That is pretty much what was on her mind at the time, punctuation marks included. She is not sure there is anything more to her wistfulness about that tourney and Boniofer in particular than just being the center of attention in a positive light and briefly being courted by someone who wasn't Aerys, but in the end she decided there wasn't anything wrong in talking to the man especially since he looked so down about losing.
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That is pretty much what was on her mind at the time, punctuation marks included. She is not sure there is anything more to her wistfulness about that tourney and Boniofer in particular than just being the center of attention in a positive light and briefly being courted by someone who wasn't Aerys, but in the end she decided there wasn't anything wrong in talking to the man.especially since he looked so down about losing.
What place is Ser Bonifer in? What gear did he win?
They had spoken only eleven times in all, the longest of which was about an hour at the feast after the Tourney of Dragonstone. Bonifer was about to point out that she probably knew quite a few people more deserving of the title of friend than him, but he too heard the words unspoken. They might have been friends given the chance. He'd made her laugh then, though thinking back some of the japes he made had been dreadful.
Jesus Christ, Ser Barristan is apparently an unmitigated gossip. How on earth did he take this and then believe the two of them had an affair?
@TotallyNotEvil, we tried exactly what you want, offering the crown for fealty, right then and there on the Redwyne ship. We were told to go fuck ourselves and DP confirmed that the Fey will use hostile action against us to get it if we don't hand it over willingly.

Their plan and desire is to awaken their kibd and become an independent kingdom with the Reach as their kingdom. This isn't a desperation move. That's what they want.

So their position is:
- gib crown
- gib Reach clay

Ours is:
- gib fealty

And both sides agree that the demands of the other are unacceptable. What do you assume would change if we talk to their queen? That they are so awed by our Draconic girth that she suddenly folds like a paper towel?
@TotallyNotEvil, we tried exactly what you want, offering the crown for fealty, right then and there on the Redwyne ship. We were told to go fuck ourselves and DP confirmed that the Fey will use hostile action against us to get it if we don't hand it over willingly.

Their plan and desire is to awaken their kibd and become an independent kingdom with the Reach as their kingdom. This isn't a desperation move. That's what they want.

So their position is:
- gib crown
- gib Reach clay

Ours is:
- gib fealty

And both sides agree that the demands of the other are unacceptable. What do you assume would change if we talk to their queen? That they are so awed by our Draconic girth that she suddenly folds like a paper towel?
Personally, I don't see any point in further doing any diplomacy with them (for now) either.

Unless we get a stronger footing, like this very narrative of Rebellion we're introducing with this Fey Prince, we'll just waste time and make them more focused on acting against us.
No thanks.
That is pretty much what was on her mind at the time, punctuation marks included. She is not sure there is anything more to her wistfulness about that tourney and Boniofer in particular than just being the center of attention in a positive light and briefly being courted by someone who wasn't Aerys, but in the end she decided there wasn't anything wrong in talking to the man especially since he looked so down about losing.

Bonnifer seems like more than a man who got in over his head and decided to court "the Realm's Delight" as with all of Rhaenyra's suitors, it seems more like he genuinely has feelings for her, not that he feels entitled to be with the "realm's more beauteous maiden", etc.

So a firmer foundation for a courtship than this situation would usually imply, though obviously nothing of our business.

I am content to just watch.
I kinda doubt Barristan would take Aerys' insane ramblings and suspicions seriously.

Remember Aerys did not start out as a a paranoid wreck too afraid to let anyone cut his nails or beard. Back when he first floated those suspicions a few years after his marriage he was still quite charming and personable and he was the king, that carried a lot of trust as far as Baristan was concerned at the time.
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TotallyNotEvil, we tried exactly what you want, offering the crown for fealty, right then and there on the Redwyne ship. We were told to go fuck ourselves and DP confirmed that the Fey will use hostile action against us to get it if we don't hand it over willingly
And here's where you are wrong.

Dusk Dancer literally couldn't accept the proposal, and initially thought we were blowing her off with a purposefully overambitious offer.

She did not think we were serious.

She said we'd have to talk to the Queen to negotiate the courts fealty.
About Barristan and Aerys...
It's like spending too much time on /pol/
You think you're fine, but then your instinctive reactions to certain types of news start to change... And then one day people start telling you you're racist, when you're really not ! Right ?!?


The other way to become racist beyond "being raised that way" is spending too long lurking on "ethnic Facebook groups" (dunno if I'm translating it right) like FACEISLAMOO, where the mods don't give a damn about racist/sexist/homophobic hate speech and that are avoided by normal people. You go there and you'll see tens of thousands of the worst kind of people, arguing that killing female cops isn't murder because they're women doing a man's job or making long pseudo-religious arguments to explain that it's okay to break french anti-kidnapping and anti-rape laws if it's to kidnap your own relatives, rape them, and bring them back to Tunisia for a forced marriage
EDIT: both of these examples were taken from today. This isn't cherry-picking, just scrolling through as I wrote this little rant

Of course these people are just a tiny minority, but seeing them all together with no-one opposing them (because no-one wants to spend time in these online shitholes) is the kind of thing that breeds new alt-righters.

Oh, and of course my inner grammar-freak dies inside whenever I go there. They don't speak arabic (they're the grandchildren of immigrants pretending to be tough guys/girls from the country - actual Arabs and Africans from their home countries don't like these people either apparently) but they certainly don't speak French either...
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And here's where you are wrong.

Dusk Dancer literally couldn't accept the proposal, and initially thought we were blowing her off with a purposefully overambitious offer.

She did not think we were serious.

She said we'd have to talk to the Queen to negotiate the courts fealty.
You are naive if you think a court of that power will swear to us when the only leverage we have is to withhold an item from them that would vastly increase their power even further.

My goal is to gain us leverage by exploiting stories and diplomacy. I'm not sure what you intend to offer them in return for squashing all their ambitions and their eternal fealty.
Personally, I don't see any point in further doing any diplomacy with them (for now) either.

Unless we get a stronger footing, like this very narrative of Rebellion we're introducing with this Fey Prince, we'll just waste time and make them more focused on acting against us.
No thanks.
And also show alternatives. Glyra. Moonsong. Shadow Fae. It's not an unmitigated 'serve or die', it's 'change your ways so we can live with each other or suffer consequences'.
And here's where you are wrong.

Dusk Dancer literally couldn't accept the proposal, and initially thought we were blowing her off with a purposefully overambitious offer.

She did not think we were serious.

She said we'd have to talk to the Queen to negotiate the courts fealty.

She was also passive aggressive and argued dishonestly to keep Redwyne on her side, the fey did not exactly greet you with open arms. I'm not saying you can't negotiate with them, jut reminding you guys that the relationship started quite antagonistically, with you grabbing a relic they had been looking for and them throwing up metaphorical barricades.
@DragonParadox, what Fey Courts do we know about in Essos?

So there's Silore of the Lhorulu [Fey Lady/Blodeuwedd] set up somewhere in the Rhoyne who's looking to get official recognition from us over the lands she's already claimed. I'm assuming she's prepared to swear fealty to the Viserys and the Imperium and build up her own subordinate court.

Are there any others we know about, either in the Rhoyne or in Myr or whatever ones are in Volantis?
No. That would be open to our enemies, too. And that would mean the quest dies because you cannot run something this complex on different interwoven timelines. As a mere human, I mean.
This was a joke...
When it comes to making levelup decisions or building Constructs, I always argue against making things too powerful. I jsut allow myself to remind people how absurd RAW D&D can get, power-level wise!

Hmm, I think I see a Time Dragon in there.

No wait, more than one. You can never be sure.
Duesal is one of the quest's main leaders, and he literally demands Dragons to kill and render down for parts :D
She was also passive aggressive and argued dishonestly to keep Redwyne on her side, the fey did not exactly greet you with open arms. I'm not saying you can't negotiate with them, jut reminding you guys that the relationship started quite antagonistically, with you grabbing a relic they had been looking for and them throwing up metaphorical barricades.
Well, the dispel attempt when we crossed the sea to come aboard set the tone quite nicely ...