very long time, so I figured she was.
We asked already. No dice.
Well, I did ask twice, but I dont remember getting any answer outta DP, so...
It's perfectly fine. He's barely a character at all, so I doubt anyone has strong feelings about him.
Consider it brought up, then.
Any progress?

So, how are we on creating even deadlier flesh forged creatures cheep?
What OAL said, with a tiiiny exception that we can oversacrifice stuff on top for some OG/Yss/Ferryman templates over the CR15 base max if we are making a Champion-creatire for the Deity.
I mean I would much prefer if she had more of a backbone tbh. I actually like Brandon because he went "Undead, are you fucking crazy?" and I respect that he showed an opinion rather than remaining silent on the horrors that we make.
The way said Former Chosen Maiden died was bad enough that the Maiden probably has her heart set on conflict. Bloodraven is a nasty son of a bitch to have as an enemy. Though Jon Arrryn could attest to that.
Jonny never knew what hit him.

Even in his last moment he never understood that his horse's stumbling was no accident.

He certainly never considered Brynden an enemy, or even a living player in any game.

Actually, isn't she one of the original Chosen? I certainly remember seeing her interludes for a very long time, so I figured she was.
No, the Maiden's previous Chosen was killed by clansmen of the Vale, propably sacrificed, the whole "nailed to tree" story.
Ugly, but but it happens in war.
Actually, isn't she one of the original Chosen? I certainly remember seeing her interludes for a very long time, so I figured she was.
Apparently uncle killed off the previous one rather brutally, as Lucan revealed to everyone in a retconned chapter if the Conclave.

Edit: ninjaed
Fair point It seems to me like Danelle obviously isn't fun for anyone here as a narrative element. There are people whose SoD is not shaken by her character, but I'm just not seeing anyone who would miss her presence in the plot, myself included. Would you guys mind if I just swept her off the board for an indeterminate about of time on a mission from her patron?
For the sake of simplicity, there is really no reason we need to see Danelle on screen again until we invade Westeros in earnest as we kick off the reconquest. It doesn't exactly solve our issues with her, but it does allow us to put it off until such a time as she herself will be forced to make a decision of "with us or against us".
Also, the reason Danelle changed her mind on the mold is because her objection to the mold didn't have real substance, it was just born of that visceral distaste people have for things like it.
I mean I would much prefer if she had more of a backbone tbh. I actually like Brandon because he went "Undead, are you fucking crazy?" and I respect that he showed an opinion rather than remaining silent on the horrors that we make.
The horrors we make are, for the most part, either people who aren't humanoid, animals of various kinds, or machines with organic components like the undead. The latter are unwise to use because of the Others, but that's not a moral point.
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9. He has killed only 9.
Tysa the Chosen of the Maiden died to Vale clans.
A chosen of the Warrior died to brain-eaters while watching his friends drown. Another died to poison.
A Smith Chosen was killed by Redcaps and a Chosen of the Crone was killed by Edmure Tully's friends.
The rest are unknown in terms of cause of death.

Here are the deaths of the Chosen. Each and every one. Except the unknowns.
Still Horrors. Still horrifying and still capable of annihilating a city by itself.
Everything is "horrific" from a certain perspective, what is horror is very much in the eye of the metaphorical beholder. And capable of annihilating a city is a designation many of our human citizens deserve, if you refer to an essentially unprotected one.
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@DragonParadox how did the other 4 Chosen die? And who were their patrons?

Everything is "horrific" from a certain perspective, what is horror is very much in the eye of the metaphorical beholder. And capable of annihilating a city is a designation many of our human citizens deserve, if you refer to an essentially unprotected one

Fair enough. Still my point remains that she should have been calling us out.
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Everything is "horrific" from a certain perspective, what is horror is very much in the eye of the metaphorical beholder. And capable of annihilating a city is a designation many of our human citizens deserve, if you refer to an essentially unprotected one.
The perspective that matters is the Chosen's, and there is plenty about Viserys and the Imperium that would be horrifying to them.

Blood sacrifice, flesh forging, undead, foreign gods, the Old Gods specifically, conquering everything in sight, etc. From their point of view we're one of the most dangerous things to happen to their faith.
@DragonParadox how did the other 4 Chosen die? And who were their patrons?

Fair enough. Still my point remains that she should have been calling us out.
I'm mainly wondering where the Chosen of the Mother and the Stranger are at this point.

Both are just AWOL for the entire quest.