We can and should add a MirrorVision mirror to Pentos.
@DragonParadox, that was the intention all along, but I guess we didn't think to actually specify it. Can we assume this has just happened in the background?
1) 1 ACSEC office (with a Whispering Bazier for Trade purposes) and 1 strategic Whispering Brazier to Pentos,
2) 1 ACSEC office added to Draconys (already done )
--------------------------(Unrelated to chapter, but previously pointed out)---------------------------------
3) Mark Vaes Leisi as our "unofficial territory" since we are set on building a super-fprtress there.
4) Mark all of Yi Ti yellow for an Intrigue/Diplomacy target.
5) Mark Norvos red for an invasion target, unless they beat us to the chase and try to surrender.
6) Mark Lorath red for an invasion target.
*) Actually add names of provinces to Political Map where I effed them up.
Current maps (no abovementioned changes yet):
Blue - The Imperium
Turquoise - Unofficial Vassals
Green - Allies
Yellow - Intrigue / Diplomacy Targets
Red - Invasion Targets
Blue Brazier - Regular Whispering Brazier for governmental use
Red Brazier - Interplanar Whsipering Brazier for governmental use
ACSEC Shield - ACSESC office
Mirror - Mirrorvision
For what it's worth Viserys and Dany can find the bandits personally in a few hours, they are not exactly well hidden from level 17 mythic dragons. So it would not spend much time IC, though it would take two updates OOC, to find and talk to them and then decide what to do with them
Edit: never mind that works perfectly well,if you guys do not want to spend the screen time.
Shouldn't an at-will Teleporting and Flying Erinyes with True Seeing find them as fast or faster, what is a bandit group going to do to hide themselves from that?
Shouldn't an at-will Teleporting and Flying Erinyes with True Seeing find them as fast or faster, what is a bandit group going to do to hide themselves from that?
Ah, my bad.
I kept it colored red since I started working from Political map (where our territories are red), and just forgot to edit to blue on political.
Will do later.
Not being hidden by magic just makes their job easier too, you can't hide a campfire or clearing etc from someone with such aerial superiority and skills that blow you out of the water.
Ah, my bad.
I kept it colored red since I started working from Political map (where our territories are red), and just forgot to edit to blue on political.
Will do later.
Also while the Sealord overly downplays PCs and what they can do, he's not wrong in principle, he just assumes Viserys and co. will fail but leave behind the mechanisms at least, or at least pass it on to heirs. The fact that he has faith enough to trust in an eventually slightly flawed end result of a visionary's dream of empire is touching!
Think of it this way : in theory he's correct. Whoever has a system that will best ensure the creation of large numbers of loyal, coordinated and well-equipped high-level PC should eventually win at everything.
However in practice, at the highest levels of D&D there are individuals who can make or break empires. Gods, monsters, and the occasional high Mythic Archmage. No institution seems to be able to churn them out reliably (this appears to be a basic precept of D&D - you can have hundreds of lv15+ PCs, but making them all Mythic and cheesed out? Nope), at least not while keeping them loyal. Therefore eventually your empire boils down to "will my 20 high Mythic guys die before the enemy?". Because armies of Efreet with magitech ships sure are powerful, but a few mighty PCs can destroy and/or subvert their chain of command, tear down their rituals and fortresses, and gather allies mighty enough to kill them all.
And sure, rituals and wards can help... But eventually it boils down to "my Diplomancer got inside, he had countermeasures to your countermeasure, and you all lost forever".
Worse, there are means of high-level combat that are impossible to defend against. Mind Blank can be beaten (psions!), allowing for perfect intel-gathering - except that it still makes things far easier on the attacker than on the defender.
Just because I hate anime doesn't mean I can't make anime jokes! And some things are so dumb and scarring that even I don't forget them!
I can name 3 manga I don't regret reading, so I should probably say "I hate 99,99% of anime". Whatever.
Not gonna lie, I learned about the eyeball thingy through the author's note in Dreaming of Sunshine. Indeed, all of my Naruto knowledge comes from the first few manga I read back when I was a kid, and then from far superior sources : playing the 1v1 mode of one of the Xbox games with a roommate who bought it in college (fighting games at 6AM while totally wasted became our after-afterparty if we didn't bring anybody home), and then from reading Dreaming of Sunshine and Vapors. They're surprisingly good after a while, even if you know little about Naruto. Both have a very rocky start if you aren't a diehard fan, but DoS has the best female cast ever, and Vapors has amazing sass that only gets better with time.
Don't ask me about canon stuff unless I have google handy
It worked perfectly for me, a quick update to suit a quick action and it had the added benefit of allowing the focus on the Ravens and their interplay to be a significant portion of the update.
[X] Informed Decisions
-[X] Speak to the forager first to get a sense of the group
-[X] Who are they?
-[X] What other groups do they know of, and where are the camps located?
-[X] What drove them to banditry in the first place?
-[X] What, precisely, have they been doing in our name?
-[X] What supernatural activity are they aware of in the Stormlands?
-[X] What rumors have they heard in general?
I think it's a bit hasty to be adding "and take them to SD" for all we know they could be very useful right where they are, or directed to The Lads or plenty of other options.
If we're going to gather information perhaps we should get that before making the decision?
He has a point. Mostly I expect Brotherhood tier bandit pragmatism at best. Not quite bad enough to hang, barely useful as a fighting force. Driven by either vague ideals watered down with enough cynicism to invalidate them entirely or personal gain.
So basically average for a non-slave sellsword recruited into the Legion, maybe we might want them, but it's possible the Lads could straighten them out. Help our PR.
I believe I found the upgrade to our burrowing efforts.
The Agrawgh is specifically designed to carve useful uniform tunnels, they feed on stone and soil, they are only CR 5 so they work well with our Fungus Forge limits.
We can also work well with living originals as they are summonable temporarily with SMV and permanently with higher tier spells or through our trade hub, they also explicitly seek out work for novel experiences.
An agrawgh can burrow through solid stone at half its normal burrow rate. When traveling using its burrow speed, as a free action an agrawgh can choose whether to leave a tunnel in its wake that is 10 feet tall by 10 feet wide.
That's 30 feet a round by the way and the below excerpts show that we need not worry about tunnel collapse, it's what they do.
According to legend, a benevolent but now-trapped elemental lord—created the first agrawghs to dig tunnels that would attract extraplanar races to the Plane of Earth. Many of the plane's existing caverns are the result of agrawghs' wanderings, and some even speculate that the immense tunnel known as the Vent are the result of numerous agrawghs working in concert.
Throughout history, a few spellcasters have called agrawghs to the Material Plane to assist in massive excavations.
I'm hoping the Xorn can put us in touch with a few.
Heck these guys could make the SV Canal Dreams come true while the Titan Tools work on constructive tasks.
It takes 44* Agrawgh 18.22 minutes (13.36 hours for one) to make a kilometre long canal with the dimensions of Panama Canal locks.
Unless I'm underestimating the size of Planetosi ships compared to IRL wooden ships the Panamax class of modern ship that can traverse the Panama Canal should well exceed even the largest examples on Planetos.
*44 was chosen as it allows forward only movement with no backtracking.
The most adorable one was that Cure spell. Poor thing just wanted to eat someone, but was healing more than damaging with slam attacks and could not understand.