If you summon a Pit Fiend, and it goes on a rampage, you can't not be responsible. Same goes for any summon.
If you summon a Pit Fiend and it go on a rampage you're responsible of course, if you summon something not inherently evil, it becomes a citizen, and commit a crime, then they not you are responsible, permanent summoning is just another form of immigration, and while we expect anyone bringing immigrants, to make sure they aren't disguised enemies of the state, we don't hold them responsible if the immigrant commits a crime, unless there's proof of gross negligence in the immigration vetting process.
Then there's of course the fact that you need a license if you want to summon, but that's not at all relevant here, as Lucan isn't a citizen of ours, and so it's not us he should be expected to get a license from.
That is not true.
We have a law in our very constitution:
And even if we wanted to give blanket approval to summon Celestials we still shouldn't do it because there is a chance of accidentaly calling fiends of opposed alignment and equal power.
Since Yrael has been training mages and calling allies since before he officially joined our Realm I assume he was allowed to carry on because there was no particular reason to stop him, but he still should have gotten a writ of approval signed by Taena or someone official from the Scholarium for legal reasons.
Well yes, but Lucan isn't a member of our Empire, so he don't need our permission to summon, and I wasn't talking about what you needed to get that permission, I was talking about, whether you were expected to keep anything you summon bound, and whether you are responsible for any acts your summon does.
And the answer to those questions are no, you are expected to get state approval before you summon something, but unless it's something malevolent, meant to be sacrificed or rendered down to parts, you aren't supposed to bind it if it's sapient, and you aren't more responsible for their acts, than you are for the acts of someone you hired the normal way, and if they decide to leave your service, your responsibility for them is entirely nullified.
If Lucan was a citizen of ours, then he would be guilty of unauthorized summoning, but he wouldn't be guilty of not keeping what he summoned bound, because binding sapient beings is a crime in our Empire.
Summoning is a way to have certain types of Outsiders immigrate, you are no more responsible for the acts of someone you summoned, than a captain is, for the acts of an immigrant they transported to our shores, which mean you do have some responsibilities, but they are all temporary, and are mainly to do with you being obligated, to make sure they are properly registered as a citizen.
Of course most of the time when you summon something it's to work for you, so as long as whatever you summoned haven't quit the job you offered it, you do have the same amount of responsibility for their acts, as an employer has for their employees.