Of Chains and Broken Things
Nineteenth Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC
Manticore's Eye, Meereen
Chun Ting Lo had never passed by the port of Meereen before sailing to the farthest Sunset Lands, his ship
had made port in New Ghis, but he had been too deep in his sorrows and his cups to even bother disembarking. But he was seeing it now, in all its ancient grandeur, pyramids scraping the sky in challenge, in all its horror, men, women and children broken to the wheel of slavery. It was not all of one piece, Ting knew, nothing under heaven was. If he had to see these streets as a common visitor, a merchant or a craftsmen, he would likely have been able to look past the ugliness, the false crumbling greatness to see the commonplace joys of its folk, but Ting could not do this. He was a spy, the ear of the Dragon King, his hand turning over rocks in dark places.
I have never before considered why such men turned to darkness... he stared into the reflection of lantern light in his drink...
or to forgetfulness. All that we learn of the world's sorrows and its joys are part of understanding the Middle Way, the monk reminded himself, though he could not quite make himself believe entirely. He smiled with joy he did not feel and skill not wholly his own but borrowed of sorcery as he looked to Pale Maggot, the man he had been drinking with for almost two weeks, the man who in another life might have been a friend if tears of shame and sorrow had not drowned his soul. In this life Ting would use him, may fate grant that it would be towards making a better world.
He smiled to the supposed priest of the Lady of Spears also.
Temple of Crossed Spears, Meereen
A shadow among shadows moved in the depths of the temple that the 'Great Masters' neither knew nor cared for, a place more hallowed then the altars open to the sky where the Unsullied were made with pain, blood and fire. The priest had not been willing to speak much of his faith, no more than what they had heard already in the temples that were but another stage for the 'Great Masters' to show their power, but he had been a true priest of the Lady of Spears, she under whose wings marched the legions of Old Ghis, that Malarys had divined at once. And so a foreign shadow stalked him, past wards and veils, through hidden passages and under crumbling arches... under two bright
familiar eyes beneath their glamours.
"Fuck me," Garin Drekelis cursed on seeing the true form of the erinyes here of all places, in the hallowed halls of the goddess they had come to speak to. She could have been deceived, he knew, the gods were not all-knowing anymore than they were all-powerful... priests lead astray, but the lurch of suspicion in his stomach spoke to the most likely cause why devils branded by the Lord of Nessus would linger here. Devils were all too willing to buy souls, as Garin well knew. Why then would they not buy gods who Lya had so often reminded them were made of soul-stuff and faith?
With soft tread and cunning skill he slipped past the guards, just as he had pitted his skills against those of their sisters who swore to the King. A dagger pulled from his sheath pressed close to an acolyte's flesh, a question shaken harshly: "Where do they keep the books?"
A spell to cast, a memory stolen away.
They did not guard the books nearly as well as they did the front gates.
Headquarters of the Inquisition, Meereen
"So we have at least one legitimate temple of the Lady of Spears, guarded by devils, a temple that is hidden even from those among the 'Great Masters' who have fallen for infernal blandishments." Malarys looked like he wanted to pinch the bridge of his nose or rub his temples in frustration, but he was much too inured with the need to control himself to do so. "The texts you discovered, Lord Drekelis, match the ones that are available more widely with a few key differences."
"Such as?" Garin doubted he would like the answers, but it was a poor inquisitor who hesitated to ask a question even for a moment for that reason.
"Rather than claiming the Lady of Spears has always been aligned with Asmodeus they specifically mention that the goddess will rise again, purified from the flames of Baator greater than she has ever been."
What do your agents do next?
[] Follow the paper trail of more mundane documents Garin copied to find out who is financing the hidden temple of the Lady of Spears, money will always reveal secrets, be they of gods or men
[] Contact the Sons of the Harpy, this new information makes it all the more imperative to have some sort of local allies
[] Capture and interrogate devils and the devil-touched, you must know more of the metaphysical aspects of this pact, if pact it be
[] Write in
OOC: Sorry this took so long, I wanted to make it an entirely Ting interlude, but it just would not work so I did a split with Garin. Hope it works.