It's technically a Dragon, so I thought creating them might be more difficult than minor elementals?
Pyrausta – d20PFSRD
@DragonParadox, based off what we paid in the chapter linked below, a Wheel of Far Travel would cost 4900 Glassteel Scepters, or 9800 IM (subtracting the 11,000 for each Mind Blank ring and 8100 for the coin press). That is in line with what it would cost to commission a 3/Day Plane Shift item; 9,718 IM (4,859 IM to enchant ourselves).
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
Wondrous Trades Second Day of the Sixth Month 293 AC After some thought you decide to choose knowledge over simple coin, partly from curiosity and partly to make a good showing to the Shaitans. It would not do to seem too attached to a captive genie given their fears of being enslaved
The Armory page wasn't really meant to keep track of that stuff, but it has kinda grown since I started it. I'll try to remember to add them in this evening when I get home.It seems we bought Arkas Grass and Cassil seeds but never used them and they are missing from your tracking sheet.
Sorry to be bothering you guys with all this past stuff but It would be a shame if all this stuff was looted, purchased but forgotten about.
Wow, I'm always impressed when someone goes through the diacussion along with the story itself. 14+ thousand pages is no joke.I have been reading this quest for like 2 years, not in reader mode.... cant wait to catch up and start participating. Only 500 pages to go!
Much?I was talking more about the willow-wisp above, the dragon is a dragon, it would take flesh-forge research.
We have basic dragon-knowledge from Lady Saenena's research and we have fire elementals from Lya.
The Pyrausta is basically the smallest and most harmless possible combination of these two elements.
So if we upgrade the Moonchaser's Wheel of Far Travel this month to the next level, it will be able to link 10 other ships(?) that can also Plane Shift? Or do they not need the ability to Plane Shift?Thanks for finding this, the ruling stands of course. I just was not sure what I'd called the price to.
So if we upgrade the Moonchaser's Wheel of Far Travel this month to the next level, it will be able to link 10 other ships(?) that can also Plane Shift? Or do they not need the ability to Plane Shift?
Can you clarify how that will work? Is it only other ships or can individual creatures tag along, too?
Say we had the Moonchaser and ten Wyverns flying close enough to be included (what's the range of that, BTW?), using the upgraded Wheel would allow them all to link up and expend one daily use of Plane Shift to arrive at the same destination?
If having a Plane Shift ability isn't necessary for those ships/creatures linked to the upgraded Wheel to be included, we could produce a cheaper version of the Wyverns which rely on a Moonchaser or other vessel with an upgraded Wheel for travel between Planes.
There are two Brilliant Barrier Point Defense Modules on the crafting schedule for this month. Each is at 7th caster level and costs 5040 IM.So @Goldfish how many Brillian Barriers are we sticking on each Moonchaser? And hownkany can we make this Month? One CL10 User Activated Brilliant Barrier component would be 8000IM to make right?
That would give 10 5 foot square swappable barriers at 20 hardness and 100hp each right?
The Brilliant Barrier effect won't be that customizable. The sections need to be contiguous, so we'll be able to get one larger barrier from each module, but the shape can be changed as needed upon activation. They're also able to be made non-stationary, meaning the barriers can also be used as emergency hull patches.Or would it be worth going for CL 20 on these things since it gives each panel 10 hp per level and 1 more panel per level?
16000 IM would give us 20 panels with 200hp each. That actually doesn't sound bad. Well if my math is right anyway.
They're not meant to be impenetrable barriers, merely to block dangerous attacks and to serve as impediments to attackers who won't like running into a solid wall.So no benefit to haven't walls on demand for good portions of the ship? CL7 seems a bit weak at hp70
Actually if it just has to be continous could we felt it to double layer the barrier over itself?
Means, you need 3+ disintegration rays hit the same section within one round. Can be done in principle, but raises the bar.Most importantly, however, is that the spell can be activated as an Immediate Action, allowing it to be used to block attacks which would otherwise be guaranteed hits. And it can be used once per round. With two modules, that's two uses per round. If a barrier is destroyed to block a hit, that's perfectly acceptable.
@Duesal @Goldfish@Trek, thanks a lot for digging up those forgotten slimes/Flesh-forged servitors/ingridients.
I can't quite compile anything myself, busy writing up some... long-forgotten Research Actions and redacting the full list of RAs.
Do you mind lobbing them in a single list now, for ease of access and @'ng goldfish and duesal?
Sothoryos Loot Count II
Living Loot:
1 Mezlan Guardian
2 Siege Serpents
6 Livestones
30 Emerald Oozes
26 Dispas* (Ozmond is a dispa advanced to 10HD and thus large)
18 Mercury Oozes
1 Stone Puddings
10 Gelatinous Cubes1 Livestone
1 Emerald Ooze
1 Dispa (Ozmond is a dispa advanced to 10HD and thus large)
1 Mercury Ooze
1 Stone Pudding
1 Gelatinous Cube312 Common Serpentfolk Eggs (Sun-Walker)
71 Hidden Fang Serpentfolk Eggs
52 Brood Guard Serpentfolk Eggs (Black Scale Advanced template, no SLAs or ability to use arcane or divine magic)
43 Thirsting One Serpentfolk Eggs
28 Naga-Blooded Serpentfolk Eggs
Note: All SLAs are arcane and not psionicBio-Constructs
True Constructs:
- 32 Far Hands [Stats as Monkey except as follows: Bio-Construct Traits; INT 5; Mending and Stabilize SLA at will]
- 15 Hunter Seekers [9 HD; Standard Armament Large Sized]
- 7 Stalker Seekers [6 HD; Lose Bone Shield; Gain Pounce and 2d6 Bonus Damage when pouncing or charging]
- 8 Warden Seekers [9 HD; Lose Magic Disruption; Gain Advanced Arcane Sight, Blindsense 30ft, Tremorsense 5ft; can share senses with a controller]
- 5 Caretakers [Surrogate Child Guardians; Seeker plan with more recognizable human features; No anti-magic abilities; Retractable long spears; Shield Other SLA at will; Dimension Door 3/day (Self and up to three bonded wards only)]
- 3 Slayer Seekers [12 HD; Lose Arcane Consumption Paralytic Tentacle; Gain At Will Greater Invisibility SLA; Hollow Bone Daggers for use with poison; Sneak Attack Bonus 4d6; Death Attack]
Sacrifice Loot:
1 Oblivion
1 Mighty Ghonhatine
4 Ghonhatines
1 Pleasure Devil ??? (Spellcaster)
1 Pridespawn Wizard 16 (19 HD; CR 18)
1 Ghole 16/Ectoplasmatist 4
265 Unsullied
3 Pridespawn Sorcerer 14 (17 HD; CR 16)
1 Pridespawn Sorcerer 16 (19 HD; CR 17)
Corpses Loot:
Skull of Chang Hui who was a court official to the last Grey Emperor
54 Ghonhatines
Mythic Horned Devil Corpse (15 HD: MR 8: CR 20)
Advanced Chimeric Wizard Creature Bone Devil Corpse (15 HD: CR 16)
2 Ghole Sorcerer Creatures
32 Gholes
1 Harvester Devil
1 Cleric of Asmodeus - 17 HD (Can be interrogated via Speak with Dead)
135 Unsullied - 7 HD each
Magical Loot:
Greater Rod of Quickening
Horticulturist Alchemist Archetype
1 Axiomatic Breaking Dispelling Burst War Mace +1
1 Set of Gelugon Plate
1 Ring of Delayed Doom
345 Amulets of Protection from Good [Communal/Cursed] (Total CL 115)
Skull Fetishes:
- 1x Freedom of Movement
- 6x CLW and ILW
- 2x Protection from Energy
- 1x Dispel Magic
- 1x Bear's Strength
- 2x Cat's Grace
Mohrg Tongue:
Description: This rotting thing tied firmly around a Rune-scribed bone is as repulsive to the hand of most living beings as it is effective in severing foes from their lives
Ability: It allows the wielder to turn it into a 1-handed Ectoplasmic Lash equal to a Level 4 Ectoplasmatist, with the added ability to paralyze the target on a critical hit for one round (DC 21 Fort Negates). If the wielder is already an Ectoplasmatist his class level is treated as 4 higher for the purpose of his Lash ability.Mind Breaker
Description: Wrought as much of the ancient Devil's own dread legend as Hell-Forged Shake Steel, the white-hot blade smokes and crackles with the mad whispers of a thousand broken minds, severing from its victims every scrap of courage and any spark of will, leaving them broken and mewling before the interrogator had even begun its fel craft.
Caster Level: 21
- +2 Keen Searing Fiery Burst Thinaun Greatsword
- On a critical hit the wielder may attempt to channel the full weight of its fearful legend through the anguish the sword has created, to sever the will to resist from its very mind. The effect is identical to Feeblemind (DC 32 Negates) save that the target will take no action save cowering in fear. It is not blocked by defenses that normally protect the mind nor is it so easily healed. Miracle or Wish have only a 50% chance to heal the damage, leaving only direct divine intervention as a certain way to undo the damage (the wielder must have both a Fear Aura and Mythic Ranks to use this ability).
Black Thorn Ring
Description: Cast from the thorns of Heavenly roses rotted and defiled in the Breaking, this ring plagues the very air the bearer breathes with darkness and makes the earth groan under his feet, a boon to the dead and the damned, and a bane to any who would stand against them.
Ability: Constant Unholy Aura
Caster Level: 15Lenses of Figment PiercingCursed Prism
Description: This simple prism of sulfur stained glass seems at first a boon to any who should come upon it, for it shows the truth of things, but the careful mage can see that a truth spoken with malice can eat into the heart as easily as any lie.
Ability: When it is gazed through, this prism enables the user to see as though they were affected by the True Seeing spell. It can be used for as many as 30 minutes a day, in increments of 5 minutes. These increments do not need to be consecutive.
Curse: With every activation the wielder must make a will save (DC 10+1 for every previous activation) or become overcome with paranoid delusions about everyone and everything they trust, using the gem obsessively to check them, or other less subtle methods when the item's power runs out for the day.
Caster Level: 10
Gravewatch Pendant
Gloves of Dueling
Non-Magical Loot:
Non-Magical Treasure and Art traded with the Ledge-Runners (Market Value 172,500 IM)Serpentfolk Citadel Set'Var Library
Knowledge (Alchemy) +8
Knowledge (Arcana) +5
Knowledge (Architecture) +6
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +3
Knowledge (Economics) +9
Knowledge (Geography) +8
Knowledge (History) +12
Knowledge (Mathematics) +4
Knowledge (Nature) +7
Knowledge (Religion) +2
Knowledge (The Planes) +1
Knowledge (War) +3
Infernal Ledgers
Gogossosi Tablets (Mostly relating to flesh-forging and the fall of the city)
Ghole Treasure
Loose Gems and Coins: 6,500 Gold
- Eight Gold and Onyx Animal-Headed Funerary Urns (2,235 Gold)
- Five Silver Lanterns and three Incense Censers made in the same style (1,100 Gold)
- Three Formal Dresses woven from cloth of Silver and Mithral and adorned with Rubies (Strong enough to serve as Mithral Chain Mail; -2 Dex Bonus; 3,200 Gold)
- A set of Black Jade Statuettes depicting the Fourteen Gods of Valyria (3,000 Gold)
- A pair of Valyrian Steel helms shaped in the likeness of predatory painted lizards (5,700 Gold)
- Three Ceremonial Spears with Bronze Leaf-Shaped Bronze Tips and Ebony Shafts (400 Gold)
Places Loot:
But the profits are not recorded, it seems we skipped over it and didn't bother coming up with a mechanic either.
- 96 lbs of Noqual
- 37 lbs of Horacalum
- 40 lbs of Elysian Bronze
- Arkas Grass and Cassil seeds
- 153,400 IM
Glyra sure has come a long way, eh?Meat to the Slaughter
Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC
Gizmar zo Hahza was a humble man, a butcher by trade like his father before him and his father's father going back to the days of Old Ghys or so his family's tales told. Each day he would lead a cow into the slaughter room and take it apart bit by bit and join by joint: chops and slices, racks of ribs, mince, stock, brain-fodder, boiled hoof and pared tongue, tail soup and blood sausage, honest work, freeman's work for no one with sense handed a slave a knife least they'd been proper broken to the task and as far as he was concerned the Unsullied were the only ones who were handled right.
Get them while they are young and rub their noses in the dirt so they'll know their place, that was how his father had taught Gizmar to train hounds and slaves were no different when you came right down to it. It was how he treated his own slaves, two pale hared from some far off barbarian land who had come with barbarian names he couldn't pronounce so he had given them new one to call them by when the floor needed cleaning or the bones and gristle needed taking out for the rag pickers.
"Meghar! Nekna! Time to scrape the pots!" he called up. The butcher then turned his back on the stairs certain they would come, he'd trained them well after all and he was expecting....
As though the wings of harpies bore his thoughts there was a short sharp knock then at the door then a second and third, each about three heartbeats apart. His neighbors would not guess it to be anything more than and impatient customer waiting for his agonalia meats.
Gizmar knew different of course, a far more important observance awaited him, not just to the Graces, but to Meereen itself.
The man in the black cloak was not known to him, but the steel winged pendant that flashed in his hand once he was in the shop was not. "The talons must be sharpened," the courier proclaimed. "Lace street has been scraped clean on the dragon's filth, but we must ensure that the properties are not again infested by his spies."
"With that silver?" the butcher asked sharply. "Too many of the old icons have been melted already. Are we to spend all of our heritage for nothing but spite and blood?"
"You presume to discuss matters far above your station, hog-flayer," the man scoffed using an old insult for Gizmar's trade. As soon call him tanner, the task for the lowliest of slaves.
The butcher's fingers tightened painfully around the hilt of his knife. He was the one who had agreed to keep the Harpies' gold safe beneath his floorboards, though it would have been death or slavery to be be known as a loyal Son and now this thrice damn noble, who had probably spat on the sacred thorn bundle when the Old Queen died was telling him he had no say in how it as spent. A red haze came over the butcher, like blood spraying from fresh cut meat.
Cut... Cut... Cut...
The red was not just in his head now, it was on his apron, on his hands, the cloaked man fell to his knees, gurgling though a torn neck, whether to spin curses or plead for mercy Gizmar neither knew nor cared. He had to finish him off now. But when the last cut was done and the corpse slumped to the ground it did not stop moving. Ribs cracked, flesh and skin peeled back and something red and glistening came out of the wound. It looked like a man, though it was scarce two feet high, it had long black horns like a goat and a sharp wicked face with eyes like smoldering embers. Merciful Graces protect, a fiend of the False Father.
The thing tore a letter from the corpse and started to fly off when a chain came flying out of nowhere to wrap around one of its leathery bat wings and pull it down. Meghar... no that couldn't be Meghar, there was a fel emerald light in his eyes and his form flickered like he was standing at the far end of a market on a hot summer day.
"Well ain't this a treat, I was hunting vultures and caught a snake," not-Meghar said, then he motioned towards Gizmar speaking words in a strange lilting tongue and his knees gave out under him as he fell into enchanted sleep.
OOC: Since I know it will be asked, I might as well confirm it here, Glyra got the imp as well as the butcher in for interrogation. It looks like the devils have infiltrated and are making use of some of the Sons of the Harpy. Also she used Murderous Command borrowed from Malarys in addition to her new Bungle SLA to ensure Gizmar would kill the courier. If the imp had not shown up requiring her to break cover she could have then stolen some part of the corpse for Malarys to use Speak With Dead on, which is far more inconspicuous than vanishing people off the street to interrogate. Not yet edited.