Writ in Bone and Sand
Twenty Second Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC
For all you had received unexpected answers in finding common ground with Lord Uller, he does not have much else to say in the matter of the long dead mage. None of their lore was kept through the centuries, not even their name, for it was deemed too perilous a secret to carry whole through the years. "If it became known that our House possessed knowledge of blood magic which was used against the dragons, we would have earned the enmity of the Crown and the Faith both," the old lord recounts. "I suspect the last of it was destroyed after the Dance. Why even keep a dragon-slaying weapon to hand that you cannot use, since all the dragons are already dead? What poor seers we mortal men make."
"If it makes you more at ease, my lord, even a true seer would struggle to see a century and more into the uncharted future," Dany replies with a smile.
You also make arrangements to recover something of Meraxes' bones, not near as much as you had in Crackclaw point where you discovered Filzath's bones for House Uller had sold many of the bones over the centuries, the practice only stopping when Dorne became formally a part of the Seven Kingdoms under Daeron the Good. Still there are enough bones left over from Meraxes' vast skeleton that you do not count it a poor bargain to part with ten thousand marks for the lot.
Lost 10,000 IM
Gained 340 lbs of Dragonbone
Meeting with Lady Blackmount did not go as well as with the Lord of Hellholt, the air of the conversation formal and weary. According to your mother's account, the lady was so worried about being outright enchanted that she did not trust her own thoughts on the matter until Elia had half-reasoned half-pressured her into considering the implication of her own fears. 'If you cannot trust your own senses or your own mind, you should not be ruling over anything,' she had proclaimed. The shock had finally pushed her into considering the implications of Elia's presence, your actual feelings on Dorne and its culture, as well as the simple practicality of generosity towards those who first aligned themselves with you.
The fact that Melisandre managed to persuade young Perros Blackmount of the need for moderation and looking to 'the responsibilities that the Lord of Light had already laid out for him' further eased tensions, allowing your envoys to depart on civil, if not truly cordial terms with an assurance from the lady that she would swear her oaths to you when the time came.
By contrast Tremond Gargalen had greeted Tyene and Waymar with the sort of hardheaded practicality you had expected from accounts of the man. He had been staring at less than encouraging ledgers for months, so a meeting to the sound of sweet silver clinking had been just what he was looking for, though he had expected Doran to be the one to do so rather than your own envoys.
So far, the Red Scales clerks have identified forpotential investments the saltpans which give the seat of House Gargalen its name, a marble quarry that has only recently begun excavations, and the local sand which is apparently ideal for fine glassware. By all accounts, the lord had been most impressed at the speed with which they were able to make the assessment and became very interested in the House of Mirrors when Tyene had explained that they had used divination to point them in the right direction.
What do you do next?
[] Receive a report (Interlude series)
-[] City of Brass Intelligence
-[] Plane of Earth Investigation
-[] Write in
[] Head out to deal with the Houses of the Reach
[] Perform a minor action
-[] Write in
[] Write in
OOC: And we are done here. Unfortunately we did not get to engage with the tourney much because of how the dice with the Other plot turned out, but hopefully it was interesting enough for the various intrigues and politics. Not yet edited.