Lords of Shadow
Twenty-Eight Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC
"Your court is young and born of the perils of the great crossing, which you have overcome with skill and wisdom both. So too is the realm I aim to build upon this mortal mortal world," you begin solemnly. "Why not then join together that we may be stronger in the doing and write tale upon the canvas of the future? The sharpness of your eyes I ask for and for your blades, though rest assured I would not lightly see your kindred risked. In return I would grant protection as I do to any vassal, the rights and privileges of mages to all within your court who wield arcane power, new avenues for trade as well as access to the Shadow Tower and much of the lore and knowledge gathered therein."
Much... now there is a word that can flicker between one's fingers like evening's light," the Shadow King muses. "What then would you keep back from our eyes?"
Taking the question, and the lack of offense shown as a good sign, you nonetheless answer carefully. "I would not give away knowledge of runes and the shaping of souls in any wide-encompassing offer and the lore of the Old Gods is not mine to grant."
To this the fey lord nods, no sign upon his ashen skin to show his feelings one way or another, simply waiting for you ta make your offer.
"I would also offer as a token of my esteem a gift of gold and imperishable adamant as well as calves of an uncommon breed for your own menagerie," you continue, illusions flickering in the palm of your hand to show each.
"Uncommon gifts and worthy of regard, but beside the oaths and laws you have already established they seem quite transitory," the king replies at last, choosing his words as carefully as yours. "Protection for service is the nature of any rightful vassalage and by the very charter that serves as a foundation to your Scholarum, any with skill at sorcery may join and study in its halls, be they mortals, fey or other beings altogether. Besides that, adamant is sturdy to be sure, but it is only metal and coin I have aplenty from dealings with the Iron Bank, they do so love to pay in it." The last is said not with disdain, but almost fondly, as one might describe an endearing oddity.
"What then would you ask for?" you ask, dearly hoping it is not some mission that will carry you far in search of fey treasure. There are enough urgent things that need doing as is without adding another.
"I wish to take as the expression goes, a leaf from Braavos' book," comes the reply swiftly spoken, though you suspect long pondered. "If our tales are to stand together that would assure myself that my court is a root that helps hold the tree of empire tall, not merely a vine that can be lightly cut off. More than simply passing on lore to your agents of the Court of Stars I would myself together with my most powerful lords and ladies join your inquisition in full and keep its oaths in full, who who better than those born of shadow to guard against unseen perils?"
The suggestion takes you aback, though not so much that you would blurt out any concerns about loyalty which the lord of the darkfey might find insulting. Instead you simply note: "The inquisition is yet young, its highest agents possessed of far less experience than you and yours. It would seem a great imbalance of skill as much as power to simply simply fold you all into its structures as once. It could well lead to frustration on all our parts."
"Fairly said," he replies after a moment. "I would not object to the formation of, let us say, another order of the inquisition as there are orders of knights answerable to Lord Drekelis. I can assure you that none in my court would object in taking commands from him."
For a long moment you watch the Orphne King, weighing in a careful balance the words softly spoken, the visage in shadow veiled. the offer seems nothing but sincere, and you have taken oaths, even oaths to the inquisition from far darker beings.
What do you reply?
[] Accept the deal (Gain 9 Fey Lord inquisitors with their own retinues, your previous offer is otherwise accepted in full besides the gold)
[] Argue for a more gradual integration
-[] Write in
[] Offer a counter proposal
-[] Write in
OOC: The Orphne King knows he only has one fealty to give, so he is going to try to parlay that into as much influence in the Imperium as he can manage. There's a reason he gets along so well with the Braavosi.