I'm really curious about those magical weapons able to bypass the magic immunity of our Glass Golems. They sound much too temperamental to use ourselves, but are still interesting.

Good thing our minion health care plan includes Resurrection services. I'm so glad we can afford to even Resurrect the fallen Minotaurs. It wasn't so long ago that I was afraid to use them in battle because of their limited population.
This was very cool.

How's the Worm coming along? It'll be needed soon. I say we focus on capturing Aegon for now.
Azema level-up:
  • Chameleon 1 (it's been OK'd by DP)
  • +1 Wis
  • +1 Bluff, +1 Concentration, +1 Disguise, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Gather Information, +1 Knowledge (religion), +1 Sense Motive. The Knowledge (religion) is there for fluff, as she's continuing as a divine spellcaster.
  • As she should permanently be in Divine Focus, she'll always have +2 Fort, +2 Will, +2 Knowledge (religion) and another set of spellcasting (at caster level 2 - Chameleon CL is 2* their class level). 4*Detect Magic, Embrace the Wild + 2*Blood Wind, and Lion's Charge as her level 2 spell.
  • No new feat.
@DragonParadox, I was going through Character sheets and it seems like Azema is missing her latest levelup.

On another note, Leila is hilariously over-geared, I love it. She's really the greatest example of random "dibs!" that this quest has. If Viserys takes pity on a young woman, she really is set for life!
Still, she is useful. She's also one of my favorite characters, so who am I to complain about that?
@DragonParadox, I was going through Character sheets and it seems like Azema is missing her latest levelup.

On another note, Leila is hilariously over-geared, I love it. She's really the greatest example of random "dibs!" that this quest has. If Viserys takes pity on a young woman, she really is set for life!
Still, she is useful. She's also one of my favorite characters, so who am I to complain about that?
PM me and I'll update her sheet for DP this evening.
@Goldfish I say we twist the ritual and set conditions for its activation with brute force. If we lose, we stake conditional power to it. If we win, it collapses. That forces them to fight us instead of flee as well.
We've done impromptu spell-casting before using Wishcraft. It's not safe but it's possible with a spellcraft check.
Twisting a divine ritual calling an Avatar of Tiamat sounds significantly harder though. There's an actual intelligence behind this ritual's power, and it's really fucking evil and hates us.
Twisting a divine ritual calling an Avatar of Tiamat sounds significantly harder though. There's an actual intelligence behind this ritual's power, and it's really fucking evil and hates us.
Well your options are face Aegon by actively attempting to subvert the ritual, or face Aegon and an Avatar. You aren't really presented with alternatives.
Also keep in mind that it is the Dragondream we get the power for our Miracle, and the Bloodwish from.

Casting either inside Tiamat's place of power seems a bad idea.
Worst case, she completely twists said power to her own ends.
Best case, she just nullifies the effect.

Either way, we probably shouldn't try to power through by these cheesy spells.
Interrupt the ritual by distracting or killing Aegon and his co-casters before the ritual is finished maybe?
She's coming in like one round I bet, maybe after two rounds pass tops, and I do not view our first exchange as going in our favor. Generously, we will trade evenly, because they likely have tricks. The entire theme of this battle has been tricks, traps and layered defenses.
I've tried to check if we woke the Worm up, but I couldn't find anything saying so.
Damn, that's a shame. It sure would have been useful now...
Wait, shit, we didn't bring our tiamat-skull sock puppets with us, did we?

Fuuuuck, what a chance for an educational lecture wasted }:C
