Of Pledges and Profit
Fourth Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC
Having settled the trade agreement with Vialesk to the the satisfaction and soon-to-be profit of all concerned you turn your eyes to other potential allies. Thanks in no small part to Darleth's exemplary work on crafting fortifications you are less hesitant than you had once been to seek draconic aid against common foes across the boundless Spheres. That said, you do not let hope blind you to the potential peril ahead. Ser Richard would be most
disappointed if you found yourself in a battle with an elder dragon and all his hosts on his ground while the knight is off protecting Dany.
Levity fades as your thoughts turn to your sister preparing the ground for the battle against Tiamat and her pawns.
Stay safe, Dany, you send well-wishes that might have been a prayer were there any single god that could assure victory in the trials ahead. You wrench your mind back to the matter at hand. Althazi, called 'the Deathless', lord and god both to his giant-kin subjects... and friendly power to the Emirates of Dawa, Dalaqua and Mardja. Thus you entrust your message for the wyrm with the Mardjan envoy in Vialesk, asking the Emir to pass in on.
The terms are simple, you wish to meet Althazi or his envoy in a neutral place to discuss the possibility of acquiring his services against the Deep Ones. Though you are tempted to add a starting offer to judge his interest you do not know the skill of Madjan diplomacy well enough to trust them with the details, best step lightly where the pride of dragons is concerned.
The light of the sunken star waxes and wanes eight times over the Mirror Market before you have your answer, but it is the one you had hoped for, Althazi is at the very least curious about your offer, and from what the marid envoys says, about your very nature, having never encountered a dragon whose nature is flame over his long life.
All that remained to be decided was the precise location of your meeting. While Vialesk itself would certainly be convenient it would not be very considerate of the Council's lingering worries to embroil the city in draconic negotiations before a single mark of the proposed trading profits found their way into their coin purses, particularly when it concerns an old dragon mostly unknown in the City of Splendid Waves save by reputation. Thus you decide on Bonecrab Reef, a ring reef that serves as an anchorage for ships trading with Dawa and beyond. Still well within Vialesk's territory and host to a significant garrison of the Star Guard, the citizen-soldiers of the city. The commander of said garrison probably is not going to be enthused at the notion of playing host to draconic negotiations, but that worry is far easier to bear than the Council's.
Thus much to the disappointment of the
Moonchaser's, crew who had hoped to sample the wonders of Vialesk a while longer, and the anticipation of Captain Moonsong herself, to whom deeds of renown are more intoxicating than any wine, the ship raises anchor the very next day along the Blooding Current towards Dawa. In spite of the rather gruesome name the water is filled with nothing more perilous than a family of algae that flourishes in the warm mineral rich-waters and the route itself is well patrolled so you likely have two days of quiet travel in the meantime.
What do you do on the ship?
[] Learn more about the officers and crew, official briefings will only tell one so much
[] Take a cue from Lya and read a book, or several. While magic allows one to drink in the knowledge of most tomes in a few moments there is something to be said for enjoying the experience at your leisure
-[] Write in
[] Write in
OOC: I thought about just skipping past the journey, but we do not really have many scenes of Viserys just traveling these days, so I figured this was worth a bit of narrative attention.