Incredibly bitter. Sorry, that got a little bit to emotional there guys. My bad.

[X] One Autumn Leaf
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@Artemis1992, @TotallyNotEvil, here's a more polished version of my proposed Dracolexi update.

Artemis, I've included your idea of the Faestir word in as part of the Voice Overwhelming capstone ability.

TNE, I've removed the magic theft word entirely and heavily revised the others based on your suggestions. What do you think of Arcaniss now? It's now limited based on available spell slots. I think allowing it to duplicate the Invoke Magic spell at the cost of losing access to all Draconic words for 24 hours, plus four points of Charisma damage, is an acceptable trade off. I've done something similar with Pok; Time Stop can be used, but it has the same penalties as using Arcaniss for Invoke Magic. Uraxvii got the largest overhaul, removing the Greater Dispel Magic effect entirely in favor of Break Enchantment, making the Dismissal effect once more subject to Spell Resistance, and adding in a Panacea-like effect minus healing.

Dracolexi - Continued

Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks , Perform (oratory) 4 ranks , Spellcraft 4 ranks
Feats: Eschew Materials or Still Spell
Spells: Must be able to spontaneously cast 2nd-level arcane spells, must know at least one language-dependent spell.
Languages: Must be able to speak Draconic plus at least two languages from the following list: Abyssal, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal.

Hit die:
Skill points: 4 + Int

Class Skills:
Climb, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Gather Information, Jump, Knowledge (All), Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Swim, Use Magic Device

Spells per Day/Spells Known: At each level beyond 1st, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a dracolexi, you must decide which class to add each level to for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.

Bonus Spells Known: At 11th level, you can add two more language-dependent spells to your list of spells known, but you are no longer limited to learn spells only from your own spell list.

Power Word Spells (Su): At 12th level, you can select any single power word spell and add it to the spell list of any one spontaneous arcane spellcasting class that you have, treating it as a spell of one level lower than normal. If your class spell list doesn't normally include spells of the (adjusted) level of the power word spell, you can't add it to your spell list.

Draconic Words (Su):
  • Arcaniss: This Draconic word translates to "magic". When you speak this word as part of casting a spell, you can also expend a 4th level or higher spell slot to duplicate the effects of an Assay Spell Resistance or Spell Enhancer spell. Alternatively, you can speak the word in order to produce an Invoke Magic effect at the cost of losing the ability to use any Draconic words for 24 hours.
  • Pok: This Draconic word translate to "stop". A target is treated as if affected by a Hold Monster spell. If you speak the word as part of a spell which causes Paralysis, the spell gains the ability to affect True Dragons and other beings who would normally be immune, including the Undead. Alternatively, you can speak the word in order to produce a Time Stop effect at the cost of losing the ability to use any Draconic words for 24 hours and four points of Charisma damage.
  • Uraxvii: This Draconic word translates to "purge". You can use this word to duplicate the effects of a Break Enchantment or Dismissal spell. Alternatively, you can use the word to remove any condition or effect which a Panacea spell would cure, though it cannot heal Hit Point damage.
Bonus Feat: At 14th level, you gain your choice of Bouncing Spell or Tenacious Spell as a special bonus feat. Whichever feat you choose is automatically applied to all of your Power Word spells without raising their effective spell level or casting time. You can apply the feat to your language-dependent spells as normal, but not to any other spells you may be capable of casting.

Voice Overwhelming (Su): You can make yourself heard over great distances at will, as if using the Clarion Call spell, and Silence spells and effects simply do not affect you at all. Spells and effects (Protection from Evil, Magic Circle Against Chaos, etc) which would render one immune to Charms, Compulsions, and other mind controlling effects such as Dominate Person, do not prevent your language-dependent or Power Word spells from affecting targeted creatures. Those protected by a Mind Blank effect, however, gain a +8 Resistance bonus to Will saving throws made to resist your voice.

Level BAB Fortitude Reflex Will Special Spellcasting
Bonus Spells Known +1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
Power Word Spells +1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
Draconic Words (5) +1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
Bonus Feat +1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
Voice Overwhelming +1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
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Tentative thoughts for the upcoming turn, since some of it is information you'd only realize if you pay close attention to minor details in the last couple dozen updates, and other points farther back in the month and the previous month.

1) We need to put an action towards recruiting the sellswords Pentos hired. Among the fact that this includes probably more than half the sellswords still active in Western Essos, those not currently in Norvos and Qohor's employ at any rate, we have with one fell move essentially rendered their life style unsustainable in the short term, never mind the long term. The danger of being caught up in a war against a Superpower by being hired by all of our neighbors who are currently on the chopping block notwithstanding, we've just terminated their contract and previously made a habit of absorbing, somehow, all the mercenaries in the previous territories we conquered into our military. I suspect we will see twenty thousand or more manpower from this act alone, with at least a few thousand veterans who would make a good seed of officers for our retraining Legion. Also it denies soldiers to our enemies. We can likely delegate this to Menel and a few Legion officers.

2) We need to stop ear marking the majority of our crafting budget on equipping people beyond the basics for a little while. We have done a lot to catch up, and I'm not saying cutting it out completely, some of our casters obviously could still use some items and we can always try commissioning some of it, though at that rate we might as well commission a lot so that changing priorities for a few to several months doesn't unduly burden us even if it delays actually getting those items for a while. This is mainly to make room for defense networks, constructs and aircraft. Three things we are going to need to double down on for minimum of three, and preferably five months. So let's meet in the middle and call it four. I'm serious, you will thank me later here, don't underestimate our rival superpowers in massed battle.

2.1) We need to get started on those 111 soldier PfE standards coverage for our men. I suspect we can negotiate with the Shaitan to help us with this by offering up Valyrian Steel, in exchange for an ongoing contract, in light of the fact that our soldiers are predominantly going to be fighting enemies heavily reliant on enchantment or are just plain Evil-aligned. Not counting peasant levies from Westeros since they're largely irrelevant.

3) We have three house cleaning type actions to take care of next turn, a group for Yi Ti scouting, a strike-team to take care of the Goblin Market in Lys, and a task force to sweep and clear out whatever's left of Drunky in Tyrosh.

4) Five Titan's Tools sets should/will continue expanding the road network as before, three working on connecting to Pentos and through the Rhoyne with bridges, canals and roads, and two working their way eastward to connect to the Dragon Road ending near Volantis. Two will best be leveraged upon Braavos' Imperial Quarter. One will be used to continue Stepstones projects, dependent upon discussion during turn vote period. Probably terrace farms, if we didn't get enough work finished. The last two will get to work improving Pentos or Volantis in some manner.

4.1) Braavos and Pentos will largely need to be focused on introducing governmental services to their territory, such as Messengers and the like. Braavos' Silver Eye will work with an Inquisition branch, both to help integration by cooperating and to extend coverage over Pentos.

4.2) Volantis will be part of an ongoing military reorganization project. Tentatively waiting for turn vote to discuss that section further, as it is expected to involve the Scholarum reforms going on. A lot of politically charged actions for the most part.

5) We need to get off our asses and do the rest of the low hanging fruit diplomatic actions in Westeros. People like Barbrey Dustin, prod Roose toward Ryswell (probably largely unnecessary), the rest of the neutral Riverland Houses as part of a heavier handed set of anti-Lannister actions directed there. The remaining Reacher Houses now that we've secured three of the major ones and Tyrell. We need to prod Doran into telling us about any problem areas since the coming months will be extremely delicate and we can't afford any last minute distractions. Cleaning up, essentially. We might also want to exploit what few openings we've made with the Stormlands during the festival, such as with Swann and the Conningtons, and in the Vale with Redfort and Grafton. Checking in with Yohn is obviously more than in order and in fact we should do that before anything else since he's the most isolated of our allies right now.

6) We need to talk with Brynden about King's Landing goings on. Not super pressing, but we should do it early in case we want to do something later or need to intervene at a specific time somewhere.

That's all the important stuff, and I feel we should focus on that mostly this following month rather than spread our attention around too much. Consolidate, consolidate, consolidate.
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Tentative thoughts for the upcoming turn, since some of it is information you'd only realize if you pay close attention to minor details in the last couple dozen updates, and other points farther back in the month and the previous month.

1) We need to put an action towards recruiting the sellswords Pentos hired. Among the fact that this includes probably more than half the sellswords still active in Western Essos, those not currently in Norvos and Qohor's employ at any rate, we have with one fell move essentially rendered their life style unsustainable in the short term, never mind the long term. The danger of being caught up in a war against a Superpower by being hired by all of our neighbors who are currently on the chopping block notwithstanding, we've just terminated their contract and previously made a habit of absorbing, somehow, all the mercenaries in the previous territories we conquered into our military. I suspect we will see twenty thousand or more manpower from this act alone, with at least a few thousand veterans who would make a good seed of officers for our retraining Legion. Also it denies soldiers to our enemies. We can likely delegate this to Menel and a few Legion officers.

2) We need to stop ear marking the majority of our crafting budget on equipping people beyond the basics for a little while. We have done a lot to catch up, and I'm not saying cutting it out completely, some of our casters obviously could still use some items and we can always try commissioning some of it, though at that rate we might as well commission a lot so that changing priorities for a few to several months doesn't unduly burden us even if it delays actually getting those items for a while. This is mainly to make room for defense networks, constructs and aircraft. Three things we are going to need to double down on for minimum of three, and preferably five months. So let's meet in the middle and call it four. I'm serious, you will thank me later here, don't underestimate our rival superpowers in massed battle.

2.1) We need to get started on those 111 soldier PfE standards coverage for our men. I suspect we can negotiate with the Shaitan to help us with this by offering up Valyrian Steel, in exchange for an ongoing contract, in light of the fact that our soldiers are predominantly going to be fighting enemies heavily reliant on enchantment or are just plain Evil-aligned. Not counting peasant levies from Westeros since they're largely irrelevant.

3) We have three house cleaning type actions to take care of next turn, a group for Yi Ti scouting, a strike-team to take care of the Goblin Market in Lys, and a task force to sweep and clear out whatever's left of Drunky in Tyrosh.

4) Five Titan's Tools sets should will continue expanding the road network as before, three working on connecting to Pentos and through the Rhoyne with bridges, canals and roads, and two working their way eastward to connect to the Dragon Road ending near Volantis. Two will best be leveraged upon Braavos' Imperial Quarter. One will be used to continue Stepstones projects, dependent upon discussion during turn vote period. Probably terrace farms, if we didn't get enough work finished. The last two will get to work improving Pentos or Volantis in some manner.

4.1) Braavos and Pentos will largely need to be focused on introducing governmental services to their territory, such as Messengers and the like. Braavos' Silver Eye will work with an Inquisition branch, both to help integration by cooperating and to extend coverage over Pentos.

4.2) Volantis will be part of an ongoing military reorganization project. Tentatively waiting for turn vote to discuss that section further, as it is expected to involve the Scholarum reforms going on. A lot of politically charged actions for the most part.

5) We need to get off our asses and do the rest of the low hanging fruit diplomatic actions in Westeros. People like Barbrey Dustin, prod Roose toward Ryswell (probably largely unnecessary), the rest of the neutral Riverland Houses as part of a heavier handed set of anti-Lannister actions direceted there. The remaining Reacher Houses now that we've secured three of the major ones and Tyrell. We need to prod Doran into telling us about any problem areas since the coming months will be extremely delicate and we can't afford any last minute distractions. Cleaning up, essentially. We might also want to exploit what few openings we've made with the Stormlands during the festival, such as with Swann and the Conningtons, and in the Vale with Redfort and Grafton. Checking in with Yohn is obviously more than in order and in fact we should do that before anything else since he's the most isolated of our allies right now.

6) We need to talk with Brynden about King's Landing goings on. Not super pressing, but we should do it early in case we want to do something later or need to intervene at a specific time somewhere.

That's all the important stuff, and I feel we should focus on that mostly this following month rather than spread our attention around too much. Consolidate, consolidate, consolidate.
I just want to reiterate your second point; we have spent the last couple months, but especially this current month which is about to come to a close, equipping a lot of our people, allies, and friends with high quality enchanted gear (screw WBL). It's not that we've overspent or put ourselves in a bind, but now we have altered priorities. Thankfully, there just aren't a lot of important people left whom we need to gear. We were that thorough.

Gear upgrades this coming month will mostly be for Companions and VIPs who have been neglected up to this point, such as Bloom and Sandor. We've got 14 new Erinyes to gear up to our standards, but that's going to be a gradual project spaced over the next few months. They're too useful and powerful to neglect entirely, but there's no need to do it all in one month.

The majority will be devoted to strategic level assets, Herald Constructs, Wyvern Fighters, Teleporting Suicide Constructs (Beetle Bombs), completing the Moonchaser, etc.
With the Engineering training school finished, I would also like to put someone on developing a similar training program for Healers. With so many top tier healers around there is plenty of Grandmaster tier experts for NPCs to learn from, so SD hasn't lacked for fulfilling expanding needs, but to spread those kinds of services around the entire Imperium requires full-on institutional knowledge which we currently don't quite have, just an organized place for people to practice their knowledge.

It would also be the start of regulating medical practice. On that note, while I believe we are developing a formal law education course at the university in SD, one action for the Imperium's equivalent of the Bar association might be in order, to openly formalize the solicitor's role in the court room.

I will of course be happy to pen some stuff along those lines myself if it helps.
Ah, I see, we haven't yet made a Law school type course. The Bar will have to wait, then. Probably when the three currently progressing have finished.

So much to do, so little time.
Just a small note to everyone:

I normally have no stake in the goings on of the Fungus Forge, but I formally request that we wait until a CR 18 corpse is available so we can make anything up to CR 6 for free.

In particular, the Night's Watch needs a lot more Verdant Wolves.
Just a small note to everyone:

I normally have no stake in the goings on of the Fungus Forge, but I formally request that we wait until a CR 18 corpse is available so we can make anything up to CR 6 for free.

In particular, the Night's Watch needs a lot more Verdant Wolves.
I'm not against it per say but I thought the plan was to bite the bullet in terms of cash and make as many CR10 monsters as possible.
I'm not against it per say but I thought the plan was to bite the bullet in terms of cash and make as many CR10 monsters as possible.
We've spent a lot this month, so buying a bunch of CR 10 creatures is going to have to wait.

Something we could do right away is seeding our Triton population with Advanced Druid Creature Seaweed Leshys (CR 5). They'd have access to Level 1 Druid Spells, and they'd be in a prime position to start gaining actual Druid levels. Not immediately useful, but they'd have a hell of a lot of growth potential. At 4 HD each I'd recommend between 100 and 200 (costing between 400 and 800 HD in corpses).

Don't get me wrong, they're weak. But within the next few months we're definitely going to be seeing a lot of combat, and the ones that survive will be incredible assets. They actually have a slight advantage over Lotus Leshys. Our Advanced Druid Creature Lotus Leshys are powerful as hell, yes, but the Seaweed Leshys will be in a position to actually start leveling up.

I don't expect the majority to survive, which is genuinely regretful, but they will save a lot of lives and for that along it's worth it.
We've spent a lot this month, so buying a bunch of CR 10 creatures is going to have to wait.

Something we could do right away is seeding our Triton population with Advanced Druid Creature Seaweed Leshys (CR 5). They'd have access to Level 1 Druid Spells, and they'd be in a prime position to start gaining actual Druid levels. Not immediately useful, but they'd have a hell of a lot of growth potential. At 4 HD each I'd recommend between 100 and 200 (costing between 400 and 800 HD in corpses).

Don't get me wrong, they're weak. But within the next few months we're definitely going to be seeing a lot of combat, and the ones that survive will be incredible assets. They actually have a slight advantage over Lotus Leshys. Our Advanced Druid Creature Lotus Leshys are powerful as hell, yes, but the Seaweed Leshys will be in a position to actually start leveling up.

I don't expect the majority to survive, which is genuinely regretful, but they will save a lot of lives and for that along it's worth it.
Ahh I see. So what you are saying is that we need to make even more money...but in all seriousness I'm fine with this. Waiting for a CR 18 is fine by me
How about a submarine for the Greyjoys. The Sea of Fire is a sea too.

I really want to trade that dreadnought for a baby kraken... We can't jus hog all the fun over collosal creatures, you know?
So we can mass spawn our leshys. Is their a limit to how many we can produce in total.

Not really. If there's a limit, we'll run out of money before we run out of space. Shit's expensive. But usually worth it. Forged creations have really padded out our forces with stuff that doesn't literally need to bury the enemy in bodies and mastercrafted weapons and armor to put something down.

Though in the Legion's defense, in an ideal situation, they can tangle with fiendish foot soldiers and give them more than a bloody nose. Though in any kind of situation where that's happening, there'd usually be entire formations on both sides literally evaporating from spells being slung around, making their struggles seem a tad irrelevant. Esp. irrelevant when you realize there's only like ten billion more in reserve and you had to throw a non-insignificant portion of your national budget to arm and train a measly half million people year-round.
Not really. If there's a limit, we'll run out of money before we run out of space. Shit's expensive. But usually worth it. Forged creations have really padded out our forces with stuff that doesn't literally need to bury the enemy in bodies and mastercrafted weapons and armor to put something down.

Though in the Legion's defense, in an ideal situation, they can tangle with fiendish foot soldiers and give them more than a bloody nose. Though in any kind of situation where that's happening, there'd usually be entire formations on both sides literally evaporating from spells being slung around, making their struggles seem a tad irrelevant. Esp. irrelevant when you realize there's only like ten billion more in reserve and you had to throw a non-insignificant portion of your national budget to arm and train a measly half million people year-round.
If they are melee-only threats, or can be reduced to such by low level Mage support, the Legion can take on foes that you wouldn't believe possible.

Their raw AC is simply that bullshit, and their build covers them from being tossed around by combat maneuvers that large, strong foes might try to use in breaking the formation.

Fighting literally infinite demons is, of course, impossible.

But if can manage to bring it to a slugfest, I'm plenty confident that we will be getting as favorable exchanges as Avernite Heltroopers usually get.
If they are melee-only threats, or can be reduced to such by low level Mage support, the Legion can take on foes that you wouldn't believe possible.

Their raw AC is simply that bullshit, and their build covers them from being tossed around by combat maneuvers that large, strong foes might try to use in breaking the formation.

Fighting literally infinite demons is, of course, impossible.

But if can manage to bring it to a slugfest, I'm plenty confident that we will be getting as favorable exchanges as Avernite Heltroopers usually get.

Well, Planetos is a deathworld too. :ogles: