So, it seems our people actually clear out the spy-infestation in Yi-Ti this month, isntead of just looking thoroughly into it to strike st it decisively next month.
Pro: We fuck shit up for Timmie, BS!Emperor, and asshole Onis.
Con: We can't unfuck the shit we fucked up, so Timmie's gonna be aware of us... or just someone else in general (but I doubt she won't Divine enough to guess at us) putting an end to the spy-ring.
Her being on guard for our amassed attack is all but a given now.
Pro: We have one target less to worry about splitting our forces to attack come next nonth.
Pro: We get more good rep in with Asure Emps, that's gonna count for a lot.
Tyene decided top take advantage of the fight at the dojo to use the age old tactic 'let's you and him fight'.

The important thing to note here is that at the level Tyene was impersonating it's entirely reasonable the Rakshasha would have mind blank. That sort of opportunity does not come often