[X] Crake

We want more Fae to act like this, if possible I'd even reward them. Admittedly that would be a horrible idea but still.

We could also get the Lord to stop by mentioning that where they're growing could have ill effects on their product.
The Blood Crystal itself isn't responsible for this, it's the strange interactions between it and the field of Wild Magic which is having a trans-formative effect.

Better said that the Wild Magic has the transformation component, which makes sense, as it is likely holding onto the concept at work here.

We know what the crystals do. They drink blood and then grow.
But they probably have to grow in very specific places, else the stuff wouldn't cost 100 IM per pound. The Shaitan likely know exactly what those are, how to find them, and what effects they have on workers. They've been at this for a long, long time, after all.

[X] Crake
OOC: The little ritual Viserys used here is fluffing his high Knowledge (Nature), which includes fey.
Has Richard or anyone commented on how Viserys just seems to know things? It must be hilarious, because while he does read a hell of lot more now than he ever did when starting out as a conman in Braavos, both for business and pleasure, he's not known for having his nose constantly buried in two books simultaneously... unlike somebody. :V

I'm sure Lya says he's cheating at least once a week when he pulls out some obscure fact she read somewhere and knows nobody else has moved that book since she left it there last.

Also reminder that Viserys' extensive knowledge in both Arcana and the Planes actually comes from extensive experience and study. He's One Brainy Boi.
But they probably have to grow in very specific places, else the stuff wouldn't cost 100 IM per pound. The Shaitan likely know exactly what those are, how to find them, and what effects they have on workers. They've been at this for a long, long time, after all.

[X] Crake
[X] "I pledge to have this process and the field of Wild Magic researched by my scholars, and halt further growth after this harvest temporarily, as I intend to pay the Lord for the privilege of doing so. If this process can not be controlled, they will cease their works at my behest, and should a manner to halt this change be discovered, or at least direct it in a way not harmful or fearful, you will be the first to know."
-[X] Send an Erinyes to acquire information from the Opaline Vault on Blood Crystal cultivation with as large a purse and ACSEC contacts as necessary, and direct her to House Adjar if needed at last resort with a letter bearing your seal and unique Arcane Mark. You trust her discretion.
Has Richard or anyone commented on how Viserys just seems to know things? It must be hilarious, because while he does read a hell of lot more now than he ever did when starting out as a conman in Braavos, both for business and pleasure, he's not known for having his nose constantly buried in two books simultaneously... unlike somebody. :V

I'm sure Lya says he's cheating at least once a week when he pulls out some obscure fact she read somewhere and knows nobody else has moved that book since she left it there last.

Also reminder that Viserys' extensive knowledge in both Arcana and the Planes actually comes from extensive experience and study. He's One Brainy Boi.
What no one suspects about Viserys...
The Blood Crystal itself isn't responsible for this, it's the strange interactions between it and the field of Wild Magic which is having a trans-formative effect.

Better said that the Wild Magic has the transformation component, which makes sense, as it is likely holding onto the concept at work here.

We know what the crystals do. They drink blood and then grow.
Would you take any bets that a wild magic field cannot influence the blood crystals? After all, the crystals are already growing, they crave blood which is a core component of blood magic, and you've got tons of magic flowing around the cave ...
What no one suspects about Viserys...
It's part of his character ... thanks, to name just one, egoo.

[X] Crake
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Has Richard or anyone commented on how Viserys just seems to know things? It must be hilarious, because while he does read a hell of lot more now than he ever did when starting out as a conman in Braavos, both for business and pleasure, he's not known for having his nose constantly buried in two books simultaneously... unlike somebody. :V

I'm sure Lya says he's cheating at least once a week when he pulls out some obscure fact she read somewhere and knows nobody else has moved that book since she left it there last.

Also reminder that Viserys' extensive knowledge in both Arcana and the Planes actually comes from extensive experience and study. He's One Brainy Boi.
  1. Richard is long past noting that Viserys just knows things. He's just glad he did not have to chase down pixies through the woods
  2. As for Lya yeah 'cheater' is a term of endearment by now
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  1. Richard is long past noting that Viserys just knows things. He's just glad he did not have to chase down pixies though the woods
  2. As for Lya yeah 'cheater' is a term of endearment by now
Lya, prying at her robe's collar: "Tell me more obscure and esoteric facts about mysteries that have eluded scholars for an age and more."

Viserys: "Vhagar kept a garden of ice lilies in his Doom Fortress which he exchanged with Syrax as part of a joke he kept up with Ceraxes..."

Lya, fanning herself: "Go on."
As a preface, I'm not current. I'm steadily approaching the Conclave of the Faith.

So I had an idea or theory. I'm not that informed about D&D cosmology so I'm asking if I'm barking up the wrong tree.

The disharmony of the spheres has so far been revealed to have been, at least in a large part, the sundering of the good-aligned planes. Apparently the gates of heaven are now guarded by devils.

So if God's are intrinsically linked to the planes in some part, wouldn't a sundering of the good heavily damage, or potentially labotimize good gods?

This is my attempt to reconcile the gross incompetence of the Seven and their Archons, but I'm making a lot of assumptions. But, of all the gods we've met so far, the majority are evil or neutral, with the Seven being the most prominent 'good' gods; and for all their support and worship, one of the most actively destructive and hurtful to human interest.
As a preface, I'm not current. I'm steadily approaching the Conclave of the Faith.

So I had an idea or theory. I'm not that informed about D&D cosmology so I'm asking if I'm barking up the wrong tree.

The disharmony of the spheres has so far been revealed to have been, at least in a large part, the sundering of the good-aligned planes. Apparently the gates of heaven are now guarded by devils.

So if God's are intrinsically linked to the planes in some part, wouldn't a sundering of the good heavily damage, or potentially labotimize good gods?

This is my attempt to reconcile the gross incompetence of the Seven and their Archons, but I'm making a lot of assumptions. But, of all the gods we've met so far, the majority are evil or neutral, with the Seven being the most prominent 'good' gods; and for all their support and worship, one of the most actively destructive and hurtful to human interest.

The Seven actually run a gamut of alignments. From the front page on the virtues of the Seven:
  1. The Father - Lawful Neutral: Reflecting the general perspective of the virtues of authority in Westeros, favors good lordship, a stern face and one as little given to kindness as to cruelty in the pursuit of justice
  2. The Smith - Neutral Good: The smith is a creator, but he does not keep what he makes, but ever toils with the same diligence he encourages his devotees to
  3. The Warrior Lawful Neutral: The Warrior's virtue is valor most beloved by knights but called upon even by the conscripted smalfolk in their hour of need
  4. The Mother - Lawful Good: Nurturing figure, seen as softening the Father's harsh stance, she seeks to be kind and understanding of her children and asks of them the same
  5. Maiden - Neutral Good: The light of youth untroubled by the harshness of the world. Hers is the generosity of spirit pure untroubled by the dictates of rule. Most called upon by the young the Maiden nonetheless asks of every man and woman to keep in some corner of their hearts the joy and wonder of youth and above all else to share it freely with others who may have forgotten
  6. The Crone - Lawful Neutral: Also known as the Wise One, she who opened the doors of death, for the first time knowing that for every beginning there must be an end. Scholars and teachers pray to the crone, for her virtue is wisdom and while Her lessons may be harsh they are never without purpose.
  7. The Stranger - True Neutral: Death unknown and unknowable before which the only virtue can be humility
As a preface, I'm not current. I'm steadily approaching the Conclave of the Faith.

So I had an idea or theory. I'm not that informed about D&D cosmology so I'm asking if I'm barking up the wrong tree.

The disharmony of the spheres has so far been revealed to have been, at least in a large part, the sundering of the good-aligned planes. Apparently the gates of heaven are now guarded by devils.

So if God's are intrinsically linked to the planes in some part, wouldn't a sundering of the good heavily damage, or potentially labotimize good gods?

This is my attempt to reconcile the gross incompetence of the Seven and their Archons, but I'm making a lot of assumptions. But, of all the gods we've met so far, the majority are evil or neutral, with the Seven being the most prominent 'good' gods; and for all their support and worship, one of the most actively destructive and hurtful to human interest.
The Seven have their own realm not tied directly to the Celestial Planes, accessed via the Astral Plane, IIRC. Only two or three of the Seven are intrinsically Good-aligned, so it makes sense that their realm would be located somewhere more Neutrally-aligned.The

EDIT: BTW, please read through the entire Conclave, the conclusion of our involvement, and the related discussion before commenting on it, and please try not to dredge up any salt?
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As a preface, I'm not current. I'm steadily approaching the Conclave of the Faith.

So I had an idea or theory. I'm not that informed about D&D cosmology so I'm asking if I'm barking up the wrong tree.

The disharmony of the spheres has so far been revealed to have been, at least in a large part, the sundering of the good-aligned planes. Apparently the gates of heaven are now guarded by devils.

So if God's are intrinsically linked to the planes in some part, wouldn't a sundering of the good heavily damage, or potentially labotimize good gods?

This is my attempt to reconcile the gross incompetence of the Seven and their Archons, but I'm making a lot of assumptions. But, of all the gods we've met so far, the majority are evil or neutral, with the Seven being the most prominent 'good' gods; and for all their support and worship, one of the most actively destructive and hurtful to human interest.
Gods aren't really related to Good/Evil/Neutral-aligned planes.

They are their own entities, with different place in cosmological order I'm sure someone would be better able to explain.

But still, as an example you may get at where you are - Zathir. The coatl-God we saved from Efreeti/Asmodeus convoy.
Tortured and defiled in original body, yes - but still all the way decent and smart Deity, and quite Good at that.

Sseth is Evil, and an asshole of a snek - but no connection to Evil-aligned planes either.

Most Good Deities seems to have been adding their forces to defense of Heavens, and... well, losing, hard.
An unnamed Goddess even got eaten by Void (fluff for the amulet we got from Varys, the chapter you've yet to get to), and all her followers got brainwashed.

But Seven seem to be mostly a victim of belief-imbued stupidity (much like R'hlor is), and dogmatics really not meshing well with current world's order.

Edit: DP'd and Eldritch'd both. Nighty-night.
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BTW, please read through the entire Conclave, the conclusion of our involvement, and the related discussion before commenting on it, and please try not to dredge up any salt?
...Shall a warning be put at Conclave-chapters?

Like, an actual, in-chapter note along the lines of:
"This part had thread tearing itself apart, but we mostly moved on from that by now. Please read through with knowledge that nothing here shook the community too badly, but don't bring up stuff from here unless absolutely necessary"?

...I'm only half-joking.
Like, an actual, in-chapter note along the lines of:
"This part had thread tearing itself apart, but we mostly moved on from that by now. Please read through with knowledge that nothing here shook the community too badly, but don't bring up stuff from here unless absolutely necessary"?

...I'm only half-joking.

I think we can trust people to be tactful and if someone does mention something from back then I trust the thread to explain things as they come.

Warnings in the chapters might discourage new readers from posting at all and that would be a pity.
Best way to describe those events: You can have a perfect story when there is only one person involved in the creative process, because there is only one person claiming it is perfect.

People who devote a lot of mental resources towards a project (player) will fight back when you try to cut them out of the bargain.
Ah well. I guess they just suck as Gods.

Deities gain power by mainly two methods: Belief and sacrifice.
While sacrifice is 'blank' energy that can be harnessed entirely as the deity wishes, belief empowers and shapes, essentially transforming such over time to what the majority of worshippers believe them to be.

Now, consider that The Seven abhor sacrifice.
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