2. I don't know if stealing the tree would actually announce his alliance. Viserys' thing is growing them after all. A tree dissapearing? Who the fuck knows. Maybe he stole it to thumb Roberts Nose, the same reason he stole Roberts favorite booze house after all! Maybe it's some other grumpkin. There's hardly a shortage of them after all.
Stealing the tree brings a lot of unwanted attention I'm unwilling to risk at the moment.
The tree is really not a problem, with DP having ruled that we can easily fleshforge an identical fake (that isn't in fact Weirwood) and plant it instead

All we'd need to, is some layering of illusions and wards while busy with that, to ensure noone gets even a hint, or any smart ideas
The tree is really not a problem, with DP having ruled that we can easily fleshforge an identical fake (that isn't in fact Weirwood) and plant it instead

All we'd need to, is some layering of illusions and wards while busy with that, to ensure noone gets any smart ideas.
Fair enough on the tree then, but the point still stands with Stannis needing a bit longer to adjust.
What was the Knogomato?
Lesser jungle dragon that was killed in an interlude, when it attacked an adventurer party lead by Vee we sent to Sothoryos, I think it would make an useful guard dog for somewhere remote like a Hellven tree.

It's not quite a proper dragon, but it's still rather powerful, so I think it's worth reviving, and beating into being our subordinate dragon(it worked with Relath)

I also want to do a divination to check for other Kongamatos in Sothoryos, there are probably more living there, and recruiting them would be useful, we could send Amrelath to do the recruiting, I'm sure he's adapt at establishing a draconic pecking order.
Fair enough on the tree then, but the point still stands with Stannis needing a bit longer to adjust.
Yeah, yeah, I got the notion.

I still don't agree, and think he'll manage well enough - but whatever, we have enough important tasks as is this month, I'm not going to die on this hill.
Yeah, yeah, I got the notion.

I still don't agree, and think he'll manage well enough - but whatever, we have enough important tasks as is this month, I'm not going to die on this hill.
I'm already imagining Stannis managing to bargain with Father Storm and eventually getting Elder Storm Elementals as guardians of Storm's End. And when we eventually make his Valyrian Steel weapon there are like five different storm-based enchantments I want to stick on there.
You know I was just thinking about what to do for an interlude (since I want to keep the minor action vote up). I think an Aliser interlude would be interesting.
Awesome. :D
You know, if we'd attack a few months later then Asmodeus would probably have been in total control of the city, have filled it with monsters, and be in a good position to use a local high-CR asset backed by 50+ CR 8-12 minions to simply kill us and take our soul.
One thing about Asmodeus that I think we are underselling just by not highlighting it, and @DragonParadox can probably back me up on this.

Most Clerics only have one set of Gods, or only interact with fellows of their own Faith, and thus the strings of Fate and stuff hanging over them can be hidden, but when you use your AMAZING DEVILRY to cheat and look through the obstructions anyway, you find the future remains consistent for them.

Viserys interacts with like a dozen fucking different Gods with different motivations and varied power levels, in addition to being warded. Looking into that future and predicting what he and the Companions will do should be categorically more difficult. Too many Powers at play, thus it is likely for once our success wasn't simply accounted for by Big Red. We did escalate our own chessmaster-esque moves within a commendable timeframe. If we were a devil, he would likely have promoted us already.
[X] Attempt to come in direct contact with R'hlor, seeking out a presense once met before - or inquiring Melisande/Benerro about setting such a meeting up.
-[X] To be done before the middle of 11th month.
-[X] You have questions, and a possibility of an alliance (at the moment - mainly agaist Tiamat, with R'hlor possibly empowering Well of Souls alongside other Gods of the realm - if we can trust him with this, that is) between you, but trusting mere priests' word on the matter as delicate as this simply won't do.
I do remember Bloodraven telling us to not involve R'hlor himself in anything.
IIRC it went something like "use his servants if you must, but not him" or so.
So I am somewhat against that, unless Uncle has changed his opinion?(which I doubt)
I do remember Bloodraven telling us to not involve R'hlor himself in anything.
IIRC it went something like "use his servants if you must, but not him" or so.
So I am somewhat against that, unless Uncle has changed his opinion?(which I doubt)
Bloodraven also knew next to nothing about R'hllor thanks to him being on a different continent. It was a warning to be wary, not "don't work with him ever".
Bloodraven's warning was more in the vein of "don't trust anyone with that kind of leverage over you to deal fairly unless they absolutely have to", especially if it's not in their nature.

You don't get more entitled as a deity than R'hllor, frankly the moderates in his Faith must be scoring some MAJOR fucking victories over the rightwing nuts among them from @DragonParadox's background rolls. So as a rule of thumb, "verify, from fifty yards away, and trust is relative anyway".
Could you expound on this a bit more?

As far as I can tell two greater teleports should handle it just fine.
Because we also have to arrange for "Varys'" absence from court, hide him from anyone who might see him in SD, and get him back in place in King's Landing with no one the wiser.

I just don't think it's worth the hassle when Dany can speak with Bloodraven pretty much any time she wishes, and in fact just saw him in person very recently. Bloodraven also has better things to do with his time, to be honest.

Like I said, it's not impossible, just a lot of trouble for no real gain.
@egoo Great work with the minor actions.

I agree that it's time to deal with those wisps. We can not let them stain our reputation.

I know it's going to be hard, but the faceless men would be an incredible asset if we manage to diplomance them.

Wow we are producing a lot of heart trees this month.

I would be up for trying to flip Stannous as soon as possible. Do we need to convert him to get help from the stormgod against Tiamat, or are we not using him against her?
@egoo Great work with the minor actions.

I agree that it's time to deal with those wisps. We can not let them stain our reputation.

I know it's going to be hard, but the faceless men would be an incredible asset if we manage to diplomance them.

Wow we are producing a lot of heart trees this month.

I would be up for trying to flip Stannous as soon as possible. Do we need to convert him to get help from the stormgod against Tiamat, or are we not using him against her?
We're not using the Storm God against Tiamat. He is way too weak to be of any help, and would risk utter destruction if used like that.
Do we need to convert him to get help from the stormgod against Tiamat, or are we not using him against her?
As much as I'd like to, there I concede with others' point.
Storm God is just objectively not strong enough yet.

If he could have invested a tiny bit of essense into the Snare with returns times and times that...
But the problem would be, is that Tiamat could very easily break out because of a weak link like that.

We aren't 100% sure that what we are planning would work even as is, before adding Stormy and Burny into the pile.
Does the Storm Lord take sacrifices? Because I am willing to sacrifice all the Wisps to him.
First he needs to be properly awakened to power to be sacrificed to, tho', and there's a Stannis in the way.
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Viserys: *Raises 26 Heart Trees in a month*
Bloodraven: "...I need aspirin*
Old Gods: "Caw!"

How many Heart Trees (not on focal points like Fleshforges) OGs requested from us, again..?
The Old Gods never requested a specific number. These are the only quests we've gotten from them.

1. Grow at least one Tier-Three Weirwood Heart Tree
2. Grow a Tier-Three Weirwood Heart Tree using the Landwarden of Lys as a sacrifice
3. Grow seven Tier-Three Weirwood Heart Trees in the sacred hills of Andalos as part of humbling the Seven
4. Transport a Tier-Three Weirwood Heart Tree to Sundered Heaven so that the Old Gods can keep an eye on the Void