This is very clever. Does she have less than 10HD? If yes, you can pick her. I strongly suggest picking her from her first PoV interlude (whenever that was, I've quite forgotten it) because otherwise you may have to experience Hell. Also your boss will almost certainly notice immediately.
9 HD, so yes.

Also, Viserys will figure it out and knows your True Name. Can only avoid getting yoinked back by him if you rules lawyer that it isn't your True Name anymore, since it's not like you get their memories either and aren't a composited person. OTOH you do get their abilities and what they knew of magic/fighting presumably since presumably you do get the mechanical benefits of PC levels or racial HD. So it's up in the air.

In addition, even without a True Name to hunt you down with, would you really want that kind of target painted on your back?
Hm, I wonder about Mace the Ace, but Olenna might catch on that you sort of bodyjacked her son.

The Mannis could maybe work.

@edit: What about Fake Renly? Likely enough social skills, and Viserys help, to bluff the initial moments, but otherwise perfect cover.

How many HD did he have?
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I think I have the perfect solution: Yrael.

He wakes up shortly after quest-start.
If I simply go and Teleport somewhere where the power of a Cleric Creature Legion Archon is a big deal, before his fellow soldiers awaken and before he gets Soul Trapped by a devil, I can have a good time of it.

Great start, no negative attention, total freedom of location, power enough that no freshling mage or local ruler can do shit against me.
What does F!Renly start as?
Name: Renly
Alias: The Changeling
Age: ???
Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Fey (Fey Creature Human)
Level: 9
Class: Gallant Cavalier (Order of the Blue Rose) 9
Feats: Noble Scion (Scion of the Arts), Enlightened Noble (Scion of the Arts), Persuasive, Intercept Charge (B), Voice of the Sibyl, Bonded Mind (B), Sociable
Class Features: Challenge 3/Day, Flat of the Blade, Cavalier's charge, Symbol of Inspiration, Cavalier Charge, Inner Peace

Languages Spoken: Westerosi Common, High Valyrian, Sylvan

HP: 83
AC: 10 + 6 (DEX) + 7 (Reinforced Segmented Mithral Breastplate +1) + 3 (Heavy Mithral Shield +1) + 2 (Deflection vs Evil) = 26/28
Initiative: +6 (DEX)
Movement: 30 + 30 (Anklets) = 60 feet
Base Attack: +9/+4

  • Melee: +9/+4 (BaB) +3 (STR) +2 (Enhancement) = +14/+9 [1d8+5; 19-20/x2, Valyrian Steel Longsword] or [1d8+5; x3, Valyrian Steel Lance]
  • Melee w/Challenge: +9/+4 (BaB) +3 (STR) +2 (Enhancement) +3 (Challenge) = +17/+12 [1d8+5+9; 19-20/x2, Valyrian Steel Longsword] or [1d8+5+9; x3, Valyrian Steel Lance]
  • Ranged: +9/+4 (BaB) + 6 (DEX) + 1 (Mwk) = +16/11 [1d8+3; x3, Masterwork Composite Duskwook Longbow]
Weapon Proficiency: All Simple and Martial
Immunities: Disease, Possession/Mental Control, Baleful Polymorph [Single use]
SR: 20
DR: 5/Cold Iron

14 + 2 = 16 (+3) Strength
20 + 2 = 22 (+6) Dexterity
12 + 2 = 14 (+2) Constitution
17 + 1 = 18 (+4) Intelligence
10 + 2 = 12 (+1) Wisdom
20 + 2 = 22 (+6) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 6 + 2(CON) + 3 (Resistance) = 11
REFLEX: 3 + 6(DEX) + 3 (Resistance) = 12
WILL: 3 + 1(WIS) + 3 (Resistance) = 7

Diplomacy: 12 + 6 (CHA) +4 (Persuasive) +3 (Voice of the Sibyl) +2 (Sociable) + 5 (Earring) = 34 (+4 when acting as a mediator)
Handle Animal: 12 + 6 (CHA) = 18
Perform (Oratory): 12 + 6 (CHA) +3 (Voice of the Sibyl) = 21
Ride: 12 + 6 (DEX) + 5 (Belt) = 23
Knowledge (History): 12 + 4 (INT) = 16
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty): 12 + 4 (INT) +2 (Noble Scion) = 16
Sense Motive: 12 + 1 (WIS) = 13

Spell-Like Abilities (Caster Level 9): (3/Day) Dancing Lights, (1/Day) Faerie Fire, Entangle, Glitterdust, Deep Slumber, Major image, Confusion

Evasion (Ex): Can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. Upon making a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, instead take no damage. Evasion can be used only if wearing light armor or no armor.

Silvered Tongue (Ex): A number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier, you can roll 2d20 for a Perform check and take the better result. (6/Day)

Challenge (Ex): Whenever an order of the blue rose cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +3 morale bonus on attack rolls made against the target of his challenge, if the target is an intelligent creature to whom the cavalier offered the chance to surrender (by taking a standard action to offer terms).

Flat of the Blade (Ex): The cavalier of the order of the blue rose gains the ability to moderate his attacks in order to take an enemy alive. He no longer takes a –4 penalty when attacking with a lethal weapon to deal nonlethal damage. When dealing nonlethal damage, the cavalier receives a +2 bonus on damage rolls. When the cavalier makes use of this ability, he must attempt to subdue his target without killing it; dealing lethal damage after using this ability, or allowing his allies to kill the target, is considered a violation of his edicts.

Cavalier's Charge (Ex): A cavalier learns to make more accurate charge attacks while mounted. The cavalier receives a +4 bonus on melee attack rolls on a charge while mounted (instead of the normal +2). In addition, the cavalier does not suffer any penalty to his AC after making a charge attack while mounted.

Symbol of Inspiration (Ex): The gallant's personal crest becomes an inspirational symbol of his chivalrous ideals. As long as he displays his crest on his tabard, banner, or similar item, allies within 60 feet who can see him gain a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm, compulsion, and fear effects, and a +2 bonus on damage rolls to deal nonlethal damage.

Inner Peace (Ex): The cavalier has learned that while not all things in the world will go as he wishes, he must remain calm and centered. As an immediate action, the cavalier may ignore an amount of damage from a single source (one attack, spell, or effect) equal to his cavalier level plus his Charisma modifier. He can only ignore hit point damage in this fashion. (1/Day)

Greater Tactician (Ex): The cavalier receives an additional teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat. The cavalier can grant this feat to his allies using the tactician ability. Using the tactician ability is a swift action (Bonded Mind)

Sociable (Ex): As a move action, grant all friendly creatures within 30 feet who can see or hear you (including yourself ) a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (6 rounds)

Edit: This already includes gear we gave him, but I think the levels were there from the start.
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Interlude DCCXI: Hunger's End
Hunger's End

Eight Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC

Basement of Inquisition Headquarters, Sorcerer's Deep

"Alright, I think that's done it," Vee said, seemingly addressing an empty stone room with naught but an old barrel in it to which she sent a deep and discerning gaze.

A moment later the girl shook of the spell, one that would have made for poor carpentry but served her well indeed in the task at hand. The 'barrel' warped and twisted, tendrils of pink flesh flowing down to form legs, flesh sloughing along its face. Two mismatched emerald eyes bubbled to the surface as the creature opened a mouth wide enough to swallow the young mage. It opened in a smile.

To Curb a Dreadful Hunger Complete 16/5

"Yes... yes, the hunger is less than it was, different," the voice gurgled wetly over the first two words, but soon settled on a nice enough tone. Vee wasn't one for listening to minstrels, but she thought it was called a baritone.

"And how did it go with the folk hereabouts?" the young mage asked. Inquisitors were not usually folk to scare easily, or push someone from their door for looking odd, but she had to admit the newly named 'Three Knocks' was odd even by their measure. Even the name it had chosen was not what Vee had expected. It had grown out of a simple instruction 'three knocks to wake'. The fact that it had also chosen to be known as neither male nor female until it had mastered the art of turning into a human or some other living being likely also played into it.

"They have been cautious, I do not blame them, knowing that the flesh change may not have been complete and I could be overcome by hunger for their flesh..."

Vee scoffed leaning against the wall. "If you got hungry than all that would have happened was you telling me that there was more work to be done. You wouldn't have just charged up there and started eating people, would you?" As it happened Vee knew the answer to that question already from asking the House of Mirrors, but she needed Knocks to realize that for itself. The first step to getting others to accept that it was not a monster was getting itself to understand that.

"No..." the minic hesitated, the large purple tongue playing between its teeth. "It was perhaps unwise of them to assume that I would, though given their lack of experience with beings such as me it was understandable. In their profession caution is better than kindness, yes?"

"Ounce for ounce yeah, but all caution and no kindness is bad for them too," Vee replied. "So what do you want to do next? Stay here and work with them, come over to Gogossos or something else maybe?"

"I would like to work with those of the Book and Sword. My skills would be... useful," the being chewed on its thoughts a little longer before asking: "So how much coin do you think my skills are worth?"

OOC: And here's our friend the mimic, he's been languishing for a while, but now he can start earning his way in the Inquisition, doing the traditional mimic thing, of playing at being a chest, door, barrel or other object to spy on people or ambush them. I considered having him just stay as a door somewhere, a living trap, but that just felt like a waste of fun narrative potential.
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@TalonofAnathrax, trying to play volantene politics without a whiff of knowledge about the players at quest start is a death sentence, otherwise I would have taken him too.

Malarys is also an option, but with serious risks.

However, I think my preferred choice would be... Cersei. Lots of soft power, no direct enemies, canon gives me all the knowledge I need...

There's a lot of potential there.
I think I would pick Robert, at least if I can pick inserting into him late in the quest, I'm sure Viserys would understand that I'm not really Robert, just some poor sod inserted into Roberts brain, and with that resolving his hatred of me, I'm sure he would be glad to get me a cushy position in another plane, in return for making his takeover easier, by abdicating to him and going into exile.
OOC: And here's our friend the mimic, he's been languishing for a while, but now he can start earning his way in the inquisition, doing the traditional mimic thing, of playing at being a chest, door barrel or other object to spy on people or ambush them. I considered having him just stay as a door somewhere, a living trap but that just felt like a waste of fun narrative potential. Not yet edited.
For inspiration ... ?!
He came into form after we fed that belt a Mallor correct?
He started off mostly dying but still not fully gone. Then we fed him blood. Then we fed him that Pleasure Devil after we took all the grafts. Then we fed him the Mallor, after which he became a sleepy snek for a few months until we fed him the Mantis God Head and sanctified the temple.