[X] "I need your House to be strong, Lady Mormont, strong and able to stand alongside any who would make themselves enemies of the Others, who even now stir from their frozen fastnesses, growing bold as Winter approaches." If she questions us or proves skeptical, offer explanations and refer her to other Northern Lords we have dealt with, or Jeor at the Wall, for confirmation.
-[X] "I do not offer charity, but merely an opportunity. I can give you a chance to enrich your lands so that you might afford enchanted arms and armors, talismans to ward of the biting cold and insidious powers of fell Winter, and additional food to chase away the specter of starvation."
-[X] Offer Maege favorable trade terms for any resources Bear Island has in abundance, such as timber, fur pelts, untapped mineral wealth, and so on, along with the possibility of funding a small fleet of whaling vessels which could operate from an improved harbor. We don't want to be too obvious in our generosity, but neither should we be overly concerned with turning a profit. This is about establishing a working relationship and giving Bear Island a chance to be useful in the future, which is going to require some significant economic development.
though thankfully he is not one to let her
the eyes of his gods and perhaps s kin long past
'Of kin long past'?
Can't complain about that now can I."
Can't complain about that now, can I?
Gnarled fingers pulls at the bloody cap but does not cast it off.
Gnarled fingers pull at the bloody cap, but do not cast it off.
Instead lies down yes closed and waits.
Instead, he lies down with his eyes closed, waiting.
Then Vee touches his left hand and intones words of power,
This supposed to be his right hand, as Viserys killed him through his left?
for never will be bear their like again.
that was not neither wholly one nor the other
Lose the 'not'.
I had to keep myself from thinking about it but now..."
I had to keep myself from thinking about it, but now...
er get mu feet under me
has passed though such a trial
you, six if you count Ser Jorah sealed in his bottle who travel to Bear Island upon the winds of sorcery guided by Alysane's descriptions.
you, six if you count Ser Jorah, sealed in his bottle, who travel to Bear Island upon the winds of sorcery, guided by Alysane's descriptions.
not false, a harsh windswept land watered by the chill Sunset Sea, steely grey even in the morning light
not false- a harsh and windswept land, watered by the chill Sunset Sea, steely grey even in the morning light.
Richter and more fortunate than the Iron Isles are these shored draped in thornbushes and moss, save for the Ironborn themselves.
Richer and more fortunate than the Iron Isles are these shores, drapped in thornbushes and moss, save for the Ironborn themselves.
against a longship and the and the small wooden houses
"and the and the".
small wooden houses perched atop any small rise the builders could find would be all to easily put to the torch
small wooden houses, perched atop any small rise the builders could find, would be all too easily...
but he is not on to only plan
Still she is anything but prickly now a smile upon smile of relief upon her lined face seeming to lift ten years from it.
Still, she is anything but prickly now, a smile of reliefe upon her lined face seeming to lift ten years from it.
The Lady of Bear Island her daughter and giving her godson and his cousin a nod and a smile for their safe return.
The Lady of Bear Island does what to her daughter?
a moment to as about Wyl,
"Still I can hardly complain,
Still, I can hardly complain.
he replies to quickly you suspect
he replies too quickly, you suspect...
are followed instantly though it is clear that
are followed instantly, though it is clear that
gone, and unlikely to be involved in any discussions that others could mark treasonous that she
gone, and unlikely to be involved in any discussions that others could mark treasonous, that she
Like I said in the latter
your lord's banners Ser or the damn chair down south
your lord's banners, Ser, or the damn chair down south.
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OOC: The reason this is a break point is because you want to give Maege things and she wants to right what she sees as her debt, so it's going to take some diplomacy to get her to accept economic aid, rather than having to pay you back.
I feel that this really is down to framing, as Artemis said - loose examples that might be applicable:

"It is of value to me that people everywhere have economic prosperity based on fairness and a base standard of living... "
"To better prepare for the Long Night"
"Consider the economic contexts of x) y) and z) and see how to apply them to their own"

Viserys Targaryen: "HERE! HAVE THIS STUFF!"
Person: "How can I repa-"

(reads new posts, yep goldfish touches on this, but his vote is more focused on the what than the... not how, but... trappings, I suppose?)
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New Songs and Ancient Oaths
What do you reply?

[] Write in

OOC: The reason this is a break point is because you want to give Maege things and she wants to right what she sees as her debt, so it's going to take some diplomacy to get her to accept economic aid, rather than having to pay you back.

"I like to view debts in an enlightened manner."

"There's worse things to spend one's money on than improving the lands of my vass--er..."

"Economic uplifting is a hobby of mine, I derive great joy from prosperity of others... mostly because I get part of it back in taxes..."

"Debt is a strong word. Call it a loan deferred a few dozen generations when your descendants can only remember all the good times we shared?"

Maege: "Don't make me smack you with this mace, boy."
Fair point, but I do not think me switching over from writing updates to writing summaries will be particularly fun for anyone (including myself). Are there any questions that are particularly pressing? I'm fine with going though a list.

no not really its just there doesn't seem to be much story connections between updates but I think that's a problem with me