[X] Shopping continued
-[X] Buy 2,500 lbs of Living Iron — 250,000 IM
-[X] Buy 20 Living Iron saplings for cultivation in the Imperium — 4,000 IM
-[X] Trade the Familiar ritual to test the waters in exchange for help with Livestone.

@Goldfish, that isn't a vital ritual of great importance, so it should be fine.
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@DragonParadox as far as necro/geo mancy do they have any long form earth based divinations?

Like stone tell but for hundreds or thousands of years ago?

Or hell even regular geological knowledge.

Ancient Valryia has a lot of history that needs untombing.
@DragonParadox nevermind. There is no maximum backdate for stone tell.

Do they ave spells for the following.
-Get more mortal friendly information out of stones (visual illusions of their past surroundings would be ideal)
-A wide range ritual to determine the location and "age" of stone. (When it last underwent catastrophic change)

Both of these should save us a lot of time putting together how ancient Valryians did things and finding in tact ruins.
They do have superior stone tell, but it involves either talking to rather anti-social earth elementals or complex and delicate arcane machinery.
We've hired water elementals, why not earth?

I am actually super excited for the possibilities here.

Both in a geological perspective and perhaps in using an earth elemental divination array for prospecting.
everything can be hardened.
This incredibly rare and hard metal represents the pinnacle of nonmagical metal. Treat weapons and armor crafted from obdurium as adamantine, except for hardness (30), hit points (60 per inch of thickness, or twice as many hit points as a typical item), and price (twice the listed price for adamantine).
HP: 60 per inch of thickness; Break DC: 48 + 4 per inch of thickness.
@DragonParadox nevermind. There is no maximum backdate for stone tell.

Do they ave spells for the following.
-Get more mortal friendly information out of stones (visual illusions of their past surroundings would be ideal)
-A wide range ritual to determine the location and "age" of stone. (When it last underwent catastrophic change)

Both of these should save us a lot of time putting together how ancient Valryians did things and finding in tact ruins.
  1. Yes, but it requiters animating the stone, if you want to to that in Valyria you need to push back the general corruption from the stone you are interviewing
  2. Yes, though again it's a device not a ritual
Are there any ritual applications any of ya guys can think of, that would help our citizens en-large, or would enforce Legions further?
Was thinking of hardened living metal armor. Should help with repeated/prolonged battles and/or expeditions.
Eh, I was but jokingly-ish mentioning something that would be hilariously tough if Hardened via someone with our maximal CL (was that 23 or 24)?
Either way, something with Hardness of 41-42 is stupidly difficult to break.

Like, seriously.
DR 42.
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Here's the RAs I think their Empire may have something useful to help with.
[] Spell-Crafting
-[] Research a spell Eject (Progress: 12)
[] The Magic made Manifest: Research the Living Spells you've captured at Lys.
-[] Find a method to keep them docile at all times (Progress: 18)
-[] Find a method to increase their population
--[] Tiered research (requires getting first tiers before next ones):
---[] Level 1-3 spells - (Progress: 30)
Eh, I was but jokingly-ish mentioning something that would be hilariously tough if Hardened via someone with our maximal CL (was that 23 or 24)?
Either way, something with Hardness of 41-42 is stupidly difficult to break.

Like, seriously.
DR 42.
You also have to work it. Living metal parts may be encouraged to fuse (making welding unnecessary).
Heh, still remember we wanted to see if we could make a Cerulean Sign Living Spell. Cant tell why we didnt think about Demon Dirge or Devil Blight instead.
Is there anything wrong with the idea of beginning a long crossbreeding/eugenics program for our Weirwoods? Imagine, bone-white trees that grow metals, are immune to fire, regenerate at an astounding rate, and are virtually impervious to unauthorized harvesting....My inner Exalt is telling me that if we have trees that grow metal, we need to make them grow BETTER METAL. And if we're already doing unholy science on Weirwoods, why not combine the two?