Can we all please not go full murderhobo ?
Now in theory our party should all be disguised (but vulnerable to True Seeing), so if they can pull of a quick and efficient victory then they can simply release Danelle's Companions at need later once they've been interrogated.
They clearly suspect us of being more than we seem (we're Mind Blanked) but nobody else does. They suspect us of being involved in this sudden attack which they must know originated from someone under Mind Blank (otherwise they'd have seen it coming).
They won't invite us along to keep us trapped here by our cover.
However, they can't leave this building during the conclave, right? Therefore they won't be riding out. They're looking at us to see if we react -> WE MUST NOT VISIBLY REACT TO THIS
"Dywen" isn't in telepathic communication with Dany and thus has no idea what's going on out there.