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That's because DP doesn't like the spell, IIRC because it's broken.
Every single time I've asked about getting a potion of Glibness, he's very deliberately not answered me or just deflected until I get distracted.
That's because DP doesn't like the spell, IIRC because it's broken.
@DragonParadox I'm curious, do I actually capture the feel of ASWAH with my writing? Because that's basically 90% of the point. I'm not the least tiny bit insecure if they don't match the atmosphere and aesthetic at all.![]()
Great character interplay @Crake I chuckled a bit at the interaction between Criston and Ceria's father. The man is a treat.
Yes, you are doing great.
it's not like anyone is still waiting for more of Sir Richard in RWBY or (promised) Vee in ST, right..?
Oh wait.
To be honest, Dewchaser had an Arcanist Exploit that allowed him to use that spell.That's because it's a massively unbalancing spell. Made for campaigns that relish absurdity more than good story-telling.
She's closer to good than evil in alignment, I don't think she would want to make Celestials fall with her performances, now if she she get Mythic ranks, she might make Fiends rise into goodness(or at least neutrality) with her best performances.No worries, his mother compensates that fact with a charm.
Now to TRULY make herself into a Good and Proper Bard, she needs to woo half of the Prime Material and Makes Archons fall from sheer singing voice alone.
She's closer to good than evil in alignment, I don't think she would want to make Celestials fall with her performances, now if she she get Mythic ranks, she might make Fiends rise into goodness(or at least neutrality) with her best performances.
...I expected a vote for Minor Actions.
I wasted, like, few hours waiting for a perfect moment to drop it off, right after the chapter, where even lurkers won't be able to ignore it >_<
Here's an edited version of the chapter, @DragonParadox.The Queen of Cities
First Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC
Volantis gleams in the light of the bright southern sun like the jewel it is so often called by poets who sing its praises. The Black Walls, high and strong, stand as the bones of the past still guarding its present. The Rhoyne, like a river of silver opening up onto the sea, and the vast span of the Long Bridge binds the Old City to the New. Travelers, traders, and locals alike crowd it even on this day, or perhaps especially on this day, for if Volantis is a jewel then it is about to be affixed to a crown of Valyrian steel. Zherys has prepared the way just as you had agreed upon. The Assembly of the Forty, that for so long tilted evenly between the Tigers and Elephants, is now firmly in the hands of the former, with the last remaining Elephant faction is more like a figure of fun and ridicule than serious political opponents of Zherys' rule. It is a common saying in Volantis these days that the Tower of the Mysterium is taller than the Archon's Palace, but 'you just can't see the top 'cause of the magic.'
Yet there is more to the change in the First Daughter than magisters in tiger-skin cloaks who bear swords at their side rather than being borne in a hathay or upon the backs of slaves. There are no more slaves in Volantis. While the marks carved in flesh may endure, the chains are gone. No more do the Unsullied guard the Great Gate, no more do men and women with flies tattooed onto their cheeks pick through the refuse of the mighty, knowing that at any moment their lives might be forfeit on a whim. There is much yet to be done, of course, in this city as in any other, but the High Speaker's ambitions have let it more than a few steps along the path you would see it tread.
"She looks beautiful," you admit to the man standing beside you on the balcony.
"I have always found her so," Zherys replies, then with a moment's flash of a smile, he adds. "At least one can see Volantis from above, unlike other cities that hide their charms behind a veil of mist."
"So you admit that Braavos has its charms," you counter, an eyebrow lightly raised in mock-surprise. "How uncommonly generous of you."
"Even a bastard daughter might be legitimized and use her craft for the betterment of her family," he counters instantly, a jest you are thankfully certain he would not have made to a Braavosi. He certainly had not objected to the notion of Braavos having a parade by the Torchbearers after the one here in Volantis, even though it is almost certain the Sealord will do his utmost to eclipse Volantene efforts, and quite likely succeed.
Ultimately, that is the point of the delay in claiming the city, to allow Zherys to get his own house in order and build up the Mysteriumallo to the point that its culture and connections would likely endure for generations in the Scholarum system, just as many Braavosi inquisitors proudly wear the badge of the silver eye alongside the book and sword. The two cities that defined western Essos after the Doom will not simply fade into your dominion, rather they will add something of what made them great to your growing realm, and in so doing you hope make it all the stronger.
"What do you have planned for today, Wisdom?" you ask, just to be sure there have not been any last moment changes.
"The parade of the legions first, of course, with the standards of those who took the Sorrows mixed in with those of your own soldiers. In their armor of black and crimson, they will halt before the Great Gate as the guards ask them by whose invitation they are to enter. That is your moment to sweep in, either in Dragon form or riding upoon the Black Dread." Zherys hesitates a moment. "I would normally suggest the latter for the familiarity, but that was the dragon that your ancestor Aegon used to burn the fleets of our ancestors, so some might think ill of the comparison."
You nod thoughtfully, not yet decided on whom to call upon to accompany you or how you should fly. "That is when I might give the invitation not only to them, but to all those not of the Dragon Blood to walk the streets of the Old City freely." You had been surprised when Zherys suggested it himself, but he had clearly meant to be rid of that stricture for a while now to judge from the long list of grievances against it he aired, starting with stifling trade and ending with isolating the city's rulers from the rest of Volantis.
"Yes," he continues. "From there you may fly to the palace by whatever means suites you to offer a speech to the crowds and one to the court if you wish." Seeing your questioning look, he snorts. "I am hardly blind, Your Grace, I have seen how strenuously you avoid the more baroque protocols and how your lady mother has worked to make the court in Sorcerer's Deep more supple in that regard. If you do not wish to deal with the court, I assure you they are well in hand."
How do you perform the annexation of Volantis?
[] In Dragon Shape
[] Atop Balerion
[] Alone
[] With Company
-[] Write in
[] Only to the crowds
-[] Write in
[] To crowd and court
-[] Write in
OOC: You can, of course, include other embellishments, the above is just to give basic structure of the vote.