By stats they would be good teachers. As for the "villains" argument...I sincerely think that we are well past that argument considering everything we have recruited. If the Alignment is that much of an issue we can change it in creation.
Would the Hags teach wizardry or Witchcraft? Because if we are bringing Witchcraft and Hexmage lessons in I am all for supporting reverse engineering them to add that to the Old Gods abilities. Cant you just imagine Bloodraven waking up one morning and finding the Old Gods have learned to be Witch Patrons?
Can we stick a Advanced and Wizard template on a Dryad or a Nymph? Honestly the main problem is we cant pickaything from the Fey list or the elemental list for the Forge. Cuts down on a lot of options it does.

Honestly every Scholorum should have a half dozen Advanced Druid Lotus Leshy attached to them to atleast let us crank out Druids comfort now. Can we speck them for Herbalism? To increase the Herbalist class numbers now that we have it thanks to Waymar?
That reminds me, @egoo, we need a minor action to officially poke at the Fey Forge next month so we can see what kind of potential we're dealing with.
o officially poke at the Fey Forge next month so we can see what kind of potential we're dealing with.
Please elaborate, what is Fey Forge, where one is found, and why tf haven't we purged/captured it yet..?
I feel like lacking some context here.
Trust me when I tell you that if we could make fey teachers I would push for them with all my soul. Unfortunately we need a fey forge for that...

As for the latter Waymar unlocked the Alchemist class. The Herbaist class was something else.
Here is hoping that Dryad Queen sitting on top of a portal to there by Wild is hostile. You know so we can add her to the Old God collective. To subsume her individuality and add her capabilities to the collective. Heheh, Old God Borg intensifies.

Please elaborate, what is Fey Forge, where one is found, and why tf haven't we purged/captured it yet..?
I feel like lacking some context here.
Remember how one of the optional bonuses for the Dawn age tree was to have the old fmgods just make us a Fey Court themed after them? It's not outside their power we just gotta give them the energy of template.

I figure a Dryad Queen with a tree probably perched on top of a Fey Portal would do it. If not? Meh, 1000 HD of sacrifice on top of that Dryad and portal should MAKE it.
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Would the Hags teach wizardry or Witchcraft? Because if we are bringing Witchcraft and Hexmage lessons in I am all for supporting reverse engineering them to add that to the Old Gods abilities. Cant you just imagine Bloodraven waking up one morning and finding the Old Gods have learned to be Witch Patrons? a question you may want to ask @DragonParadox. I genuinely do not know with that one.
Please elaborate, what is Fey Forge, where one is found, and why tf haven't we purged/captured it yet..?
I feel like lacking some context here.
The Fey Forge is a reflection of the Fungus Forge of Lys in the Feywild. We asked DP about it and apparently it actually exists. We can use it to craft our own Fey.
The Fey Forge is a reflection of the Fungus Forge of Lys in the Feywild. We asked DP about it and apparently it actually exists. We can use it to craft our own Fey.

The fuck..?

Alright, I'll add... that...
How did I miss such a revelation, again?
I'm more concerned about which Fey Lord now owns a Fey Forge and what they've been doing with it.
@DragonParadox, was there always a mirror of every Flesh Forge, or did something about turning it into a Fungus Forge through divine energy give it a reflection in the Feywild?

The fuck..?

Alright, I'll add... that...
How did I miss such a revelation, again?
It was never covered IC, we just extrapolated its potential existence OOC and got DP's confirmation.
I'm more concerned about which Fey Lord now owns a Fey Forge and what they've been doing with it.
@DragonParadox, was there always a mirror of every Flesh Forge, or did something about turning it into a Fungus Forge through divine energy give it a reflection in the Feywild?
They shouldn't be too hard to diplomance if it isn't already within the boundaries of the Goblin Market and thus already claimed by us.
So do we know for a fact that one exists and its location. Because that a potentially very juicy target. Why haven't nabbed it.
I don't want to play one GM against the other, really, but in Azel's update on Fallen Heaven Mereth and Yrael talked about Damerrich now calling himself The Blind.
In present tense.
Strictly speaking, this doesn't confirm that he isn't dead. Undead blind Empyrean Lord?
I'm not sure he counts as an Empyrean Lord anymore if he ascended to full godhood.
So do we know for a fact that one exists and its location. Because that a potentially very juicy target. Why haven't nabbed it.
It's a simple matter of having too many other things to do.
I didnt even know that. I thought they were talking about assuming direct control of a nature themed court or something. Weren't the Old Gods fey in the beginning ? Dont their trees all have reflections in the dream? Wouldnt that mean if a Fey forge exists it would just be another branch of the Old Gods?

It's ownership might be contested. Either that or the Old Gods have been churning out fey without our knowing for the sake of a disaster...that would be hilarious tbh.
It's ownership might be contested. Either that or the Old Gods have been churning out fey without our knowing for the sake of a disaster...that would be hilarious tbh.
Given the Old Gods' connection to Fey and the fact that this is a reflection of the Fungus Forge, I don't think we're going to have too many issues. I'm anticipating any Fey already there are going to be predisposed to be friendly.
Given the Old Gods' connection to Fey and the fact that this is a reflection of the Fungus Forge, I don't think we're going to have too many issues. I'm anticipating any Fey already there are going to be predisposed to be friendly.

I doubt we will have many issues but the hilarity of going to the Fey forge and seeing just a horde fo fey that the Old Gods made would be hilarious.

Hey hold on if we cnat make Fey creatures how were we gonna make Children of the Briar? Dont they count as having Fey blood?
Technically they are the plant subtype so we can make them. There might be some exception rule there.
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At least they would be right to call them Grumpkins and Snarks if we do send them. I have a few ideas with mass fey production.
Advanced Wizard Creature Woodwose? Pretty much a grumpy Old God taking a plant body to grumble at the youngun's.

Though they would make better Sorcerors or Bards. What with 18 charisma.

Also what are doing right now with Herbalism and the Herbalist class? Because Oakmen sound nice. Mostly to see if we can mass produce those moss cakes like pills and store them. Or you know just for general herbalism and herb concoctions. If they can substitute for hedgemages in the Alchemical Factories it would let us increase those numbers by a bit.
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