Omake: A Whole New World
"Ughhhh" the sound of groaning emitted from the blanket-covered figure laying on the bed despite the morning sunlight streaming through the shutters. As usual, Holo had drunk excessively the night before without consideration for the consequences she would be sure to face the next morning.

Shaking his head, Kraft Lawrence began his morning ritual by washing his face with the bucket of water provided by the innkeeper as he once again considered the strange series of events that led to their current predicament.

They had originally set off by ship to visit a small coastal town mentioned in the legends of the Moon Eating Bear, but a powerful storm had assaulted the ship just days into the journey. The sailors had fought the storm valiantly but eventually, the ship had simply broken under the wailing winds and crashing waves, sweeping all those abroad into the sea. Lawrence's memories began to get hazy after that, all he remembered was seeing flashes of a giant wolf swimming against the tides carrying him in its jaws. If not for Holo's other form Lawrence was certain that he would have drowned in the freezing waters.

After what seemed like days they were carried by the currents onto unfamiliar shores, with no supplies and no idea where they were Lawerence was sure he would have died of hunger of exposure if not for his campaign. Fortunately, Holo's nose was able to pick up the smell of drying fish and lead them to a small fishing town on the coast. There, Lawrence spent a few months picking up a serviceable understanding of the local language while doing various odd jobs after exchanging his not insignificant purse of gold for the local currency, a skill he had often utilized while traveling as a merchant. The village had first seemed calm and peaceful but as Lawrence learned more of the language he noticed the rumors.

There was a Dragon in the South, raising troops armed and armored in steel forged in sorcery wielding unknown magic, of unspeakable things in the seas that cause madness if looked upon and the dead rising in the plains to the East. Lawrence had initially dismissed these rumors as merely ramblings and tales distorted by distance and retellings, it was not uncommon for people to tell tall tales after a few drinks. However, the rumors kept coming and only grew more and more detailed as time passed.

The Dragon had apparently conquered the city of Lys, by breaking the army raised by one of the cities magisters and proceeded to win the city of Myr through words within a single month of each other. Combined with the earlier conquest of Tyrosh this was apparently significant, and a feat not accomplished since a group called the Ninepenny Kings did so decades ago. But the real outrageous rumors were that of walking trees that drank the blood of innocents, bull men with the ferocity of beasts wild and the king, by all accounts a young man younger than Lawrence himself being a dragon not just in name but also in flesh.

This Sorcerer's Deep was intriguing after all where else would the whereabouts of Yoitsu be if in of in a place of magic and wonder. The center of it in the strange land that Lawrence and Holo found themselves in if the rumors of a grand tower of magic and sorcery shrouded in shadow were to be believed. The journey to the island would be perilous but Lawrence had made a promise to see Holo to her home and if he could make a modest profit along the way, well who was he to argue?

"Gimmeeee" A pale slender hand emerged from the bundle of blankets, gesturing blindly to the jug of cool water on a nearby table and breaking Lawrence's train of thought. Stifling a sigh Lawrence stood and handed the girl the jug which she proceeded to drain.

"Ahhh, that hits the spot," Holo exclaimed before once again cowering away as the light hits her face.

"Regretting drinking so much now aren't you," Asks Lawrence with a slightly smug smile on his face.

"Ahhh, I couldn't that delicious mead along, now could I? But enough talk when are we leaving?" Asks Holo as she gets sluggishly gets out of bed.

"Leaving? To where?" Asks Lawrence, bewildered.

"To that so-called Sorcerer's Deep of course, where else would we find the whereabouts of Yoitsu? You don't think I noticed you speaking to that ship Capitan each day after we heard the latest rumors." Holo replies with a disappointed face.

"How.. how did you know I was…??" Lawrence stutters as he struggles to regain his composure. "Well, I wasn't sure if you would be afraid of the big scary dragon" he eventually rebuts in an attempted comeback.

"Me? The wise wolf of Yoitsu afraid of some fire breathing lizard? You must be joking, one look at my majestic form and that overgrown salamander will be running with its tail between its legs" Holo replies arrogantly without a hit of hesitation.

"Oh, I can count on you to protect me from the dragon then?" Lawrence jokingly asks, having recovered his composure.

"Of course, whatever would you do without me?" Holo replies as she works herself up into a rant about her greatness.

"Ok, ok, just let me gather up some trade goods and we can go board the ship in the harbor" Lawrence interrupts before Holo can really get herself going.

"Hmph, fine. But before we go…….. Can you buy me an apple?" Holo asks after a dramatic pause.

"Another one? Those things are expensive you know, how about this if you bring me luck and I make a profit once we arrive I'll get you one of those celestial apples the rumors have been talking about if they really exist." Lawrence bargains back, all the money he has spent buying apples have really been adding up. After all, what are the chances a "Celestial" apple really exists?

"A celestial apple…." Holo repeats. "Deal!" she exclaims with stars in her eyes and a small fleck of drool escaping the corner of her mouth.

What have I gotten myself into?
Lawrence thinks as Holo drags him out the door and into the market below the small inn.
No internet cookie for me. I don't recognize these folks at all.

But the story is well written and seems interesting already. More please?
"Let me get this straight... you have traveled the world."


"Making a profit with ingenuity and market knowledge."


"And you have no plans for world domination or enslaving the human race?"

"That sounds like too much trouble. I could totally do it though."


"What are you drawing?"

"Do you like well-defined lines, or sweeping arches and winding concourses?"


"Alinor, shake loose thirty--no, forty thousand marks."
*hides notes
Basically, spice and wolf is about a traveling merchant finding a girl who's also a harvest god (a giant doggo) in his cart one day, and they go on to have glorious economic adventures while looking for her home.
Omake: A Whole New World
"Ughhhh" the sound of groaning emitted from the blanket-covered figure laying on the bed despite the morning sunlight streaming through the shutters. As usual, Holo had drunk excessively the night before without consideration for the consequences she would be sure to face the next morning.

Shaking his head, Kraft Lawrence began his morning ritual by washing his face with the bucket of water provided by the innkeeper as he once again considered the strange series of events that led to their current predicament.

They had originally set off by ship to visit a small coastal town mentioned in the legends of the Moon Eating Bear, but a powerful storm had assaulted the ship just days into the journey. The sailors had fought the storm valiantly but eventually, the ship had simply broken under the wailing winds and crashing waves, sweeping all those abroad into the sea. Lawrence's memories began to get hazy after that, all he remembered was seeing flashes of a giant wolf swimming against the tides carrying him in its jaws. If not for Holo's other form Lawrence was certain that he would have drowned in the freezing waters.

After what seemed like days they were carried by the currents onto unfamiliar shores, with no supplies and no idea where they were Lawerence was sure he would have died of hunger of exposure if not for his campaign. Fortunately, Holo's nose was able to pick up the smell of drying fish and lead them to a small fishing town on the coast. There, Lawrence spent a few months picking up a serviceable understanding of the local language while doing various odd jobs after exchanging his not insignificant purse of gold for the local currency, a skill he had often utilized while traveling as a merchant. The village had first seemed calm and peaceful but as Lawrence learned more of the language he noticed the rumors.

There was a Dragon in the South, raising troops armed and armored in steel forged in sorcery wielding unknown magic, of unspeakable things in the seas that cause madness if looked upon and the dead rising in the plains to the East. Lawrence had initially dismissed these rumors as merely ramblings and tales distorted by distance and retellings, it was not uncommon for people to tell tall tales after a few drinks. However, the rumors kept coming and only grew more and more detailed as time passed.

The Dragon had apparently conquered the city of Lys, by breaking the army raised by one of the cities magisters and proceeded to win the city of Myr through words within a single month of each other. Combined with the earlier conquest of Tyrosh this was apparently significant, and a feat not accomplished since a group called the Ninepenny Kings did so decades ago. But the real outrageous rumors were that of walking trees that drank the blood of innocents, bull men with the ferocity of beasts wild and the king, by all accounts a young man younger than Lawrence himself being a dragon not just in name but also in flesh.

This Sorcerer's Deep was intriguing after all where else would the whereabouts of Yoitsu be if in of in a place of magic and wonder. The center of it in the strange land that Lawrence and Holo found themselves in if the rumors of a grand tower of magic and sorcery shrouded in shadow were to be believed. The journey to the island would be perilous but Lawrence had made a promise to see Holo to her home and if he could make a modest profit along the way, well who was he to argue?

"Gimmeeee" A pale slender hand emerged from the bundle of blankets, gesturing blindly to the jug of cool water on a nearby table and breaking Lawrence's train of thought. Stifling a sigh Lawrence stood and handed the girl the jug which she proceeded to drain.

"Ahhh, that hits the spot," Holo exclaimed before once again cowering away as the light hits her face.

"Regretting drinking so much now aren't you," Asks Lawrence with a slightly smug smile on his face.

"Ahhh, I couldn't that delicious mead along, now could I? But enough talk when are we leaving?" Asks Holo as she gets sluggishly gets out of bed.

"Leaving? To where?" Asks Lawrence, bewildered.

"To that so-called Sorcerer's Deep of course, where else would we find the whereabouts of Yoitsu? You don't think I noticed you speaking to that ship Captian each day after we heard the latest rumors." Holo replies with a disappointed face.

"How.. how did you know I was…??" Lawrence stutters as he struggles to regain his composure. "Well, I wasn't sure if you would be afraid of the big scary dragon" he eventually rebuts in an attempted comeback.

"Me? The wise wolf of Yoitsu afraid of some fire breathing lizard? You must be joking, one look at my majestic form and that overgrown salamander will be running with its tail between its legs" Holo replies arrogantly without a hit of hesitation.

"Oh, I can count on you to protect me from the dragon then?" Lawrence jokingly asks, having recovered his composure.

"Of course, whatever would you do without me?" Holo replies as she works herself up into a rant about her greatness.

"Ok, ok, just let me gather up some trade goods and we can go board the ship in the harbor" Lawrence interrupts before Holo can really get herself going.

"Hmph, fine. But before we go…….. Can you buy me an apple?" Holo asks after a dramatic pause.

"Another one? Those things are expensive you know, how about this if you bring me luck and I make a profit once we arrive I'll get you one of those celestial apples the rumors have been talking about if they really exist." Lawrence bargains back, all the money he has spent buying apples have really been adding up. After all, what are the chances a "Celestial" apple really exists?

"A celestial apple…." Holo repeats. "Deal!" she exclaims with stars in her eyes and a small fleck of drool escaping the corner of her mouth.

What have I gotten myself into?
Lawrence thinks as Holo drags him out the door and into the market below the small inn.
As a minor goddess shes probably not even a bad match for us.

Though perhaps she would be more in line with a great fey or spirit.

edit: Also great omake!
We would rapidly try to get her a Commerce domain, so she can help Yss with all the consultations. Probably a better public face for that front. Yss will corner the predictive market front, and Holo would handle the small business side of things!
We would rapidly try to get her a Commerce domain, so she can help Yss with all the consultations. Probably a better public face for that front. Yss will corner the predictive market front, and Holo would handle the small business side of things!
>Immediately kidnaps goddess to use for their dark war machine

Glad we're checking our overlord boxes!
I wonder how @Wheel of time is doing, haven't heard from him lately.
Finished first year of college, practicing basic writing skills with JustSomeDude, joining Super Hero RP of @Parris and reading Deadhouse Gates along with news, videos on Youtube some serious and others not and overall not having the will to fully devote myself to reading every page of this thread.
Now how we on mission kung fu?
Finished first year of college, practicing basic writing skills with JustSomeDude, joining Super Hero RP of @Parris and reading Deadhouse Gates along with news, videos on Youtube some serious and others not and overall not having the will to fully devote myself to reading every page of this thread.
Now how we on mission kung fu?
A Grand Fleet has been sent off to Yi Ti. We'll be getting word sometime next month.
Good god I've been playing catch-up with the thread all day, FINALLY got to the end of the discussion. This has been almost 30 pages of back and forth over how much of an asshole we want to be. Why is this a hard question....