@egoo, Dany's birthday is on the 11th day of the 11th month. We need an in-character Viserys minor action to account for the celebration. Otherwise, the Minor Actions list looks good to me. Nice to see how many we got accomplished this past month to bring it down to a more manageable number.

We also need a gift for her, y'all. Any ideas?
Uh... What to get for the girl who has everything indeed...

Is there a way we could get Jon, Aemon, and Bloodraven here for her birthday?

Jon's... Doable. Aemon could leave for some time...

And we DID make Bloodraven that simulacrum. Varys can disappear for a day, it's not that unusual.

@Goldfish could you make these arrangements?


[ ] Acquire "Holy" earth and air from our Djinn and Shaitan Allies.

[ ] Have someone ask Yss resurect the Heavenly Roses used in making the ring of unholy aura.

[ ] Have someone investigate the location the box given to you by the faceless men revealed.

Somebody kick these to Egoo please?
@Crake, did you set aside a Vee day (possibly Lya and Dany as well) for helping Selyse Drekelis give birth to her and Garin's triplets?
I think that would fully qualify as a Minor Action, no need to break off even more Research Progress from the charts.

*is still kinda afraid to not get the needed amounts of Progress on RAs before the attack on Timmie*

Will add now.
Edit: added
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You can, but you would need to figure out how to protect said tree.
How big a deal is 1 tree being destroyed to the Old gods?
I want to determine how long it's prudent to wait, should we just wait until we can afford to dedicate a few hundred to a thousand troops and a champion, and retreat if the danger of planting a tree prove to be much more than such an army can take, or is 1 tree being cut down a big enough deal, that we should wait until we can afford a whole army to protect it?

If losing 1 tree is something the old gods will forgive us for if we plant 5 more, then I think we should plant a tree in Heaven, as soon as we can afford to dedicate a few hundred legionaires, some Fungus creatures, and a moderately powerful champion.

I still want to find a use for the Kongamato we killed long ago, I know you guys don't like the idea of resurrecting it, but resurrecting it, giving it a Hoard 2-3 times the size of its old Hoard(chump change the Kongamato was not rich) and ordering it to guard a tree in the middle of nowhere, negate the actual problems with resurrecting it, its stupidity and maliciousness, can't really do any damage, when the only beings that are around to terrorize are enemies attacking the tree.

If you say it's still not a good idea to resurrect it, then I will accept that, but we have since then recruited literal Fiends, the Kongamato wasn't worse than that, and even a moron like it can't mess much up guarding a tree.

I wouldn't want to give it any more complicated jobs, or let it anywhere near civilians, but as long as it's paid and fed, it seems ideal for guarding stuff, and a CR14 guard dog is nice.
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How big a deal is 1 tree being destroyed to the Old gods?
I want to determine how long it's prudent to wait, should we just wait until we can afford to dedicate a few hundred to a thousand troops and a champion, and retreat if the danger of planting a tree prove to be much more than such an army can take, or is 1 tree being cut down a big enough deal, that we should wait until we can afford a whole army to protect it?

If losing 1 tree is something the old gods will forgive us for if we plant 5 more, then I think we should plant a tree in Heaven, as soon as we can afford to dedicate a few hundred legionaires, some Fungus creatures, and a moderately powerful champion.

I still want to find a use for the Kongamato we killed long ago, I know you guys don't like the idea of resurrecting it, but resurrecting it, giving it a Hoard 2-3 times the size of its old Hoard(chump change the Kongamato was not rich) and ordering it to guard a tree in the middle of nowhere, negate the actual problems with resurrecting it, its stupidity and maliciousness, can't really do any damage, when the only beings that are around to terrorize are enemies attacking the tree.

If you say it's still not a good idea to resurrect it, then I will accept that, but we have since then recruited literal Fiends, the Kongamato wasn't worse than that, and even a moron like it can't mess much up guarding a tree.

I wouldn't want to give it any more complicated jobs, or let it anywhere near civilians, but as long as it's paid and fed, it seems ideal for guarding stuff, and a CR14 guard dog is nice.
The tree in Heaven idea is only feasible when we're openly operating there, and that's not going to be for quite a while. We have too many covert interests right now.
Hey if it was two quasits squatting in the swamp killing lost people you'd want to get rid of them.

Hey! Coral is only part animal?
I still want to find a use for the Kongamato we killed long ago
Eh, think deep down a bit of the objection is because we know it liked kid meat and the update it got introduced alluded to child bones. Weve hired worse but you know. Thing isnt strong enough to put up with.
Hey if it was two quasits squatting in the swamp killing lost people you'd want to get rid of them.

Hey! Coral is only part animal?

Eh, think deep down a bit of the objection is because we know it liked kid meat and the update it got introduced alluded to child bones. Weve hired worse but you know. Thing isnt strong enough to put up with.
Most of the Fiends we have hired are weaker than it, and most of them have probably done worse than eating children.

Sure their crimes were offscreen, but I'm sure more than one of them have tortured children to death for fun, I don't think the fact the Kongamato's crimes were onscreen, make them worse than if they were offscreen.
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@DragonParadox will it be possible for Lya to "upgrade" Velen and his fellow lesser phoenixes to regular Phoenixes? (With the appropriate research actions done)
And on a related matter, @DragonParadox, can we get a write-out on the ritual Lya learned from R'hlor's holy book?

What can we make with it, what is the cost, what can't we make, etc..?

Lore we had aplenty in the interlude, don't bother with that - but numbers are kinda lacking.

even a moron like it can't mess much up guarding a tree.
Aurane's Razor: if an idiot can be an idiot, they'll be an idiot.

But honestly, it doesn't even matter.
The tree there is a bad idea regardless of how many forces or PCs we can send, or whether Old Gods will even forgive us for it dying (veeeery doubtful supposition right here)

We have:
1) Illithids with support from PoB
2) Daemons
3) Void
4) Asmodeus' Fiends
To deal with there.

And that's just direct, near-limitless armies that will immediately gun for it.

Simply put, we wont be able to keep it safe for a loooong while, and any results we could gain with one that will be destroyed would also be gone with it.

Unless we could keep those forces in check?
We simply wont spend lives and resources on nothing.
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Thinking about Hellven I'm really unhappy how last turn went.

Before making enemies of Asmodeus we could have bought a plot of land in the temple-district of Heaven's Shore and our Tree would have enjoyed the protection of the local garrison against Daemons, Squids and Void.

Now it's too risky to work in Hellven under anything but total secrecy.
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Hey if it was two quasits squatting in the swamp killing lost people you'd want to get rid of them.

Hey! Coral is only part animal?

Eh, think deep down a bit of the objection is because we know it liked kid meat and the update it got introduced alluded to child bones. Weve hired worse but you know. Thing isnt strong enough to put up with.
They have a symbiotic relationship with Algae, but are animals.
Uh... What to get for the girl who has everything indeed...

Is there a way we could get Jon, Aemon, and Bloodraven here for her birthday?

Jon's... Doable. Aemon could leave for some time...

And we DID make Bloodraven that simulacrum. Varys can disappear for a day, it's not that unusual.

@Goldfish could you make these arrangements?


[ ] Acquire "Holy" earth and air from our Djinn and Shaitan Allies.

[ ] Have someone ask Yss resurect the Heavenly Roses used in making the ring of unholy aura.

[ ] Have someone investigate the location the box given to you by the faceless men revealed.

Somebody kick these to Egoo please?
Jon and Aemon are possible, for sure. No chance for Bloodraven, though. The logistics of moving the Varys Simulacrum around aren't impossible, but it would be kinda weird, IMO.

I'm also at a loss for what to get her as a present.

@egoo, zxzx24 had some additional thoughts for possible minor actions that I've quoted. I have no clue what the first one is for, and the third one isn't really feasible considering what we know, or don't know, of the Bloodstone Emperor's holdings. The second one, though, would be cool if we could manage it. Not sure if it's worth Yss time at the moment, though.
Thinking about Hellven I'm really unhappy how last turn went.

Before making enemies of Asmodeus we could have bought a plot of land in the temple-district of Heaven's Shore and our Tree would have enjoid the protection of the local garrison against Daemons and Void.

Now it's too risky to work in Hellven under anything but total secrecy.
That would never work long term, we either become enemies, or he launches a full invasion on our plane, we can't let his plans come to fruition.
We could possibly deflect the blame, but long term it would still be incredibly risky, the moment he took a personal interest in our plane Hellven became unsafe for us.
Thinking about Hellven I'm really unhappy how last turn went.

Before making enemies of Asmodeus we could have bought a plot of land in the temple-district of Heaven's Shore and our Tree would have enjoyed the protection of the local garrison against Daemons, Squids and Void.

Now it's too risky to work in Hellven under anything but total secrecy.
Did we really have a choice about making enemies with him? His minions, along with a Champion, were meddling in the Goggossi Flesh Forge and had directly set themselves up as obstacles. There was no going back from that.
Most of the Fiends we have hired are weaker than it, and most of them have probably done worse than eating children.
I know that. But we didnt read about the leftovers after. It's a voter mentality thing. For what I worth I'd be fine with it.

Or might be a bit or True Dragon pride. We haven't resurrected the Fey Dragon either.

Anyway after we get the PfE Communal Banners. Can we do the Heroic Communal Banner weve had since the hay days? That thing was and still is pretty good.

And I was thinking maybe a Communal Environmental Adaptation Banner for the one after that. With that the legion would be pretty covered.
That would never work long term, we either become enemies, or he launches a full invasion on our plane, we can't let his plans come to fruition.
We could possibly deflect the blame, but long term it would still be incredibly risky, the moment he took a personal interest in our plane Hellven became unsafe for us.
The thing is just, up there we have strong common interest in beating back the void and stabilizing Heaven, even if he has different plans for it than we do, we can agree that everything that's omnicidal Neutral Evil can die first.

Our conflict of interests only comes up because we both want to conquer the Material Plane, otherwise we could get along.
Before making enemies of Asmodeus we could have bought a plot of land in the temple-district of Heaven's Shore and our Tree would have enjoid the protection of the local garrison against Daemons and Void.
Well, we had zero idea it was him operating on Gogossos, and after that we already were in war with him, as far as something between fuckmothering Asmodeus and a mortal can be called "war".

Summoning his pawns from Slavers Bay was but the only reasonable choice, hopefully slowing down his operation there if but a bit.
The second one, though, would be cool if we could manage it. Not sure if it's worth Yss time at the moment, though.
Any god taking part in restoring the Roses would also change their nature closer to theirs, as per DP.

It'll likely fall squarely on us to restore them, all by ourselves if we want them back as they were before Hellven.
Thinking about Hellven I'm really unhappy how last turn went.

Before making enemies of Asmodeus we could have bought a plot of land in the temple-district of Heaven's Shore and our Tree would have enjoyed the protection of the local garrison against Daemons, Squids and Void.

Now it's too risky to work in Hellven under anything but total secrecy.
It was inevitable given his plots in Slaver's Bay. There was really no way of staying neutral with him unless we wanted to cede the entire region to him.
I know it's almost unthinkable, but we could have let them have it?
... Yeah. We'll just disagree there. We're not giving Slaver's Bay to Asmodeus.
I know that. But we didnt read about the leftovers after. It's a voter mentality thing. For what I worth I'd be fine with it.

Or might be a bit or True Dragon pride. We haven't resurrected the Fey Dragon either.

Anyway after we get the PfE Communal Banners. Can we do the Heroic Communal Banner weve had since the hay days? That thing was and still is pretty good.

And I was thinking maybe a Communal Environmental Adaptation Banner for the one after that. With that the legion would be pretty covered.
We crafted a pair of Planar Adaptation items this past month. I cannot recall that base spell at the moment, but it was one that lasted 24 hours and let a regular Human survive comfortably in an environment as harsh as the Plane of Fire. I'll add them to the Armory page when I get home and have access to my computer again.
I know it's almost unthinkable, but we could have let them have it?
...you are quite right.
It is unthinkable.

They quite clearly stated that they were gunning for us with taking the forge.
We were near open war even before that.

But losing such a site of operations, such a strategic resource, to Devils?

It would've been Gates of Mantarys 2.0, Asmy edition.

I'm sorry that you feel saltified about us entering conflict with him, and I don't like it that much either, but it was quite inevitable from the get go.