That would be rather blatantly breaking the truce Viserys arranged with the Chosen and some of the companions would probably raise objections to murdering anyone for the sake of keeping an ilithid alliance intact. The most favorable feelings any companion has towards the Convergence is 'wary curiosity' whereas Brandon and Danelle are a lot more personable and likely to invoke sympathy.
For me it's less killing them to protect this new alliance specifically and more that eventually we're just going to have to kill them. I don't see a world where Danelle and Brandon join the Imperium with no fuss.
I'm at a loss of what to do with Brandon and Danelle. They have quiet clearly outlived their usefulness and become pure obstacles.

I'm in favor of arranging an unfortunate accident.
I was under the assumption we were playing nice with the Chosen because we've got bigger annoyances to deal with at the moment.

Not so much as not killing them but because them alive and dealing with Westerosi issues means we can more effectively deal with other things.

They're annoying as all hell of course, but they're less annoying as the countless devil and demon cults, fishmen and squidface uprisings, or Cousinfuckers from beyond the wall incursions.

They aren't doing much, but they are a deterrent. A pretty shitty deterrent but 1 is bigger than zero and all that.

When we come for the crown (in what is increasingly looking like a calm meandering stroll during a Sunday afternoon in terms of difficulty) that may change, but I don't see us doing that just yet.
[X] Plan Keeping Things Calm
-[X] Speak with Lyan Chester again. Tell him that he should keep quiet what he has seen. The Illithid didn't want to kill him, but if he spreads the tale, they might reconsider. You are simply not sure if you can protect him if that happens, though you will do your best.
-[X] Get Lord Chesters fealty. Tell him in private that Danelle seems eager to see danger in the Ironborn embracing the Faith of the Seven for some reason and that Brandon is humoring her for his own purposes. He shouldn't trust them.

I'm at a loss of what to do with Brandon and Danelle. They have quiet clearly outlived their usefulness and become pure obstacles.

I'm in favor of arranging an unfortunate accident.
I'm not a fan of them, but neither has done anything to deserve death at this point, and like DP said, trying to arrange that at this point would be problematic. Either they'll get with the program, or give us a legitimate reason to do away with them.
That would be rather blatantly breaking the truce Viserys arranged with the Chosen and some of the companions would probably raise objections to murdering anyone for the sake of keeping an ilithid alliance intact. The most favorable feelings any companion has towards the Convergence is 'wary curiosity' whereas Brandon and Danelle are a lot more personable and likely to invoke sympathy.
Wait, telling Lord Chester to be careful of Danelle and Brandon would break the truce? I thought the terms were just to stop hunting them down. Is political maneuvering against the chosen not ok?

Or are you referring to Azel's mention of wanting to cause an accident?
For me it's less killing them to protect this new alliance specifically and more that eventually we're just going to have to kill them. I don't see a world where Danelle and Brandon join the Imperium with no fuss.

That argument is a bit hard to sell. Keep in mind these are people who have worked to protect Westeros from all manner of evils and are not as of right now actively hostile. 'Welp I'm going to have to kill them anyway so I might as well get it over with' would be quite hard to swallow in those circumstances especially for someone like Waymar and to a somwhat lesser extent Lya and Dany.

Or are you referring to Azel's mention of wanting to cause an accident?

Killing them, telling the lord to be wary is fine.
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Viserys: be deterred from killing heroic defenders of the people not because that's bad, but because Companions will be sad.
That argument is a bit hard to sell. Keep in mind these are people who have worked to protect Westeros from all manner of evils and are not as of right now actively hostile. 'Welp I'm going to have to kill them anyway so I might as well get it over with' would be quite hard to swallow in those circumstances especially for someone like Waymar and to a somwhat lesser extent Lya and Dany.

Killing them, telling the lord to be wary is fine.
Will it be easier to sell when they inevitably decide they need to kill us and attack?
That argument is a bit hard to sell. Keep in mind these are people who have worked to protect Westeros from all manner of evils and are not as of right now actively hostile. 'Welp I'm going to have to kill them anyway so I might as well get it over with' would be quite hard to swallow in those circumstances especially for someone like Waymar and to a somwhat lesser extent Lya and Dany.

They do realize that with the oath we have given we are probably going to have to kill them right?

Edit: This truce benefits them more than it does us.
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I'm just so tired of Danelle being both untouchable and trying to pander to Viserys all the time...

The character is just grating as hell.
Trying @Azel's scheme with Chester is just asking for Brandon and Danelle to discover what we did, y'all. Without a Mind Blank, they'll easily be able to learn what we say to him, and giving him a Mind Blank should be out of the question, as then we lose the ability to monitor him ourselves.
I'm just so tired of Danelle being both untouchable and trying to pander to Viserys all the time...

The character is just grating as hell.
We interact rarely, though, and it won't be long before she will have to decide to either join our cause or make a true enemy of us. Until that time, it's not worth the satisfaction of antagonizing her, or indirectly needling her.
Trying @Azel's scheme with Chester is just asking for Brandon and Danelle to discover what we did, y'all. Without a Mind Blank, they'll easily be able to learn what we say to him, and giving him a Mind Blank should be out of the question, as then we lose the ability to monitor him ourselves.
And for what purpose do you want to play nice with them? Danelle puts on the frowny face at everything we do, then immediately backpedals before actual conflict occurs.

We can do whatever in front of her. She will not care for more then 5 minutes.
And for what purpose do you want to play nice with them? Danelle puts on the frowny face at everything we do, then immediately backpedals before actual conflict occurs.

We can do whatever in front of her. She will not care for more then 5 minutes.
I'm hoping she eventually just strikes the first blow so we can get this over with.
And for what purpose do you want to play nice with them? Danelle puts on the frowny face at everything we do, then immediately backpedals before actual conflict occurs.

We can do whatever in front of her. She will not care for more then 5 minutes.

You would not care for more than 5 minutes when on minute six Viserys begins debating the utility of turning you into a briquette or not from five feet away.
I just can't take Danelle seriously anymore after her entire reaction to the Molds was a complete 180° turn after some canned Viserys soundbite.

Let's just deal with the lord, put them aside and not involve them in this any further.
I just can't take Danelle seriously anymore after her entire reaction to the Molds was a complete 180° turn after some canned Viserys soundbite.

Let's just deal with the lord, put them aside and not involve them in this any further.
Not to mention there should have been some reaction to her seeing Rina wielding Baelor the Blessed's mace like the blood soaked trophy that it is.
@Goldfish, your plan is a dud by the way. Danelle and Brandon know of Deep One activity and the Iron God matter. Letting them poke around further means they will attack the rebels.
I just can't take Danelle seriously anymore after her entire reaction to the Molds was a complete 180° turn after some canned Viserys soundbite.

Let's just deal with the lord, put them aside and not involve them in this any further.

The reaction went form 'concerned' to 'thoughtful'. I did not mean for it to be a 180 so it's on me that it came off like that. I'll try to show more nuance in the future, but she just does not get a lot of screen time.

Not to mention there should have been some reaction to her seeing Rina wielding Baelor the Blessed's mace like the blood soaked trophy that it is.

That is utterly unrecognizable, it looks like a weirwood mace.
I just can't take Danelle seriously anymore after her entire reaction to the Molds was a complete 180° turn after some canned Viserys soundbite.
What part?
The reaction to us using undead was Brandon, not her.

I think her only direct question about the Mold was if they were tools for us, which we satisfactory answered.