hmmm oh welll (never actually knew why he didn't like us but seeing that from an aincient lawfull good dragon god makes sense. i wonder if we will ever find or make a metallic dragon corpe to give us acces to them while flesh crafting, i mean probebly not but who knows
Probably not. It doesn't exactly serve our interests.
Also did anyone we had look know what the hell the thing moonsong killed is. becouse i really want to find out and make more they look metal as fuck
The relationship between Myrkdreki and their close kin resembles in some aspects that of noble houses, though they lack such a concept. The decision to sire offspring is roughly equal to two Myrkdreki entering an alliance, with the terms usually haggled out before. Usually the parents will take turns protecting the clutch, which is placed in a secure location that both can easily reach from their lair. Clutches tend to be between 2 and 6 eggs, with the clutches of older pairs tending to be smaller then those of younger pairs.

When the clutch hatches after roughly a year, the agreement of the parents comes into effect. Usually each parent claims a certain number of Wyrmlings and will raise them alone in it's lair. Sometimes, especially if the parents are lairing near each other and wish for a permanent alliance, they will raise the whole clutch together in a quasi family unit. On the other hand, if the parents lairs are far apart or the travel between them dangerous, they might already divide the clutch among each other.

How long the children are reared depends on the circumstances of the parent. If there is ample room for another Myrkdreki territory and no greater threats in the area, they tend to help their offspring to set up their own lairs at a very young age. If territory is more contested, the parents might share it's lair until the children nearly reached adulthood, before they all take flight as a group to conquer lairs for themselves.

For Myrkdreki, offspring are a means of securing their lands and power and while they treat their offspring well to foster loyalty, there is little true love. Thus they will occasionally offer their own eggs or even to lay with another species as part of a pact or transaction.
Added a bit about reproduction.
Interlude DCCXXXIX: Of Neat Numbers and Misleading Faces
Neat Numbers and Misleading Faces

Twenty sixth Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC

Headquarters of the Inquisition, Meereen

Menel Goldentooth appreciated ledgers the ways a connoisseur of the grape appreciated fine wine, the way a sorcerer appreciated an ancient grimoire. Those neat rows of numbers might not have the power to set a battlefield afire, but they could still send tumbling down the walls of a realm. The House of Loraq was sunk down to its eyebrows in devil's work as they had anticipated from the thankfully aborted marriage between young Jezhene and the ill-favored Shagaz zo Loraq. Lord Shitgrass indeed, Menel smiled faintly as he recalled the girl's insulting name for her once betrothed. The bastard had the dubious honor of having both sampled enough vices to make fiends fight for his soul when someone finally managed to kill him and of being remarkably hard to corrupt in a more arcane manner with any surety.

One could almost admire the way he souped with devils only using the very longest of spoons, the way he presented himself to the rest of the Great Masters as a staunch traditionalist with little time for magic and mystics beyond the wards for the protection of body and mind. He had no interest in the small but growing magical trade flowing east under the Shadow. Who better to regulate it than someone known for his evenhanded manner but also a faint distrust of magic?

The notion appealed to the House of Hazkar's timid elderly regent, the House of Kandaq's financial fragility and the House of Zhak's loathing of 'outside pollution of the values of Meereen'. Of course, there was graft and corruption, that was only to be expected, and it was implicit that whoever held the position of Legate of Arcane Commerce would gain considerable wealth. However, the other heads of the Houses must have judged that it was better to have a man who would take his share in cold and silver, not sorcery. The more fool they...

Ceria had actually laughed aloud when she had set the last piece in place. None of the other Great Masters, particularly the ancient House of Pahl, had any interest in making it a matter of public record how much they spent in the kython haunted markets and so no one could question just how much gold Shagaz was making. Thus the devils could funnel gold into his pockets with near-impunity and he in turn could spend it just as freely to buy off a plethora of officials beneath the notice of the highest lords of Meereen... and to consecrate secret temples of the Lady of Spears.

Ironically enough, the betrothal Morwyn had put an end to almost by accident had been initiated by Yaznak zo Pahl, Jezhene's father, to bring the supposedly magic-wary Shagaz into the fold, though that did beg one rather glaring question. Why would Shagaz risk his associates using magic to capture the girl when it might damage his reputation as 'a man who only wards his mind'? Surely he could have wed some other female of the House of Pahl, perhaps one of appropriate age. The Lorathi venturer felt his lips twist into a sneer unseen by anyone. A moment later he shook it off, he still had work to do and not just with ledgers.


Star Day festivities of Lord Yaznak zo Pahl, Meereen

"Our esteemed hostess is a hag,"
the Lord High Justice said silently, looking right at Zigila Pahl, Jezhene's mother, under the glaring light of the southern sun that seemed to bleach the bright tokars of the festivities.

"Maybe in character, I don't know her that well," Lothos said watching the woman just as closely, though paying predictably more attention to her heaving bosom clad only in damp silk. "I've got no complaints about her looks."

"You should as she's an actual hag, a green hag specifically,"
the mage lord continued, leaving Menel briefly struggling to keep up the mask of slightly overwhelmed gratitude that the sorts of hangers-on they were impersonating would wear. "She may even be the same one who attempted to capture Morwyn under a glamour."

Lothos looked faintly green, as though about to vomit the garum sauce he had so recently eaten. Menel was faintly tempted to point out that the hag probably would not look that bad after Lothos had seen the bottom of a wine cup or six, but he was more concerned with something else Lord Vanor had said. "A green hag, not night? Aren't those associated more with the fey?"

"They are,"
Lord Drekelis notes grimly. "Something smells foul here and it's not the damn sauce."

What do your agents do?

[] Peacefully approach the disguised hag
-[] Write in

[] Attempt to capture the disguised hag
-[] Write in

[] Withdraw for now, it is not worth the risk of making a scene when there are other leads to follow

[] Write in

OOC: Devils, shadow trade and now an unexpected Feywild denizen. You guys were tight BTW, it's a lot easier to focus on building up the interludes when I'm not constantly going back and forth.
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hmmm you know while thinking back i wonder what Jeyne Westerling is doing since i remember her getting a pc class by her little winter hag stunt. i wonder how that is going
@DragonParadox, are you btw fine with a CL 9 caster being allowed to take a Myrkdreki Wyrmling as his familiar? Would the binding ritual work too?

@Goldfish, I would prefer to also make a bunch of young ones who will grow up an be socialized among humans to curb bad habits forming in the species.
Ive finally caught up, reading from the beginning. I dont even remember what month i started on. Yaay finally not a billion words behind.
Umbral Scion (Ex)
Myrkdrekis have an exceptionally strong connection to the Plane of Shadows. From birth on, they can hide effortlessly in shadows, gaining Full Concealment when in an area that is not receiving full daylight or is under the effect of the Daylight spell.
By the time they reach Young Adult age, they master this ability and can turn their body into immaterial shadow and back as a Standard Action. They can also shift to the Plane of Shadow and back as a Standard Action. Both of these abilities also affect any person that is carried by the Myrkdreki, as long as it desires to do so. A creature that looses contact with the Myrkdreki while it is incorporeal becomes corporeal again, but a creature that was transported to the Plane of Shadows is not returned to it's original plane.

Ghost Bane (Su)
Before they learn how to become fully incorporeal themselves, young Myrkdrekis first learn how interact with and harm incorporeal creature. All natural attacks of a Juvenile or older Myrkdrekis are considered to have the Ghost Touch property.

Shadow Breath (Su)
As they grow older, the connection of a Myrkdrekis with the Plane of Shadows grows stronger, allowing them to manipulate it's energies ever more efficiently. An Old or older Myrkdrekis can infuse his breathweapon with living shadow, carrying the pain and wails of those lost in the eternal darkness with it. Creatures hit by this breath take 2d6 points of Strength drain and become blinded and deafened for 1d4 rounds. A successfull Will save negates the blindness and deafness, and reduces the Strength drain to 1d4 points. The Myrkdrekis can use this ability thrice per day.

Foreboding Whispers (Su)
As a Standard Action, a Very Old or older Myrkdrekis can infuse it's natural aura of menace with power it draws from the Plane of Shadows, causing everyone in range of it's Frightful Presence to hear ghostly, threatening whispers. Everyone affected by this ability becomes Panicked for a number of rounds equal to the Myrkdrekis Charisma modifier. On a successful Will save, the affected creature only becomes Shaken for one round. The Save DC is Charisma based. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. A creature who successfully saved against the Myrkdrekis Frightful Presence within the last 24 hours is still vulnerable to this ability, but gains +2 to it's save.

Energy Drain (Su)
By infusing it's claws and teeth with Negative Energy, a Wym or Great Wyrm Myrkdrekis can inflict one negative level per round to a creature it hits with them.

Maddening Whispers (Su)
Using much more power and focusing it more tightly, a Wyrm or Great Wyrm Myrkdrekis can focus it's fear aura to the point that it can overwhelm and shatter even the strongest minds. Thrice per day, the Myrkdrekis can create a 15 ft. burst, whose center must be within his Frightful Presence radius, in which each creature perceives an overwhelming onslaught of voices that promise nothing but death, ruin and madness. Each affected creature is dealt 2d6 Wisdom damage and it becomes Panicked for a number of rounds equal to the Myrkdrekis Charisma modifier. On a successful Will save, this is reduced to 1d4 Wisdom damage and being Shaken for 1 round. The Save DC is Charisma based. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

Create Shadows (Su)
Having mastered it's own nature, a Great Wyrm Myrkdrekis has also learned how to twist the essence of other creatures to his whims. Any creature slain by it rises as a shadow (if 8 HD or less) or greater shadow (if above 8 HD) under Myrkdrekis control 1d4 rounds later, unless the Myrkdrekis does not wish to raise a given creature in this fashion.

Draconic Familiar
A mage with at least 9th level can take a Myrkdrekis Wyrmling as a Draconic Familiar.
Mechanics write-up done.

Now I need only to make sheets for the CR 3 Wyrmling and the CR 15 Very Old version.
[X] Peacefully approach the disguised hag, contingent on one or more variables.
-[X] If she's not warded by divination, determine who her backer is first. If she can be bought off, or if there are extra restrictions binding her or she is being closely monitored by her hypothetical handlers. Even if she's of loathsome character to the point where even you wouldn't want to have permanent dealings with her, there's nothing binding you from disposing of her later, or just shooing her away into the Feywild.

[X] Do not approach if she is warded against divination. Post discrete observers on her if possible, blowing her disguise will just make her burn it.
@DragonParadox, are you btw fine with a CL 9 caster being allowed to take a Myrkdreki Wyrmling as his familiar? Would the binding ritual work too?

@Goldfish, I would prefer to also make a bunch of young ones who will grow up an be socialized among humans to curb bad habits forming in the species.
That's cool with me, though we have a somewhat limited pool of sufficiently advanced casters who don't already have.
I'd nominate Wyla and Qyburn for one then. They both can be healed by the Wyrmlings breath.
Garin would be a good candidate, too, if the ritual is enough to bind one to him. I'm about to update his character sheet with his new level up, which will bring him up to 16th caster level.
Ive finally caught up, reading from the beginning. I dont even remember what month i started on. Yaay finally not a billion words behind.
Welcome aboard! Always great to have another questor join in. :)
Tyene: "You're making me angry."

Ober Ryn: "Hi Angry."
Tyene: Bestow Curse: Impotence!

Ober Ryn: 😱

[X] Crake
"Our esteemed hostess is a hag," the Lord High Justice said silently, looking right at Zigila Pahl, Jezhene's mother,
"You should as she's an actual hag, a green hag specifically," the mage lord continued, leaving Menel briefly struggling to keep up the mask of slightly overwhelmed gratitude that the sorts of hangers-on they were impersonating would wear. "She may even be the same one who attempted to capture Morwyn under a glamour."

Lothos looked faintly green, as though about to vomit the garum sauce he had so recently eaten.

Lothos banged her, didn't he? That's what he gets for trying to emulate Oberyn. That he's half again as older doesn't count.

[X] Crake