Name: Zherys
Age: ??? (Middle-Age)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Race: Human (Dragonblooded, Medium)
Level: 15
Class: Sorcerer (
Blood of Siberys) 7/
Loremaster 5/
Incantifier 3
Flaws: Grudge Keeper,
Feats:Draconic Heritage(Red), Skill Focus (Knowledge History), Draconic Aura (Energy Fire), Invisible Spell, Arcane Thesis (Disintegrate),
Fire Casting,
Extend Spell, Still Spell, Split Ray,
Residual Magic, Maximise Spell
Class Features: Blood of Siberys, Lore, Secret (Inner Strenght, Stamina, Applicable Knowledge), Arcane Body, Spell Eater, Spell Resistance, Spell Leach, Spell Eater 2
HP: 12d4 +3d6+48 (116 HP)
+ 30 Temp HP (HotE) + 1d10+10 Temp HP (False Life)
AC: 10 + 3 (DEX) + 4 (Mage Armor) + 5 (Deflection) + 4 (Shield) = 26
Movement: 30ft
Initiative: +3 (DEX)
Spell Save: DC: 10 + 8 (CHA) (+3 for Fire Spells) + spell level
Weapon Proficiency: Dagger, Staff
Immunities: Possession/Mental Control, Baleful Polymorph [Single use], All Mind-Affecting Effects,
All Death Spells, Magical Death Effects, and Energy Drain, and any Negative Energy Effects, Age
Resistances: Cold 5,
Electricity 5,
Fire 25
SR: 23
8 +
2 = 10 (0)
12 +
4 = 16 (+3)
13 +
5 = 18 (+4)
21 +
6 = 26 (+8)
16 +
4 = 20 (+5)
12 +
4 = 16 (+3)
FORTITUDE: 5 + 4 (CON) +2 (Secret) + 5 (Resistance) = 18
REFLEX: 5 + 3 (DEX) + 5 (Resistance) = 13
WILL: 12 + 3 (WIS) + 2 (Secret) + 5 (Resistance) = 20
Bluff: 10 + 8 (CHA) = 18
Concentration: 18 + 4 (CON) + 10 (Ring) = 32
Diplomacy: 18 + 8 (CHA) + 4 (SYN) + 10 (Ring) = 40
Knowledge (Arcana): 18 + 5 (INT) = 23
Knowledge (History): 10 + 5 (INT) +3 (Skill Focus)= 10
Knowledge (The Planes): 5 + 5 (INT) = 10
Sense Motive: 9 + 3 (WIS) + 10 (Ring) = 22
Spellcraft: 18 + 5 (INT) + 2 (SYN) + 3 (SF) + 10 (Ring) = 38
Spells Known (Caster Level 15):
Level 0: Amanuensis,
Arcane Mark,
Detect Magic,
Detect Poison,
Light Mage Hand,
Prestidigitation (6/day)
Level 1:
Mage Armor,
Magic Missile(RotF),
Scholar's Touch,
True Casting,
True Skill,
True Strike (8/
Level 2:
Elemental Dart,
Heart of Air,
Mirror Image,
Wings of Cover (8/
Level 3:
Ancestral Awakening,
Dragon's Hide,
Heart of Water
Level 4:
Freedom of Movement(RotF),
Heart of Earth,
Orb of Force,
Ruin Delver's Fortune,
Voice of the Dragon
Level 5:
Greater Blink,
Heart of Fire,
Undying Vigor of the Dragonlords
Level 6:
Greater Dispel Magic,
Greater Shadow Enchantment
Level 7:
Arcane Spellsurge,
Greater Arcane Sight
Grimoire of High Arcana:
Level 1:
Disguise Self,
Spontaneous Search
Level 2:
Alter Self,
Detect Thoughts,
False Life,
Investigative Mind,
Protection from Arrows,
Rope Trick,
See Invisibility
Level 3:
Air of Nobility,
Phantom Steed,
Level 4:
Greater Invisibility
Runestaff of Abjuration:
Dispel Magic,
Lesser Globe of Invulnerability,
Resist Energy,
Special Abilities:
- Dragon-Wing Graft (Su): 3/Day you can use an extra Swift Action in a round. This can only be used once per round.
Blood of Siberys
You possess a deep bond to Siberys, the Dragon Above, which shapes your sorcerous powers. Many believe the Dragon Above is the source of all arcane magic, and the first dragons were born from the blood that fell when Khyber slew Siberys. Your bond to the Dragon Above enhances your ability to channel magic.
Level: 1st.
Replaces: If you select this class feature, you do not gain the normal list of class skills, nor do you gain a familiar.
Benefit: The following are your sorcerer class skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (the planes), Profession, Spellcraft.
In addition, you add +4 to your effective Charisma for purposes of determining bonus sorcerer spells and the maximum level of spell you can cast. For example, even if your natural Charisma is 14, you can still cast up to 8th-level sorcerer spells. This bonus does not affect saving throw DCs, skill rolls, or provide any of the other benefits dependant on Charisma.
At 2nd level, a loremaster gains the ability to know legends or information regarding various topics, just as a
bard can with bardic knowledge. The loremaster adds her level and her Intelligence modifier to the lore check, which functions otherwise exactly like a bardic knowledge check. 5 +
Arcane Body (Ex): An incantifier's body ceases to function as most living creatures' do, coursing with unbridled magical energies. While he is not undead, elements of his existence are fundamentally warped by the arcane energies he relies upon to sustain him.
An incantifier does not heal naturally, nor can he be healed through normal magical means. Only through draining magic using his spell eater ability can an incantifier replenish his physical health.
An incantifier no longer has any need to eat, drink, or sleep and does not take penalties from neglecting these needs. In addition, an incantifier no longer takes any negative effects from aging and has no maximum age. Instead, he must replenish his body by absorbing spell levels equal to his character level every month, using his spell eater ability (see below), or he permanently loses a level. For example, an 11th-level wizard/5th-level incantifier has to consume 16 spell levels within one month's time or permanently lose a level (see Energy Drain and Negative Levels in Appendix 1: Special Abilities in the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook). Levels lost in this manner can not be restored by any means.
Spell Eater (Su): An incantifier depends on magic to live and must absorb arcane magic to heal. If an arcane spell or spell-like ability does not beat an incantifier's spell resistance, the incantifier absorbs the magic and heals 1d4 hit points per spell level. Spells that ignore or overcome the incantifier's spell resistance affect him as normal. The incantifier decides whether or not his spell resistance affects spells he casts on himself, either benefitting from the spell or healing as he chooses.
When an incantifier uses this ability to absorb his monthly requirement of spell energy (see arcane body, above), the incantifier does not gain hit points.
When a spell is negated by the incantifier's spell resistance, he may choose to use either the spell eater or spell leech ability, but not both.
Spell Leech (Su): At 3rd level, an incantifier can channel absorbed arcane energy back into his own magic. If an arcane spell or spell-like ability does not beat the incantifier's spell resistance, the incantifier regains a spell of the absorbed spell's level or lower that he has already cast that day or regains a used spell slot of the appropriate level or lower. If the incantifier has his full compliment of spells, and thus has no cast spells or used spell slots, he cannot benefit from this ability. For example, if a wizard incantifier's spell resistance negates a
lightning bolt, he can restore a single 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-level spell he had previously cast, regaining it as if he had never cast it.
When a spell is negated by the incantifier's spell resistance, he may choose to use either the spell eater or spell leech ability, but not both.
Spell Eater 2 (Su): At 3rd level, the incantifier can heal himself using arcane magic drained from single-use or charged magic items. This ability requires a full-round action and can only be used on an item the incantifier is holding. Using spell leech on a potion or scroll destroys the item but heals 1d4 hit points per spell level of the item destroyed. Using this ability on a charged magic item drains 5 charges and heals the incantifier of 1d4 hit points per spell level of the highest-level spell the item possesses. The incantifier cannot be healed more than his maximum number of hit points. This ability has no effect on multiple-use items without charges, like magic weapons, armour, or rings.
Anklets of Translocation:
- 2/Day Instantly teleport up to 10 feet to an unoccupied destination within line of sight and line of effect. The wearer can teleport with objects, up to their maximum load, but cannot bring other creatures.
- Convert any Spell of 5th level and above to Teleport
- Carrying capacity is doubled.
Boneward Belt of Many Pockets: +5 Constitution, +5 Resistance bonus to saving throws
- Healing (3 Charges/Day): 1 Charge (Heal 2d8 points of damage), 2 Charges (Heal 3d8 points of damage), or 3 Charges(Heal 4d8 points of damage)
- Although only eight small pouches are readily visible on the inner front of this belt, there are actually 64 of them, and each acts as a small Bag of Holding capable of containing 1 cubic foot of material weighing no more than 10 pounds.
- Anything stored in the belt's pockets is effectively weightless and doesn't affect the wearer's carrying capacity so long as the belt is worn around the waist. If removed, the belt weighs one-tenth of the total weight of all the items stored within it.
- While worn around the waist, the belt responds to its wearer's desire to extract something (by opening the correct pouch) or store something (by opening an empty pouch). Retrieving a specific item from the pouch is a move action, but doesn't provoke the attacks of opportunity that retrieving a stored item usually does.
Diplomat's Ring of Untarnished Glory: +6 Charisma, +4 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom, +5 Deflection bonus to AC
- +10 Competence bonus to Diplomacy and Sense Motive skill checks
Gloves of the Starry Sky: +4 Dexterity, +2 Strength
- Glow as if affected with a Light spell at will.
- Convert any spell of 1st level and above to Magic Missile.
Greater Amulet of Protection from Evil:
- Constant Protection from Evil effect.
- Hold breath for up to 12 hours before having to make a Constitution check.
- Convert any spell of 4th level and above to Freedom of Movement.
Minor Cloak of Displacement:
- You benefit from a 20% miss chance, as if affected by a Blur spell. You can suppress or activate this effect at will as a Standard Action.
Radiant Earring of Arcane Acuity:
- 3 Charges/Day: 1 Charge (Darkvision 60 ft., 1 hour), 2 Charges (See Invisibility, 10 minutes), 3 Charges (True Seeing, 1 minute)
- Convert any spell of 3rd level and above to Fireball.
Raiment of the Four: Uniting the magic of four enchanted items (Anklets of Translocation, Gloves of the Starry Sky, Radiant Earring of Arcane Acuity, Greater Amulet of Protection from Evil) grants the following benefits:
- 2 Pieces: Gain resistance to cold 5; this stacks with any similar resistances you have from your race, class, or template.
- 3 Pieces: Gain resistance to cold 5 and electricity 5, which stacks as described above.
- 4 Pieces: Gain resistance to cold 5, electricity 5, and fire 5, which stacks as described above. Convert any spell of 5th level and above to Commune.
Soulfire Mithral Bracers of Arcane Freedom (+1)
- Immune to all death spells, magical death effects, and energy drain, and any negative energy effects
- 2/Day apply the Still Spell Metamagic feat to a spell as a Swift Action.
Ring of Spell-Battle:
- +10 Competence bonus to Concentration and Spellcraft skill checks
- The wearer becomes cognizant of all spellcasting that occurs within 60 feet, and she can identify the spell being cast (even if she can't see its casting or effect) on a successful Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell level). If this identification succeeds, the wearer can choose 1/Day to have the ring counterspell (without readying a counterspell action or making a dispel check) or can change the target or the point of effect of the spell to any target or point within 60 feet (including herself if she chooses to redirect a potentially beneficial spell). If the wearer chooses an illegal target (an animal for a humanoid-affecting spell, for instance, or a point of effect outside the spell's range as measured from the original caster), the spell functions normally and the redirection is wasted. If the wearer ends up in the area of a retargeted spell, she experiences the effect of the spell as normal.
Robes of Mysterios Conjuration:
- 3/Day sacrifice a spell slot to use Summon Monster spell of same level
Runestaff of Abjuration:
Equipped Magic Items: Anklets of Translocation, Bead of Newt Prevention,
Boneward Belt of Many Pockets (+5 CON, +5 Resistance),
Calligraphy Wyrm,
Diplomat's Ring of Untarnished Glory (+6 CHA, +4 INT, +4 WIS, +5 Deflection),
Gloves of the Starry Sky (+4 DEX, +2 STR), Greater Amulet of Protection from Evil, Minor Cloak of Displacement, Radiant Earring of Arcane Acuity,
Runestaff of Abjuration,
Soulfire Mithral Bracers of Arcane Freedom (+1), Ring of Spell-Battle,
Robes of Mysterious Conjuration