Guys i found an amazing spell. It would be really usefull against a diviner wizard.
Twisted Futures – d20PFSRD

What's up with the new avatar? Is it some sort of statue? Where's it from? I can't really see what it is.Relath qualifies for Dragon Mystic right now.
Now downside compared to straight Sorcerer, I suggest he takes it.
Boethia from Elder Scrolls.What's up with the new avatar? Is it some sort of statue? Where's it from? I can't really see what it is.
In any case, that's a very good idea and it fits Relath's development so far.
He doesn't have Entangling Exhalation.Doesn't he already have Entangling Exhalation on his breath?
I would suggest giving him Voice of the Dragon (social buff, Suggestion) or Heart of Earth (extra HP, DR). Maybe Greater Blink (good action economy, good defense - especially against ranged fire).
I'm also a fan of Ruin Delver's Fortune, to avoid dying to a failed save. He's otherwise very tough, after all!
Wings of the Sea.Side note, having raised the topic of Relath - does anyone know off the top of their heads about magic items/spells increasing Swim speed/maneuverability?
We are visiting the Glass City of Marid next turn, and chances are, we'll need much greater stats to feel safe than what Viserys' current baseline Swim is.
(I'll try looking for such tomorrow, but just bringing it up ahead of the fact seem a a good idea)
I like Fluid Form for general use, though the duration isn't anything to write home about it gives you a swim speed and is a decent combat buff.
So, a Swim speed of 90 is achievable with but these two then.
This is the most basic one:So, a Swim speed of 90 is achievable with but these two then.
Permanencing them with Diamond dust is going to be eeeeasy, and although dispelling is a problem...
Well, if I'm not wrong Viserys with buffs can cast these at ~24 CL.
Let em try dispell.
G'night all.
(Still gonna look for more)
funny how both votes would've resulted in nearly the same thing.