Friendly Spider-Fish Abomination
- Location
- Formerly of the Far Realm
So it turns out that Moonsong's character sheet was seriously out of date, not just missing a few things from previous level ups. Her BAB hadn't been updated since she was a base Liminal Sprite without Bard levels, for example.
I believe I have everything properly up to date now, along with adding in the changes from her new level up (assuming my plan wins). @DragonParadox I've once more employed my love of color-coding stuff to differentiate between Moonsong's Tiny and Medium forms to make the stat changes stand out a bit against the character sheet's block of text.
I have also added some gear for her from our armory, including a Ribbon of Disguise, Greater Ribbon of Disguise, Bead of Newt Prevention, Handy Haversack, Djezet Skin Armor, and a Greater Ring of Protection (+4). Swapped out her base Rapier for a Razor Sharp Masterwork Adamantine Rapier as well. She's basically a 10th level PC in our service who captains one of our most important ships and a Fey ready to start her own Court.
She deserves better than minimal gear. Thankfully, she'll be coming in 1st or 2nd place of the mage duels, so we can finish gearing her up to current standards soon enough.
@Artemis1992 None of the extra gear I added to Moonsong should make any difference in her fight against Aemon, and it's stuff she really should have had already if we weren't neglecting her. She might have done quite a bit better in the melee fights if I had been paying attention to the state of her gear and character sheet.
I believe I have everything properly up to date now, along with adding in the changes from her new level up (assuming my plan wins). @DragonParadox I've once more employed my love of color-coding stuff to differentiate between Moonsong's Tiny and Medium forms to make the stat changes stand out a bit against the character sheet's block of text.
I have also added some gear for her from our armory, including a Ribbon of Disguise, Greater Ribbon of Disguise, Bead of Newt Prevention, Handy Haversack, Djezet Skin Armor, and a Greater Ring of Protection (+4). Swapped out her base Rapier for a Razor Sharp Masterwork Adamantine Rapier as well. She's basically a 10th level PC in our service who captains one of our most important ships and a Fey ready to start her own Court.
She deserves better than minimal gear. Thankfully, she'll be coming in 1st or 2nd place of the mage duels, so we can finish gearing her up to current standards soon enough.
@Artemis1992 None of the extra gear I added to Moonsong should make any difference in her fight against Aemon, and it's stuff she really should have had already if we weren't neglecting her. She might have done quite a bit better in the melee fights if I had been paying attention to the state of her gear and character sheet.
Moonsong the Liminal Sprite Bard
Tiny/Medium Fey
Hit Dice|10d6+20 (60 hp)
Initiative|+4 (+2)
Speed|20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Armor Class|Tiny (24; Touch 20, Flat-Footed 20 [+3 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Natural, +2 size, +4 Deflection]) or Medium (20; Touch 16, Flat-Footed 18 [+3 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Natural, +4 Deflection])
Base Attack/Grapple| Tiny(+8/+0) or Medium (+8/+8)
Attack|Razor Sharp Masterwork Adamantine Rapier: Tiny(+15 [1d4; 18-20/×2]) or Medium (+11 [1d6+2; 18-20/×2])
Full Attack|Razor Sharp Masterwork Adamantine Rapier: Tiny(+15/+10 [1d4; 18-20/×2]) or Medium (+11/+6 [1d6+2; 18-20/×2])
Space/Reach|Tiny (2ft./0ft.) or Medium (5ft./5ft.)
Special Attacks|Repartee, Spell-like Abilities, Bardic Music (Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage, Inspire Competence, Suggestion)
Special Qualities|Low-Light Vision, DR 5/Cold Iron, SR 20
Saves|Tiny (Fort +7, Ref +15, Will +10) or Medium (Fort +7, Ref +13, Will +10) ; +2 vs Evil
Immunities| Possession/Mental Control, Baleful Polymorph[Single use]
Abilities|Str 8(12), Dex 18(14), Con 14, Int 15 Wis 12, Cha 18 (16+2)
Skills| Diplomacy +13+4, Escape Artist +7+4/+2, Knowledge (Geography) +5+2, Hide +18+4/+2, Listen +10+1, Move Silently +9+4/+2, Perform(Comedy) +13+4, Perform(String Instruments) +8+4, Profession(Officer) +12+1, Sense Motive +10+1
Feats|Practiced Spellcaster, Spellcasting Prodigy, Versatile Spellcaster, Weapon Finesse
Alignment: Chaotically Neutral
Repartee (Su): Three times per day, when a liminal sprite successfully aids another creature's Charisma-based skill check, the creature gains a +2d4 bonus on the skill check instead of the normal +2 bonus. A creature can receive this bonus from only one liminal sprite per skill check.
Versatile Performance (Ex): A liminal sprite can use its bonus for Perform (comedy) in place of its bonus for Bluff and Intimidate. When substituting in this way, the liminal sprite uses its total bonus for Perform (comedy), including any class skill bonus, in place of the associated skill's total bonus, whether or not it has ranks in Perform (comedy) or Perform (comedy) is a class skill for the sprite.
Dazzling Display (Su): Three times per day the bearer of the Cloak of Paradise can as an Immediate Action force an enemy to re-roll a successful save against an Illusion spell she cast.
Bardic Music (Su): Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage, Inspire Competence, Suggestion (7/day)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10):
At Will: Daze (DC 14), Prestidigitation
3/Day: Fumbletongue (DC 15), Invisibility (self only), Memory Lapse (DC 15)
Bard Spells Known (CL 10): Spell DCs = 10 + 4(CHA) + 1(SP) + Spell Level
Level 0: Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, No Light, Songbird (3/day)
Level 1: Clarion Call, Cure Light Wounds, Hideous Laughter, Silent Image, Undersong (4+2/day)
Level 2: Charitable Impulse, Glitterdust, Mesmerizing Glare, Mirror Image (3+1/day)
Level 3: Air of Nobility, Confusion (1+1/day)
Cloak of Paradise: +2 Charisma
Handy Haversack: This backpack is of high quality but appears otherwise normal.
Equipped Magic Item: Bead of Newt Prevention, Cloak of Paradise (+2 CHA), Djezet Skin Armor, Drake-Gut Lute, Greater Amulet of Protection from Evil, Greater Ribbon of Disguise, Greater Ring of Protection (+4 Deflection bonus to AC), Handy Haversack, Healing Belt, Moon's Girdle, Razor Sharp Masterwork Adamantine Rapier, Ribbon of Disguise
Tiny/Medium Fey
Hit Dice|10d6+20 (60 hp)
Initiative|+4 (+2)
Speed|20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Armor Class|Tiny (24; Touch 20, Flat-Footed 20 [+3 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Natural, +2 size, +4 Deflection]) or Medium (20; Touch 16, Flat-Footed 18 [+3 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Natural, +4 Deflection])
Base Attack/Grapple| Tiny(+8/+0) or Medium (+8/+8)
Attack|Razor Sharp Masterwork Adamantine Rapier: Tiny(+15 [1d4; 18-20/×2]) or Medium (+11 [1d6+2; 18-20/×2])
Full Attack|Razor Sharp Masterwork Adamantine Rapier: Tiny(+15/+10 [1d4; 18-20/×2]) or Medium (+11/+6 [1d6+2; 18-20/×2])
Space/Reach|Tiny (2ft./0ft.) or Medium (5ft./5ft.)
Special Attacks|Repartee, Spell-like Abilities, Bardic Music (Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage, Inspire Competence, Suggestion)
Special Qualities|Low-Light Vision, DR 5/Cold Iron, SR 20
Saves|Tiny (Fort +7, Ref +15, Will +10) or Medium (Fort +7, Ref +13, Will +10) ; +2 vs Evil
Immunities| Possession/Mental Control, Baleful Polymorph[Single use]
Abilities|Str 8(12), Dex 18(14), Con 14, Int 15 Wis 12, Cha 18 (16+2)
Skills| Diplomacy +13+4, Escape Artist +7+4/+2, Knowledge (Geography) +5+2, Hide +18+4/+2, Listen +10+1, Move Silently +9+4/+2, Perform(Comedy) +13+4, Perform(String Instruments) +8+4, Profession(Officer) +12+1, Sense Motive +10+1
Feats|Practiced Spellcaster, Spellcasting Prodigy, Versatile Spellcaster, Weapon Finesse
Alignment: Chaotically Neutral
Repartee (Su): Three times per day, when a liminal sprite successfully aids another creature's Charisma-based skill check, the creature gains a +2d4 bonus on the skill check instead of the normal +2 bonus. A creature can receive this bonus from only one liminal sprite per skill check.
Versatile Performance (Ex): A liminal sprite can use its bonus for Perform (comedy) in place of its bonus for Bluff and Intimidate. When substituting in this way, the liminal sprite uses its total bonus for Perform (comedy), including any class skill bonus, in place of the associated skill's total bonus, whether or not it has ranks in Perform (comedy) or Perform (comedy) is a class skill for the sprite.
Dazzling Display (Su): Three times per day the bearer of the Cloak of Paradise can as an Immediate Action force an enemy to re-roll a successful save against an Illusion spell she cast.
Bardic Music (Su): Countersong, Fascinate, Inspire Courage, Inspire Competence, Suggestion (7/day)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10):
At Will: Daze (DC 14), Prestidigitation
3/Day: Fumbletongue (DC 15), Invisibility (self only), Memory Lapse (DC 15)
Bard Spells Known (CL 10): Spell DCs = 10 + 4(CHA) + 1(SP) + Spell Level
Level 0: Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, No Light, Songbird (3/day)
Level 1: Clarion Call, Cure Light Wounds, Hideous Laughter, Silent Image, Undersong (4+2/day)
Level 2: Charitable Impulse, Glitterdust, Mesmerizing Glare, Mirror Image (3+1/day)
Level 3: Air of Nobility, Confusion (1+1/day)
Cloak of Paradise: +2 Charisma
- 3/Day the wearer can, as an Immediate Action, force an enemy to re-roll a successful saving throw made against an Illusion spell she cast.
- Djezet skin acts as a suit of +1 Leather Armor, except it is made of metal (and thus Druids cannot wear it) and has no Armor Check Penalty and a 0% chance of Arcane Spell Failure.
- The wearer gains a +5 Circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks to make requests of creatures with an attitude of Friendly or Helpful.
- 3 Charges/Day: 1 Charge (12 Temporary Hit Points), 2 Charges (18 Temporary Hit Points), 3 Charges (24 Temporary Hit Points), Duration: 10 minutes
Handy Haversack: This backpack is of high quality but appears otherwise normal.
- It has two side pouches, each of which appears large enough to hold about a quart of material. In fact, each is like a Bag of Holding and can actually hold material of as much as 2 cubic feet in volume or 20 pounds in weight. The large central portion of the pack can contain up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. Even when so filled, the backpack always weighs only 5 pounds.
- While such storage is useful enough, the pack has an even greater power. When the wearer reaches into it for a specific item, that item is always on top. Thus, no digging around and fumbling is ever necessary to find what a haversack contains. Retrieving any specific item from a haversack is a Move Action, but it does not provoke the Attacks of Opportunity that retrieving a stored item usually does.
- Healing (3 charges/day): 1 charge (Heal 2d8 points of damage), 2 charges (Heal 3d8 points of damage), or 3 charges(Heal 4d8 points of damage)
- Use a specialized version of Enlarge Person at will as a Standard Action, transforming Moonsong from Tiny to Medium-sized. This transformation grants her a +4 Size bonus to Strength and inflicts a -4 Size penalty to Dexterity.
Equipped Magic Item: Bead of Newt Prevention, Cloak of Paradise (+2 CHA), Djezet Skin Armor, Drake-Gut Lute, Greater Amulet of Protection from Evil, Greater Ribbon of Disguise, Greater Ring of Protection (+4 Deflection bonus to AC), Handy Haversack, Healing Belt, Moon's Girdle, Razor Sharp Masterwork Adamantine Rapier, Ribbon of Disguise
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