For example, we should pretty much always have 3 Wyverns being crafted every month for the foreseeable future. If we gain another 50 Enchanters from Air I would boost that number to 6.

One flight is 4 Wyverns, so that's three flights every two months (or one squadron) and an entire air wing every six months.

AKA about the level where we start actually having a significant impact on the Elemental War if we deploy them there.
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For example, we should pretty much always have 3 Wyverns being crafted every month for the foreseeable future. If we gain another 50 Enchanters from Air I would boost that number to 6.

One flight is 4 Wyverns, so that's three flights every two months (or one squadron) and an entire air wing every six months.

AKA about the level where we start actually having a significant impact on the Elemental War if we deploy them there.
And one Moonchaser every two months.
What about that Dauntless class one? Are we ever gonna manufacture that?

Also I'd be all for a mass increase in out airship manufacture and general crafting base with that latest infusion of cash. What would it take to make a Bravos their Shipyard for our Planarships? I'm talking like 60 Wyverns, 3 Moonchasers and a Dauntless every three months. With Harbinger, Heralds and Elemental Wyrm Construct companies to match.

10 million IM? 15, 25? It would pay for itself in raiding capacity in one major raid. We are in the big money now boys, I wanna stick to our burn through 3 to 5 percent of it a month in improvements average.

Oooh! And @egoo if it's not too late we still have to search Hellven for those Cassian Angel's and Choral Angels.

The Cassians for future Living Equipment research. And the Choral because I wanna see if their Piercing Hymn along with our Sonic Weapon research this turn could get us a Sonic weapon.

Like a Sonic bomb Ammo for our Beetle bombs and like a general grenade. You know a Holy Hand Grenade that releases a Piercing Hymn.
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What about that Dauntless class one? Are we ever gonna manufacture that?

Also I'd be all for a mass increase in out airship manufacture and general crafting base with that latest infusion of cash. What would it take to make a Bravos their Shipyard for our Planarships? I'm talking like 60 Wyverns, 3 Moonchasers and a Dauntless every three months. With Harbinger, Heralds and Elemental Wyrm Construct companies to match.

10 million IM? 15, 25? It would pay for itself in raiding capacity in one major raid. We are in the big money now boys, I wanna stick to our burn through 3 to 5 percent of it a month in improvements average.
The Dauntless is a long way off. Maybe we'll build one by the end of the year. Better to have several Moonchasers and a couple dozen Wyverns, IMO.

Wyverns, Moonchasers, Constructs, etc., all require enchanters. They're not something that can be mass produced in shipyards. We have already hired 50 Shaitan enchanters just to get as much done as we have. We're hoping to hire more, Djinni this time, to raise our crafting up another notch.
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Deliberating, @Goldfish, is Alysande's spell load out sufficient to merit the trait Elusive Shadow? I'm updating the template bits and pieces. Once I've finished with that I can start plugging in the rest of the month-long proposal and shifting over stuff in your current month plan.
Deliberating, @Goldfish, is Alysande's spell load out sufficient to merit the trait Elusive Shadow? I'm updating the template bits and pieces. Once I've finished with that I can start plugging in the rest of the month-long proposal and shifting over stuff in your current month plan.
I don't have her spell list, but it's possible. She can learn and prepare spells, so a proper load out just requires time and money, and she probably has the skills for it by this point.
The Dauntless is a long way off. Maybe we'll build one by the end of the year. Better to have several Moonchasers and a couple dozen Wyverns, IMO.

Wyverns, Moonchasers, Constructs, etc., all require enchanters. They're not something that can be mass produced in shipyards. We have already hired 50 Shaitan enchanters just to get as much done as we have. We're hoping to hire more, Djinni this time, to raise our crafting up another notch.
Ok, hopefully we can atleast double it. But what about my Piercing Hymn bomb? Would the Choral Angel's abilities help with Sonic research from that weapon we are doing this turn?

Honestly I'd prefer something classy for the fluff and Piercing Hymn just sounds cool. Also the Harmonize ability. Greater effects the more of them sing together? That sounds nice for the standard item for the Legion.

Either that of the Chant of the Steel Devil. Standards that's while they have a nifty ability on their own actually become stronger when there is more of them together.
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Deliberating, @Goldfish, is Alysande's spell load out sufficient to merit the trait Elusive Shadow? I'm updating the template bits and pieces. Once I've finished with that I can start plugging in the rest of the month-long proposal and shifting over stuff in your current month plan.
Everything in the turn plan should be included in the spreadsheet already. I plugged it all into a 10th month turn plan sheet. Well, I did forget to include costs for some stuff.
I don't have her spell list, but it's possible. She can learn and prepare spells, so a proper load out just requires time and money, and she probably has the skills for it by this point.
Name: Alysande Redsail
Alias: Silverblood, Kelpie-Breaker
Age: 24
Alignment: True Neutral
Race: Human
Level: 8
Wizard 3/Agent of the Silver Eye 5
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Able Learner, Spell-Casting Prodigy, Live My Nightmare, Ineluctable Echo
Skill Tricks: Swift Concentration
Class Features: Argent Gaze (Level 4); Shadow of Faerie (Necromancy); Lore of the Secret City (1/day)

HP: 31
AC: 10 +2 (Dex) +4 (Mage Armor) = 16
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Attack: 3 (BaB) -1 (STR) +2 (Enchantment) = +4 (1d6-1)
Spell Save: DC: 10 + 5 (INT) + 1 (SP) + spell level
Weapon Proficiency: Rapier
Immunities: Possession/Mental Control
SR 20 vs Necromancy

9 (-1) Strength
13 +1 = 14 (+2) Dexterity
12 +2 = 14 (+2) Constitution
12 (+1) Charisma
17 +3 = 20 (+5) Intelligence
15 (+2) Wisdom

FORTITUDE: 2 +1 +2 = 3/5
REFLEX: 5 +2 +2 = 7/9
WILL: 7 + 2 +2 = 9/11

11+1 = 12
Knowledge (Arcana): 11 +5 = 16
Spellcraft: 11 +5 = 16
Decipher Script: 11 +5 = 16
Disable Device: 3+5 = 8
Diplomacy: 8 +1 = 9
Disguise: 9 +1 = 10
Gather Information: 11 +1 = 12
Bluff: 11 +1 = 12
Sense Motive: 11 +2 = 13
Spot: 11 +2 = 13

Spells Known (Caster Level 8):
Level 0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
Level 1: Charm Person, Erase, Grease, Obscuring Mist, True Strike, Alarm, Cheat, Detect Undead, Hail of Stone, Shield, Mage Armor
Level 2: Detect Thoughts, Invisibility, Knock, Mirror Image, Fox's Cunning, Scorching Ray, Web, Rebuke, Sun Bolt, False Life
Level 3: Hold Person, Magic Circle Against Evil, Slow, Tongues, Blink, Dispel Magic, Great Thunderclap, Alter Fortune, Fireball
Level 4: Black Tentacles, Fear, Resilient Sphere, Heart of Earth, Dimension Door

Spells Prepared (Caster Level 8):
Level 0(4/day): Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Prestidigitation
Level 1(5/day): True Strike, Mage Armor, Hail of Stone x2, Charm Person
Level 2(4/day): Detect Thoughts, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Stun Bolt
Level 3(4/day): Blink, Dispel Magic, Great Thunderclap, Alter Fortune
Level 4(3/day): Black Tentacles, Heart of Earth, Resilient Sphere

Magic Item Descriptions:

Silph's Blade
Description: This delicate-seeming sword seems forged of mist and moonlight, appearing to vanish like a mirage when looked at from the from the right angle, or perhaps better to say the wrong one. Many have spilled their life's blood upon it after its bearer danced out of the way of seemingly inevitable attacks.

Ability: +2 weapon, Grants the wielder Evasion and one more attack when full attacking (not cumulative with Haste)

Trickster's Gambit
Description: One can only faintly see leering jester's faces upon the band of this tarnished brass ring, and even the canniest mage might miss the glitter of sorcery upon it, for it was forged long ago to confound the arrogance of mages

Ability: As Runestaff. Can cast Spell Immunity and Greater Spell Immunity (Self Only)

Boneward Belt Powers (3 charges/day):
1 charge: Heals 2d8 points of damage.
2 charges: Heals 3d8 points of damage.
3 charges: Heals 4d8 points of damage.

Quill of Scribing:
Ability: A Quill of Scribing is activated by a command word in Draconic, translating roughly as "inscribe." This requires a standard action. It deactivates when it is through scribing the scroll in question, but it can be deactivated early simply by taking it in hand and pulling it away from the scroll (though this wastes any resources required to scribe the scroll). The quill can be activated only once per day, even if it is deactivated early.

Supernatural Servant: Liminal Sprite (Bolt)

Equipped Magic Items: Lens of Magecraft (Bound), Greater Ribbon of Disguise, Gloves of Zephyr's Grace +1, Circlet of Clarity +3, Amulet of Protection from Evil, Silph's Blade, Trickster's Gambit, Boneward Belt (+2), Quill of Scribing
Granted, she's vastly overdue a levelup. She's currently level 9 with Teleport as her new favorite spell.
Ok, hopefully we can atleast double it. But what about my Piercing Hymn bomb? Would the Choral Angel's abilities help with Sonic research from that weapon we are doing this turn? I'd prefer something classy for the fluff and Piercing Hymn just sounds cool.
That will require dedicated research. We're strapped for researchers, so hopefully Beryl's Sonic/Force cannon research and the Tyrosh Scholarium's Dagger-When research will make it easier to accomplish in the future.
Name: Alysande Redsail
Alias: Silverblood, Kelpie-Breaker
Age: 24
Alignment: True Neutral
Race: Human
Level: 8
Wizard 3/Agent of the Silver Eye 5
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Able Learner, Spell-Casting Prodigy, Live My Nightmare, Ineluctable Echo
Skill Tricks: Swift Concentration
Class Features: Argent Gaze (Level 4); Shadow of Faerie (Necromancy); Lore of the Secret City (1/day)

HP: 31
AC: 10 +2 (Dex) +4 (Mage Armor) = 16
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Attack: 3 (BaB) -1 (STR) +2 (Enchantment) = +4 (1d6-1)
Spell Save: DC: 10 + 5 (INT) + 1 (SP) + spell level
Weapon Proficiency: Rapier
Immunities: Possession/Mental Control
SR 20 vs Necromancy

9 (-1) Strength
13 +1 = 14 (+2) Dexterity
12 +2 = 14 (+2) Constitution
12 (+1) Charisma
17 +3 = 20 (+5) Intelligence
15 (+2) Wisdom

FORTITUDE: 2 +1 +2 = 3/5
REFLEX: 5 +2 +2 = 7/9
WILL: 7 + 2 +2 = 9/11

11+1 = 12
Knowledge (Arcana): 11 +5 = 16
Spellcraft: 11 +5 = 16
Decipher Script: 11 +5 = 16
Disable Device: 3+5 = 8
Diplomacy: 8 +1 = 9
Disguise: 9 +1 = 10
Gather Information: 11 +1 = 12
Bluff: 11 +1 = 12
Sense Motive: 11 +2 = 13
Spot: 11 +2 = 13

Spells Known (Caster Level 8):
Level 0: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
Level 1: Charm Person, Erase, Grease, Obscuring Mist, True Strike, Alarm, Cheat, Detect Undead, Hail of Stone, Shield, Mage Armor
Level 2: Detect Thoughts, Invisibility, Knock, Mirror Image, Fox's Cunning, Scorching Ray, Web, Rebuke, Sun Bolt, False Life
Level 3: Hold Person, Magic Circle Against Evil, Slow, Tongues, Blink, Dispel Magic, Great Thunderclap, Alter Fortune, Fireball
Level 4: Black Tentacles, Fear, Resilient Sphere, Heart of Earth, Dimension Door

Spells Prepared (Caster Level 8):
Level 0(4/day): Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Prestidigitation
Level 1(5/day): True Strike, Mage Armor, Hail of Stone x2, Charm Person
Level 2(4/day): Detect Thoughts, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Stun Bolt
Level 3(4/day): Blink, Dispel Magic, Great Thunderclap, Alter Fortune
Level 4(3/day): Black Tentacles, Heart of Earth, Resilient Sphere

Magic Item Descriptions:

Silph's Blade
Description: This delicate-seeming sword seems forged of mist and moonlight, appearing to vanish like a mirage when looked at from the from the right angle, or perhaps better to say the wrong one. Many have spilled their life's blood upon it after its bearer danced out of the way of seemingly inevitable attacks.

Ability: +2 weapon, Grants the wielder Evasion and one more attack when full attacking (not cumulative with Haste)

Trickster's Gambit
Description: One can only faintly see leering jester's faces upon the band of this tarnished brass ring, and even the canniest mage might miss the glitter of sorcery upon it, for it was forged long ago to confound the arrogance of mages

Ability: As Runestaff. Can cast Spell Immunity and Greater Spell Immunity (Self Only)

Boneward Belt Powers (3 charges/day):
1 charge: Heals 2d8 points of damage.
2 charges: Heals 3d8 points of damage.
3 charges: Heals 4d8 points of damage.

Quill of Scribing:
Ability: A Quill of Scribing is activated by a command word in Draconic, translating roughly as "inscribe." This requires a standard action. It deactivates when it is through scribing the scroll in question, but it can be deactivated early simply by taking it in hand and pulling it away from the scroll (though this wastes any resources required to scribe the scroll). The quill can be activated only once per day, even if it is deactivated early.

Supernatural Servant: Liminal Sprite (Bolt)

Equipped Magic Items: Lens of Magecraft (Bound), Greater Ribbon of Disguise, Gloves of Zephyr's Grace +1, Circlet of Clarity +3, Amulet of Protection from Evil, Silph's Blade, Trickster's Gambit, Boneward Belt (+2), Quill of Scribing
Granted, she's vastly overdue a levelup. She's currently level 9 with Teleport as her new favorite spell.
Yeah, she could leveled up a couple times since this sheet was out together and learned dozens of useful spells.
Here are the proposed level ups for everyone who currently needs one thanks to recent XP gains.

Three Companions, a Dragonlord, two Dragons, and a Fallen Angel. Pretty interesting spread, eh?

[] Vee Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Warden of the Wilds
-[] Feat: Superior Summoning
-[] Skills (8 points): +1 Concentration, +1 Handle Animal, +1 Heal, +1 Spellcraft, +4 Knowledge (Nature)
-[] Spells:
--[] 1st Level:
---[] Retrain: Magic Fang >>> Moment of Greatness
--[] 2nd Level:
---[] Retrain: Hold Person >>> Elation
--[] 5th Level: Revivify
---[] Retrain: Flaywind Burst >>> True Seeing
--[] 6th Level: Stone Body
--[] 7th Level: Particulate Form

[] Waymar Level Up
-[] Attribute: +1 Dexterity
-[] Class: +1 Duskblade
-[] Skills (5 points): +1 Concentration, +1 Craft(Alchemy), +1 Knowledge(The Planes), +2 Knowledge(Arcana)
-[] Spell:
--[] 4th Level: Ward Shield

[] Tyene Level Up
-[] Attribute: +1 Wisdom
-[] Class: Mystic
-[] Skills (4 points): +1 Bluff, +1 Concentration, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Sense Motive
-[] Spells:
--[] 5th Level:
---[] Retrain: False Vision >>> True Seeing
--[] 8th Level: Greater Angelic Aspect
---[] New Domain Spells: Screen, Sunburst

[] Saenena Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Dracolexi
-[] Attribute: +1 Charisma
-[] Skills (7 points): +1 Bluff, +1 Concentration, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Knowledge (Arcana), +1 Spellcraft, +6 Sense Motive
--[] Retrained (+4 points): -4 Disguise
-[] Spells:
--[] 1st Level:
---[] Retrain: Erase >>> Scholar's Touch, Magic Aura >>> Shield
--[] 2nd Level:
---[] Retrain: Misdirection >>> Wings of Cover
--[] 4th Level:
---[] Retrain: Communal Nondetection >>> Assay Spell Resistance
--[] 5th Level:
---[] Retrain: Teleport >>> Fiery Tentacles
--[] 6th Level: Brilliant Inspiration, Mass Suggestion
--[] 8th Level: Unyielding Form of Inevitable Death (reskinned to appear as Valyrian Mage Hunter Construct)
-[] Familiar: Pseudodragon

[] Amelath Level Up
-[] Racial Hit Dice: +1 (Loredrake: d10 HD, +2 Sorcerer caster levels)
-[] Skills (9 points): +1 Concentration, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Intimidate, Knowledge(Arcana), +1 Knowledge(The Planes), +1 Listen, +1 Sense Motive, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Spot
-[] Spells:
--[] 5th Level: Bloodsteel Chains

[] Relath Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Sorcerer
-[] Skills (5 points): +1 Bluff, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Sense Motive, +1 Listen, +1 Spot, +2 Concentration, +3 Spellcraft
-[] Retrain (+5 points): -5 Survival
-[] Spells:
--[] 1st Level: Shield
--[] 2nd Level: Wings of Cover
--[] 3rd Level: Primal Instinct

[] Mereth Level Up
-[] Class: +1 Steel Fury
-[] Skills (8 points): +1 Sense Motive, +1 Spot, +2 Diplomacy, +2 Intimidate, +2 Sleight of Hand
-[] Maneuvers: Replace Sudden Gust with Iron Wind
-[] Lesson of Dis: Gain Uncanny Dodge ability which can be used in Medium and Heavy armor.
Feel free to redistribute Swim points as well.
Nah, we already retrained quite a few of those. Far too many skill points were allotted to Swim by default. It was honestly ridiculous.

He is by nature an aquatic Dragon, though. It wouldn't make sense for his Swim skill to fall too low.
Forgot to do government and military expenses.

That should be done with now.

@DragonParadox We will be scoring points with the new soldiery in Volantis at the start of the next (11th) month when they all receive provisional notes about how their first paycheck has been placed into an open account for them already.

"That's efficient bureaucracy! ALSO HOW DO THEY ALREADY KNOW MY NAME AND RANK?!"
*second note slips out*
*third note*
"And my measurements?"
"Soldier, report to the quartermaster for your fitting--oh you already got the note."


Updated Loan interest amounts.

Just assume I'm updating it... whatever it is. No sooner than I notice it.

Except my omake series'. Never assume that. :V
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Why are wasting sacrifise on 7 trees in hills of andlos. It seems like we can make leshys instead. Every other tree seems imortant. But this one seems pretty usless aside from a symbolic gesture.
[] Meet with Lady Uraka in Braavos early in the month to discuss transferring half of your newly emitted coinage and the Silk Note and Glass Scepter reserve into Imperial Vaults.
-[] Then discuss upgrading the Iron Bank's defenses extensively, the construction of a more appropriately sized and defensible branch in Sorcerer's Deep in preparation for eventual transfer of these accounts, and the assignment of an Imperial Herald to guard the Deep Vaults in the interim.
[] Ask the Shaitan to help us thoroughly examine the Adamantine Golem for traps or problems before purchasing a scroll to Awaken it and diplomance it.
Those seem like they'd range from useless to counterproductive.
And this, I take for proof you having read through the list and having no further qualms beyond this :V
Removed Transfix as per discussion with Goldfish.
Oooh! And @egoo if it's not too late we still have to search Hellven for those Cassian Angel's and Choral Angels.
*sigh* I consider them a pointless shiny, but sure, we'll look.
Why are wasting sacrifise on 7 trees in hills of andlos. It seems like we can make leshys instead. Every other tree seems imortant. But this one seems pretty usless aside from a symbolic gesture.
1) More Heart Trees = stronger Old Gods.
2) Restoring Seven septs of Seven, while having Heart Trees grown near them, has us lay first few steps towards making peace with their religion (as much as I don't want to, we kinda need to).
3) Also, some propaganda of "Heart Trees aren't evil"
4) Also, making the region slightly better through avaliability of magical healing/various other useful effects from the trees.

I... think that's it for what transpired overnight..?
Oh so yeah, I just had a thought, when we finish the Moonchaser, her Maiden Voyage should be a little trading expedition to Vialesk
Wasn't taking Thenns from the shitshow their place is a bit of a priority?
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Why are wasting sacrifise on 7 trees in hills of andlos. It seems like we can make leshys instead. Every other tree seems imortant. But this one seems pretty usless aside from a symbolic gesture.
2. Basic PR coup. Seven and Weirwood standing together and all that
3. First steps towards peace...after sufficient humbling
4. Availability of healing from tree
5. Spitting in the Seven's eye by growing trees in their holy lands of birth(my favourite reason)
@egoo, here is my official list of trees that need to be grown this turn

[] Heart Trees
-[] Healing Tree for Lady Phassen in Myr
-[] Healing Tree for Relath in Tolos
-[] Healing Tree for the Sealord in Pentos
-[] Healing Tree for Riz'Neth in the Snake Port
-[] Healing Tree for Bloom in Skane
-[] Healing Tree for Salladhor Saan in the Basilisk Isles
-[] Seven Trees in the hills of Andalos
-[] Commerce Tree for the Sealord in Braavos
-[] Healing Tree for the Xorn (with a Daylight item)
-[] Healing Tree in the Opaline Vault in the gods district

We now have the sacrifices to actually do this.
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Speaking of Septons should we do a quick touch base with our heretical ones so that they can properly counter them. Also minor action
[] Start producing and releasing the propoganda to increase unrest in Westeros