The guardian will cost as much as it would if you could make something like that in the flesh-forge. It has 17 HD.
...Do we, like, pay in reageants for that, then?
That would be greatly preferable to spending sacrifices :V

also, aside from Mythic HoW spell on staff, and raising the dragon/Zomok as a guardian... there doesn't seem to be much of an idea on what to ask for.
What do OG's offer?
The guardian will cost as much as it would if you could make something like that in the flesh-forge. It has 17 HD.
Is ressurection get the original dragon either in the cards for this, or still a possibility afterwards if we get a Zomok?

What kind of boon can we ask, beyond the normal effects?

Also, any comments on asking for:
1) Magic Circle vs Evil
2) Sacred Fox's Cunning - Skills & Abikiy checks only
3) Greater Age Resistance
4) Keep Watch

Wait, you want the full Green?

He's a Wyrm, do not want, do not touch.
I liked the idea of getting him as a skeleton with roughly half his CR, or as a Zomok in similar regions.
A full Green Dragon that would be at least Ancient, guessing from the size of the bones, possibly older, is something that can slap around Viserys, Amrelath and Relath all together.
Honestly, I'd rather raise the Ancient Green himself than a (comparatively) piddly Zomok.

*steeples fingers* Mr. Evil, are you asking a SV audience to choose between a big or a bigger gun? :V

Also, any comments on asking for:
1) Magic Circle vs Evil
2) Sacred Fox's Cunning - Skills & Abikiy checks only
3) Greater Age Resistance
4) Keep Watch

I like it, though I'm not certain what effect Keep Watch will have on the Dreamscape of SD.

Is "fewer dreamers" a good thing? A net minus in cthulhus? Future birthplace of Anti-Cthulhu?
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Also, besides City of Growing Wonders, Sorcerer's Deep is soon going to be known as the City That Never Sleeps.

Wait, you want the full Green?

He's a Wyrm, do not want, do not touch.
I liked the idea of getting him as a skeleton with roughly half his CR, or as a Zomok in similar regions.
A full Green Dragon that would be at least Ancient, guessing from the size of the bones, possibly older, is something that can slap around Viserys, Amrelath and Relath all together.
Well, if it's Old Gods who are bringing him back, I don't think we can expect it to even be able to leave the territory near the DA!Tree, much too powerful, and OGs will surely bind it very close to them.

Us bringing it back in it's full form... yeah, bad idea.

Zomok, on the other hand, is "cheap" and easy to deal with. Comparatively, of course, it's still a decent guardian.
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Wait, you want the full Green?

He's a Wyrm, do not want, do not touch.
I liked the idea of getting him as a skeleton with roughly half his CR, or as a Zomok in similar regions.
A full Green Dragon that would be at least Ancient, guessing from the size of the bones, possibly older, is something that can slap around Viserys, Amrelath and Relath all together.
I remember him being Ancient rather than a Wyrm. Also that is a big exaggeration, Viserys could take him down.
...Do we, like, pay in reageants for that, then?
That would be greatly preferable to spending sacrifices :V

also, aside from Mythic HoW spell on staff, and raising the dragon/Zomok as a guardian... there doesn't seem to be much of an idea on what to ask for.
What do OG's offer?

No you have to pay in blood, paying in reagents involves the complex arcane infrastructure of the flesh-forge which you do not have here.

As for what the Old Gods offer:
  1. Making an massive number of wargs
  2. Elevating your baby druids to the status of potential Greenseers (they would level very quickly and have the potential to reach level 10 though training alone)
  3. The ability to view the distant past beyond the power of any spell you have.
  4. A one time use of large scale geomancy (not really much point to this one since you are already reforging the Arm of Dorne with bridges).
That is about it for Old Gods suggestions they are not the most creative of beings.
I remember him being Ancient rather than a Wyrm. Also that is a big exaggeration, Viserys could take him down.
As far as I remember we don't know for sure.
The bones are Colossal, which means Ancient or older. A Great Wyrm would still be the same size category.

Also no we couldn't take him, he's CR 21 at minimum. The whole party with good preparations can likely take him (unless he's better prepared), Viserys can't.
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No you have to pay in blood, paying in reagents involves the complex arcane infrastructure of the flesh-forge which you do not have here.

As for what the Old Gods offer:
  1. Making an massive number of wargs
  2. Elevating your baby druids to the status of potential Greenseers (they would level very quickly and have the potential to reach level 10 though training alone)
  3. The ability to view the distant past beyond the power of any spell you have.
  4. A one time use of large scale geomancy (not really much point to this one since you are already reforging the Arm of Dorne with bridges).
That is about it for Old Gods suggestions they are not the most creative of beings.
For future sacrifices, how much do they want per greenseer?
No to the first, the old gods do not have enough affinity with the soul to raise it as a straight dragon, restoring it to a dragon might be posibile with research
So, we're raising it as a Zomok and possibly returning to being a dragon later on?

EDIT: Wait, does raising him as a guardian count as a part of our overpaying-reward too?
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A Zomok is a Cr 16 monster. I think it is a decent guardian. There are very few people in the world who can fight that and half of them are aligned with us so I am fine with a Zomok for now.