As of now, I'm sad about 3 things:

1. Team Knight getting slaughtered by Team Arcanum
2. Team Blue probably loosing against Team Dragon in the first round, while I had greatly hoped for a Team Blue vs. Team Snake match
3. Team Inquisition getting wrecked by Team Red
As of now, I'm sad about 3 things:

1. Team Knight getting slaughtered by Team Arcanum
2. Team Blue probably loosing against Team Dragon in the first round, while I had greatly hoped for a Team Blue vs. Team Snake match
3. Team Inquisition getting wrecked by Team Red
Yeah, those are three obvious outcomes.

I was hoping to see Varys square off against Amrelath.
Fair enough, though there is some information I am hesitant to hand out for the first time as dry mechanical crunch, like Melisandre's abilities. Those are designed to be experienced by the players fluff included.
Eh. Then only give out fights for delegation where that is not an issue.

Team Ringer vs. Team Snake looks fine
Team Tree vs. Team Fey too, especially as it seems to me that Artemis had his hands on both Fey, so it would be neat if he was the one to run them
Team Arcanum vs. Team Knight is a nice excuse for us to get the sheets of our new knights
Team Blue vs. Team Dragon is the same for the Tritons
Team Misfits vs. Team Scholarium is easy, we already got all sheets.
I feel sorry for Team Fey.
That Advanced Druidic Treant is likely to crush them.
Team Tree vs. Team Fey too, especially as it seems to me that Artemis had his hands on both Fey, so it would be neat if he was the one to run them
I would be willing, but compared to you, Goldfish or TNE my battle plans are pretty crappy.
Would hate to have my team loose because of my lack of experience/skill in running a proper DnD battle.
Thinking about it the fights I rolled are not the most fun thematically. Even curb stomps can be interesting if they do soemthing interesting for the characters but the ones that are shaping up are the sort of thing that is barely worth showing.

So I rolled again and got a much more interesting list Tournament Bracket Generator - Challonge

Amrelath is fighting the knights, the inquisition is fighting the misfits and Mel actually has something resembling a challenge, not to mention a shadow mage and former undead to fight.
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Team Fight Brackets

Tournament Bracket Generator - Challenge
  1. Team Dragon - Amrelath
  2. Team Arcanum - Aradia, Mercy, Nuri, Mereth
  3. Team Inquistion - Varys, Mia, Anya, Shara
  4. Team Snake - Riz'Neth, Svitran, Guardian Naga
  5. Team Tree - Skarbrand, Soft Strider, Treant Druid, Braga Man-Slayer
  6. Team Red - Melisandre, Thoros (Mel does not really need Thoros but she feels that Thoros needs this)
  7. Team Blue - Blights Bane, Breathtaker, Dragon Turtle, Nereid / Water-Elemental Bard
  8. Team Knight - Bonifer Hasty, Benjicot Brown, Balon Swann, Darkstar
  9. Team Outsider - Nizuta of House Adjar, Kerad Tarmin, Azema
  10. Team Ringer - Valaena, Asha, Theon, Walder Black
  11. Team Misfit - The Misfits
  12. Team Weird - Teana, Wylla, Glyra, Paladin of Tyranny Erinyes
  13. Team Fey - Oberyn, Drizzil, Plains-Fey, Aeron Naremos
  14. Team Scholarium - One Level 6 Sorcerer (Battle-mage); One level 5 Wizard; One Archivist level 5; Duskblade 3
  15. Team Abyssal Relations - Drow Assassins, Yrten, Siduri
  16. Team Bear - Alysane Mormont (Warshaper 2 with 6 RHD in Wearbear) Walter 'Knott' Mormont (Bard 7 battle songs and chants some in the Old Tongue) Odric Knott (Druid 6 with his Shadowcat companion) and then the Mormont guardsmen Wyl (Martial Rogue 5 who had a bad reincarnation as a Red Cap)
First Round Fought
  1. Team Ringer vs Team Outsider -> Team Ringer
  2. Team Inquisition vs Team Misfit -> Team Inquisition
  3. Team Weird vs Team Red -> Team Red
  4. Team Tree vs Team Abyssal Relations -> Team Abyssal Relations
  5. Team Dragon vs Team Knight -> Team Dragon
  6. Team Blue vs Team Fey -> Team Blue
  7. Team Arcanum vs Team Snake -> Team Arcanum
  8. Team Bear vs Team Scholarium -> Team Bear
  1. Team Inquisition vs Team Blue -> Team Inquisition
  2. Team Dragon vs Team Bear -> Team Dragon
  3. Team Ringer vs Team Arcanum -> Team Arcanum
  4. Team Abyssal Relations vs Team Red -> Team Red
  1. Team Dragon vs Team Red -> Team Dragon
  2. Team Inquisition vs Team Arcanum -> Arcanum
  3. (Team inquisition vs Team Red -> Team Red)
  • Team Arcanum vs Team Dragon -> Team Dragon
  1. Team Dragon
  2. Team Arcanum
  3. Team Red
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Okay, new Bracket:

1. Abyss Vs Trees should make a good fight, I'm betting on the outsiders. Break the Treant's kneecaps Yrten! With FIRE!
2. Weird vs Red looks like a lot of fun for everyone involved except poor Thoros.
3. Dragon Vs Knights always ends with the knights being rather tasty once you chewed through the crunchy parts.
4. Scholarium Vs Bear should be a win for the Scholarium, unless the bears are lucky enough to make it into melee
5. Fey Vs Blue looks good for the Merling, the Fey just don't have the kind of damage to get through the turtle
6. Misfits vs Inqui could be a really great fight, winner is who fights smarter and prepares better
7. Outsider vs Ringer is similar
8. Snake Vs Arcanum is interesting, winning here will mean the foureyed snake will have to give his very best.
Could you toss up the stats for the regular Launch Item system we've been handing out to Inquisitors? Including cost?

Also something to consider on firing Alchemical Items is to just target the square the creature is in, instead of the creature itself. AC 5 is pretty trippy like that.
Each Launcher costs 180 IM and uses the D&D 3.0 version of the Launch Item spell, with DP's approval.

Damage is based on the projectile used (such as a 1d8 crossbow bolt), up to the maximum, which is the equivalent to a 10 pound Light Ballista Bolt (3d6 damage). There are no Range Increments, meaning the Launcher is better at targeting close range enemies, as it hits further without penalties, but simply cannot engage beyond the 440 foot envelope due to the limitations of the Launch Item spell being used at 1st level. The 10th level Launchers on our Wyvern fighters have a range of 840 feet.

Here's the write-up for them.

  • Somewhat resembling a crossbow where the bow mechanism has been replaced by a two foot long and two inch diameter hollow steel tube, this device allows its wielder to shoot items no larger than Tiny-size or weighing more than 10 pounds using the Launch Item spell up to 440 feet. Where applicable, the wielder must make a Ranged Attack roll to strike a target.
Here are the special munitions I've developed for the Launchers (both man-portable and Wyvern-based), along with larger bomb-sized payloads, but which haven't been put into production quite yet. That's gonna change in the coming month, though.

  • Alchemist's Fire: Depending on distance from the epicenter, creatures and objects may take additional damage from burning Alchemist's Fire or be ignited and continue to burn, suffering 1d6 Fire damage per round for at least three rounds unless extinguished. A target can use a Full Round Action to attempt to extinguish the flames before taking additional damage, which requires a separate DC 15 Reflex saving throw. Clothing, wooden structures (which automatically catch on fire), and other objects which are ignited may continue to burn long after the Alchemist's Fire is depleted.
    • Launcher Munition / Bomb #1 (10 pounds / 4.5 kg): 4d6 Fire damage to everything within 5 feet (1.5 m) of the target space and each creature must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or catch on fire. Everything within the area between 5 (1.5 m) and 30 (9 m) feet of the target space must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or take half the fire damage, but they do not catch on fire.
    • Bomb #2 (20 pounds / 9 kg): 6d6 Fire damage to everything within 10 feet (3 m) of the target space and each creature must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or catch on fire. Everything within the area between 10 (3 m) and 40 feet (12 m) of the target space must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or take half the fire damage, but they do not catch on fire.
    • Bomb #3 (40 pounds / 18 kg): 8d6 Fire damage to everything within 15 feet (4.5 m) of the target space and each creature must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or catch on fire. Everything within the area between 15 (4.5 m) and 50 feet (15.25 m) of the target space must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or take half the fire damage, but they do not catch on fire.
    • Bomb #4 (80 pounds / 36 kg): 10d6 Fire damage to everything within 20 feet of the target space and each creature must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or catch on fire. Everything within the area between 20 (6 m) and 60 feet (18.25 m) of the target space must make a DC 20 Reflex saving throw or take half the fire damage, but they do not catch on fire.
  • Liquid Ice:
    • Launcher Munition / Bomb #1 (10 pounds / 4.5 kg): 2d6 Cold damage to everything within 5 feet (1.5 m) of the target space and the target itself is Entangled for one round unless it succeeds on a DC 20 Fortitude save. Everything within the area between 5 (1.5 m) and 20 (6 m) feet of the target space must make a DC 20 Fortitude saving throw or take half the Cold damage.
    • Bomb #2 (20 pounds / 9 kg): 4d6 Cold damage to everything within 5 feet (3 m) of the target space and every creature within that space must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or become Entangled for one round. Everything within the area between 10 (3 m) and 30 feet (9 m) of the target space must make a DC 20 Fortitude saving throw or take half the Cold damage.
    • Bomb #3 (40 pounds / 18 kg): 6d6 Cold damage to everything within 15 (4.5 m) feet of the target space and every creature within that space must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or become Entangled for two rounds. Everything within the area between 15 (4.5 m) and 30 feet (9 m) of the target space must make a DC 20 Fortitude saving throw or take half the Cold damage and become Entangled for one round.
    • Bomb #4 (80 pounds / 36 kg): 8d6 Cold damage to everything within 20 (6 m) feet of the target space and every creature within that space must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or become Entangled for three rounds. Everything within the area between 20 (6 m) and 35 feet (10.5 m) of the target space must make a DC 20 Fortitude saving throw or take half the Cold damage and become Entangled for two rounds.
  • Explosive:
    • Launcher Munition / Bomb #1 (10 pounds / 4.5 kg): 8d6 Piercing & Bludgeoning damage in a 15 foot blast radius (DC 20 Reflex save for half damage), 2d6 Piercing damage (DC 15 Reflex save for half damage) in an area between 10 (3 m) and 20 feet (6 m) from the blast.
      • Material Requirements: Four 2-pound (0.9 kg) of Explosive Packs, one pound (0.45 kg) steel casing, one pound (0.45 kg) of steel shot
    • Bomb #2 (25 pounds / 11.25 kg): 20d6 Piercing & Bludgeoning damage in a 40 foot (12 m) blast radius (DC 20 Reflex save for half damage), 5d6 Piercing damage (DC 15 Reflex save for half damage) in an area between 40 (12 m) and 80 (24.25 m) feet from the blast, 1d6 Piercing damage (DC 12 Reflex save to avoid damage) in an area between 80 (24.25 m) and 120 feet (36.5 m) from the blast.
      • Material Requirements: Ten 2-pound (0.9 kg) of Alchemical Explosive Packs, one pound (0.45 kg) of Hardened Adamantine, four pounds (1.8 kg) of steel
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Where did we have the sheets for Blights Bane and Breathtaker?

I would stat up the pseudo-Nereid onve I have time.
You also have Inqui vs Misfits, besides Shara
And propably Weird vs Red since Mel was already a possible enemy?

I don't really want to roll the Mel fight as the first one, naratively that needs some build up Shara is an option too of course but I have this idea of a Walder interlude bouncing through my head ever since he dropped out of the joust and that would fit in well with the fight.
Seeing as you guys were generally so hyped over choosing teams and such I figured most people wanted me to roll everything up properly. Is that not the case?
No, I would love to see every single team fight as its own chapter. I've been looking forward to this literally for months. I was just offering an alternative that would save you work and hurry things along in case people were getting tired of the Festival.
Where did we have the sheets for Blights Bane and Breathtaker?

I would stat up the pseudo-Nereid onve I have time.
Here's everything I had on them.

Blight's Bane
Unknown Alignment
Class: Triton 3/Fighter 4/Elemental Warrior 5
Feats: ???
Known Items: Mithral Spear, Riverrine Shield, Amulet of Tears

Breath Taker
Unknown Alignment
Class: Cleric of the Merling King Level 9
Feats: ???
Known Items: Ring of Protection from Evil, Amulet of Wisdom (+4), and some kind of magic weapon since the +1 spear he used to have would have been updated of switched by now
Huh. That's a lot less in depth then I thought. Enough to stat up that Nereid though.