Wait, you want the full Green?

He's a Wyrm, do not want, do not touch.
I liked the idea of getting him as a skeleton with roughly half his CR, or as a Zomok in similar regions.
A full Green Dragon that would be at least Ancient, guessing from the size of the bones, possibly older, is something that can slap around Viserys, Amrelath and Relath all together.
He is ancient.

We have Viserys, Amy, Bloom and Harbinger within his weight class:
Ancient Green
Gargantuan Dragon
HP: 32d12+224 (432)
AC 37
DR 15/Magic, SR 27
STR 35 DEX 10 CON 25 INT 20 WIS 21 CHA 20
BAB/Grapple +32/+56 Atk +40
Fort +25 Reflex +18 Will +23
Breath 20d6 (DC 33)
Frightful Presence DC 31
Casting as Sorc 13

A hell of a costumer even before you get fancy with his 11 feats, but unless you are really fancy, we can take him.
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As for what the Old Gods offer:
  1. Making an massive number of wargs
  2. Elevating your baby druids to the status of potential Greenseers (they would level very quickly and have the potential to reach level 10 though training alone)
  3. The ability to view the distant past beyond the power of any spell you have.
  4. A one time use of large scale geomancy (not really much point to this one since you are already reforging the Arm of Dorne with bridges).
That is about it for Old Gods suggestions they are not the most creative of beings.

I want 1, 2 and 3. Questions though. How much HD per warg? And can the Old Gods give us a mini-hammer of the waters...like say the size of our Shadow of the Doom? And the ability to view the distant past is limited to what the Old Gods have seen correct?
He is ancient.

We have Viserys, Amy, Bloom and Herald within his weight class:
Ancient Gree
Gargantuan Dragon
HP: 32d12+224 (432)
AC 37
DR 15/Magic, SR 27
STR 35 DEX 10 CON 25 INT 20 WIS 21 CHA 20
BAB/Grapple +32/+56 Atk +40
Fort +25 Reflex +18 Will +23
Breath 20d6 (DC 33)
Frightful Presence DC 31
Casting as Sorc 13

A hell of a costumer even before you get fancy with his 11 feats, but unless you are really fancy, we can take him.
Well, good thing we aren't getting him just yet then, anyway :V

@DragonParadox, would us:
1) Raising a Zomok-guardian,
2) Upgrading the Weirwood Staff with a Hammer of Waters-like Mythic Spell,
3) Getting that "Ability to look deep in the past"
be affordable with an equivalent of 40 Tier-3 Heart Trees we are paying here?

Side note, @everyone, we can call this dragon into a Zomok body ourselves if needs be.
Research Action, tho'.
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@Duesal, please add decision on growing all the other Heart Trees we planned this month, if only so that we actually have grown them retrospectively.
I assume it'd need to be somewhere the OG had a presence for us to look into the past.

I wonder if the Green Seers are worth it.
Honestly, I don't theink they are.
Well, good thing we aren't getting him just yet then, anyway :V

@DragonParadox, would us:
1) Raising a Zomok-guardian,
2) Upgrading the Weirwood Staff with a Hammer of Waters-like Mythic Spell,
3) Getting that "Ability to look deep in the past"
be affordable with an equivalent of 40 Tier-3 Heart Trees we are paying here?

It would, though just to be clear the ability to see the deep past would have a limited number of uses, I'm thinking five times. What you would effectively be doing is sharing bloodraven's sight as the voices of Grenseers past smoothed over the whorls and eddies of the Greendream to your will.
... @DragonParadox, just to be safe - Old Gods helping us with an anti-Tiamat amulet is all but guranteed, and wouldn't require us to go such lenghts as this sacrifice?

Were going to need towels. Lots of towels. This is going to get really messy.

Maybe like a bib? Possibly also a funnel.
@Azel you remember those jar/flasks that turned blood into healing potions?

I think that could be worked into blood sacrifices batteries rather easily. I am feeling super tempted with that knowledge actually.
@Azel you remember those jar/flasks that turned blood into healing potions?

I think that could be worked into blood sacrifices batteries rather easily. I am feeling super tempted with that knowledge actually.
We've given those to Wyla to experiment with, actually.
She had them a month for now, I guess we'll ask if she got anything done with them later.
@DragonParadox - for the resurrection of the green dragon, the OG don't have a close relationship to dragon souls. Dany has. Would working in concert work?

Edit: Silly question: Could the OG simply bank the power to use versus the Walkers?
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Going down the list of options

1. Rasing the Zomok/future green dragon
2. Hammer of the Waters into staff
3. Massive number of wargs
4. Greenseer twins
5. Distant past sight but only 5 times
6. Geomancy...but only once

So I kinda want to say 5 and 6 are not really that useful. Geomancy like that isn't really useful to us...unless we want to move Casterly Rock into the ocean and five time distant past sight is kinda meh cause green seers can do that and we can literally make them with sacrifices...even if it might be more expensive later on. So 1-4 are kind of our choices. although 4 is kind of meh so maybe not even that.