@Duesal, that was the vote closing on the last update's plan. We haven't voted on where to go first, the Dragon or Kelasi.

Speaking of which, if we're going to Kelasi clearly we intend to picking a fight with Galzi. If we go to the Dragon's Domain first, chances are we'll be getting more clever with our resolution.

Personally I expect our expectations to be subverted if we look a little closer at the situation than what is, on the face of things, likely some degree of mutual dick-baggery on the Emir's part. I'm not saying the dragon's not known for a little dickishness, but on the other hand he's pretty much done nothing more than what we've done, and clearly recognizes how not to squeeze blood from a stone and strangle trade with his tolls.
Off to Kelasi! If we're going to pick a fight with the dragon.

Or off to the dragon, if we want to be more clever. Which doesn't necessarily rule out a fight. If we find out he's not someone we want to truck with, anyway.
*crosses fingers for a fight with the dragon*

[X] Goldfish
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[X] Goldfish

Honestly given that Galzi is decently old, and has been collecting tolls from what sounds like a lucrative trade route he probably has a nice hoard to loot (could help quite some of the threads concerns about our expenditures relative to our irregular sources of income). Any of his forces that we might kill could also be potential recruits for the coming war depending upon how this plays out.

Beyond that if we talk to the Emir before we fight Galzi we might be able to trade the princess hand in marriage for military support against the Deep Ones in the inevitable war.

All in all killing Galzi could be very lucrative for us.
I'm mainly hesitant because we haven't actually negotiated for that yet, and I definitely wouldn't kill a head of state without having worked out a deal ahead of time in exchange for dirtying our own hands (for business rather than pleasure).

There's also the fact that signing someone that influential's death warrant without even a cursory investigation into them sits ill with me.
I'm mainly hesitant because we haven't actually negotiated for that yet, and I definitely wouldn't kill a head of state without having worked out a deal ahead of time in exchange for dirtying our own hands (for business rather than pleasure).

There's also the fact that signing someone that influential's death warrant without even a cursory investigation into them sits ill with me.
I am not advocating rushing off and just killing Galzi. We should definitely negotiate a deal with the Emir for everything we can get out of him first, and I support us doing our due diligence and finding out what Galzi's side of the story is on the off chance that killing him would have otherwise unforeseen consequences.

At this point I am merely observing that killing Galzi could be very lucrative for us.
*Сue Galzi offering lots of troops*
*Cue us being torn between wanting a fight and loot, and strategic concerns*

Too bad it seems there isn't mediating peace between Marid and him, it would've been nice to get the resources of both...
Here's a fun thing some PCs in Dorne might run into:

Benedict Blackmont

Benedict Blackmont was the last king of House Blackmont in Dorne.

A Rhoynar-invasion era king who allegedly worshiped a dark god and supposedly had the power to transform himself into a giant vulture. It'd be interesting to see whether there was anything to that.
[X] We might still find mercenary companies for hire among the nearby Marid Emirates.
-[X] While the Moonchaser travels to Kelasi, first visit the Emirate of Dawa, whose net-wielding forces distinguished themselves during their war with the Deep Ones. We will attempt to hire mercenaries and perhaps even acquire the aid of Dawa's military in our approaching conflict with the Deep Ones.
--[X] Moonsong seems eager for battle and acclaim, understandable for a Fey of her standing and experience, but this is not the time or place to risk herself, her ship, or her crew recklessly. If a dangerous situation arises while in transit, she is to contact us via Sending Stone so that we might return and help as necessary.
Why not meet the Dragon first, in the time the Moonsong takes to catch up?
That way we would have both sides of the story before our escalation-train arrives.

[X] Goldfish
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Why not meet the Dragon first, in the time the Moonsong takes to catch up?
That way we would have both sides of the story before our escalation-train arrives.
Agreed, @Goldfish.

And now, since my sleep schedule is broken irreparably and I'm on holidays anyway...
Nap time.

(That's also the reason I'm nor really taking part actively the past week)
Ok since there seems to be some discussion of the vote plane of fire interlude next
I've updated the plan to try to speak with Galzerai or a representative after we finish in Dawa. I'm happy with another Plane of Fire interlude, but you can probably move on to the next chapter if you want.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Jan 18, 2020 at 5:02 AM, finished with 47 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] We might still find mercenary companies for hire among the nearby Marid Emirates.
    -[X] While the Moonchaser travels to Kelasi, first visit the Emirate of Dawa, whose net-wielding forces distinguished themselves during their war with the Deep Ones. We will attempt to hire mercenaries and perhaps even acquire the aid of Dawa's military in our approaching conflict with the Deep Ones..
    --[X] Moonsong seems eager for battle and acclaim, understandable for a Fey of her standing and experience, but this is not the time or place to risk herself, her ship, or her crew recklessly. If a dangerous situation arises while in transit, she is to contact us via Sending Stone so that we might return and help as necessary.
    -[X] We will attempt to arrange a meeting between ourselves and Galzerai or his representative, in neutral territory of course, after we depart from the Emirate of Dawa. There is obviously much more to this story than we have been told thus far and we should endeavor to learn both sides before we intervene.
    [X] Shadow Tor Level Up
    -[X] Attribute: +1 Charisma
    -[X] Class: +1 Sorcerer (5th level)
    -[X] Skills (3 points): +1 Knowledge (Arcana), +1 Knowledge (The Planes), +1 Spellcraft
    -[X] Spell:
    --[X] 1st Level: Shield, Vanish
    --[X] 2nd Level: Touch of Idiocy
    [X] Anu Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Wizard
    -[X] Skills (6 points): +1 Concentration, +1 Craft (Metalworking), +1 Knowledge (Arcana), +1 Spellcraft, +2 Knowledge (The Planes)
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Jan 18, 2020 at 7:18 AM, finished with 50 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] We might still find mercenary companies for hire among the nearby Marid Emirates.
    -[X] While the Moonchaser travels to Kelasi, first visit the Emirate of Dawa, whose net-wielding forces distinguished themselves during their war with the Deep Ones. We will attempt to hire mercenaries and perhaps even acquire the aid of Dawa's military in our approaching conflict with the Deep Ones..
    --[X] Moonsong seems eager for battle and acclaim, understandable for a Fey of her standing and experience, but this is not the time or place to risk herself, her ship, or her crew recklessly. If a dangerous situation arises while in transit, she is to contact us via Sending Stone so that we might return and help as necessary.
    -[X] We will attempt to arrange a meeting between ourselves and Galzerai or his representative, in neutral territory of course, after we depart from the Emirate of Dawa. There is obviously much more to this story than we have been told thus far and we should endeavor to learn both sides before we intervene.
    [X] Shadow Tor Level Up
    -[X] Attribute: +1 Charisma
    -[X] Class: +1 Sorcerer (5th level)
    -[X] Skills (3 points): +1 Knowledge (Arcana), +1 Knowledge (The Planes), +1 Spellcraft
    -[X] Spell:
    --[X] 1st Level: Shield, Vanish
    --[X] 2nd Level: Touch of Idiocy
    [X] Anu Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Wizard
    -[X] Skills (6 points): +1 Concentration, +1 Craft (Metalworking), +1 Knowledge (Arcana), +1 Spellcraft, +2 Knowledge (The Planes)
Part MMMCCXCVI: To Seek and Be Found
To Seek and Be Found

Seventh Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC

"Plot a way through Dawa, look for any sellswords along the way, sing them tales of gold and glory to be had back home," you pause for a moment, considering your next words carefully. "Don't charge into any fights blindly. I know you want to fire those cannons for better cause than a dragon's curiosity, but I wouldn't want to miss it myself." Although the words are spoken lightheartedly, drawing smiles from the bridge crew, the message is clear; call for help if battle is at hand.

"Right, wouldn't want our girl to have her debut without an audience, would we lads?" Moonsong asks, patting the hardened steel of the navigation console. "Hope she gets some suitors worth dancing with."

Judging by the silence of the Moonchaser over the next few hours, she does not get her wish, alas neither do you find any envoy of the wyrm Galzerai in Mardja or even in teeming Vialesk, at least not openly. The prospect of finding an elder dragon's envoys when they do not wish to be found in a city five times more populous than Braavos, threaded through with hidden channels and secret chambers, does not seem like a good prospect for one pressed for time.

"For someone with a bounty on his head, the dragon seems rather unconcerned that most of the tales people hear of him are from the lips of his foes," Lya sighs as she takes a seat upon a polished shell bench amid the waving pink veined leaves of what the locals of the Upper City cal call 'High Kelp'. A pleasant enough ambiance, but Tyene's teasing aside, you did not organize this journey to the Boundless Sea just to have more time with Lya.

"Perhaps the bounty is the reason he is so disinclined to send his envoys out into the world," you muse. "While the Council would take any harm to a dragon's envoy very poorly, with so much wealth dangled before them many might be inclined to capture Galzerai's servants in an attempt to learn the secrets of his defenses from them."

"Or maybe he just doesn't like being disturbed while he sleeps on his mound of treasure," Lya counters. "Not every lord is as protective of his subjects as you are, much less every dragon."

"Citizens, not subjects," you correct absently, only to realize a moment later that Lya had been speaking Common, probably to prepare herself for the Reach, and you had substituted an Essosi word.

Before either of you can say anything more, you spot a triton in the black and crimson heraldry of your embassy staff approaching, a sealed tube clutched in hand. It seems an envoy of the dragon had found you instead, perhaps having heard of your inquiries.


Envoy Zahbi is an undine with a ready smile, bright in the light of the pale luminescent tendrils that serve him for hair, but his eyes are as dark as midnight depths. "Hail, Fire-Born and Witness to the Concordant," he proclaims with a graceful bow that loses a bit of nuance for being made in air rather than water. "What do you desire of my lord?"

"I am seeking allies against the Deep Ones from all those of good will and the strength of arm to face them, for my world is sore burdened with their cankerous presence," you reply, honestly enough if not the full truth. One can hardly say 'I wish to know if your lord is of such character as to be worth more to me as a dead foe than a living ally'.

The envoy shakes his head. "Such questions have been asked of my lord and master before, when the merchant princes of Vialesk made war upon the Far Spawn. I can but say to you now what he said to them then, until the thief faces justice and the treasure is restored to its rightful place, Galzerai the Great Tide shall not abandon his hoard to fight in the wars of others."

"You speak of the anvil that now lies in the hands of the Emir of Kela," Lya interjects. "We have heard only rumors and whispered tales of its powers..."

"I know only that it was once part of the forging of those upon whose shoulders the axis of the Spheres turned, the Iris'ut, The Inevitable. It was taken centuries ago by a false scholar who presumed upon my master's hospitality to steal it. I would expect he later sold it to the foolish Emir."

You nod, more than you had known before but not the full tale. "Would your master be amenable to meeting in a neutral place to discuss this?"

Zahbi shakes his head again, the pale lights of his 'hair' flashing. "He will not leave his domain save to go into battle. You must go to him."

"What about an enchanted mirror... well, four of them?" Lya asks before you can reply. A clever thought, if an expensive one should the mirrors be damaged.

A flash of worry passes over the envoy's features. "I do not think my master would trust such magics, but if you wish to make the attempt I can lead your envoy carrying these mirrors to the Eye of Tides."

What do you do?

[] Visit Galzerai in person

[] Use Lya's idea with the mirrors

[] Visit Kela instead, you have learned enough

[] Write in

OOC: I realize the vote was to look for sellswords in Dawa directly, but Viserys has never been there and therefore cannot teleport to that emirate so we would have been right back at at the 'what do you do while traveling' vote.
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"I know only that it was once part of the forging of those upon whose shoulders the axis of the spheres turned the Iris'ut, Those Inevitable. It was stolen centuries ago by a false scholar who presumed upon my master's hospitality yo steal it. I would expect he later sold it to the foolish Emir."
I'm going to guess it's even more complicated than that, maybe Galzerai took it from a ship transporting it to the Emir, that tried to dodge his tolls, the Emir sent the Scholar to recover it, and so both of them consider themselves the rightful owner.
To Seek and Be Found

Seventh Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC

"Plot a way through Dawa, look for any sellswords along the way, sing them tales of gold and glory to be had back home," you pause for a moment, considering your next words carefully. "Don't charge into any fights blindly. I know you want to fire those cannons for better cause than a dragon's curiosity, but I wouldn't want to miss it myself." Although the words are spoken lightheartedly, drawing smiles from the bridge crew, the message is clear; call for help if battle is at hand.

"Right, wouldn't want our girl to have her debut without an audience, would we lads?" Moonsong asks, patting the hardened steel of the navigation console. "Hope she gets some suitors worth dancing with."

Judging by the silence of the Moonchaser over the next few hours, she does not get her wish, alas neither do you find any envoy of the wyrm Galzerai in Mardja or even in teeming Vialesk, at least not openly. The prospect of finding an elder dragon's envoys when they do not wish to be found in a city five times more populous than Braavos, threaded through with hidden channels and secret chambers, does not seem like a good prospect for one pressed for time.

"For someone with a bounty on his head, the dragon seems rather unconcerned that most of the tales people hear of him are from the lips of his foes," Lya sighs as she takes a seat upon a polished shell bench amid the waving pink veined leaves of what the locals of the Upper City cal call 'High Kelp'. A pleasant enough ambiance, but Tyene's teasing aside, you did not organize this journey to the Boundless Sea just to have more time with Lya.

"Perhaps the bounty is the reason he is so disinclined to send his envoys out into the world," you muse. "While the Council would take any harm to a dragon's envoy very poorly, with so much wealth dangled before them many might be inclined to capture Galzerai's servants in an attempt to learn the secrets of his defenses from them."

"Or maybe he just doesn't like being disturbed when he sleeps on his mound of treasure," Lya counters. "Not every lord is as protective of his subjects as you are, much less every dragon."

"Citizens, not subjects," you correct absently, only to realize a moment later than Lya had been speaking Common, probably to prepare herself for the Reach, and you had substituted an Essosi word.

Before either of you can say anything more, you spot a triton in the black and crimson heraldry of your embassy staff approaching, a sealed tube clutched in hand. It seems an envoy of the dragon had found you instead, perhaps having heard of your inquiries.

Envoy Zahbi is an undine with a ready smile, bright in the light of the pale luminescent tendrils that serve him for hair, but his eyes are as dark as midnight depths. "Hail, Fire-Born and Witness to the Concordant," he proclaims with a graceful bow that loses a bit of nuance for being made in air rather than water. "What do you desire of my lord?"

"I am seeking allies against the Deep Ones from all those of good will and the strength of arm to face them, for my world is sore burdened with their cankerous presence," you reply, honestly enough if not the full truth. One can hardly say 'I wish to know if your lord is of such character as to be worth more to me as a dead foe than a living ally'.

The envoy shakes his head. "Such questions have been asked of my lord and master before, when the merchant princes of Vialesk made war upon the Far-Spawn. I can but say to you now what he said to them then, until the thief faces justice and the treasure is restored to its rightful place, Galzerai the Great Tide shall not abandon his hoard to fight in the wars of others."

"You speak of the anvil that now lies in the hands of the Emir of Kela," Lya interjects. "We have heard only rumors and whispered tales of its powers..."

"I know only that it was once part of the forging of those upon whose shoulders the axis of the spheres turned, the Iris'ut, The Inevitable. It was taken centuries ago by a false scholar who presumed upon my master's hospitality to steal it. I would expect he later sold it to the foolish Emir."

You nod, more than you had known before but not the full tale . "Would your master be amenable to meeting in a neutral place to discuss this?"

Zahbi shakes his head again, the pale lights of his 'hair' flashing. "He will not leave his domain save to go into battle. You must go to him."

"What about an enchanted mirror... well four of them?" Lya asks before you can reply. A clever thought if an expensive one should the mirrors damaged.

A flash of worry passes over the envoy's features. "I do not think my master would trust such magics, but if you wish to make the attempt I can lead your envoy carrying these mirrors to the Eye of Tides."

What do you do?

[] Visit Galzerai in person

[] Use Lya's idea with the mirrors

[] Visit Kela instead, you have learned enough

[] Write in

OOC: I realize the vote was to look for sellswords in Dawa directly but Viserys has never been there and therefore cannot teleport to that emirate so we would have been right back at at the 'what do you do while traveling' vote. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, @DragonParadox.

I removed this line near the end: "I'm sure some people will regret missing their mirror plays for a day or two, but it would allow communication both ways?" made by Lya. We actually 10 MirrorVision mirrors in stock which have not yet been placed anywhere.