Empire Day looks awesome, dude!
The highlighted section below might be a bit premature. I definitely want to produce some cheaper Wyvern variants eventually (being able to enchant five lesser variants for the cost of three full Wyverns will let us put a lot of them in the sky), but for the next several months it would probably be better if we produced the fully capable versions to give us maximum flexibility when it comes to prosecuting the war with the Efreeti.
-[] Security: "The recent troubles to shipping have not escaped my notice, and we will soon have viable responses to sudden and inclement weather that strikes upon the more vulnerable southern and northern routes, even despite use of divination to ensure safe travel." You will go over some of the details of the Moonchaser, using illusions to display some of its capabilities. You will also announce the creation of Wyvern/Hestati variant, cheaper patrol craft who can ensure decent coverage for the Imperium's airspace without sacrificing combat capability. The more common Principes has already contributed to the War of Three Realms extensively given their relative newness as a combat arm, and you are always looking to innovate in order to better aid your allies the Djinn.
@Crake, Instead of mentioning the lesser Wyverns, what about talking up our new Forge-grown creatures instead? They Fiery Dragonbeasts, Mighty Mind Dragons, Seawyrms, etc., are as much for defense of the realm as anything.