Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jun 29, 2019 at 9:37 AM, finished with 48 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] "I am a King upon the Plane of Balance, Lady Telis, from a long line of kings, conquerors, and sorcerers." Given the possibility of our ancestors having a poor reputation across the Planes, especially among Dragons, do not mention that we are descendants of Valyria unless hiding it would seem likely to prove damaging to future interaction with Darleth the Delver.
    -[X] "As for my friends," Viserys looks to the kindly Spectator for a moment, then smiles, "they are among my greatest treasures."
    [X] Viserys Targaryen of Valryia in the Garden
    -[X] I have many titles but most know me simply as King with all the responsibility that entails.
    -[X] "As for my friends," Viserys looks to the kindly Spectator for a moment, then smiles, "they are among my greatest treasures."
It's too late now, but this has been lying in my reply bow so I'll post it anyway :
Well that's just unavoidable. Darleth, or one of his representatives, would only need to ask pretty much any Shaitan official to be able to get that much information about us. We haven't exactly made a point of hiding that facet of our ancestry.

It's the truth Talon, there's nothing else to be said outside of going on the defensive like your suggestion.

I am entirely unwilling to define ourselves in opposition to her bitch ass, that only gives her strength and diminishes our own qualities.
1. Goldfish, I'm unwilling to even imply that we consider ourselves "Valyria's heir". AFAIK we're going to do better than them. Furthermore, I assume that Valyria had a really shitty reputation off-plane, and I don't want to be tarred with the same brush.

2. Deliste, I think that defining ourselves in opposition with her bitch ass is good : it sifts the people we won't ally with out of the picture. If Darleth turns out to be in Her service, it'd be nice to know before we went to meet him (and I'm hoping that his agent's reaction will reveal hints to his position regarding Tiamat).
I... highly doubt that Darleth is in Tiamat's service. Even chromatics don't like being in her service. They literally call her Hoard-Thief.
I... highly doubt that Darleth is in Tiamat's service. Even chromatics don't like being in her service. They literally call her Hoard-Thief.
More likely he'll have worked for her in the past (Dragons do, she basically shanghais them into doing stuff whenever needed - that's how Tiamat rolls, the dedicated worshipers are a tiny minority), and his agent will flinch at hearing that we're deadly enemies with someone that he's worked with in the past.
Could you give us what you have for Zherys so far?

I don't really have a lot on him unfortunetly. The sheet I would have used for combat if it came to it before he pledged himself got lost in an external hard drive crash and all I remember of it is meta-magic sorcerer focused on abjuration/conjuration.

Winning vote
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jun 29, 2019 at 9:37 AM, finished with 48 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] "I am a King upon the Plane of Balance, Lady Telis, from a long line of kings, conquerors, and sorcerers." Given the possibility of our ancestors having a poor reputation across the Planes, especially among Dragons, do not mention that we are descendants of Valyria unless hiding it would seem likely to prove damaging to future interaction with Darleth the Delver.
    -[X] "As for my friends," Viserys looks to the kindly Spectator for a moment, then smiles, "they are among my greatest treasures."
    [X] Viserys Targaryen of Valryia in the Garden
    -[X] I have many titles but most know me simply as King with all the responsibility that entails.
    -[X] "As for my friends," Viserys looks to the kindly Spectator for a moment, then smiles, "they are among my greatest treasures."
Part MMCMXXIII: Watchful Flames
Watchful Flames

Seventh Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC

"I am a King upon the Plane of Balance, Lady Thelis, from a long line of kings, conquerors, and sorcerers." Given what you had seen of your ancestors' work in dreams and the waking world alike you decide to forbear from giving too many details. "As for my friends, they are among my greatest treasures." Even as you say the words, a smile upon your lips, they seem a touch ill-fitting. Xor is far more than any treasure. Were he gone you would miss him with far more than the displeasure of one made poorer for the absence of his sills. To know him safe and well you would go far, facing peril and risking hardship.

How much of your thoughts showed upon your face you cannot say, but Darleth's emissary seems to come to some conclusion, nodding slightly to herself. "For most who seek the aid of my lord in crafting or defending fortresses, a test must be passed. I lead them to the gates of the Bastion, and from there they are to make their way into Lord Darleth's presence however they can, choosing their own path and dealing with the fortress' lighter defenses."

"Yet you would make some exception for me and mine?" you prompt, taking care that your easy smile does not waver. "I must admit that much as I admire your lord's skill in his chosen art, I do not wish to experience it from that perspective. I've much to do myself and little time to while away the days in tests of skill."

"Indeed." The Aphorite's chain clinks as she shifts, perhaps a touch uncomfortably. "I was commanded to allow any dragons of respectable age and skill directly into the Hall of Triumphs where my lord takes counsel with those he counts wise enough for the honor. Yet I was not certain what to do in the case of a dragon bringing a companion along, much less one so uncommon..."

By now Xor had finished his argument to a reception mostly of cheers, though those few who disagree seem to do so vehemently. Not that the Spectator seems to mind the latter, taking counter-arguments and questions with gusto, drawing on both his own history and the works of mortal philosophers to make his point. Truth be told, all Thelis would have to do is listen closely for a brief while and she likely could piece together both the history of Valyria and your own origins.

As soon as he notices your gaze he offers a dip by way of a parting bow and floats over gamely.

Seeing as you will not have to pass through the caverns afoot or on the wing you resolve not to call on Leto after all and leave her the freedom of the day away from her duties. Thus with only Xor at your side you follow the envoy into a private alcove behind a sturdy warded door, the sort kept to prevent at least casual eavesdropping by magic on business deals. Here she sets a small jewel upon the floor and speaks a command. The faithful seeming of a distant hall, its edges lost in shadow, springs up by sorcery.

"If you do not have the spell I shall of course carry us," Lady Thelis says, causing you to reassess her from 'servant' to favored emissary. Even in the Opaline Vault, spells of the fifth circle are not something found on every corner.

"No need," you shake your head, offering one hand to the lady and laying another upon the side of Xor's face.


The world twists and in a moment you find yourself in the hall from the vision, far more stately in the flesh, grey columns stretching out to the vault polished to a mirror shine that bathes the hall in an even crepuscular light, comfortable to a dragon's eyes though doubtlessly far less so to many others. All around you lay the triumphs for which the hall is named, the battle standards of defeated foes, crimson, black, and gleaming cloths of gold, surrendered arms arrayed on pedestals, the foremost bearing the forge-mark of Dis and the bloodied feathers of High M'Vania where Pazuzu reigns, yet looking farther on you spy the broken helm of a Djinn Windbow and even the shattered wreck of a Shaitan-built war machine.

Curious, Xor flies closer to one of the lanterns that hang throughout the chamber clustered around certain trophies while others are left to only the light of the polished ceiling.

"There are names engraved into the lanterns,"
Xor sends silently, not wishing to break the stillness of the chamber. "Likely fallen warriors whom Darleth served besides."

Those whom the dragon deemed worthy of remembering at least,
you add to yourself. You doubt the standard of a full infernal siege company was lost without a tithe of blood paid, but there are no lanterns marking its place.

"I'm glad you appreciate my collection..." The hiss of scale upon stone that accompanies the voice is so sudden and so close that the speaker must have translocated here. Indeed, following the voice you spy a dragon larger even than the greatest of your forms, his scales of imperishable adamantine, the bright blue of forge-fire almost at its hottest.

"Very much so, elder one." Xor turns all his eyes towards the dragon so quickly they almost become tangled. "And not only that, I am no great architect myself, yet still I know enough to tell this hall itself is the work of a master worthy of containing such marvels."

"I am glad you enjoy it... though I am not quite certain how you came to see it without finding your way through the Bastion," the dragon snorts.

"Given that he was in the company of one of your kin, my lord, I counted it appropriate that he should arrive directly here," Lady Thelis interjects for the first time, her voice admirably steady, though you can read apprehension in her posture.

"We shall have to discuss that later," the dragon snorts a handful of blue-white sparks that reflect briefly off his scales before turning to you. "What offer do you have for me, cousin?"

What do you reply?

[] Write in

OOC: The reason why Lady Thelis just said to bring Xor along was that Viserys' base diplomacy is just so good that he convinced her without meaning to, and failed the Sense Motive check to realize this might be a problem. Also I know that is a picture of a Shadow Dragon, but well it's purple and the actual Adamantine Dragons had this silly looking snout that made them hard to take seriously for me.
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I don't really have a lot on him unfortunetly. The sheet I would have used for combat if it came to it before he pledged himself got lost in an external hard drive crash and all I remember of it is meta-magic sorcerer focused on abjuration/conjuration.

Winning vote
Do you have an idea of what level he was? Level 15? 16?

Also, @DragonParadox, we want his lore on siegecraft as well as direct expertise in teaching us how to build the best high magic fortresses (along with his teachings on how to breach them), but some general idea of what Darleth the Delver would want in exchange would be appreciated. You've kind of got us shooting in the dark here.
Do you have an idea of what level he was? Level 15? 16?

Also, @DragonParadox, we want his lore on siegecraft as well as direct expertise in teaching us how to build the best high magic fortresses (along with his teachings on how to breach them), but some general idea of what Darleth the Delver would want in exchange would be appreciated. You've kind of got us shooting in the dark here.

Level 15

In Viserys opinion Darleth's objectives are as follows:
  1. Enact great triumphs of seigecraft while improving his art
  2. Acquire the works of great strategists for his collection
  3. Grow his hoard in a more traditional sense
Oh, I'm hyped!

Regarding Zherys, how about a Focus Caster variant with an Abjuration focus? Loses Familiar, lets a targeted Dispel Magic affect a second target. Otherwise, Arcane Re-absorption is nice and fits with his "lived in an age where every drop of magic was precious" background. Metamagic Sorcerer seems good too, and he should of course have the Rapid Metamagic feat.
Level 15

In Viserys opinion Darleth's objectives are as follows:
  1. Enact great triumphs of seigecraft while improving his art
  2. Acquire the works of great strategists for his collection
  3. Grow his hoard in a more traditional sense
Would helping us build the greatest fortresses in Prime Material, along with paying a fair price for his aid, be deemed enough?

We can't actually tempt him with the Living Brass scheme since that is very much top secret, unfortunately.
Well we want his take on how to improve The Wall and other places of import, we've got all sorts of works of nonmagical siegecraft and tons o dosh.
Well now we're here. What exactly do we want from him?

His consultation services to help fortify Sorcerer's Deep? To improve the defenses of the Wall? Something else?
[] Under the assumption that he is warded against divination:
-[] The primary reason to call on the dragon is that we plan to create and cast a ritual, that will both greatly anger the Sultan of Brass, and likely make him send considerable forces to disrupt it.
-[] His expertiese and aid in creating the necessary defences for such an endevour would be invaluable.
-[] Besides the satisfaction in the task itself, the use of any ressources we can offer to it and the aid of our greatest mages and runecrafters, we would offer a subbstantial direct reward
-[] (X money) and knowledge of Runelore, a form of magic that should be a great boon to anyone wishing to give his magical works endurance and permanence
-[] Long-term exchange of knowledge on magical defences would be of interest too, mostly to defend our cities in a way that works without causing extreme expanses compared to the low level of use any large, static defence has against magical foes.

@Duesal I know you and other magpies are hesitant to give our that lore, but it's perfect for someone with his interest in defences and siegecraft. Will likely save us mountains of regular treasures.
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We are not that rich.

Besides, it's an art Lya understands, so we can find counters if it's ever used against us.
And it originally comes from Deep Ones anyway, so not like it isn't already in the hands of our foes.
The Aboleths have a tainted variant, ours is purified by the Old Gods. It is a massive strategic advantage that I am completely against handing away.
It could, but keep in mind that the greatest fortress would not come cheap, you would actually have to match the statement by a dragon's standards.

Humanoid Shapeshifters DP?

As for our offer I think the simplest approach would basically be

[] I am certain you know of Heaven's Sundering, would you like the opportunity to mark Planar history by holding the line and pushing back the alliance of forces responsible for the Great Sundering in their latest bid for the destruction of creation.

What else could possibly match that for his pride?
The Aboleths have a tainted variant, ours is purified by the Old Gods. It is a massive strategic advantage that I am completely against handing away.
I'm not sure what you mean?

The Aboleths have the orgininal variant, ours is adapted to be understood by poor mortals?
I wasn't aware the OGs had anything to do with runecraft?
Humanoid Shapeshifters DP?

As for our offer I think the simplest approach would basically be

[] I am certain you know of Heaven's Sundering, would you like the opportunity to mark Planar history by holding the line and pushing back the alliance of forces responsible for the Great Sundering in their latest bid for the destruction of creation.

What else could possibly match that for his pride?
The original idea was to get his help for defending the Brass Ritual, anything else can come later?