Is anyone against accepting the terms as laid out? They seem quite fair. Who would we bring with us for this, besides Dany? I would suggest Rina if we could pull her away, and if at all possible a leshy or something that Bloodraven could use to attend by proxy.
By the way, DP has just confirmed that a Shadow Cloak can't activate Garin's shadow pounce. A shame, but understandable.

Imagine if every dodge turned into a full attack against another enemy? Amazing!
Is anyone against accepting the terms as laid out? They seem quite fair. Who would we bring with us for this, besides Dany? I would suggest Rina if we could pull her away, and if at all possible a leshy or something that Bloodraven could use to attend by proxy.
I am fine with it. Also I would bring our sister, Richard, Rina and Malarys. All of whom are very good for certain things.
My issue is more that Baelor was able to ask for that blessing to begin with. I suppose it would be nonsensical if a herald of the seven couldn't ask for their blessing, but still.

Also friendly reminder that since the thread seems to be forgetting we're assholes again: We came here to shatter this countries religion because it was inconvenient for it to exist and because it would give us more power/clear some debts from gaining power. We have no moral high horse here. We would be much better served framing this in a viewpoint that remains consistent and immune to hypocrisy. Shattering the Faith is not a morally good act, but it is one advantageous to our realm and by proxy the citizens of it.

Coming to an agreement in regards to protecting the citizens/flock is probably the one thing we'll be able to agree on, the restnwill probably not be going over well.
That might be exaggerating the matter slightly. We wanted it splintered into a handful of factions, rather than united in purpose, a purpose which could have forced us to kill a great deal of potential cannon fodder (ie muggle commoners) along with more useful sorts who are able to help against various world ending threats.
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Rina is currently on another plane of existence. Also no. Just no.

But why tho? Malarys would be great for these kinds of situations. I mean granted he might gag a bit but he is good at his job.

Edit: I realize you meant Rina. Okay fair enough I just wanted to show off our Other mage to her Other mage. Have them compare notes.
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So, uhm, how are they planning to go there? The dinnerhouse, I mean.

It was established that they have no teleport, and the Sept' entrance is sealed and guarded by Hightower men (who have probably been told to watch out for Lucan).

They're stuck, lol.
you would have suspected mental communion were you not able to see the spells upon her clearly.
Well there's always the one person she can reach no spells needed.

Malarys :V
This is a joke.
Why not Malarys? Their paranoia bordering on nightmare fuel aside he's decently reasonable.

You guys probably do not want to put Bloodraven in the same room with the man he repeatedly tried to assassinate and whose fellow Chosen he has been killing with ruthless efficiency.
We don't have to tell them it's Bloodraven.

imagine if we showed up with Malarys, Bloodraven, and Azema.

Their faces would be priceless.