Dracolexi - Continued
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks ,
Perform (oratory) 4 ranks ,
Spellcraft 4 ranks
Feats: Eschew Materials or
Still Spell
Spells: Must be able to spontaneously cast 2nd-level arcane spells, must know at least one language-dependent spell.
Languages: Must be able to speak Draconic plus at least two languages from the following list: Abyssal, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal.
Hit die: d6
Skill points: 4 + Int
Class Skills:
Climb, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Gather Information, Jump, Knowledge (All), Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Swim, Use Magic Device
Spells per Day/Spells Known: At each level beyond 1st, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a dracolexi, you must decide which class to add each level to for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.
Bonus Spells Known: At 11th level, you can add two more language-dependent spells to your list of spells known, but you are no longer limited to learn spells only from your own spell list.
Power Word Spells (Su): At 12th level, you can select any single
power word spell and add it to the spell list of any one spontaneous arcane spellcasting class that you have, treating it as a spell of one level lower than normal. If your class spell list doesn't normally include spells of the (adjusted) level of the
power word spell, you can't add it to your spell list.
Draconic Words (Su):
- Arcaniss: This Draconic word translates to "magic". When you speak this word as part of casting a spell, you can also expend a 4th level or higher spell slot to duplicate the effects of an Assay Spell Resistance or Spell Enhancer spell. Alternatively, you can speak the word in order to produce an Invoke Magic effect at the cost of losing the ability to use any Draconic words for 24 hours.
- Pok: This Draconic word translate to "stop". A target is treated as if affected by a Hold Monster spell. If you speak the word as part of a spell which causes Paralysis, the spell gains the ability to affect True Dragons and other beings who would normally be immune, including the Undead. Alternatively, you can speak the word in order to produce a Time Stop effect at the cost of losing the ability to use any Draconic words for 24 hours and four points of Charisma damage.
- Uraxvii: This Draconic word translates to "purge". You can use this word to duplicate the effects of a Break Enchantment or Dismissal spell. Alternatively, you can use the word to remove any condition or effect which a Panacea spell would cure, though it cannot heal Hit Point damage.
Bonus Feat: At 14th level, you gain your choice of
Bouncing Spell or
Tenacious Spell as a special bonus feat. Whichever feat you choose is automatically applied to all of your Power Word spells without raising their effective spell level or casting time. You can apply the feat to your language-dependent spells as normal, but not to any other spells you may be capable of casting.
Voice Overwhelming (Su): You can make yourself heard over great distances at will, as if using the
Clarion Call spell, and Silence spells and effects simply do not affect you at all. Spells and effects (Protection from Evil, Magic Circle Against Chaos, etc) which would render one immune to Charms, Compulsions, and other mind controlling effects such as Dominate Person, do not prevent your language-dependent or Power Word spells from affecting targeted creatures. Those protected by a Mind Blank effect, however, gain a +8 Resistance bonus to Will saving throws made to resist your voice.
Bonus Spells Known
+1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
Power Word Spells
+1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
Draconic Words (5)
+1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
Bonus Feat
+1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class
Voice Overwhelming
+1 level of existing Arcane spellcasting class