If Tyene uses it then it is a DC of 22? We do add her Wisdom modifier correct?
Maybe. @TotallyNotEvil and I have been discussing a minor overhaul of Tyene's PRC to prevent her from manufacturing endless quantities of super poison while keeping her personal powers intact. I don't know if TNE has spoken with @DragonParadox about it yet or not, though. The change would be to let her Wisdom modifier boost poison she herself is using, not all poison she creates.

That would let her boost the Sleep-Smoke we are using on the hideout. Otherwise, she won't be able to since she didn't personally manufacture it.
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Winning vote

[] Inquire about the vial and what bargain he made for it.
-[] "Although we have never made such a bargain ourselves, it might be something we would be interested in during the days to come, as the years have begun to weigh heavy upon our shoulders and the resilience of youth is long gone."
[] After speaking of the vial and Fey bargains, take your leave for now.
-[] Attempt to arrange a meeting with Anglatine tomorrow during the midday break. If it cannot be done without disturbing her or her attendants unduly, we will seek her out as soon as the break begins.
-[] Dany, with assistance from whichever Companions she feels necessary, especially Tyene, Lya, Malarys, Xor, Vee, and Richard, move to capture as many of Lucan's mages as possible while the Conclave is in service. They will be suitably disguised, both magically as well as by using mundane means.
--[] They will place priority on capturing any of the more experienced mages who happen to venture out of their hideout.
--[] If they believe it feasible, and Divination confirms it, they will move on the hideout itself. They will use Sleep-Smoke to quickly blanket the building's interior, augmented with mass incapacitation and capture spells, along with Forbiddance warding to prevent Teleportation if Dany believes it necessary.
---[] Everyone involved will have Fire Eyes cast on them by Druid Leshy before the raid to give them the ability to see through Sleep-Smoke unimpeded.
--[] Captured mages and their associates will be placed in Smoky Confinement bottles, if possible, and hidden in the Divination proofed room of the Shadow Tower until Viserys can place them in his cloak. Those which cannot yet be contained due to limited spell availability will be kept thoroughly sedated and under constant guard in the Divination proofed room.
--[] They will be careful to watch out for disguised Outsiders, especially Gerold the Planetar. If Gerold is present, or similarly dangerous opponents, they will abort the mission for now.
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Part MMDCCCXLIV: In the Balance of the Faith Part Ten
In the Balance of the Faith Part Ten

Sixteenth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC

"Although I have never made such a bargain myself, it might be something I would be interested in during the days to come, as the years have begun to weigh heavy upon my shoulders and the resilience of youth is long gone," you give a wry smile to which Kyle responds in turn with a glimmer of sincere good cheer.

"A matter to speak of elsewhere," he replies carefully setting the bottle aside. "I fear many of the other godsworn grow tired of my 'antics' as they call it. One hopes it is merely that and not a darker purpose as we have spoken." With a shake of his head the septon dispels the thought. "Sufficient onto the day the evils thereof."

"Certainly, I'm not that old yet," you nod agreeably, making a mental note to deal with matter later, perhaps even in another guise.

For now you make your way to the south side of the sept where Septa Aglantine had chosen to dwell, as far from Kyle's quarters as humanly possible and not you suspect by accident. As one who is known to be associated with the Reacher Septon you receive cold, even wary greetings from the godsworn aligned with the high septon, but in the end the guise of the humble begging brother carries you through easily. Your appointment is set leaving you to withdraw for the night, though not to pray or to sleep, but to plan.


Seventeenth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC

You suggest Dany make use of Tyene, Lya, Malarys, and Xor's talents in trapping the mages while Vee joins along mostly as a healer and another mage to unravel the foe's magic while Ser Richard and the Hound deal with any knights, though all other things being equal you would rather they capture mages over warriors as they are more likely to be privy to Lucan's more esoteric plans and precautions, while their absence would further limit his options in dealing with the hurdles of Oldtown. Then there is their use as hostages, if as you increasingly suspect he truly values their company. All together what the plan may lack for in subtly it makes up for in effectiveness.

Thus you enter the second day of the Conclave in reasonably good spirits, not even Kyle's news that it is unlikely much of substance will be discussed before the break and the inevitable boredom of sitting and watching inconsequential proceedings can dampen your mood. Septa Maer puts forth a motion to allow the charitable work of motherhouses to expand beyond the lands of the lords directly responsible for each of them, as well as allocating more funds for feeding the poor of King's Landing whose plight had originally spurred on the idea. You have very little attention to spare for the matter considering how Lucan makes his appearance, or rather with whom.

You had learned the faces and the names of his usual supporters yesterday, but the young woman standing beside him is new. Straight brown hair, slightly curling, wearing a simple pale blue robe that does not quite fit a usual septa's garb, a belt threaded with silver and opals, though in such a way that it takes a careful eye to notice it... and magic flowing all around her. A cold suspicion settles at the bottom of your stomach. You ask the septa sitting next to you who the woman is.

"Oh, that's Sister Danelle," the woman replies with a smile. "She does not like to be called septa you know. Claims she was never taught the usual way so the title's not rightly hers. Personally I think she's just being too humble, but that's between her and the Seven and none of my business. I suppose with how helpful Brother Lucan's been to Septon Kyle's motions yesterday she decided to sit with him..."

Glancing over at Kyle you see him looking over the pair with a gaze that is more measuring than pleased. He had not planned for this and little wonder considering the fears he had revealed last night. He had been counting on having his own Chosen to counter Lucan.... You curse inwardly. You had been counting on her to do that also, yet there she was sitting calmly at his side, not with the same meekness the others of his entourage at least, but without any sign of discomfort. You had assumed from rumors of her character and charitable projects that she would have nothing to do with Lucan.

His suggestion on the first day had actually been a charitable order, the thought is a bitter reminder. If Lucan was able to reach a compromise with Kyle, why not Danelle? You had underestimated the man... again.

"We are in position for the attack..." Dany's voice is a welcome distraction in your mind. At least something was going right "Sleep-smoke going through the windows now...."

A mote of surprise passes through her mind, not fear thankfully. "No angels but there's a... pixie in here with them, she just turned invisible. Should we..."

The realization strikes you like a bolt from the blue, and potentially just as devastating. Lucan had arranged for more than Danelle's support at the Conclave, he must have arranged for the presence of her companions to work with his entourage in some manner and the attack would hit one of them.

In the same moment Danelle and Brother Lucan both start and look directly at you.

What do you do?

[] Call off the attack now

[] Let the attack continue

[] Write in

OOC: So things just got really tangled. Just to be clear you did not get divined through Mind Blank or anything crazy like that, you are just seeing the results of Lucan's background actions in a way that is really not advantageous to you guys.
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Remind me of who Danelle's companions are?

Garth the Green and his Pixie friend, Other-blood Sorcerer dude, ???
Wait. Wait wait wait. This is perfect.
In the same moment Danelle and Brother Lucan both start and look directly at you.
They just got a warning from their patrons, and, if I'm reading this right, are now wondering if we did too. If, and here me out now, if we acted similarly and rode to the "rescue" with them, it would give us the perfect in to both their camps, and place us as an equal in literally everybody's eyes. Can we afford not to do so?
Boy howdy, the longer this drags on the more I wish we had just pulled an "Alchemists Guild" maneuver and gotten it over with.
I sort of want to go a Lannister always pays his debts then do some high level spell attack on Danelle and Lucian then Leave

I'm going to say this specifically now because stuff like this gets traction. Something like this would be really bad in terms of companion reactions and political fall-out.
Remind me of who Danelle's companions are?

Garth the Green and his Pixie friend, Other-blood Sorcerer dude, ???

Garth the Green
Chaotic Good
Paladin of Freedom

Level 11-12
Armor: Raiment of the Rainwood
Weapon: ???

Aryssa the Pixie
Unknown Alignment
Level 11-12
Armor: ???
Weapon: Enchanted Bow

Brandon Nightstark (Otherblood)
Unknown Alignment
Battle Sorcerer/Custom PrC???
Level 11-12
Weapons: Enchanted Obsidian Barrow-Blade
Armor: Enchanted Carapace Armor, Enchanted Boots

Unknown Alignment
Cloistered Cleric of the Maiden
Level 11-12
Weapons: ???
Armor: Fey-Forged Mithral Fullplate

Though they could easily be level 14 or something by this point. You should also consider them all fully equipped with level-appropriate feycraft gear.

Good luck.

What if we had Vee and Lya Summon some shit to wreak general havoc while Xor and the others cover them in a convincing manner, then they all flee just as we arrive in a suitably dramatic manner to save the day?
Brandon Other-Blood and Garth the Green. Aryssa the Pixie Scout.

Looks pretty borked.

Also they seem to suspect Dywen is Viserys or at least Brynden's agent, depending on what their divinations have turned up.
Can we all please not go full murderhobo ?
Now in theory our party should all be disguised (but vulnerable to True Seeing), so if they can pull of a quick and efficient victory then they can simply release Danelle's Companions at need later once they've been interrogated.

They just got a warning from their patrons, and, if I'm reading this right, are now wondering if we did too. If, and here me out now, if we acted similarly and rode to the "rescue" with them, it would give us the perfect in to both their camps, and place us as an equal in literally everybody's eyes. Can we afford not to do so?
They clearly suspect us of being more than we seem (we're Mind Blanked) but nobody else does. They suspect us of being involved in this sudden attack which they must know originated from someone under Mind Blank (otherwise they'd have seen it coming).
They won't invite us along to keep us trapped here by our cover.

However, they can't leave this building during the conclave, right? Therefore they won't be riding out. They're looking at us to see if we react -> WE MUST NOT VISIBLY REACT TO THIS
"Dywen" isn't in telepathic communication with Dany and thus has no idea what's going on out there.
Wait. Wait wait wait. This is perfect.
They just got a warning from their patrons, and, if I'm reading this right, are now wondering if we did too. If, and here me out now, if we acted similarly and rode to the "rescue" with them, it would give us the perfect in to both their camps, and place us as an equal in literally everybody's eyes. Can we afford not to do so?

Telepathic bond seems more likely than direct divine intervention to Viserys, also the fact that they are looking at Dywen does not bode well.
Has everyone in this thread suddenly gone crazy ?

Viserys must do nothing.
Danelle and Lucan are most likely trapped in here with us.
We're currently voting on what we should tell Daenerys to do, not on what we should do ourselves.

Reacting to this event shows that we're involved in it, which is incompatible with our previous goals for the Conclave.