Perils of a New Age
Fifth Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC
"I could but speculate with nothing more than rumor, hearsay, and now a single note," you say, motioning to the parchment in the lord's hand. "It could be a curse broken, a deal made, or a boon granted... All are possible, and each presents its own conundrum. Who laid such a powerful curse to begin with, and who was able to break it? Who made the deal, and what was the cost? Or who granted the boon, and how was such a reward earned?" You shake your head as though to physically dismiss such idle thoughts. "There is a great deal to investigate here, my lord, before any reasonable conclusion can be reached, and that must be done carefully."
"Still a better concern to have than Devils hiding in old ruins and peering out through the eyes of men," Varys hisses in a rare moment of interjecting in matters of 'mortal posturing' that she finds otherwise uninteresting.
"So you have dealt with all those things?" The question sounds uncomfortable, though not out of any trepidation, but rather discomfort with knowing so little of his foe, you suspect.
"We have pulled the thread until the whole spindle's worth came unwound," you confirm. "Unfortunately that does not guarantee there are no more, for Devils love nothing more than secrets and are skilled indeed in their use from long ages of plotting."
"As if courts weren't bad enough," the Lord of Runestone mutters softly enough that you suspect he had not meant for you to hear.
While the Imperium certainly needs courtiers, by whatever name they are called, as much as any state worth the name, you certainly would not begrudge a dislike of such games in one of your dukes-to-be. You take a sip of wine, giving the lord time to gather his thoughts and the questions he would doubtlessly wish to ask.
The remainder of the day is spent on matters of a more arcane nature, doing your best to explain the blandishments and strategies of the Baatezu in a way that does not require any previous lore of Hell.
Something that might be worth printing as much or more than pamphlets against Tywin Lannister, and not just about Devils.
When every question had been answered as much as time allowed, Bronze Yohn sighs, the lines of his face seemingly growing deeper in the flickering lantern light, though his expression was still one of resolve, the mind behind those steel-grey eyes turning over every option. "I find myself less worried about subtle threats and subversion than I might otherwise have been, Your Grace. With Waymar and Lady Tyene," a faint smile lightens his features, "visiting as often as they do, such deception would likely be caught quickly, but I worry about less subtle threats, the works of desperate men, or I suppose desperate Devils."
"The walls of Runestone will guard you against such as they as they have guarded your line for many an age," you say, laying a hand against the stone beside you. You can feel the hum of arcane power beneath the stone, like warmth radiating from an oven. Were you not invited it would be far less gentle.
"For which I am enormously grateful, but we cannot all stay here like badgers driven to ground," Bronze Yohn points out. "If it had been something worse than thugs striking at Andar in that inn..." He seems to come to some decision he had been working his way towards. "Given all that I have heard tonight, I wish to ask you for any guardians that you can spare for my family, Your Grace, the sort with eyes which can see through glamour and veils."
The irony is that you can indeed spare them. Just a few days ago you had assigned such guards to every major vassal in your service. There is only one issue—the guards are also Devils, Furies to be precise.
What do you reply?
[] Assign Erinyes to Runestone
-[] Write in explanation
[] Assign some other guardian
-[] Write in
[] Argue that the worst of the danger is past and any guardian in your service would do more harm than good
[] Write in
OOC: Just to be clear, Yohn is not asking for more firepower, it's the talk of illusion and possession that has him worried and requesting lookouts.