This would be my proposal.

[] Tree of the Dawn Age
-[] CL 20 Hallow Effect
--[] Secondary Effect 1: Magic Circle Against Evil
--[] Secondary Effect 2: Sacred Fox's Cunning — Skill and ability checks (including accelerating language learning).
--[] Secondary Effect 3: Greater Age Resistance — Ignore all Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution penalties gained from middle age, old age, and venerable age.
--[] Secondary Effect 4: Elysian Winds — Natural healing is twice as fast, non-strenuous activity counts as bedrest for purposes of natural healing, roll twice against poison and disease.

Also, we need to decide on a face. I'm thinking a king's face for this particular tree.
The Elysian Winds effect is neat, but of marginal usefulness considering the prevalence of free magical healing in SD. I think we could roll a combined Endure Elements/Keep Watch into that effect instead, if we wanted.
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3 - An effect between Life Bubble and Planar Adaptation, making SD and nearby waters fully hospitable and comfortable to all and any forms of life (something very much necessary for multiplanar metropolis we're planning to have SD be, if only because immigration will never stop. Also, Selkies)
It's called the Plane of Balance for a reason. The vast, overwhelming majority of people are perfectly fine in SD. The very, very few who aren't can get by with a 200 IM Endure Elements item, market price, which is all this planar adaptation for the plane of balance will do. There are no harmful planar effects present, at all.

Also, don't need to highlight "especially language learning". People are smarter, it's in the package.
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The Elysian Winds effect is neat, but of marginal usefulness considering the prevalence of free magical healing in SD. I think we could roll a combined Endure Elements/Keep Watch into that effect instead, if we wanted.
With a population ballooning to the hundreds of thousands, it's much, much harder for our healers to keep up. The blanket reroll on all poison and disease is even more attractive, as those are far harder to deal with whan Cure Light Wounds spam.

Keep Watch does exactly what it says, it's just for keeping vigil.
With a population ballooning to the hundreds of thousands, it's much, much harder for our healers to keep up. The blanket reroll on all poison and disease is even more attractive, as those are far harder to deal with whan Cure Light Wounds spam.

Keep Watch does exactly what it says, it's just for keeping vigil.
Healing won't be needed that badly. SD is a peaceful place and proper nutrition and good sanitation practices will dramatically reduce the incidences of people needing to make saving throws vs poison or disease.

As for Keep Watch, the name isn't the most descriptive. It allows one to effectively gain the benefits of eight hours of sleep so long as they don't do anything strenuous during that time. With it in effect constantly, sleep would become entirely voluntary. That is effectively giving our population a 25% to 33% increase in their lifespan. Not literally, of course, but in time available to them.
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This phrasing throws me off.
A lot.

And you've used it before, which is why I continue to call this effect "faster learning", in general, even if the effects are, mechanically, just making people smarter.

I'd really prefer to keep fluffing of this effect be "OGs make learning things easier, all kind of things, from languages to professions", than "OGs enhance everyone's Intelligence".

First is a neat fluffy buff, second is a creepy, and dangerously addictive stuff (especially because people lose that when they leave SD).
@Goldfish, so long as Keep Watch is combined with Endure Elements, you'll have my vote.

I just can't get over how we can't have Selkies around SD a simply because the waters are too hot
Also, we need to decide on a face. I'm thinking a king's face for this particular tree.
Viserys, of course.

Or a red dragon.
Explicit mention of the language learning is also what's going to get a lot of us to vote for your version of this.
Sacred Fox's Cunning (enhanced learning - YES IT INCLUDES LANGUAGES, IT SAYS LEARNING DOESN'T IT?).
200 IM is a large amount of cash for most people.
For all of the two selkies around, it's not. We can subsidize it if need be.

That's the point: it's very, very rare for people to need it. Even the selkies are just somewhat unconfortable.

All Planar Adaptation does when cast in the Material is essentially give you Endure Elements.
I really don't care about those selkies.

I was excited about them, but the ones we got turned out to be annoying little shits.
I don't care about those selkies either.

But it's the matter of principle god damn it :mad:

If we have a planar metropolis, I want everyone to be able to live there, and this "hot water" bullshit just irritates me to no end.

There are bound to be other creatures that are otherwise bound to a specific weather/climate, anyway.

Endure Elements wouldn't go amiss.
If only so that we are assured that we can loot ultimately anyone and anything
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I don't care about those selkies either.

But it's the matter of principle god damn it :mad:

If we have a planar metropolis, I want everyone to be able to live there, and this "hot water" bullshit just irritates me to no end.

There are bound to be other creatures that are otherwise bound to a specific weather/climate, anyway.

Endure Elements wouldn't go amiss.
Yes, but is it worth spending the one precious, precious slet on the heart tree for half a dozen peeps?

Because anyone who's uncomfortable on SD is very much the exception.

And anyone who'd be unconfortable and we'd care about can afford an Endure Elements cloak. It's a lot for the average person... but the average person doesn't need it either.
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Yes, but is it worth spending the one precious, precious slet on the heart tree for half a dozen peeps?

Because anyone who's uncomfortable on SD is very much the exception.

And anyone who'd be unconfortable and we'd care about can afford an Endure Elements cloak. It's a lot for the average person... but the average person doesn't need it either.
Ah, but that's the thing:

I care about those little few exceptions.

Because they will add to SD's weirdness, being beings that no one will meet anywhere else.
Because their PoV will matter in assuring SD's status as the ultimate multiplanar metropolis later on: when they can visit no other place.

Tldr: I want to get us 100% accommodation-rating, instead of 99%.
Because that 1% is still huge numbers in the long run.
Adventurers, profits, and good PR.
Ah, but that's the thing:

I care about those little few exceptions.

Because they will add to SD's weirdness, being beings that no one will meet anywhere else.
Because their PoV will matter in assuring SD's status as the ultimate multiplanar metropolis later on: when they can visit no other place.

Tldr: I want to get us 100% accommodation-rating, instead of 99%.
Because that 1% is still huge numbers in the long run.
Adventurers, profits, and good PR.
It's not 99%.

It's 99.9999%.

Not. Worth. It.

We can craft a hundred cloaks of endure elements if you are so desperate for it. That's 10000 IM.
Now that's an interesting point, yeah.

I wonder what kind of culture we'd develop as people learn what falls under the umbrella of Keep Watch?

Book clubs?
With the combined effects of Greater Age Resistance, Fox's Cunning, Keep Watch, and Endure Elements, I would expect our populace to have plenty of time and energy to engage in all sorts of interesting hobbies.

Book clubs should actually be quite reasonable once we have an IC reason to start making paper, coupled with our Arcane Printing Presses. Books will quickly start to become common and cheap.

With the prevalence of magic in SD, we might also start to see a lot of common folks casting off the shackles of muggledom in order to learn a cantrip or two.

We might even start to see a slow growth of PC classes among the populace, as there are some who will use their extra time, energy, and mental capacity to work on self-improvement, such as practicing in the Circle of Battle, taking night classes at the Scholarium, etc.

And the boost to Intelligence from Fox's Cunning doesn't just making learning new stuff easier, it also boosts all Intelligence-linked skills, including Crafting skills. We're already boosting the crafting checks of those working within our important industries by +10 (the statues of Crafter's Fortune and Magecraft) we've distributed throughout the island and making certain everyone has Masterwork tools for another +2 bonus. +12 is really nice, but +14 from the increased Intelligence is even better.
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With the combined effects of Greater Age Resistance, Fox's Cunning, Keep Watch, and Endure Elements, I would expect our populace to have plenty of time and energy to engage in all sorts of interesting hobbies.

Book clubs should actually be quite reasonable once we have an IC reason to start making paper, coupled with our Arcane Printing Presses. Books will quickly start to become common and cheap.

With the prevalence of magic in SD, we might also start to see a lot of common folks casting off the shackles of muggledom in order to learn a cantrip or two.

We might even start to see a slow growth of PC classes among the populace, as there are some who will use their extra time, energy, and mental capacity to work on self-improvement, such as practicing in the Circle of Battle, taking night classes at the Scholarium, etc.

And the boost to Intelligence from Fox's Cunning doesn't just making learning new stuff easier, it also boosts all Intelligence-linked skills, including Crafting skills. We're already boosting the crafting checks of those working within our important industries by +10 (the statues of Crafter's Fortune and Magecraft) we've distributed throughout the island and making certain everyone has Masterwork tools for another +2 bonus. +12 is really nice, but +14 from the increased Intelligence is even better.
Ah, but training would certainly be considered an extrenuous activity.

Including reading academic books.
With the combined effects of Greater Age Resistance, Fox's Cunning, Keep Watch, and Endure Elements, I would expect our populace to have plenty of time and energy to engage in all sorts of interesting hobbies.

Book clubs should actually be quite reasonable once we have an IC reason to start making paper, coupled with our Arcane Printing Presses. Books will quickly start to become common and cheap.

With the prevalence of magic in SD, we might also start to see a lot of common folks casting off the shackles of muggledom in order to learn a cantrip or two.

We might even start to see a slow growth of PC classes among the populace, as there are some who will use their extra time, energy, and mental capacity to work on self-improvement, such as practicing in the Circle of Battle, taking night classes at the Scholarium, etc.

And the boost to Intelligence from Fox's Cunning doesn't just making learning new stuff easier, it also boosts all Intelligence-linked skills, including Crafting skills. We're already boosting the crafting checks of those working within our important industries by +10 (the statues of Crafter's Fortune and Magecraft) we've distributed throughout the island and making certain everyone has Masterwork tools for another +2 bonus. +12 is really nice, but +14 from the increased Intelligence is even better.
It will just be super awkward when people stops being able to cast up to 4th level spells when they leave the capital though, but I expect them to at least buy a +4 Int boost item if they ever decide to travel away.
Winning vote:

[] Before making any decisions, talk with her for a bit. You have hardly exchanged more then five sentences so far. Ask her a bit about her family, and subtly about her own ambitions, dreams and desires.
Part MMDCCLXXI: The Unseen Cage
The Unseen Cage

Thirty-First Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC

Lynesse Mormont is quite pleased to speak to you, a touch too pleased to tell the truth. Flattery in a king's ear is as cheep as Drowned Town swill, and hers becomes grating quickly, given her seeming fascination with pageantry for its own sake and not what it can ultimately achieve. You would have likely been shorter with her were it not for one fact about her Elia had missed, or perhaps simply not mentioned, thinking it obvious. Lynesse is utterly terrified at the situation she finds herself in, alone in a city in some ways as strange as Bear Island had been with nothing to her name, beyond clothes and jewels that seem quite drab compared to the fashions of the court, and silver that she does not even know how to spend.

With that realization your annoyance melts away almost entirely. One can fairly call the woman a spendthrift, but how can one blame her when no one has truly impressed upon her the value of a gold dragon? The things she desires exist in some nebulous state wherein she can either get them or not, measured more by the identity and perceived power and influence of the one offering her the gift than in any objective scale. Thus the idea that she might have to fend for herself financially is as frightening as if you had set her down in the middle of Sothoryos with a bow and arrows and told her to hunt her own food.

The bitterest part of the irony is that your goodsister was right, she does have a head for numbers. When you discuss last night's feast and the seating arrangements in particular she is able to go through permutations of the almost a hundred guests with startling swiftness as she builds up an image of the room from your shared anecdotes, such that when you 'misremember' two people you had not directly mentioned at all she seems briefly bemused. She does not correct you of course, having taken it to heart that one does not directly contradict those in authority.

All things told Lynesse Mormont reminds you of nothing so much as the mask of perfect propriety Tyene used to wear when you first met her, one she rarely dusts off these days unless she is somehow disguised in full. But where for Tyene it was always a shield to be taken up when she entered 'battle,' Lynesse bears it like a suit of plate, one she does not even dare raise the visor to.

And so you talk of Baelor, of what overtures he might take and which he would reject, of what his hopes were for his House and how his character could best be summarized. All questions that need asking and you mark the answers well. Few could have told you that he is interested in expanding the circuit of Oldtown's city walls or that he has ambitions to be Master of Laws and help untangle what he sees as the hopeless mare's nest of rules and exceptions that grew from King Jaehaerys' law.

In the process of recounting familial anecdotes you also finally begin to glimpse something of who Lynesse is and what she wants rather than just trying to answer whatever she thinks you might want to hear. "When I was about Princess Daenerys' age I used to love painting, I did it practically all day. My lady mother was afraid I was going to look more ghost than girl from all the time spent indoors with the canvas getting more light than me, but Baelor would cover for me. He even got me a new set of pigments from the market, more hues than I had ever seen. I think those might still be home somewhere..."

"You did not take them with you when you went north?" you ask, not bothering to make a note of that fact that Bear Island was never home.

"No, I just didn't remember them... I, well, I suppose I set them aside when Septa Maer died of the summer fever. It just wasn't the same after that, and of course I had so many things to do. I was getting old enough to make my debut properly, for father to consider offers for my hand. I only wish he had considered it more carefully, or that I had come to that." She sighs, the sound quite genuine rather than being meant to draw sympathy as so many others had been. As she looks out the window to the west you suspect she might have briefly forgotten you were here to begin with. For certain her next whispered words were not ones you had been meant to hear. "I can never really go back even if he will take me."

What do you do?

[] Suggest that there are other paths she could take in this new world, particularly as a lady of independent means, such as enrollment at the university or studies at the Scholarum
-[] Write in

[] Ask Elia to keep an eye on her, and keep her away from the most troublesome parts of the court

[] Write in

OOC: I know this is short and I did consider putting in a break and continuing to the award ceremony, but that just felt jarring. That will be the next one with the tree afterwards.
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I say that we assign her to Hermetia, to be trained financially and kept away from dangerous males. Hermetia is bound to sympathize with her, as they sorta share similar stories.

Also a personal guard of fallen angels will work wonders for her.