A Friendly Spar
Twenty-Fourth Day of the Eighth Month 293 AC
A cold salty breeze whipped through the sands of the arena as Asha Greyjoy walked out into view of the cheering crowds to meet her final opponent of the melee.
Hope it's a good omen, she thought. Then again, the Velaryons had their own love affair with the sea even if they had been more fickle about it over the years. Better to make her own luck, she would need it...
"Not much like our first spar, is it?" Valaena asked. "I'd barely learned how to hold a sword and you were still wide-eyed over Sorcerer's Deep..."
"And I had never fought anyone in earnest for all I dreamed of it," the Ironborn added with a laugh. Not something she would likely speak of, but Valaena was a friend, one she had very much enjoyed 'corrupting' to the way of taking wealth and glory at a knife's edge instead of mooning around the King like a prized heifer the way her father expected her to do.
"No magic?" the younger girl asked surprisingly. Asha won three times out of four when they fought with no magic, but it was the other way around when Valaena used her powers, limited as she was by the rules of the melee.
For once the young Greyjoy did not snort at greenlander fairness, grateful of the consideration their friendship had offered her, not that she was tempted to take it. "You bring your tricks and I'll bring mine," she answered, a smile of anticipation pulling on her lips.
"Alright then," her friend replied in like tone. "May the best dragonrider win."
Asha rolled her eyes at the prideful remark: "What does lizard wrangling have to do with anything?"
When the horns blew Valaena did not charge, instead intoning a spell as a ghostly shield manifested before her. From painful experience Asha knew it was nearly impossible to get past that thing in a way that would also slip past the silvered plate she wore. Fortunately just hitting the shield would do for a beginning.
Though she charged with a war-cry on her lips as at the beginning of every fight she only carried an axe in her right hand and in the left a far more unassuming weapon, a plain brown bag filled with tar and resin requisitioned from the royal stores months ago and never used. Deftly dodging the arc of the hell-forged chain she flung the concoction at Valaena's feet, hoping to bind her in place.
Alas that her foe was as fleet of foot as she was quick of wit and stepped aside from the worst of the splash of tar and resin, though enough of it got on her to slow her down at least somewhat... and make her swear in three different tongues.
Again the chain flew over Asha's shoulder, hissing in rage as it cut the air, though her riposte glanced off the warding magic shield. "So last one to collapse from exhaustion wins, eh?" she bantered.
"I'd win," came the reply, Valaena smiling again now.
"Only because you plod like a drunken giant!" When next the chain flew through the air Asha was ready for it, throwing herself aside not just to avoid the blow but to position herself just so that her axe came down in a lighting-quick diagonal slash, past the magic shield and into the collar bone. A last desperate throw of her weight saved Valaena from at best losing the use of her arm and at most the match, but dragonsteel still found blood beneath the armor's padding.
Alas that Asha did not have long to enjoy her triumph for at a whispered word the chain in Valaena's hand turned pale like moonlight on water, weightless as a wraith's touch before common steel but no less deadly for it. The spikes dug into her calf, almost dragging her down besides as the chain twisted like a snake around it.
Turning the fall into a controlled tumble, Asha slipped away, knowing Valaena would not be able to stay on her tail while covered in alchemical tar.
She could only do the ghost touch six times a day, a small analytical voice in the back of her mind noted. Six hits like that would be more than good enough to leave her bleeding on the sands... if she did not change the game away. The young Greyjoy reached for her belt, not seeking healing, but instead her fingers curled around a vial cold as an icicle. And ice there was indeed within it as she flung it in Valaena's path, but through some alchemist's trick it did not shatter but flow into mirror slickness.
It almost worked, but almost was worse than not at all, for the barely-controlled slide added weight to the chain's vicious attack.
Weight but not precision. By the barest of margins Asha slid aside, and as she ran past she slipped her axe under the armpit of the bright silver armor, sending out another gush of blood.
"Just how deep is your bag of tricks?" her friend asked idly, or as close to it as anyone bleeding profusely could manage.
"That would spoil the surprise," Asha replied, letting another blow, this one without any magic behind it, slide over her armor. "That Belos fellow had the right idea, he was just a little slow on his feet."
"I'm sure he will be flattered to hear you say that," Valaena replied, again speaking the words to bless her chain and again Asha dodged by the thinnest of margins, practically having to roll into the sand to do it.
The next surprise came in the form of a rune-marked stone with an echo of thunder in its making, though alas that seemed to shake Valaena less than it did Asha herself.
How the hell is that a ten foot radius?
As she was trying to get her bearings Valaena's chain lashed not at her, but at her axe,
pulling the weapon from her hand and flinging it away.
"I've got two, remember," Asha said, drawing her other weapon as she tumbled back.
"No, now you have one." The younger girl's smile was sincere for all the pain still in her eyes. "I'm betting your dastardly plan was to get me on my back like a turned-over beetle and then hew away. That will be half less hewing for you..."
"Not if I get to it first," Asha dived, but this time she miscalculated, the hell-forged chain wrapping around her throat like a vice. "Fuck you, Val, you aren't shutting me up that easily," she said as she slipped free, battered but still very much in the fight. Alas her axes could find no purchase against the ghostly shield and mithral armor.
"Not even the gods themselves could do that," Valaena snorted as her chain arced...
white hot with conjured flame. It wrapped against Asha's right arm, this time searing it almost to the bone and causing her weapon to fall out of her hand.
"Shit, looks like you win this one," the young Greyjoy said, rather proud of her idle tone before the pain hit her and her knees collapsed.
"Yeah, looks like I do, though not for lack of trying on your part," Valaena said, kneeling beside her to add the magic of her own healing belt to the one Asha herself carried.
OOC: Magical healing leads to some odd attitudes towards pain and injury, though at least the late Balon Greyjoy would approve even if poor Monford would not.