Preliminary plan. What's missing and what needs to be adjusted?

Updated plan further on.

[X] Plan "Githzerai, we choose you!"
-[X] In order of priority;
--[X] We've located where we believe most, if not all, Deep One bases are on our planet. There are too many of them for us to attack simultaneously, however, which is where our immediate need for Githzerai assistance comes into play. We would like to hire as many teams of powerful Githzerai combatants as are available to take part in a series of raids aimed at sweeping the Deep Ones from our home planet.
---[X] We also need specialists who train our own forces in how to best fight against such foes in the future. It would be ideal if we could even establish our own tradition of training those rare individuals in our empire who might be gifted with Psionic power.
----[X] We have gathered a truly incredible amount of lore since stepping out into the Planes, lore which we would be happy to share with our allies, but we have found precious little pertaining to the Deep Ones and the strange powers of the mind they wield. We would pay well for whatever new Psionic and/or Deep One lore the Githzerai can provide.
-----[X] Although our realm grows, and increases in magical power almost on a daily basis, we have no one able to craft items of Psionic power. Not only would we be willing to purchase useful items they could sell us, we would also like to hire any Psionic crafters who might offer us their services.

-[X] In exchange, we would be willing to exchange information and lore of equal or greater value (nothing proscribed or confidential), not to mention pay handsomely. Our realm is rich in foodstuffs and raw materials, and we can provide innumerable types of quality finished goods, including enchanted items and spellcasting services. We can also pay in planar currency, if desired.
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I want an at-will slotless item(s) of this in particular:
School abjuration; Level psychic 2
Casting Time 1 immediate action
Components V
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 round
Sensing an intrusion, you throw up a defense to protect your mind from attack or analysis. This grants you a +4 circumstance bonus on Will saving throws against mind-affecting effects. As long as this spell lasts, spells and effects that allow a creature to read your thoughts receive no information from you.

School abjuration; Level psychic 4
This functions as thought shield I, but the circumstance bonus on Will saves to resist mind-affecting effects increases to +8. In addition, any creature that tries to read your thoughts while this spell lasts must succeed at a Will save or be stunned for 1 round. This spell can be undercast.
Fuck Ilithids and Bloodstone Emps.

Edit: oh hey, neat page reached.

[X] Goldfish
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The one seems pretty important to have too:
School enchantment [mind-affecting]; Level mesmerist 5, psychic 6
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, M (diamond dust worth 250 gp)
Range touch
Target one willing and living creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

Psychic surgery cures the target of all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma damage and restores all points permanently drained from the target's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. It also eliminates all ongoing insanity, confusion, and fear effects. psychic surgery can also remove other mental afflictions, including enchantment spells and abilities, and even instantaneous effects, but in this case, if dispel magic couldn't remove the effect, psychic surgery works only if the spell level or equivalent spell level of the effect was 6th level or lower. Psychic surgery removes all effects magically altering the target's memory, even instantaneous effects, and it can restore a memory to perfect clarity like the second use of modify memory.
*vividly remembers Rhaella going Insane in Azel's parting chapter*

We'll need this for many, many people very soon, I'm afraid.
Also, as unlikely such ever happening is, if like to get an item for this one...
School enchantment [mind-affecting]; Level psychic 9
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 minute
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

You partition your mind to maximize your mental power. Until the spell ends, you roll twice and use the higher result for all Will saves, Intelligence checks, and Intelligence-based skill checks. In addition, as a swift action you can have your second mind perform any purely mental action that normally requires a standard action or a move action. This includes casting psychic spells, using spell-like abilities, and concentrating on spells. Spells and spell-like abilities cast or used by your secondary mind this way can't exceed 5th level
And gift it to Bloodraven.
Double the bullshit.
Preliminary plan. What's missing and what needs to be adjusted?

[X] Plan "Githzerai, we choose you!"
-[X] In order of priority;
--[X] We need specialists, powerful combatants experienced in fighting the Deep Ones, especially the Mindflayers. If they can also train our own forces in how to best fight against such foes, that would be even better. It would be ideal if we could even establish our own tradition of training those rare individuals in our empire who might be gifted with Psionic power.
---[X] We have gathered a truly incredible amount of lore since stepping out into the Planes, lore which we would be happy to share with our allies, but we have found precious little pertaining to the Deep Ones and the strange powers of the mind they wield. We would pay well for whatever new Psionic and/or Deep One lore the Githzerai can provide.
----[X] Although our realm grows, and increases in magical power almost on a daily basis, we have no one able to craft items of Psionic power. Not only would we be willing to purchase useful items they could sell us, we would also like to hire any Psionic crafters who might offer us their services.
-[X] In exchange, we would be willing to exchange information and lore of equal or greater value (nothing proscribed or confidential), not to mention pay handsomely. Our realm is rich in foodstuffs and raw materials, and we can provide innumerable types of quality finished goods, including enchanted items and spellcasting services. We can also pay in planar currency, if desired.

Goldfish, strategically that's alright but what we really need, even just short-term since we can't fucking do jackshit about Westeros without hitting the Deep Ones in the Narrow Sea and northwestern Shivering Sea, is a strike team of PCs in roughly our weight class. Four would be the minimum, six would be optimal.
Goldfish, strategically that's alright but what we really need, even just short-term since we can't fucking do jackshit about Westeros without hitting the Deep Ones in the Narrow Sea and northwestern Shivering Sea, is a strike team of PCs in roughly our weight class. Four would be the minimum, six would be optimal.
And we'll be going to every Fortress-Monastery with our offers, yes.

...I mean, hopefully they aren't in very tight contact, it would be awkward to count on every one to be separate entity, only for them to give us an offer from all them combined :/
And we'll be going to every Fortress-Monastery with our offers, yes.

...I mean, hopefully they aren't in very tight contact, it would be awkward to count on every one to be separate entity, only for them to give us an offer from all them combined :/
Why would this be a problem? It sounds convenient.
Why would this be a problem? It sounds convenient.
On one hand, yes.
On the other hand, we might just be planning to give this spiel to only one group (and appropriate amount of payment as such), when well be in fact asking every Gith.

The result would be us nor getting nearly as much as we could have, and also maybe getting wrong mark on payment?

Tldr, We need to know if he'll be speaking for every gith, or we may blunder a bit.
On one hand, yes.
On the other hand, we might just be planning to give this spiel to only one group (and appropriate amount of payment as such), when well be in fact asking every Gith.

The result would be us nor getting nearly as much as we could have, and also maybe getting wrong mark on payment?

Tldr, We need to know if he'll be speaking for every gith, or we may blunder a bit.
I think this is worrying over nothing, dude. The Githzerai aren't stupid enough to pull that shit.
Also at this point what we can trade is finite and the well stops at a certain point, making all possible future trade very slow and all possible increases in relations limited to contributions to fighting mutual foes.

So by giving them more at the start, we start off with stronger ties given all we're bargaining for is a way to make the Squid Heads die faster, which is also to their own benefit. It encourages them to make sure we do that well, too.
Goldfish, strategically that's alright but what we really need, even just short-term since we can't fucking do jackshit about Westeros without hitting the Deep Ones in the Narrow Sea and northwestern Shivering Sea, is a strike team of PCs in roughly our weight class. Four would be the minimum, six would be optimal.
Plan updated. How does this look? New section is in yellow.

[X] Plan "Githzerai, we choose you!"
-[X] In order of priority;
--[X] We've located where we believe most, if not all, Deep One bases are in our realm. There are too many of them for us to attack simultaneously, however, which is where our immediate need for Githzerai assistance comes into play. We would like to hire as many teams of powerful Githzerai combatants as are available to take part in a series of raids aimed at sweeping the Deep Ones from our home. If need be, this would be a coordinated effort working with other Githzerai Monastaries.
---[X] We also need specialists who train our own forces in how to best fight against such foes in the future. It would be ideal if we could even establish our own tradition of training those rare individuals in our empire who might be gifted with Psionic power.
----[X] We have gathered a truly incredible amount of lore since stepping out into the Planes, lore which we would be happy to share with our allies, but we have found precious little pertaining to the Deep Ones and the strange powers of the mind they wield. We would pay well for whatever new Psionic and/or Deep One lore the Githzerai can provide.
-----[X] Although our realm grows, and increases in magical power almost on a daily basis, we have no one able to craft items of Psionic power. Not only would we be willing to purchase useful items they could sell us, we would also like to hire any Psionic crafters who might offer us their services.
-[X] In exchange, we would be willing to exchange information and lore of equal or greater value (nothing proscribed or confidential), not to mention pay handsomely. Our realm is rich in foodstuffs and raw materials, and we can provide innumerable types of quality finished goods, including enchanted items and spellcasting services. We can also pay in planar currency, if desired.
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How well-defined is the subject of Astronomy is in-setting?
I've not watched/read the ASoIaF, so I genuinely have no idea.

Would this be an actual way for Viserys to say this, or would he default to "on our plane" instead?

*not critiquing the vote, but somewhat curious since I lack context for setting in this one*
Plan updated. How does this look? New section is in yellow.

[X] Plan "Githzerai, we choose you!"
-[X] In order of priority;
--[X] We've located where we believe most, if not all, Deep One bases are on our planet. There are too many of them for us to attack simultaneously, however, which is where our immediate need for Githzerai assistance comes into play. We would like to hire as many teams of powerful Githzerai combatants as are available to take part in a series of raids aimed at sweeping the Deep Ones from our home planet. If need be, this would be a coordinated effort working with other Githzerai Monastaries.
---[X] We also need specialists who train our own forces in how to best fight against such foes in the future. It would be ideal if we could even establish our own tradition of training those rare individuals in our empire who might be gifted with Psionic power.
----[X] We have gathered a truly incredible amount of lore since stepping out into the Planes, lore which we would be happy to share with our allies, but we have found precious little pertaining to the Deep Ones and the strange powers of the mind they wield. We would pay well for whatever new Psionic and/or Deep One lore the Githzerai can provide.
-----[X] Although our realm grows, and increases in magical power almost on a daily basis, we have no one able to craft items of Psionic power. Not only would we be willing to purchase useful items they could sell us, we would also like to hire any Psionic crafters who might offer us their services.
-[X] In exchange, we would be willing to exchange information and lore of equal or greater value (nothing proscribed or confidential), not to mention pay handsomely. Our realm is rich in foodstuffs and raw materials, and we can provide innumerable types of quality finished goods, including enchanted items and spellcasting services. We can also pay in planar currency, if desired.
Ambitious, but if they end up bargaining us down to a Primaris Execution Task Force I was hoping for, we'll still have come out ahead.
Ambitious, but if they end up bargaining us down to a Primaris Execution Task Force I was hoping for, we'll still have come out ahead.
Are we going to leave Gith to attacking Illithids (with some support) while we busy ourselves taking out Tiamat and taking over Westeros, or something?
@Goldfish @egoo @Duesal Also, likely we will want to make that trip down to Vialesk still, to hire those mercenaries (and hopefully a crafter guild). At this point a small host (5,000+ or so) of low CR aquatic capable fighters could have their combat capabilities greatly increased with some choice wide area buffs, good 'mundane' equipment (VS) and a ton of aquatic plant creatures to kill larger elder spawn/krakens/aboleths and whatnot. It would be enough to contest a city assault at least, until we could reinforce it.

If we're really lucky, we can hire some strong PCs to help in the decapitation strike on underwater fortresses by offering commiserate pay + salvage rights, as well as a bonus for each objective completed. After all, even failure to destroy their target would tie it up for us until we could get to it.
Are we going to leave Gith to attacking Illithids (with some support) while we busy ourselves taking out Tiamat and taking over Westeros, or something?

It will depend on how much support/assets we bring together on and off-plane in the next four to five months. If it's enough to pull off a decapitation strike, we go nearly all-in with some reserve to guard our soft underbelly (our hoard).

If it's literally just a small increase in PCs around our CR, we take out a major target (troop production, likely) and try hitting enough of their logistical network in the Narrow Sea to throw them into disarray, then blitzkrieg an invasion of Westeros before they or Tiamat can react appropriately.

Edit: Likely we will have struck at Tiamat before then, as well.
How well-defined is the subject of Astronomy is in-setting?
I've not watched/read the ASoIaF, so I genuinely have no idea.

Would this be an actual way for Viserys to say this, or would he default to "on our plane" instead?

*not critiquing the vote, but somewhat curious since I lack context for setting in this one*
The Gith have been around a long, long time. They used to be humans, but enough time passed while they were enslaved that they were able to evolve into a new species. During that time, the Mindflayers were a spacefaring super power. I doubt the concept of a "planet" is alien to them, and by this point, between his own native intelligence and the ancestral memories he has access to, he too should have ample understanding of simple astronomy.

That said, I don't mind changing the text of the vote to say something like Realm of Plane. Actually, gonna do that now.