Each Herald is a massively expensive deathmachine. Surely we have better things to do with each one than having it guard a tiny snake tribe !
I see it as more than worth it, considering the returns we'd be getting from said tiny snake tribe and the sorts of treasures they could guide us to.
We have three Heralds.

One is going on the Yi-Ti expedition, one will accompany Siduri on the Golden Wind, and the third has yet to be assigned a specific duty.
My point was that it doesn't have to be now, they can get a Herald later when we have more of them.
[X] Offer the protection of vassalage
-[X] Offer Riz'Neth, as the mortal leader of his fellow Serpentfolk, the opportunity to become our vassal. This will come with official recognition and Imperial assistance, including material support to further restore their home as well as to construct a new settlement as he desires. We will also provide Legion soldiers and other specialists to help guard their homes.
--[X] The Serpentfolks are too few in number and their community too small to justify the construction of a new Scholarium branch there. That may change in the future as their population grows. For now, however, those Serpentfolk inclined to learn magic are welcome to attend Scholarium branches which have already been established.
We need to offer Blood-Wished fertility. That is a major bargaining chip and we're missing out if we don't use it.
I'm in favor of a Herald immediately as the mere act of establishing a second settlement will stretch them very thin.

Votecrafting now.
Nothing on the planet is out of our Teleportation range, though the folks limited to the 5th level Teleport spell might need a waypoint, which we can easily establish.
That's what I meant. We might want to wait with large material shipments until the Moonchaser is done. It's perfect for this.

Now really votecrafting.
[X] Plan Aid With All The Bells And Whistles
-[X] Tell him that you are very interested in helping his people and will gladly support his plans. However, opening his clan to the world by establishing a port might also attract undesirable elements like slavers and would-be conquerors.
-[X] You would propose to fully integrate his tribe into the Imperium and letting the Yi-Ti expedition spread the knowledge of this along the way. After seeing the might of that fleet and with the promise of retaliation by Dragons, the local lords of the Jade Sea will not try their luck to attack the young port.
-[X] If he wants to take this deal, you offer the following development aid:
--[X] 1 Herald, 8 Elemental Wyrmlings, 5 Greater Ravens and 20 Ravens to bolster their defenses.
--[X] Send a Pech architect with his group to plan static defenses for both the new harbour and the ancient city. You will schedule some Titan Tool Time to build them the month after next.
--[X] Bloodwished Fertility for both his people and their livestock.
--[X] A one time payment of 30,000 IM to spend on magic items and other useful things. Especially Purification rings to help their food situation and alchemical anti-vermin measures.
--[X] Once the port is established, presence of a small contingent of the Imperial Fleet and a garrison of 1,000 men-at-arms from the Legion.
--[X] A Scholarium branch seems unwise for now due to logistical issues, though his people are free to study in SD. Further things can be discussed as the situation evolves.
--[X] Aid to uncover more of the ruins will come as soon as you can manage to send someone.
--[X] A Whispering Brazier for the ruins and a ACSEC office later on for the port.
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I still hope he picks Ice over the Wall. Jeors last wish in canon was Jorah redeeming himself by taking the black, but I don't think the old guy will really be able to deal with Jorahs presence.
It's not like he has to deal with Jorah's presence, the wall is big, there are multiple forts, Jorah don't need to be stationed at castle Black, if Jeor don't want to see Jorah too much, he can just send him somewhere else.
OOC: A bit of a short chapter mostly because I need to know the main direction of your arguments—going straight for vassalage, or trying to build more interdependence? Also the conversation above is all in thought-speech but I intentionally did not use italics to make it easier to read.
If he want more of his specie, he could always do what the CoTF have begun doing, and find people who are ready to reincarnate into his specie, the price isn't exactly low at 200 IM per reincarnation, but if he choose to go for offering it to old people with a few levels, then it's a fair price, he can probably find a fair few old warriors or hunters, who are okay with their second life being as snakemen, if that mean they will get a second life, and if they are even 4th level,(so they will be 3th level post reincarnation) then 200 IM to get them in his tribe is a good deal.

So I think we should also offer that if he pays for the reagents, we will use bloodwish to reincarnate willing people into his specie.
[X] Azel

Is he by the way?
He's centuries old and shows no signs of physical weakness so far. How long is normal for his kin?
If they were effectively immortal, there would be more Serpentfolk now and their civilization wouldn't keep recovering only to fall a few centuries later.

[X] Azel
@Azel, can we add that we'll grow a Heart Tree in his new port city. That's a major piece of infrastructure, and he'd probably appreciate that there wouldn't be any mechanical ruins for the roots to damage, along with the fact that the Old Gods don't care about worship.
If they were effectively immortal, there would be more Serpentfolk now and their civilization wouldn't keep recovering only to fall a few centuries later.
Yes, which is why I'm thinking that this guy in particular might have some way of extending his life, or just be different from his kind in more than the obvious ways.

I wonder if he is particularly mortal.