A Shadow Upon the Mind
Seventh Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC
"How might we lend your master a mirror?" you prompt as, without word or gesture that might give you away, you weave spells to see through glamours, illusions, and other magics to glimpse what sorcery casts into the ether. Perhaps you are being overly suspicious, but with as many foes as you can count you do not think so.
"You have to follow the Silverfish Strand until you are past Kela waters by eighteen leagues, then turn along the light of green luminescence sixteen degrees from the fading primary behind you..." The chamber fills with the sound of your small golden assistant taking notes and the undine remains an undine, nothing more extraordinary about him than the genie heritage that you had already witnessed. The arcane auras you can see are also much as one might expect from an envoy in nature and in power, enchantments to grant a glibber tongue and a keener gaze in reading others, blessings of charm and wisdom both, a simple ward against compulsion, and last but not least, a token to carry him to some far off sanctuary.
Lya glances towards you curiously.
Had she noticed what you were doing? A moment later it proves to be so, as aura after aura blooms around her just as it had for you, but she adds yet a third spell,
sharpening her already vast knowledge of magic to a razor's edge. Under the envoy's voice and the sound of golden pen on parchment, you hear the faintest whisper of an in-drawn breath.
It does not take long for the reason to be revealed, as Varys carries Lya's silent message:
"There is Far Realm influence on him. It's faint, she says. Could have maybe been just brushing past some bilestone a few days ago." Your familiar pauses, then adds words that were certainly not from Lya.
"We should detain him to ask some more pointed questions."
As Zhabi's account comes to an end and he begins to take his leave, you know that you must act now if you are to act at all. On the one hand, if he is an agent of the Deep Ones, taking him into temporary custody would not trouble the authorities over-much, particularly if you shared anything you might learn. On the other, if the suspicion proves wrong and you sequester a citizen of Vialesk for interrogation, it would cause some political embarrassment and likely feed into fears of your draconic nature.
You could just let him leave and seek him later after you had divined more of the situation, as you had planned already, but if he
is a Deep One agent, he is likely to be conscious of the peril of being scryed after this meeting. He could simply vanish into some warded chamber leaving you with nothing but the instructions he had written out.
What sort of credentials had he handed out to the embassy staff, you wonder. Enough to be believed certainly, but forging documents to pass their scrutiny is hardly impossible with enough skill or sorcery.
What do you do?
[] Detain Zhabi at once for interrogation
-[] Go directly to the city authorities
-[] Interrogate him yourself first
[] Let Zhabi leave and continue with the use of divination to find out more about the entire situation
[] Write in
OOC: Short update again, but I really need a vote here for obvious reasons.