I would be perfectly happy with thag definition. But this isn't about me. I just feel like viseryis and dany should atleast talk about this IC. Because this seems very odd to me .

Maybe if these were not some of the worst slavers on the planes. Having Dany worry about the free will of Efreeti officers who are mostly forced to do their jobs and are only under enchantment for a few weeks feels like it would be flanderizing her morals.
Maybe if these were not some of the worst slavers on the planes. Having Dany worry about the free will of Efreeti officers who are mostly forced to do their jobs and are only under enchantment for a few weeks feels like it would be flanderizing her morals.
To be fair, Viserys had to point out that she was taking her morals into a legitimately suicidal direction one time.

I think she's calmed down after that conversation though.
Maybe if these were not some of the worst slavers on the planes. Having Dany worry about the free will of Efreeti officers who are mostly forced to do their jobs and are only under enchantment for a few weeks feels like it would be flanderizing her morals.
To be fair, Viserys had to point out that she was taking her morals into a legitimately suicidal direction one time.

I think she's calmed down after that conversation though.
I for one greatly appreciate toning down Dany's morality, that was pretty stressful to manage.
I'd say they're less toned down (she can still go fully apocalyptic if someone truly commits a egregious breach in front of her) but that they're more focused and directed. "Fighting the wars she can win", so to speak.
So does this we can use gate to summon what ever evil creatures we want.
How does that have anything to do with arguing that Dany would view Melisandre and Siduri's efforts subverting the Efreeti naval personnel as slavery?

It just feels like you're arguing for the sake of arguing now, dude.

We've been able to Summon stuff for years now, and are in fact using Summoning magic on a monthly basis to imprison and sacrifice Devils and Demons.
How does that have anything to do with arguing that Dany would view Melisandre and Siduri's efforts subverting the Efreeti naval personnel as slavery?

It just feels like you're arguing for the sake of arguing now, dude.

We've been able to Summon stuff for years now, and are in fact using Summoning magic on a monthly basis to imprison and sacrifice Devils and Demons.
Nah i remember being told sometime in the past that we can't use gate to summon powerfull creatures to serve us as dany considers it slavery. That was the reason i am arguing that she would not agree to this. But if she is fine with then she and by extension viseryis is totally fine with dominating people.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 18, 2020 at 2:08 PM, finished with 65 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Thank Zahbi for meeting with us, then ask how we might contact him when we are ready to lend Galzerai a MirrorVision mirror.
    -[X] While speaking, Viserys surreptitiously activates his earring to gain True Seeing, then Silently cast Greater Arcane Sight, expending a charge from his bracers to do so without gestures, as if Stilled. He will examine Zahbi's aura and person for anything of interest.
    -[X] Once the envoy departs, rather than immediately retrieving the mirror, we will instead return to Sorcerer's Deep to perform a full battery of Divinations (Divination, Vision targeting the Anvil, Greater Scrying on everyone's location, etc) on all involved parties, up to using a Commune spell (Viserys casts the Commune spell, or Lya or if the XP drain would de-level him); from the kidnapped children of the Emir, Zahbi, Galzerai, even the stolen anvil. We want to learn everything we can of this situation which hasn't already been shared with us, how much of what we were told was true or false, even whether Galzerai still lives.
Part MMMCCXCVII: A Shadow Upon the Mind
A Shadow Upon the Mind

Seventh Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC

"How might we lend your master a mirror?" you prompt as without word or gesture that might give you away you weave spells to see though glamours, illusions and others still to glimpse that sorcery casts into the ether. Perhaps you are being overly suspicious, but with as many foes as you can count you do not think so.

"You have to follow the Silverfish Strand until you are past Kela waters by eighteen leagues then turn along the light of green luminescence sixteen degrees from the fading primary behind you..." The chamber fills with the sound of your small golden assistant taking notes and the undine remains an undine, nothing more extraordinary about him than the genie heritage than you had already witnessed. The arcane auras you can see are also much as one might expect from an envoy in nature and in power, enchantments to grant a glibber tongue and a keener gaze in reading others, blessings of charm and wisdom both, a simple ward against compulsion and last but not least a token to carry him to some far off sanctuary.

Lya glances towards you curiously. Had she noticed what you were doing? A moment later it proves to be so, as aura after aura blooms around her just as it had for you, but she adds yet a third spell, sharpening her already vast knowledge of magic to a razor's edge. Under the envoy's voice and the sound of golden pen on parchment you hear the faintest whisper of an in-drawn breath.

It does not take long for the reason to be revealed as Varys carries Lya's silent message: "There is Far Realm influence on him. It's faint, she says, could have been just brushing past some bilestone a few days ago." Your familiar pauses and adds words that were certainly not from Lya. "We should detain him for some more pointed questions."

As Zhabi's account comes to an end and he begins to take his leave, you know that you must act now if you are to act at all. On the one hand, if he is an agent of the Deep Ones taking him into temporary custody would not trouble the authorities over-much, particularly if you shared anything you might learn. On the other, if the suspicion proves wrong and you sequester a citizen of Vialesk for interrogation it would cause some political embarrassment and likely feed into fears of your draconic nature.

You could just let him leave and seek him later after you had divined more of the situation as you had planned already, but if he is a Deep One agent he is likely to be conscious of the peril of being scryed after this meeting. He could simply vanish into some warded chamber leaving you with nothing but the instructions he had written out. What sort of credentials had he handed out to the embassy staff, you wonder. Enough to be believed certainly, but forging documents to pass their scrutiny is hardly impossible with enough skill or sorcery.

What do you do?

[] Detain Zhabi at once for interrogation
-[] Go directly to the city authorities
-[] Interrogate him yourself first

[] Let Zhabi leave and continue with the use of divination to find out more about the entire situation

[] Write in

OOC: Short update again, but I really need a vote here for obvious reasons.
Lya literally has another body in SD. She can run the divinations while we are still here. It shouldn't take too long.
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Why not have one of us follow him and have the other go to fetch some authorities? Technically even Varys could manage it, she's got our skills. Shouldn't be hard to prove her credibility.
A Shadow Upon the Mind

Seventh Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC

"How might we lend your master a mirror?" you prompt as, without word or gesture that might give you away, you weave spells to see through glamours, illusions, and other magics to glimpse what sorcery casts into the ether. Perhaps you are being overly suspicious, but with as many foes as you can count you do not think so.

"You have to follow the Silverfish Strand until you are past Kela waters by eighteen leagues, then turn along the light of green luminescence sixteen degrees from the fading primary behind you..." The chamber fills with the sound of your small golden assistant taking notes and the undine remains an undine, nothing more extraordinary about him than the genie heritage that you had already witnessed. The arcane auras you can see are also much as one might expect from an envoy in nature and in power, enchantments to grant a glibber tongue and a keener gaze in reading others, blessings of charm and wisdom both, a simple ward against compulsion, and last but not least, a token to carry him to some far off sanctuary.

Lya glances towards you curiously. Had she noticed what you were doing? A moment later it proves to be so, as aura after aura blooms around her just as it had for you, but she adds yet a third spell, sharpening her already vast knowledge of magic to a razor's edge. Under the envoy's voice and the sound of golden pen on parchment, you hear the faintest whisper of an in-drawn breath.

It does not take long for the reason to be revealed, as Varys carries Lya's silent message: "There is Far Realm influence on him. It's faint, she says. Could have maybe been just brushing past some bilestone a few days ago." Your familiar pauses, then adds words that were certainly not from Lya. "We should detain him to ask some more pointed questions."

As Zhabi's account comes to an end and he begins to take his leave, you know that you must act now if you are to act at all. On the one hand, if he is an agent of the Deep Ones, taking him into temporary custody would not trouble the authorities over-much, particularly if you shared anything you might learn. On the other, if the suspicion proves wrong and you sequester a citizen of Vialesk for interrogation, it would cause some political embarrassment and likely feed into fears of your draconic nature.

You could just let him leave and seek him later after you had divined more of the situation, as you had planned already, but if he is a Deep One agent, he is likely to be conscious of the peril of being scryed after this meeting. He could simply vanish into some warded chamber leaving you with nothing but the instructions he had written out. What sort of credentials had he handed out to the embassy staff, you wonder. Enough to be believed certainly, but forging documents to pass their scrutiny is hardly impossible with enough skill or sorcery.

What do you do?

[] Detain Zhabi at once for interrogation
-[] Go directly to the city authorities
-[] Interrogate him yourself first

[] Let Zhabi leave and continue with the use of divination to find out more about the entire situation

[] Write in

OOC: Short update again, but I really need a vote here for obvious reasons.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.
All of a sudden it's making more and more sense why this dragon didn't cooperate with the coordinated assault on the Deep Ones.

Those kids are likely not safe as hostages.
Maximum paranoia...never leave home without it!

[X] Have Varys contact the authorities of the city, justifying our actions before the law.
-[X] In the meantime, have Lya's second body back in Sorcerer's Deep focus on urgently divining more about this situation.
-[X] Viserys will prepare to cast spells necessary to ensure Zhabi doesn't teleport away the moment he's able to (Celerity, Timestop, Dimensional Anchor, etc.) - try to Bluff with some inane questions that may make sense for a Dragon Viserys is IC - something about culture, or the worth of specific trade good or such - to stretch the time.
-[X] Once the authorities are informed, or Lya's divination come by something more suspiciously connected to deep ones - capture Zhabi via bloodwished/Miracled Curse of Spilt Water.

Paranoid enough?
Curse of Spilt Water (dragon Magazine 334, page 74)
Transmutation [Water]
Level: Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates.
Spell Resistance: Yes

The target of this spell must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be permanently transformed into water equal to its original volume. The water immediately splashes to the ground and spreads as normal water. If a suitable container is within 5 feet of the target, the caster can direct the water to collapse into the container. Any equipment carried by the victumalso transforms into water. While transformed into water, the victum has no consciousness and can take no actions.

If any quantity of the water is recovered, a break enchantment can restore the victim to normal.
However, if the water is allowed to evaporate (a process that requires 1 hour for a creature of Fine size, 1 day for Tiny creature, and 2 days for each cathegory size larger than Tiny) or mixed with a larger body of water, such as a lake or sea, a limited wish, miracle, or wish is required to restore the target to it's original form.

Material component: A rag doll soaked in seawater.
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If this causes any issues, we can apologize and give the Vialesk City Council some more Forge-grown warbeasts to sooth their injured pride.

[X] Detain Zhabi at once for interrogation (per standard operating procedures; Celerity + Amber Sarcophagus, Smoky Confinement, Curse of Spilt Water, etc., whatever seems most appropriate to Viserys and Lya)
-[X] Once Zhabi is subdued, immediately take him to meet with the Seaguard Investigators while Lya's body back in Sorcerer's Deep carries out further Divinations as previously voted on.
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We know any specific authorities we can trust with this one, then, @DragonParadox?
I would rather just go to the authorities ourselves, Zhabi in a bottle or block of amber, and deal with them directly.

If we need to ascertain trustworthiness, we can boost our relevant skills enough to find anyone similarly infested.
[X] Capture Zhabi via the Curse of Spilt Water, be on guard for him trying to escape.
-[X] Have Lya's second body back in SD quickly start on Divining everything about the situation (as outlined in the previous vote).
-[X] Given successful capture, move to authorities, try your best to discern who's trustworthy enough on this matter. Worst case, we come off as paranoid and efficient.

@Goldfish, better?

The CoSW is great because it is:
1) Not blocked by Beads of Newt Prevention.
2) Isn't one of the spells we've ever shown to use, and as such highly unlikely to be prepared for, unlike bottling, amber, and Malarys' sign.
3) Will not fuck up everything inside the target if it has something extraneous inside of it, like subdermal armor or illithid parasite, unlike Polymorph.
4) Neither will any shit he may or may not carry go off because of this spell.
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The CoSW is great because it is:
1) Not blocked by Beads of Newt Prevention.
2) Isn't one of the spells we've ever shown to use, and as such highly unlikely to be prepared for, unlike bottling, amber, and Malarys' sign.
3) Will not fuck up everything inside the target if it has something extraneous, like subdermal armor or illithid parasite, unlike Polymorph.

You know I am always a fan of capture spells. It looks great and I love it.